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Catalog Presented By

THC University

Vol. #4 | 2015

The Premier Cannabis Training Center

7345 S. Pierce st. #202E

Littleton CO, 80127
(720) 7220663



Attendance Requirements

Class Schedules

Conduct Policy


Educational Services

Enrollment Procedures

Entrance Requirements


Grading System/Progress Reports


Placement Assistance


Postponement of Start Date


Previous Credits


Programs & Courses


Progress Policy


Refund Policy


Student Complaints


Student Grievance Procedure


THC University oers the nest training for the Cannabis industry and is staed with qualied, approved
instructors that are proven leaders within the cannabis industry.
The School is owned by THC University, LLC.

Faculty Members:

Matt Jones: CEO

Jorge Cervantes: Master Grower Instructor, Advisor
The Weed Business: Business Instructor
Dr. Vasu Brown: Medical Instructor
Freeman Laeur: Chief Marketing Ocer
Dane Volkel: Student Counselor
Mark Neil Marago: Elearning Specialist
Shamim Imtiaz: Web Developer

Programs/Courses Offered

Hobbyist: $35 monthly

Professional: $99 monthly
Professional Six Month Bundle: $495 (One month FREE)
Professional One Year Bundle: $990 (Two months FREE)










Access to all courses

Access to all courses

Access to all courses for

6 months (1 month FREE!)

Access to all courses for

1 year (2 months FREE!)

100+ hours of curriculum

100+ hours of curriculum

100+ hours of curriculum

100+ hours of curriculum

Jobs Board access

Jobs Board access

Jobs Board access

Jobs Board access

Earn certicates

Earn certicates

Earn certicates

Earn certicates

Updates and beta access

Updates and beta access

Updates and beta access

Updates and beta access

FREE e-book downloads

FREE e-book downloads

FREE e-book downloads

FREE e-book downloads

FREE Book & DVD/Blu-ray

FREE Book & DVD/Blu-ray

FREE Book & DVD/Blu-ray

FREE Book & DVD/Blu-ray

per month

per month

6 Month Pro

per 6 months

1 Year Pro

per year

Free Marijuana Grow Basics book and the Cannabis Expeditions, The Green Giants of California DVD/Bluray.
Free for all new professional monthly and bundle students.

Marijuana Grow Basics, 19 Hours

Instructor: Jorge Cervantes
Objective: The graduate will be able to grow a consistent crop after this training course. The graduate will learn
how to grow a high end product without needing to know complex horticulture terms. The basics that every
grower must know are in this course. It is a prerequisite for the Horticulture Specialist course.

Horticulture Specialist, 37 Hours

Instructor: Jorge Cervantes
Objective: This course is for those wanting to be experts in the craft of growing cannabis. Not only does this
program go more in depth about indoor commercial growing, it also covers concentrates, outdoor growing, and
much more. *Students must pass the Grow Basics course before registering for Horticulture Specialist*

Medical: Budtender, 18 Hours

Instructor: Dr. Vasu Brown
Objective: Students learn the history of cannabis, customer service procedures, U.S. state laws, and medical
information regarding the endocannabinoid system, terpenes, and the health risks and benets of cannabis. This
course is accredited with the American Academy for Health Care Providers.

Cannabis Business, 13 Hours

Instructor: The Weed Business
Objective: This course will teach you everything one needs to get a cannabis business started and it will show
how and where to apply for cannabis licenses.

Colorado Cannabis Regulation, Safety & Compliance Certication, 14 Hours

Objective: This course will teach you everything about the Colorado laws, regulations, and how to follow them.

Class Schedule
Online courses can be taken 24/7. The only time classes will not be available is during routine maintenance or
technical mishaps.
When an unexpected closure occurs due to routine maintenance, technical mishaps, or extraordinary conditions
such as inclement weather, students will be notied as soon as possible by email, social networks, or phone.
School oces are open Monday - Friday except for the following Holidays:

New Years Day

420 (April 20th)
Memorial Day
Independence Day
710 (July 10th)
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day & the Friday following
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Years Eve

Entrance Requirements
The school does not discriminate based on race, sex, religion, ethnic origin, or disability. Prospective students
must have a high school diploma, GED or equivalency diploma to be accepted for enrollment. All students must
be 18 or older.

