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Programming the Digital I/O pins of an AVR in C

The AVR C code below shows how to configure the pins on a port
DDRA = 0xFF;

//Configure PortA as an Output port

DDRB = 0x00;

//Configure PortB as an Input port

DDRC = 0xF0;

//Configure first four pins on PortC as

//Input pins and the others as output

The AVR C code below shows how to write to or read from the pins of a port once they are
configured. Assume here the configurations from the C code above.

//Write all 1's to the pins of PortA


//Read values from pins of PortB and

//write to pins of PortA

The program below, written in AVR Studio 5 and AVR Studio 6, accomplish the task that
was asked above. There are several things to note here.
1. The header file avr/io.h must be included in order for us to use the name of the
2. The ports must be configured before they are used. The first two(2) lines in the
main() function of the program are for configuration.
3. Once the ports are configured you can then write to or read from them, were
4. The use of the while(1) loop allows for the continuous read and write operation.

Written in AVR Studio 5 / AVR Studio 6

Compiler: AVR GNU C Compiler (GCC)
Author: AVR Tutorials

int main()
DDRB = 0x00;
DDRC = 0xFF;

//configure portB as input

//configure portC as output

return 0;

For another Digital I/O C programming example check out the Interfacing LEDs with the AVR
AVR Tutorials hope this AVR C tutorial on AVR programming for digital I/O was benificial to
you and looks forward to your next visit.

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