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Teaching presentation

I. Brief overview
My presentation will include the following parts: analysis of teaching material,
analysis of teaching aims, analysis of the students, analysis of teaching key points,
analysis of teaching difficult points, teaching methodology, teaching aids, teaching
procedures and blackboard design.
II.Analysis of teaching material
The present lesson is a reading passage which centers on a lovable eccentric.The
reading passage exhibits a lovable eccentric named Dickie who always disregards
social conventions and hates snobs and hypercritics. And these characteristics always
win him love and respect from people. In this lesson, students are supposed to learn
what Dickie is like and share their opinion on the lovable eccentrics. And learning it
makes students master reading skills and comprehend some new words. Besides , the
topic in this text is close to students daily life, so it is helpful to bring the students
close to each other, while improving their reading competence and gaining affective
Based on the analysis of the teaching material, I set my teaching aims as follows.
III. Analysis of teaching aims
Concerning knowledge objectives, at the end of the lesson, students will be able
to accumulate some useful words and expressions which will also help students to
understand the meaning of the text.
As for ability objectives, students will be given chances to practice reading subskills like skimming, scanning and careful reading. Besides, students will get to know
how to describe a person in their writing.
With the aim of improving students learning strategies, I will involve the
training of Ss learning strategies including cooperative learning, making prediction,
logical summarization and creative thinking.
We all know that teaching is based on reciprocal relationship between teachers
and students. Thus, in order to accomplish teaching objectives mentioned above, a
good teacher must have a good understanding of her students.


IV. Analysis of the students

My participant students are in senior grade 1. Although they have been studying
English for more than 6 years and have some basic abilities of reading, writing,
speaking, they still need to practice their learning strategies such as cooperative
learning and autonomous learning. And as the students of this age are usually eager to
learn things closely related to their life and exchange their own ideas and opinions
with their classmates, I will engage in the group work and role play games to facilitate
their learning.
Now let me introduce the teaching key points in the lesson.
V.Analysis of teaching key points
My teaching for this lesson lays great stress on the reading comprehension to
help students fully understand the text by skimming, scanning and careful reading.
Except what I have mentioned above, students may still have some difficulties in
the following two points.
VI. Analysis of teaching difficult points
The first difficult point is to help students comprehend some new words which
may influence their understanding of the text. The second is to guide students to
comprehend some negative expressions.
After the analysis of the teaching material and students, I will go on to explain
the teaching methodology which supports my teaching procedures.
VII. Analysis of teaching methodology
Based on the analysis above, I mainly use Task-based approach, following PWP
model, which refers to pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading. In the lead-in
part, I will introduce the main task what is the lovable eccentric like by inviting the
students to share their lovable and eccentric friends or family members. And then by
skimming, scanning and careful reading, I will lead students come to the task
preparation part by dealing with the difficult words and expressions, clarify the
structures of the text and analyzing the process of the authors description of Dickie.
After this, comes the task circle. I will ask students to discuss what the lovable
eccentric is like. After completing the task, I will focus on the language form by
retelling the text with the students and assign the writing task to consolidate their

learning in the class. Besides, since my students are active learners, students learning
will benefit from group work and role play game.
VIII. Analysis of teaching aids
In order to make the lesson more vivid and effective, I will use some pictures and
exercises. So my lesson will be aided by blackboard, multimedia and some cards.
IX. Analysis of teaching procedures
Now, let me introduce the teaching procedure I will adopt. In general, the whole
process of teaching will go through six steps as follows: lead-in, pre-reading, whilereading, post-reading, summary and homework assignment.
Step 1. Lead-in. (4)
At first, I will greet students and guide students to understand the meaning of
eccentric in the title. Then I will tell them something about my friend who is
eccentric but lovable.
This activity is to raise students interest on the topic of this text and help students
understand the meaning of lovable eccentric.
Second, I will ask the students about lovable eccentrics in their daily life and
present the topic what is the lovable eccentric like?
This activity can totally involve the students in the topic of this lesson and
introduce the main task.
Step 2. Pre reading (7)
Before students read the text, I will ask them to do some pre-reading activities.
First, I will ask students to preview some sentences which entails new words
(eccentric, disregard, convention, routine, shrewd, legendary, snob, bedraggled,
apologetic, reprimand, elaborate). Second, I will ask students to guess the meaning of
the words according to the given sentences. Third, I will ask students to share their
answers and analyze the new words to the class.
This activity can pave the way for students understanding of the text and
improve students ability to guess the meaning of the words by the context.
Then, I will ask the students to predict what the text will talk about according to
the pictures on PPT Slide 2.