Prospective students must apply. Only 50 students are accepted per week to ensure the quality training.

Tuition Extension
A students staring date begins immediately after the student registers. Students get access to the courses for as
long as they are active, paying students. If the student needs the expiration date extended, whether at the
request of the school or the student, a written agreement signed by the student and the school is required. The
agreement must set forth:
a. Whether the tuition extension is for the convenience of the school or the student, and;
b. A deadline for the new expiration date, beyond which the expiration date will not be postponed.
If the course is not commenced or the student fails to nish by the new expiration date set forth in the
agreement, the student will not be entitled to a refund, determined in accordance with the schools refund
policy and all applicable laws and rules concerning the Private Occupational Education Act of 1981.

Placement Assistance
Current law prohibits any school from guaranteeing job placement as an inducement to enroll students. We
provide a Jobs Board that only THC University Graduates may use. The Cannabis Jobs Board provides a
convenient service for the cannabis industry by sending out graduate resumes to thousands of cannabis
employers. also features every cannabis job posted on the internet in an easy to use
dashboard. Emerald Opportunities provides exit interviews via Skype or in person to top 10 graduates very
month. Also will assist graduating students with nding employment, and internships.

Attendance Requirements
Students are expected to nish their education programs within one year. Students can take courses at any time
of the day, 365 days a year. Students who are unable to continue classes for medical reasons, or severe personal
problems, will be required to take a leave of absence until they are able to return to class. Proper documentation
will be required to substantiate a students withdrawal.

Progress Policy
THCU has a Pass/Fail policy. Students should be able to complete the program within 365 days. Those who do
not will have to pay for another year of tuition. To earn the certication, students must pass every course with a
score of 90% or higher. If students fail any of the course exams, they have the option to retake the exam as many
times as it takes for them to learn the course.

Grading System
There are only A students at THCU, Pass/Fail. All students have to earn a 90-100% on all exams in all courses.
Students have an unlimited amount of exam attempts within their tuition.

Conduct Policy
All students are expected to act maturely and are required to respect other students and faculty members. Any
violation of school policies may result in permanent dismissal from school.

Any student may be dismissed for violations of rules and regulations of the school, as set forth in school
publications. A student also may be withdrawn from classes if he or she does not prepare suciently, neglects
assignments, or makes unsatisfactory progress. The director, after consultation with all parties involved, makes
the nal decision.
The President may temporarily suspend students whose conduct is disruptive or unacceptable to the academic
setting. After appropriate counseling, students who demonstrate a genuine desire to learn and conform to
school standards of conduct, may be allowed to resume attendance. The President will review each case and
decide upon readmittance.

The school is located at 7345 S. Pierce st. #202E Littleton CO, 80127. Our classrooms are all online, and our
location is only for faculty use.

Educational Services

Marijuana Grow Basics, 15 Hours

Instructor: Jorge Cervantes

Objective: The graduate will be able to grow a consistent crop after this training course. The graduate will learn
how to grow a high end product without needing to know complex horticulture terms. The basics that every
grower must know are in this course. It is a prerequisite for the Horticulture Specialist course.
This course is a prerequisite to take the Horticulture Specialist Course.

Intro: Here is where we glance over everything you will learn throughout the course. We also go through
some of the very basic need to knows: ABCs of Growing Indoors, Seeds, Clones, A Space to Grow,
Temperature Control, Air Circulation, Air Ventilation, Light, Water and Drainage, Hydroponics, Soil, Cannabis
Life Cycle and Indoor Growing Introduction, Seedling Growth, Vegetative Growth, Preowering, Flowering,
Flowering Male Plants, Flowering Female Sinsemilla Plants, Seed Crops, Mother Plants, Clones. Security
List, Thermal Image Technology, More Security Details, Electricity, Fragrance, Noise, Lifestyle.


