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ELECTRICAL SCIENCE ASSIGNMENT 1 DC CIRCUITS ‘a2) Find the resistance at 20°C of the following: annealed standard copper wires= a) 1 mm? cross section and 10 mong. bb) 25 mm? cross section, 200 mm long. {() 0.173 0; (b) 0.138 9} 2) Determine the resistance of a metal tube in terms of the external diameter D, the internal diameter d, the length | and the resistivity p, Calculate the resistance of a copper tube 0.5 cm thick ‘and 2m long, The external diameter is 20 cm. (23.24 ua} a3) Caleulate the loss n watts per kg ofa current earring conductor in terms of the resistivity p He cm, the current density @ Aper mm#and spectic gravity S. [10 o* 9/5} a4) Detetmine the length and diameter d of @ cylinder of copper in terms of the volume, % resisthity, ps and the resistance between opposite ends. {ts (rasp) 4 (2/2) d= (aoxp/ney (1/4) (95) The insulation resistance of a single core cable is connected in series with a voltmeter Seross a 480 V supply. The voltmeter reads 6V. ‘When connected in series with a 50,000 0 resistor across 240 mains, the voltmeter reading s ‘90V. Calculate the value of the insulation resistance. (2.85 Ma} 96) The resistance temperature coefficient of phosphor bronze Is 39.4%(20%-4)) per 2°¢ 280°C Find: the coefficient for a temperature of a) 20°C; b)200°C {(2) 36.5%{20%C-4) ;(b) 28.2°(20%(-4)] a7) Calculate the capacitance of an air insulated capacitor with 13 plates each 10 cm? the distance between plates belng 2mm. (530 pF ‘08)Find the equation tothe voltage to be applied to a SOuF capacitor initially uncharged f° produce ‘a steady current of 10 mA. Ifthe charging ceases afer 10s, calulate a) the capacitor voltage b the ‘charge c) stored energy. [{a) 2000V, (b}0.2 6, (¢}400.1 8) calulte for approximate resistance and inductee of a solenoid of mean diameter 1 em, 2 m Tong, wound with thousand turns of copper Wire ‘0.5 mm in diameter. What potential difference ‘exist atthe terminals of the solenold atthe instant when the current s 3 Aand inereasing at the rate of 10,000 A/sec. {2.76 ; 0.0987 mH, 3.75 VI 210) A creutt has thousand turns enclosing & magnetic circult 20 m?In section. With 4 Athe flux sary one W/m and with Aitis 3.4 Wo/m® Find he Meat ‘value of the inductance between dU. ifthe current fell uniformly form9 Ato4A in0.05 see. {0.16H; 161 4). Using sunapontion Tes Bae 5) Find the equivalent reistor 1 Theverin equiv gS a ae pernenshe emia ant circuit. ‘where all te 1 {ov ‘ \ t asia ates ore een 0 Jal analyss find the currant through 90 resistor. Qe a0. Ry =b09- £2 36V i ils 9) -Findthe: = aD «fay: value of : ' <0) event's equvaln betwe n.¢ & d removing the current source of2a,50. 1 ,* . fesistance ee . Answers: 1.2864, 2.Moe= 130V, Rae 22; 8,048 420, las BISA 518750; 6.165V; asta, sa) gv.260; © 10.0.8554, Assignment 3 1: ina particular cieult a voltage of 10\V at 25 Hy produces 300 mA while the same voltage at 75 Hz produces 60 mA. Draw the circult diagram and insert values of the constants. At what 2 frequency willthe value of the imipedsiice be twice of that at 25 Hz? {R='88.1.0 and L= 0.3 H in series ; 95 Hz} 2. Aresistor'tin series with a capacitance Cis connected to a 50 He, 240 supply: Find the value of CsothatR absorbs 300. at 100 V, Also find the maximum charge andthe maximum energy ‘stored inc. [44 uF ,0.0135¢;, 2.1.) 