At the beginning of the lesson, the students are usually energetic and attentive.
The pre-reading work will activate their schematic knowledge in the topic and get
students ready for the new topic and task.
Step 3. While reading (27)
After the pre-reading preparation, I will lead my students to know what a lovable
eccentric Dickie is by skimming, scanning and careful reading.
To start with, I will provide three statements on PPT Slide 3 before the students
read the text and one of the statements represents the main idea. Then The I will ask
the students to skim the text and find out the main idea. The correct answer is
Statement 3.

Choose the correct answer.

Statement 1: This text mainly talks about a man named Dickie who always do
something eccentric.
Statement 2: This text mainly talks about true eccentric and their behaviors.
Statement 3: This text mainly talks about a lovable eccentric named Dickie who
disregards social conventions but also does something extraordinary which add
color to our dull life.
Getting students to know what is the text about is a top-down approach to give
students a global impression and make them well prepared for further learning.
Second, I will ask students to work in groups to scan the first 2 paragraphs of the
text and find out the answers to the questions on the worksheet by underlining in the
Read paragraph 1 ,2 and find the answers.
Q1: What is the characteristics of the true16eccentrics?
Q2: Who is Richard Colson?

After that I will ask some students to report their answers and then I will analyze the
answers with them and give the possible answers on PPT Slide 3.
Read paragraph 1 ,2 and find the answers.
Q1: What is the characteristics of the true eccentrics?
Possible answer: True eccentrics disregard social conventions without being
conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary. They always win peoples love
and respect because they add colour to the dull routine of everyday life.
Q2: Who is Richard Colson?
Possible answer: Richard Colson was a shrewd and wealthy businessman, but most
people in the town hardly knew anything about this side of his life. He was known to
us all as Dickie and his eccentricity had become legendary long before he died.

For the first question, I will analyze the expressiondisregard social

conventionsand add colour to , which is important for students to accumulate. And
I will also make students pay attention to the negative expression by words
disregard and without. For the second question, I will ask one student to make
report his answer first. And I will ask students to guess the meaning of eccentricity,
then I will write the word and explain it to the class and asks students to find more
word that end with -ity as its noun suffix.(these words are popularity electricity
creativity ability and so on) writes these words on the blackboard and explain it.
This process used inductive method to guide students learn the noun suffix -ity.
Second, I will ask students to pay attention to the negative expressions by word
hardly and analyzes it. Next I will ask students to find out all the negative
expressions in the text. After students sharing their findings, I will analyze these
expressions by PPT. And I will help students to learn new ways of expressing
negative meanings by recalling the normal negative expressions they have learned
before, which is a good scaffolding for students to comprehend .
And then I will divide the students into groups and each group have 6 members. I
will ask the students to close the book and give each member a card. Then I will ask

students to work in group to use the sentence on the card to make up the story and
make report.
The content on the card is:
Dickie was caught in a particularly heavy shower.
Dickie wanted to buy a watch for his wife so he walked into an expensive
shop although he was in a bedraggled condition.
The assistant refused to serve him and Dickie left without a word.
Dickie returned with a large cloth bag in which there are 30,000 pennies at all
and he requested to see the manager.
The manager was so apologetic when he see Dickie and reprimand the
Dickie insisted on the assistants counting the money before he left.


Multiple choice questions:

1. Why did the shop assistant refused to serve Dickie?
A. Because the assistant thought Dickie was a eccentric.
B. Because Dickie had not counted the pennies before giving them to the
C. Because Dickie was in such a bedraggled condition that the assistant thought
Dickie was not welcome to the expensive shop.
D. Because the assistant was sharply reprimanded by the manager
2. Recognizing who the customer was, the manager .
A. was so apologetic that gave the watch to Dickie for free.
B. was most apologetic and blamed the assistant severely.
C. felt so sorry and asked the assistant to count the money.
D. refused to serve him.
3. Why did Dickie insist on the assistants counting before he left?
A. Because Dickie did not want to count the money.
B. Because Dickie hated snobs and wanted the assistant to pay for his
C. Because the assistant was blamed by the manager.
D. Because the manager asked him to do so.
4. The press paid a great deal of attention to Dickies exhibition because

A. It had taken him so long to prepare the paintings.

B. The critics admired Dickies ability to copy the work of famous artists.
C. No one had known that Dickie was a painter.
D. It became known that Dickie had succeed in deceiving the critics