How A Plant Grows: This section takes you through the entire process from seed or clone through
harvesting, manicuring, and storing the nished product. Here is what we go over. Seeds and Germination
Germinating and Planting Seeds, Moisture, Warmth, Air (Oxygen), Cannabis Strains, StepbyStep:
Germination and Planting, Potential Problems, How to Obtain Seeds, Seed Ordering Security, Seized Seeds,
Seed Quantities and Pricing, Feminized Seeds, Receiving Seeds, Storing Seeds, Seedlings, Transplanting
Seedlings. Vegetative Growth When to Induce Flowering, Preowering, Male Preowering, Female
Preowering. Flowering Male Flowering, Female Flowering, Sinsemilla Flowering, Intersex or
Hermaphrodite Flowers. Clones and Mother Plants Mother Plants, Get Ready to Take Clones, Rooting
Mediums, Rooting Hormones, StepbyStep: Cloning, Transplanting, Harvesting Before Harvest, Harvest,
Harvesting Leaves, Male Harvest, Sinsemilla Harvest, Too Early! Early Harvest, Peak Harvest, Late Harvest,
StepbyStep: Harvest, Manicuring, Drying, Curing and Storage.


Grow Gear: Learn all the things necessary to grow a good crop and how to use them. Here is what we cover
in this module. Light and Lamps, Fluorescent Tubes, CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps), LED (LightEmitting
Diode) Lamps, HID (High Intensity Discharge) Lamps, Metal Halide Lamps, HP Sodium Lamps, Conversion
Lamps, Reective Hoods, Reective Walls, More Light, Air, Air Ventilation, Air Circulation, Air Ducting, Air
Temperature and Humidity, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Enrichment, CO2 Emitter Systems, CO2 Generator
Systems, Fragrance, Masking Agents, Activated Carbon Filters, Water, pH, EC/PPM, Bad Water, Moving
Water, Draining Water, Hydroponics, Nutrient Solutions, Hydroponic Systems, Passive Active Ebb and ow
Deep water culture Topfeed Nutrient lm technique Aeroponic, Reservoirs, Soil & Soilless Mixes, Potting
Soil, Soilless Mixes, Soil Mixes.


Growing The Crop: This section shows you how to set up your grow room step by step. We also walks you
through a twelve week grow cycle step by step. Here is everything we cover: Grow Cabinets, Closets, and
Rooms Location, Budget, Constructing a Grow Closet, Tools, StepbyStep: Construction, Growing in the
Room, Strain, Clones or Seedlings, Light, Atmosphere, Soil or Hydroponics, Size of Container, Water, pH,
Fertilizer, Twelve Week Grow Scenario.


Grow Room Examples: I walk you through examples of 52 specic gardens. Here is what you can expect to
tour, plus bonus gardens! Ten Clone Rooms, Twenty Small Grow Rooms, Twenty Large Grow Rooms, Four
Commercial Grow Closets.


Pest, Diseases and Problems: This module is dedicated to pests, diseases, and troubleshooting your crop.
Here is everything we will go over: Pests, Diseases, and Problems Misdiagnosed Disorders, Pests and
Diseases, Spider Mites, Whiteies, Fungus Gnats, Gray Mold (Botrytis) , Damping o, Green Algae, Downy
Mildew, Root Rot, Spraying.


