Discourse Analysis

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Nimatul Muyassaroh

Final Project of Discourse Analysis BL

Cooperative is needed for the smoothness of communication. Sometimes, people do not
cooperate while they are communicating each other. People need to cooperate to make the
intention of the speaker and the opposing speaker understood clearly. Therefore it is needed to
understand the cooperative principle. One of types of cooperative principle is Maxim. Grice lists
four maxims that follow from the cooperative principle: quantity, quality, relation, and manner.
The maxim of quantity requires you to make your contribution as informative as is required.
The maxim of quality requires you not to say what you believe to be false or that for which you
lack adequate evidence. Relation is the simple injunction: be relevant. Manner requires you to
avoid obscurity of expression and ambiguity, and to be brief and orderly. This principle and these
maxims characterize ideal exchanges. Grice points out (1975, 47) that these maxims do not apply
to conversation alone. He says:
It may be worth noting that the specific expectations or presumptions connected with at
least some of thefore going maxims have their analogs in the sphere of transactions
that are not talk exchanges. I list briefly one such analog for each conversational

1. Quantity If you are assisting me to mend a car, I expect your contribution to be neither more
nor less than is required; if, for example, at a particular stage I need four screws, I expect you to
hand me four, rather than two or six.

2. Quality I expect your contributions to be genuine and not spurious. If I need sugar as an
ingredient in the cake you are assisting me to make, I do not expect you to hand me salt; if I need
a spoon, I do not expect a trick spoon made of rubber.
3. Relation I expect a partners contribution to be appropriate to immediate needs at each stage
of the transaction; if I am mixing ingredients for a cake, I do not expect to be handed a good
book, or even an oven cloth (though this might be an appropriate contribution at a later stage).
4. Manner I expect a partner to make it clear what contribution he is making, and to execute his
performance with reasonable dispatch.
However, there also several ways to break the Maxims, they are flouting, violating,
opting out, infringement, and Suspension. Flouting belongs to the forms of non-observed
Cooperative Principle (Grice, 1975: 49). It is non-observing the maxims of Cooperative Principle by
intentionally breaking the maxims to convey hidden meanings.

Afterwards, Violating is

intentionally generating a misleading implicature (Thomas, 1995: 73). It is to lead the listener to
misunderstand with the utterance of the speaker. Then, Opting out means that speaker refuses to
cooperate with the maxim (Cutting, 2008: 41). It indicates an unwillingness of the speaker to
cooperate with the maxim. However, on the other hand, the speaker does not want to appear
uncooperative. Besides, Infringement is failing to observe the maxim, although the speaker has no
intention for that Thomas (1995: 74). At last, Suspension is a non-observed Cooperative Principle
in which there is no expectation of the speaker to observe maxims under certain circumstances
(Thomas, 1995: 76). Here, non-fulfillment of the maxim does not generate any implicature.

This conversation beneath is the conversation between My Sister and I on 12 May 2016
at 11.25 a.m. My sister called me through videocall in Line application. She called and asked
me to buy a fabric for her. Then I recorded and write the script of our conversation beneath. This
conversation is divided into four sequences of topic.
The first topic is greeting and say hello. Then both speaker talks about video call
which can be used in line application.
My sister

: Assalamualaikum dek lagi ngapain (1)


: Waalaikum salam Mbak, ini mbak habis dari kampus baru nyampek kos. Ada
apa mbak tumben video call? (2)

My sister

: hahahha (tertawa) iya dek nyobain line baru, bisa apa enggak buat video call (3)


: heleh mbak itu mah udah lama kalii (4)

My sister

: Lah wong aku baru tau dek, lancar juga ya ternyata buat video call. Tau gini kalo
Mas Dani (her husband ) telfon tak suruh lewat line aja. Gak pake pulsa juga kan


: Tergantung providernya apa mbaak, aku dulu pake indosat awal beli paketan aja
lancar kalo Paketannya udah mau abis ya lemot lagi. Emang ga pake
mbaakk,, tapi paketan internet sampean jadi cepet abis (6)

My sister

: iya gapapa, yang penting kan bisa keliatan wajahnya (7)


: kangen yaa sama aku?? Hahaha (tertawa) (8)

My sister

: Pedemu dek dek. (9)


: ya gapapa lah pede sekali kali, daripada minder hayoo (10)

Then the second topic talks about our neighbor who has been engaged with his
My sister

: oh iya ziza loh kemarin habis lamaran (11)


: iyaa taa?? Jadi sama yang itu? (12)

My sister

: iyalah, mau sama yang mana lagi. Masa sama pacarmu dek (13)


: Iya gapapa mbak kalo mau, sok kalo nikah tak rusak pelaminan e. hahaha
(tertawa) (14)

My sister

: Rasis arek iki (15)


: itu kan persepsimu mbak (16)

The third topic talks about a fabric. My sister asked me to buy a fabric in a store.