1 3, Analternating voitage 80 + /60 Vis applied'to.a circult and the current flowingis—4+j10A.Find "| {a} the Impedance of the circuit eh the power consumed and (c) the phase angle. a {(a)9.28 o'(o) 280 W (c) 75%leading) 4, Calculate (a) the admittance ¥;(b):the conducatnce G and (c) the susceptance B of acircuit consisting of arésistor of 10.Qn series with an inductor of 0.1 H, when the frequency is 80 Hz. {(@10.0303 miho (b} 0.0092 mho (¢}— 0.028 mho} 5, Find the impedance ,: “current, power and power factor ofthe following series circuits and draw : jing vector diagrams (a) R only (6) Lonly {c) Conly (d) Rand (e)}RandC (NRL | atid Cn each Case the applied voltages 200 V, the frequncy is SO Hz, R= 100, L="_ ' 100 uF. a) 100,204, 4 KW, 10; {b).15.7 O272A9, 0 lag :{c) 81.8.0, 6.29, 0, 0 lead ; (d) 18.6.0, . 410.75.A, 1.155 KW, 0.537 lag; (33.3.0, 6 A, 360 W, 0.31 lead ; (18.90, 1058.4, 1.12 KW, 10.53 lead ; (g)'16.10, 12.4.4, 0, Olead) 6., When a resistor and inductor in series are connected to a.240V supply, a.current of 3 A flowing laging 37° behind the supply voltage, while the voltage acfoss thé inductor {s 174 V Find the resetance ofthe resistor and the resistance and reactance.of the inductor. Z (83.26, 30.74, 480) 1 Aeo8 having resistance ‘R ohms and inductance L henry is connected acroos a variable frequency" ' alternating-current supply of 110. An ammeter in the circuit showed 15.6.A.when the s frequency was 80 Hz and 19.7.A when the frequency was 40 Hz Find the values of Rand L and : ‘the time constant of the coil. “oe {4.95:0, 0,01 H, 2.02 ms} 8. Find the values of R and Cso that V,=3V, and Vp and V, are in quadrature. Also find the phase elation between V and Vp;\V. and. oRsst Roe ' ae ‘ ‘ Yb ig, . = 2.66.0, C= ea NE , SOE Ss fen gees coassoyel [0.08 j0.04) 40. Find the impet the'total cirrent and power factor of the following circuits: {a), Resistance Rin parallel with inductan’® b (b)-Reslstance Rin parallel with: capacitance C- (c) Inductance Lin patailel with capacitance C {a) Ranid Lin series with C ineach case the applied voltage is 200.V 35 SoHE: R= 109, = 70 mH, C= 127-2 HF. Draw In each case the circult dagram andthe ‘yeétor diagram of the voltages and currents. (2) 91.9; 20N.9- Ki ‘4.0.91 lag (b) 9.3.0 Olag (6) 57.9.4, 8.28 RBA; 3.45.A, 099 lead.) ase 240 V induction motors tested ‘the total current is 3A. Find the power anid (b) the motor. : * Ea x {(e) 580. W, 0.807 (b) 220W, 0.46) aches ofthe alternating current circu: ‘currents in the two brat vanen Ryand fare varied simultaneous. Deter Ne {a} the in magnitude under this condition, 0A, BA, 21351 A,0.93 lead j (c) 182.9, ‘and power factor of (2) the whole circuit 432: Find the'coneition that the shall remain in quadrature the total current remalns constant, “frequency at which © paagnitude of this current. Ry. BR. x A 1 \ L DAA BALA, Inparaliel with 4.16010 resistor; the motor shown {Ruka = YC Ce) emvbc) UO NALOLD) 43, The creult shown takes 12 A ata lagelne PF, and dissipates 1.8 KW wh §¢ 200¥. Calculate the values of Ri xyand XG. 13.4, 2.47 and 13.32 al. en the voltmeter reading © pssianment 4 1, Calculate’ the active and reactive ‘currentcomponents ih each phase of astar connected, 10,000 \, 3phase alternator supplying 5000 KW 2° 2 ‘power factor of 0.8. Ifthe total current remains the same when theload-power factor is raised to 0:9, find the new output. dee [289 A, 266 A;5625 KW] 2, adephase star-connected alternator feeds 42000 hp detta-connected induction siotorhaving @ ihe PF of 0.85 and an efficiency of 0.93, Caleutate the current and the actlve and'reactive components in (a} each alternator ‘phase (b) each motor phase: ‘The tine voltage is 2200.V- : - . © flayage, 424, 262.8; {b) 286, 