Horticulture Specialist 25 Hours

Cannabis Life Cycle
Life Cycle of Cannabis, Seeds and Seedlings, Germination, Seedling Growth, Vegetative Growth, Pre-owering,
Flowering, Mother Plants, Clones, Three Gardens, Indoor Gardens, Greenhouse Gardens, Outdoor Gardens
Seeds & Seedlings
Seeds, Seed Germination, Water, Temperature, Air and Oxygen, How to Germinate Seeds Step-by-Step,
Germinate, Old and Stressed Seeds, Germinate Hard Shelled Seeds, How to Plant Seeds Step-by-Step, Grow
More Females from RegularSeed , How to Help Ensure Female Seedlings, Seedlings , Finding Seeds , Medical
Gardeners, Seeded Medical Cannabis, Medical Cannabis Dispensary, Legal Cannabis Seed Store, Storing seeds
Vegetative Growth
Transplanting, Transplanting Step-by-Step, Bending, Trellises & Ties, Pruning, Outdoor vs. Indoor Pruning, No
Pruning, Remove Lower Branches, Remove All But 4 Main Branches, Remove All But Main Stem, Pinching Branch
Tips, Super-Cropping , FIM Technique, Root Pruning, Grafting, Grafting Step-by-Step, Stress
Clones & Cloning
Pos/Neg. Clone vs. Seeds, Mother Plants, Preparing to Clone, Integrity in Parents, Easy/Dicult to Clone Plants,
Precautions, Rooting Hormones, Before Starting, Cloning Step-by-Step, Caring for Clones, Cloning Techniques,
Aero-cloner, Scraping the Stem, Air Layering, Micro Propagation, Cloning for Sex, Cloning a Flowering Female,
Storing Clones
Florigen, Indica, Sativa and Ruderalis, Stress and Sex, Pre-owering, Male Pre-owering, Male Flowering, Male
Flowers, Female Pre-owering, Female Flowering, Buds and Nugs, Colas and Foxtails, Clayx, False Calyx and
Bracts, Seed Crop, Flowering, Sinsemilla Flowering, Rejuvenation
Harvest, Drying and Curing
Before Harvest, Leaves, Male Harvest, Seed Crops, Sinsemilla Harvest, Harvest Step-by-Step, Manicuring, Drying,
Drying Small Harvests, Drying Large Harvests, Drying Time, Curing, Air Curing Step-by-Step, Fast Drying, Water
Curing Step-by-Step, Dry Ice Curing Step-by-Step, Packaging, Storage, What to Do with Moldy Crop
Garden Rooms
Carbon Footprints, Closed (Sealed) Rooms, Setting up the Garden Room Step-by-Step, Setting up HID Lamps,
Water Source & Reservoir, Install Hydroponic/Soil Garden, Room Systems Check

reen Houses and Outdoors Greenhouses
Sighting the Greenhouse, Types of Greenhouses, Greenhouse Construction, Size of Greenhouse, Framing,
Benches, Hoop House Construction, Coverings, Plastic Skins, Shade Coverings, Climate Control, Condensation,
Cooling, Heating, Articial Lighting, Light Deprivation, Climate, Alpine Short Season Climates, Rainy Climates,
Arid Climates, Tropical &, Subtropical Climates, Microclimates, Sunlight and Sighting the Garden, Water, Pumps,
Temperature and Humidity, Wind, Rain, Soil, Prepare Soil, Raised Beds, Sunken Beds, Fertilizers, Backyard
Gardens, Container Gardens, Large Gardens, Remote Gardens, Start Clone/Seed Indoors, Hardening-o,
Planting Time, Spring Crop, Summer Crop, Fall Crop, Maintenance, Harvest, Extending Seasons
Temperature, Humidity, Measuring and Controlling Relative Humidity, Air Movement, Stomata, Air Circulation,
Air Ventilation, Intake Air, Filtering Intake Air Filters, CO2 Enrichment, Measuring CO2, Producing CO2, CO2
Emitter Systems, CO2 Generator Systems, Other Ways to Make CO2, Fermentation, Dry Ice, Baking Soda &
Vinegar, Fragrance, Air Conditioners, Deodorizers, Negative Ion Generators, Ozone Generators, Air Filters, HEPA
Standard for Filters, Activated Charcoal Filters, Setting Up a Ventilation System, Size of Vent Fan, Ventilation
System Step-by-Step Setup
Light , Lamps and Electricity
Ultraviolet (UV-a, UV-b, UV-c), Light Intensity, Inverse Square Law, Measuring Light, Photoperiod, Indoor and,
Greenhouse Garden Lamps, HID Lighting Systems, HID Ballasts, Analog (Magnetic) Ballasts, Electronic Ballasts,
Ballast Features, Ballast Safety, HID Bulbs, HID Bulb Maintenance, Bulb Disposal, Mercury Vapor Lamps, Metal
Halide Bulbs and Ballasts, Metal Halide Bulbs, Metal Halide Ballasts, HP Sodium Bulbs and Ballasts, HP Sodium
Bulbs, HP Sodium Ballasts, Conversion Bulbs, HP Sodium to Metal Halide, Metal Halide to HP Sodium,
Fluorescent Lamps and Ballasts Fluorescent Bulbs End of Life, Fluorescent Ballasts, Analog (magnetic) Ballasts,
Electronic Ballasts, Fluorescent Fixtures, Fluorescent Bulb Disposal, Compact Fluorescent (CFL) Lamps, CFL
Ballasts End of Life, How to Use CFLs???, Light Emitting Plasma (LEP) Lamps, Gavita LEP Lamps, Magnetic
Induction Lamps, Light Emitting Diode (LED) Lamps, About LED Lamps, Cost, Brilliance, Spectrum, LED Bulbs and
Tubes, LED Fixtures, LED vs HID Lamps End of Life, Other Lamps, Getting the Most Articial Light, Lamp Spacing,
Side Lighting, Rotating Plants, Plant Spacing, Reective Hoods, Horizontal Reective Hoods, Vertical Reective
Hoods, Air-Cooled Lamp Fixtures, Water-Cooled Lamp Fixtures, No Reective Hood, Reective Hood Study,
Reective Light, Reective Surfaces, Light Movers, Electricity and Safety, Electrical Wiring and Circuits, Electric
Consumption, Conserve Electricity, Smart Meters, Timers and Controllers, Electric Generators

