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Sc Assignment

3 Std
Paper style
Ex.1 Multiple Choice Questions:Ex.2 Filin the blanks:Ex.3 Match:Ex4. Who said to whom:Ex.5 True Or False:Ex.1 Multiple Choice Questions:1. Penny is travelling with her father in their.........
(a) Bus (b) Car (c) Bike
2.Penny is so excited about showing our new car to ..................
(a) Uncle (b) Mummy (c) Grand mother
3. Alam Uncle said All of them behave like .. as if they did not know me at all.
(a) Stranded (b) Strangers (c) Scattered
4. Raza, Roy and Jasmine are playing cricket in the park with
(a) Roys bat (b) Razas bats (c) Both
5. Raza leaves the bat on the . And both of them walk away.
(a) Home (b) School (c) Grass
6. The .. cannt believe its eyes.
(a) Raza (b) Bat (c) Both
7. Rimi is a very .. Girl.
(a) Clever (b) Beautiful (c) Talented
8. Rimi is sitting at her study table and .........................
(a) Studying (b) Wondering (c) Slipping
9. Clock says you must .. for all the activities.
(a) Allot time (b) Leave (c) None
10. Aayesha has not scored well in her examination.
(a) Science (b) Mathematics (c) English
11. The picks up sticks and dry grass lying on the ground to build a nest.
(a) Koyal (b) Small bird (c) Sparrow
12. The boy take the sheep for
(a) Market (b) Grazing (c) none
12. Why did the father scold the boy?
(a) For eating chocolate (b) For making excuses (c) For fighting with his neighbour.
Ex.2 Filin the blanks:1. Pennys papa stopped his car in front of Alam's vegetable cart.
2.The market is in the opposite direction to Pennys grandmother's house.

3. The vegetables are scattered on the road.

4. Rimi's final exams are approaching.
5. Time is not your enemy. Learn to befriend it.
6. Rimi has managed to score well and parents are delighted with her grades.
7. The bat feels happy because Raza and Jasmine have come back for him.
8. Raza and Jasmine were too busy to fulfil their responsibility.
9. Raza,Roy and Jasmine are engrossed in the game.
10. The small bird picks up sticks and dry grass lying on the ground to build up nest.
11. I am curious to know how you planted these beautiful trees and flowers.
12. Aayesha notices the beautiful flowers in the park and starts admiring their beauty.
13. The villagers understood that the shepherd boy had played a prank.
14. The boy kept screaming but nobody came to help.
15. The villagers gave angry looks to the boy and walked away.
Ex.3 Match:1. Scattered Spread around.
2. Gratitude Thankfulness.
3. Ecstatic Thrilled
4. Realised To understand completely or correctly.
5. Curious Eager to know
6. Concentrate To focus on a purpose or an aim.
7. Delight Great pleasure.
8. Juggle To handle many things at the same time.
9. Approaching Coming close to something.
10. Befriend To make some body a friend.
11. Annoyed Getting Upset with something.
12. Prank A trick played on somebody as a joke.
13. Furious Very angry.
Ex4. Who said to whom:1. Wait papa , Uncle Alam is standing with his cart.
Ans. Penny said to his Father.
2. Yes,Why not, tell me how can I help you.
Ans. Pennys father asked Alam uncle.
3. Please don't feel bad.My papa and I will help you.
Ans. Penny said to Alam uncle.
3. Look, Roy left his bat here.
Ans. Jasmine said to Raza.
4. Both of you are still here?
Ans. Roy asked Raza and Jasmine.
5. How could they leave me like that ?
Ans. The bat asked itself.

6. I don't quiet understand what do you mean.

Ans. Aayesha said to the Gardener.
7. I can never practise mathematics again.
Ans. Aayesha said to herself.
8. You should concentrate more and you will never fail.
Ans. Gardener said to Aayesha.
9. I have always spoken to you but you did not listen to me.
Ans. Clock said to Rimi.
10. Tell me, why do you look so worried?
Ans. Clock asked Rimi
11. How did you manage to score so well?
Ans Rimi's Teacher asked Rimi
12. Why do I always have to take the sheep for grazing?
Ans Boy asked himself.
13. Okay, I will not do it again.
Ans. The boy said to farmers.
14. You are a liar! We will not help you again.
Ans. Villagers said to the Boy.
15. Just ignore him, It has become a habit.
Ans. Villager said to other villagers.
Ex.5 True Or False:1.Uncle Alam is a vegetable seller. True
2.Pennys mom is waiting for Penny and Pennys father. False
3. Penny and Pennys father not helped the Uncle Alam. False
4. Roy have a cricket match Tomorrow. True
5. The bat was very happy when they leaved on the grass. False
6. Roy is a Very Responsible Boy. False
7. Aayesha Notices the banyan tree in the park. False.
8. Gardener said the flowers and trees are grown here in a day. False
9. Rimi is a talented girl. True.
10. The boy parents were upset with his lazy and irresponsible ways. True.

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