This activity will make students more familiar with the plot in the text and keep
their interest in further reading. It can also improve students ability of logical
thinking. After they make reports, I will ask the students to take a glance at all the
sentences provided in multiple choice questions on the the worksheet.
After that, I will ask the students to scan for answers by themselves after reading
the third paragraph. After they finished, I will ask some of them to share their answers
and the reasons for their answers. Then I will guide the students to get the answers.
For the four questions, I will listen to some students reports first, then I will deal
with the difficulties one by one, especially those new expressions. For the first
question, I will paraphrase in a such bedraggled condition. And then I will write it
on the blackboard. For the second question, I will ask one student to give his answer
and then paraphrase the word apologetic and reprimand. Then I will lead the
students to pay attention to the Object Clause Recognizing who the customer was,

the manager was most apologetic and reprimanded the assistant severely and analyze
the sentence to the students. For the third question, I will ask one student to give
his/her answer and then analyze insist to the class. And for the forth question, I will
analyze to stage this elaborate joke
Scanning is also an important reading skill, so multiple choice questions will
help students to get specific answers both cooperatively and independently. Finally, I
will ask the students to read the whole text and fill the blanks on the worksheet
according to the text. And then I will analyze what is Dickie like with the
students by filling the blanks.
Fill the blanks according to the text.
Richard Colson is such a lovable eccentric that he
to the dull routine of everyday life. He disliked
shop for a watch after having been
because Dickie was in a

social conventions, but

intensely. One day, he walked into a

in a heavy shower, the assistant

to serve him

condition. Dickie left without a word and returned with a

large cloth bag. Paying no attention to the assistant, Dickie

Recognizing who the custom was, the manager was most
severely. Then after he bought watch, Dickie

to see the manager.


the assistant

the assistants counting the 30,000

pennies which in that large cloth bag. On another occasion, he invited some important
critics to see his________ of modern paintings which actually been painted by Dickie.


joke simply to prove that critics do not always know what they are

talking about.

This is the end of task preparation and it will take 27minutes.

At present, the student have gotten to know what is Dickie like through
skimming, scanning and careful reading. And the process of comprehending can
develop students ability of searching for details and pave the way of text
understanding. So the next step aims to preparing for the discussion among the
students on the topic what is true lovable eccentric like?
Step 4. Post-reading(14)
With the skimming, scanning and careful reading, the students must have got
what is Dickie like. Then, I will lead the students to return to the task that I have
presented in the beginning of the class. First, I will ask students to recall the plot
described by the author in the shop and read the content form line 2 to line 9 in third

paragraph. Second , I will ask students to work in groups to do the role play. Then,
after they finished, I will give some comments on their performance. The role play
can gain students interest in English and make them learn by doing. Finally , I will
ask students to review how the author organize the text to describe Dickie and
summarize what the true lovable eccentric is like. Then I will ask some of them to
give reports in class and when they finished, I will comment on their reports and
discuss something about socail convetions with students. This part is to finish the task
that arranged at the beginning of the class and make students get a further
understanding of the text. Besides,the discussion about social conventions can help
students to cultivate their social emotion, which is important in quality-oriented
Now, the task is finished and the process of task completing will take about 14
Step 5. Summing up.
First I will ask students to retell the text.
(The possible version: True eccentrics disregard social conventions but what
they did always wins love and respect from people, for they add colour to the dull
routine of every life. Dickie is one of the lovable eccentric. He disliked snobs
intensely. One day, he walked into a shop for a watch after having been caught in a
heavy shower, the assistant refused to serve him because Dickie was in a bedraggled
condition. Dickie requested to see the manager. Then after he bought watch, Dickie
insisted on the assistants counting the 30,000 pennies to punish him. On another
occasion, he invited some important critics to see his private collection of modern
paintings which actually been painted by Dickie. He staged this elaborate joke simply
to prove that critics do not always know what they are talking about.)
Retelling story is a good way for students to review what they have learned and
give them a sense of achievement.
Second, I will briefly restate what we have learned today. This activity will
improve students ability of logical summarization.
Step 6. Homework .
At the end of the class, I will assign the homework. I will ask students to write a
composition about 150 words to introduce or describe someone they like or respect. In
order to scaffolding their writing, I will present the layout of their writing.
The assignments can help students fully understand the text and apply what they

have learned into their writing.

Thats all for the illustration of my teaching procedures.
X. Blackboard design.
The last part of my teaching presentation is about the layout of the blackboard.
On the top, there is a the title of this lesson. On the left, I will write the difficult words
and expressions that I mentioned. On the right, I will write some words that express
negative meaning in the text.