Soil & Containers
Soil Tests, Plant Tissue Analysis, Texture and Types of Soil, Other Soils, Soil pH, Measuring Soil pH, Adjusting Soil
pH, Raising Soil pH, Lowering Soil pH, Soil Temperature, Heating Soil, Cooling Soil, Soil Amendments, Organic Soil
Amendments, Soil Mixes, Potting Soil, Mixing Potting Soils, Recycling Potting Soil, Soilless Mix, Propagation
Cubes & Pellets, Used Indoor Soil Disposal, Grow Medium Problems, Organic Soil and the Soil Food Web,
Salt-based Fertilizers Mulch, Dierent Types of Containers, Container Shape and Size, Small Containers, Large
Containers, Root Pruning, Root Pruning Pots, Air Root Pruning Pots, Chemical Root Pruning, Drainage and
Flushing, Container Problems
Water & Nutrients
Hard Water, Softened Water, Sources of Water, Puried Water, Reverse Osmosis Water, pH, Altering Nutrient
Solution pH, Raising Nutrient Solution pH, Safety Precautions, Lowering Nutrient Solution pH, How Fluids Move
Within Cannabis, Osmosis, Irrigation, Nutrients, Macronutrients, Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus, Secondary
Nutrients, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur, Micronutrients, Boron, Chlorine, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Manganese,
Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Sodium, Zinc, Fertilizers, Organic Fertilizers, Organic Nutrients List, Mixing
Fertilizers, Fertilizer / Irrigation, Schedule, Foliar Feeding, Spreader-Stickers, Spraying, Common Nutrient
Problems, Air, Light, Heat Stress, Growing Medium, Nutrient Solution, Miscellaneous , Nutrient Troubleshooting
Container Culture and Hydroponic Gardens, Solution culture, Media culture, Aeroponic Gardens, Deep Water
Culture (DWC), Bubbleponics, Raft & Pond Culture, Transplant Clones or Seedlings and Grow, Nutrient Film
Technique (NFT), Deep Flow Technique (DFT), Transplant Clones or Seedlings and Grow, Problems,
Hydro-Organic, Chelates and Nutrients, Ebb and Flow Gardens, Ebb and Flow Tables, Growing Mediums,
Irrigation, Deviations of Ebb and Flow, Top-Feed Gardens, Top-Feed Containers, Top-Feed Slabs, Transplanting
Rockwool Cubes Onto Slabs, Vertical Top Feed Gardens, Run to Waste Gardens, Manual Run to Waste Gardens,
Automated Run to Waste Gardens, Wick Gardens, Flood Wick Gardens, Aquaponics, Hydroponic Nutrients,
Nutrient Solution Composition, Homemade Nutrients, Nutrient Solution pH, Nutrient Solution EC, Dissolved
Oxygen, Increase Dissolved Oxygen, Solution Mixing and Maintenance, Reservoirs, Aeration, Nutrient Solution
Pumps , Air Pumps, Growing Mediums, Texture, Popular Substrates, Sterilizing Substrates, Irrigation, Water
Supply, Even Solution Penetration, Micro Irrigation, Container Culture and Hydroponic Nutrient Disorders