My sister

: Dek aku mau nitip kain di toko citra bisa nggak? (17)


: kain buat apa mbak? (18)

My sister

: Ya buat nikahannya ziza itu (19)


: nikahnya kapan sih? (20)

My sister

: habis lebaran nikahnya, kalo gak beli kain dari sekarang penjahitnya keburu gak
nerima jahitan. Kalo mau lebaran biasanya kan banyak yang jahit di situ


: emang mau beli kain apa? Aku beliin juga yaa hehehe (22)

My sister

: Mau beli kain sifon sama songket. Emoh beli sendiri sana hahaha (23)


: sifon sama songket ya gak cocok lah mbak (24)

My sister

: kata siapa? Aku dapet modelnya di instagram, bagus loh kalo digabungin.
Sifonnya dibuat atasan terus tak kasih manset dalam. Bawahnya pakek
Bagus kalo buat acara acara kondangan. Nanti tak kirimin lewat
gambarnya kayak gimana (25)


: iya mbak bagus deh kalo buat ibu ibu muda hahaha. Kalo buat aku kayaknya
gak cocok deh. Emang mau warna apa? (26)

My sister

: pink sama tosca bagus mana? (27)


: sama sama bagus kok, warna pastel semua kan itu. Tapi kayaknya lebih bagus
tosca. Pink udah terlalu mainstream (28)

My sister

: Yaudah beliin tosca aja, nanti motif songketnya fotoin dulu ada motif apa aja
biar aku bisa pilih dulu (29)


: mau beli berapa meter mbakk sayangg?? (30)

My sister

: berapa yaa, ini aja sifonnya 1,5 meter songketnya 2 meter (31)


: okee siapp (32)

The fourth topic talks about when I am going to go home. And my sister gives such
advice to me
My sister

: kamu jadi pulang kapan? (33)


: belum tau kapan, ini masih banyak tugas. Mau UAS juga (34)

My sister

: Yaudah semangat kuliahnya, jangan pacaran terus (35)


: iyaa mbakk, kayak mbak dulu gak pacaran aja hehehe (36)

My sister

: loh kan mesti kalo dikasih tau ngeyel. Udah dulu yaa mbak mau jemput kiya
sekolah dulu (37)


: iya mbak hati- hati di jalan (38)

My sister

: yawes Assalamualaikum (39)


: Waalaikum salam (40)


In the first topic exactly in the 2nd utterance, found one of flouting Maxim that is flouting Maxim
Quantity. The first speaker asked :dek lagi ngapain but me as the second speaker answered
ini mbak habis dari kampus baru nyampek kos. My sister asked what I was doing but I
answered that I just arrived at boarding house from campus. The answer should be what I was
doing at that time i.e. lagi tiduran mbak not the location I was at that time. I answered more
than what required. In the 4 th utterance also found flouting Maxim of quantity. In the 3 rd
utterance my sister stated bisa apa enggak buat video call but I answered leh mbak itu mah
udah lama kalii the answer should be bisa or tidak bisa but I answered that it is been used
for long time ago. The answer also more than what required. In the 8 th utterance also found
flouting Maxim of quantity. In the 8th utterance I stated kangen yaa sama aku?? Hahaha
(tertawa) but my answer replied Pedemu dek dek. The answer should be yes or no but
my sister stated that Im too confident.

In the second topic there is no found a flouting of Maxim. In the third topic found
flouting maxim of quantity. In the 17th utterance my sister stated Dek aku mau nitip kain di toko
citra bisa nggak? then in the 18th utterance I replied kain buat apa mbak? the answer did not
required with the question. The answer should be bisa or tidak bisa. In the 21st utterance
also found flouting maxim of quantity. In the previous utterance I asked nikahnya kapan sih?
but my sister replied more than what I asked habis lebaran nikahnya, kalo gak beli kain dari
sekarang penjahitnya keburu gak nerima jahitan. Kalo mau lebaran biasanya kan banyak yang
jahit di situ the answer should be just when the marriage will be held, not more than it. In the
28th utterance found flouting maxim of quantity in the previous utterance my sister asked me
pink sama tosca bagus mana? but I answered more than what my sister asked sama sama
bagus kok, warna pastel semua kan itu. Tapi kayaknya lebih bagus tosca. Pink udah terlalu
mainstream the answer pink or tosca but I answered more than it.
In the fourth topic found flouting maxim of quantity. In the 33rd utterance my sister asked
kamu jadi pulang kapan? but I answered more than what my sister asked belum tau kapan,
ini masih banyak tugas. Mau UAS juga.
In the conversation between my sister and I on 12 May 2016. There are found several kinds of
flouting Maxims, those are Maxim of quantity and maxim of quantity. Even though there are
many kinds of breaking maxim, in this conversation I only found one of breaking maxims that is

Cutting, J. (2008). Pragmatics And Discourse: A resource Book for Students. New York:
Fuller, R. W. (2015). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. UK: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
Thomas, J. (1995). The Meaning of Interaction: an Introduction to Pragmatics. New York:

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