A lovable eccentric
disregard social conventions
add colour to
eccentric eccentricity
-ity popularity electricity creativity ability
in a such bedraggled condition
apologetic reprimand
insist on sb. doing sth.
insist that...
stage this elaborate joke

XI. Wrap-up of the teaching presentation

Here are some shining points in this lesson. Firstly, the task is clear. All the topics
and activities are center on a lovable eccentric. Secondly, I lead students to do
multiple choices and blank-fillings by comprending the text, which will contribute to
improving students reading skills. Besides, the story I have told to students, the
pictures, the cards to make up story and the role play game are all activate students
interest in learning and help them better understand the text.
That s all for my presentation.


Read paragraph 1 ,2 and find the answers.

Q1: What is the characteristics of the true eccentrics?
Q2: Who is Richard Colson?
Multiple choice questions:
1. Why did the shop assistant refused to serve Dickie?
A. Because the assistent thought Dickie was a eccentric.
B. Because Dickie had not counted the pennies before giving them to the
Appendix A
C. Because Dickie was in such a bedragged condition that the assisstant
for students
Dickie was not welcome to the expensive shop.
D. Because the assistant was sharply reprimanded by the manager.
2. Recognizing who the customer was, the manager .
A. was so apologetic that gave the watch to Dickie for free.
B. was most apologetic and blamed the assistant severely.
C. felt so sorry and asked the assistant to count the money.
D. refused to serve him.
3.Why did Dickie insist on the assisstants counting before he left?
A. Because Dickie did not want to count the money.
B. Because Dickie hated snobs and wanted the assisstant to pay for his
C. Because the assistant was blamed by the manager.
D.Because the manager asked him to do so.
4.The press paid a great deal of attention to Dickies exhibition because

A.It had taken him so long to prepare the paintings.

B. The critics admired Dickies ability to copy the work of famous artists.
C. No one had known that Dickie was a painter.
D. It became known that Dickie had succeed in deceiving the critics.


Fill the blanks according to the text.

Richard Colson is such a lovable eccentric that he
to the dull rountine of everyday life. He disliked
into a shop for a watch after having been
serve him because Dickie was in a

social conventions, but

intensely. One day, he walked

in a heavy shower, the assisant


condition. Dickie left without a word and

returned with a large cloth bag. Paying no attention to the assistent, Dickie


see the manager. Recognizing who the custom was, the manager was most

the assisstant severely. Then after he bought watch, Dickie


assistants counting the 30,000 pennies which in that large cloth bag. On another
occasion, he invited some important critics to see his
which actually been painted by Dickie. He


critics do not always know what they are talking about.


of modren paintings
joke simply to prove that

Appendix B
PPT Slides

Silde 1
1. She is so eccentric that she is regarded as a bit of a curiosity.
2. Anyone who disregards the regulations will be punished.
3. It is an established convention that everyone should respect the old.
4. Running everyday is a part of his rountine life.
5. He is such a shrewd businessman that he always gain benefits.
6. Zhao Zilong is a household legendary figure in China.
7. People all hates snobs who looks down those poor and flatter those rich.
8. He was caught in a heavy rain and now in a bedraggled condition.
9. They were almost apologetic about the mistakes they'd made.

Slide 2

Slide 3

Choose the correct answer

Statement 1: This text mainly talks about a man named Dickie
who always do something eccentric.
Statement 2: This text mainly talks about true eccentric and
their behaviors.
Statement 3: This text mainly talks about a lovable eccentric
named Dickie who disregards social conventions but also does
something extraordinary which add color to our dull life.

Slide 4

Read paragraph 1 ,2 and find the answers.

Q1: What is the characteristics of the true eccentrics?

Possible answer: True eccentrics disregard social conventions without being

conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary. They always win peoples
love and respect because they add colour to the dull routine of everyday life.
Q2: Who is Richard Colson?

Possible answer: Richard Colson was a shrewd and wealthy businessman, but most
people in the town hardly knew anything about this side of his life. He was known
to us all as Dickie and his eccentricity had become legendary long before he died.

Silde 5
True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves;
They disregard social conventions;
Most people in the town hardly knew anything about this side of his life;
Dickie disliked snobs intensely;
He hardly ever used it;
Dickie left the shop without a word.


Appendix C
Teaching aids

Dickie was caught in a particularly heavy shower.
Dickie wanted to buy a watch for his wife so he walked into an expensive shop
although he was in a bedraggled condition.
The assistant refused to serve him and Dickie left without a word.
Dickie returned with a large cloth bag in which there are 30,000 pennies at all and he
requested to see the manager.
The manager was so apologetic when he saw Dickie and reprimanded the assistant.
Dickie insisted on the assistants counting the money before he left.


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