Diseases and Pests
Diseases and Pests, Prevention, Control, Cuttings, Seeds, and Seedlings, Leaves , Stems, Roots and Soil, Buds,
Storage Fungi, Bacteria and Cont., Pests Insects and Mites, Termites, Chipmunks, Squirrels, Pests Mammals ,
Pests and Predators, Contaminants, Cleanliness and Prevention, Disease and Pest Controls, Benecial Predators
and Parasites, Magniers, Benecial Insect Food, Biological Controls, Predators and Parasites, Troubleshooting,
Troubleshooting Chart, Unexplained Problems, Miscellaneous diseases and disorders, Sprays and Spraying, Basic
Spraying Rules
Qualities of Cannabis, Sexual Propagation, Classical Cannabis Breeding, Modern Cannabis Breeding, Genetic
Modication, Breeding Terms, Inuence of Alleles, True Breed, Hybrids, F1 Hybrid Varieties, Multi-line, Ploidy
Factor, Dominant and Recessive Traits, Feminized Seeds, Environmental Stress, Alter Hormone Levels,
Cross-Pollinated Crops, Inbreeding, Out-breeding, Backcrossing, Incorporating a Dominant Trait, Incorporating a
Recessive Trait, Selng, Selng Breeding, Auto-Flowering Feminized, Making Seeds At Home, Making Seeds
Step-by-Step, Seed Crop Care
Medicinal Concentrates
Dry Separation, Kief, Before Making Hashish, Hand Rub, Sieves, Sieves Step-by-Step, The Pollinator, Water
Separation, Water Extracted Hash Morocco , 15 Bags, Washing Machine, Carbon Dioxide (Co2), Dry Ice Kief, Dry
Ice Kief Step-by-Step, Storing Separated Resin, Storing Separated Resin, Pressing Hashish, Pressing Small
Amounts of Hash, Bottle Pressing, Mechanical Pressing, Hammering, Cannabis Concentrated Oil, Dangers and
Safety, Solvents, Butane, Hexane, Acetone, Ethanol, Isopropyl, Methanol, Denatured Alcohol, Consuming
Cannabis Oil, Tinctures, Cold Extraction with Ethanol, Warm Extraction with Ethanol, Cannabis Glycerin Tincture,
Lotions and Salves, Cannabis Lotions, Cannabis Salves, Cannabis Slave Step-by-Step, Glycerin-based Salve,
Alcohol-based Salve and much much more!


Medical: Budtender Addition, 10 Hours

Instructor: Dr. Vasu Brown
Objective: Students learn the history of cannabis, customer service procedures, U.S. state laws and a medical
information regarding the endocannabinoid system, terpenes, and the health risks and benets of cannabis. This
course is Accredited with the American Academy for Health Care Providers.

Introduction Learn the responsibilities of a successful budtender.


History Learn about the rst humans to ever use cannabis. Why it was ever made illegal in the rst place,
when was hash invented, who rst used it as medicine and so much more


Law What are the laws in your state? You will be able to learn the laws and penalties in all 50 states, with
our awesome interactive sate law map.


Medical Want to know the science behind marijuana? Why is cannabis so benecial? Also learn what
health issues cannabis is recommended for.


Customer Service Nothing is more important to employers than budtenders following the law, and
budtenders that make the customers happy. Often it is the budtenders that build the regular relationships
and are the rst impression customers get.


Safety What is priority #1? Safety! Safe consumption for all means everyone will have a good time. Here
you will learn what to recommend patients, and tips you need to follow as well.


Edibles vs Flower Edibles aect the user much dierently than smoking ower. It is important to know the
eects of both and how to recommend the correct strain or product for the customer or patient.


Hash, Waxs & Oils Know the dierent concentrates available, some old school, some new school
methods taught here.


Cannabis Business, 10 Hours

Instructor: The Weed Business
Objective: This course will teach you everything you need to get your cannabis business started and it will show
you how and where to apply for cannabis licenses.

Start A Dispensary: Get tips from the experts, learn about opportunities and the industry culture.


Laws And Taxes: Why tax and regulate, why this is a growing trend and learn what hoops you must jump
through to operate legally.


Business Ownership: Here we talk about funding, advertising, licenses needed in Washington and Colorado,
business types and much more.


Regulations: The cannabis industry is possibly the most regulated, often having to deal with multiple
government agencies that manage health, location/zoning, security and much more.


Edibles: Learn how to start an edibles company.


Delivery: Not legal in a lot of places, but its a great idea for those who dont want to manage a store front.


Bonus: Tons of extra information available.


Colorado Cannabis Regulation, Safety

& Compliance Certication, 10 Hours

Other key state laws and rules aecting owners, managers,

and employees.

Objective: This course will teach you everything you need to

get your cannabis business started and it will show you how
and where to apply for cannabis licenses.


Local and state licensing and enforcement;


Compliance with all Inventory Tracking System



Marijuanas physical eects based on type of marijuana



Administrative and criminal liability;


The amount of time to feel impairment;


License sanctions and court sanctions;


Visible signs of impairment; and


Waste disposal;


Recognizing the signs of impairment.


Health and safety standards;


Sales to minors. Training shall cover all pertinent

Colorado law provisions. Acceptable forms of


Patrons prohibited from bringing marijuana onto

licensed premises;


Permitted hours of sale;


Conduct of establishment;


How to check identication;


Spotting false identication;


Patient Registry Cards issued by the department of

public health and environment and equivalent patient
verication documents;


Provisions for conscating fraudulent identications;

and Common mistakes made in verication.

10. Permitting inspections by state and local licensing and

enforcement authorities;
11. Licensee responsible for activities occurring within
licensed premises;
12. Maintenance of records;
13. Privacy issues; and
14. Prohibited purchases..


Student Grievance Procedure

If a student has a complaint they are free to contact the school here: or email Attempting to resolve any issue with the
School rst is strongly encouraged.

Refund Policy
Students who cancel this contract by notifying the school within 24 hours shall be refunded all tuition and fees
paid. Students who withdraw after 24 hours, but before commencement of classes, are entitled to a fty percent
(50%) refund of tuition and fees paid. No refunds shall be issued to any student who withdraws from the
University after the commencement of classes or to any student terminated under school policy.

The student may cancel this contract at any time prior to midnight of the 24 hours after signing this


All refunds will be made within 30 days from the date of termination. The ocial date of termination or
withdrawal of a student shall be determined in the following manner:
a. The date on which the school receives notice of the students intention to discontinue the training

The date on which the student violates published school policy, which provides for termination.

c. Should a student fail to return from an excused leave of absence, the eective date of termination for
a student on an extended leave of absence or a leave of absence is the earlier of the date the school
determines the student is not returning or the day following the expected return date.

The student will receive a full refund of tuition & fees paid if the school discontinues a course/program
within a period of time a student could have reasonably completed it , except that this provision shall not
apply in the event the school ceases operation.


The policy for granting credit for previous training shall not impact the refund policy.

7345 S. Pierce st. #202E, Littleton CO, 80127

(720) 7220663 |

7345 S. Pierce st. #202E, Littleton CO, 80127

(720) 7220663 |

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