243; 151-4) he 3, Abalanced star connected toad of g-+}6 @ per phase is connected to 23. ‘phase, 230-V supply. Findtthe line current power factor, power, reactive volt amperes and total sjolteamperes. : , {3.3 , 0.8, 250.W, 3430.VA, 5280 VA] 4, Abalanced 3-phase star ‘connected toad of 150 KW. takes @ Teading current of 200A witha line ‘poltage of 1100 V, 50 Hz Find the cireult consatnts ‘ofthe load per phase. sacs {R=50,C=810pFl : 5. balanced star-connetted load is supplied from 2 symmetric 3 phase, 400V system, The current ii each phage s 30-8 nd lags 30*behind the ‘phage voltage Find (a) the phase voltage and ) ‘the total power. Draw ‘the vector diagram showing the ‘currents and.voltages. - Page f(a) 281 V (o) 28 KW) 6. Three equal ‘star connected inductors take & power factor 0.8. when connected to 460, 3 ‘phase, 3 wire ruppl Find thefne currentsif one ‘Inductor Is short circuited, ; 2 [227,217,376] 7. Inthe twolwatimeter method of pawer measurement a 3-phase circult, the readings of the wattmeters ‘are 1,200. W and 300.W- What is the pf of the Joad : Prove the: formula used. i {0.6934 (ae od, the readings of the jattmeter meth F reversal wer was measured by tWO ved are § and 0,5 KW, the latter fencing being obtained afte calculate the power factor of the load. ed load PO 8. A3-ph balan connect ‘twa wattmeters $0) (0.427 (lae)} the power factor of an over” -2 and +7 KW respectively, of current coll connections. ‘the power input and ator. ifthe readings ofthe meters aF° power factor of the motor: ~ . [SKW, 0.3054 (lead)} Jonsists of a resistance ‘of 10.0 Insseries with an, ‘connected to a 440.V,50 Hz supply and the total ch wattmeter ifthe power 15, so, asrpbabe delt-connected balances toad ¢ inductive: jeactance of 17.32 a ifthe circuit ts: power consuredis 24520 W, whet = ‘the reaiding read by €2 maeasured by 2 waetmerer method? : [14520W and zero} atan effeiciency of 90% jculate (I) 41. The power Input toe 2,000.V, 80 Fz, S-phase moter running on full oad two wattmeters which indicate 300.KW: and 100 KW: respectively: Cal is measured bY input! {i} power factor. (ip tine: ‘current and: {iv) he” output. . ees 1) 400 KW (0) 0.756 (ag) (1) 182.8 (iv) 490 (metrel] -50 A from220V source while starting, The pf is04- measure power- 18.85 KW; 1.23 KW} alline current of ‘two. wattmeters connected t0 12.-A3-phase motor draws: Find the readings of the : ‘Assigninent 5 Two identical 1000 tums: coils X and ¥ lie in parallel planes. such.that 60% of the magnetic flux produced by one coll links the other. Acurrent of 5 Ain X.produces in Ita flux of 0.05 mW: If the current in X changes: from +6 A to -6 Ain 0.01.5, what will be the magnitude of the emf. ' induced in V2 Calculate the selfinductance of each coll and the mutual Inductance, ‘ 2 f [7.2V, each coil 10 mH; 6 mH] ‘Asolencid éonsists of 1500 turns Gf wire wound in a length of A search coil of 500 turns enclosing amean area of 20 cm" is placed centrally inthe solenoid. Find (a) the mutual indubtance ofthe arrangement, and {b} the emf induced Inthe search ‘coil whien the current in the solenoid:is changing uniformly at the rate of 250.4 per sec: . : [3.44mH, 0-786.V1 esearch coithaving SO turns enclosing a cross-sectional area of 2 cin’is placed at the middle oF } a solenoid having 505 turns of wire wound uniformly on a length of 12cm and carrying atterating current of 0.2 A at a frequency of KH, Calculate the mutual Inductance Bepween the coils and the emf induced in the search coll, . - (52.4 pH, 0.329 V1] ‘solenoid consist of 1000 tur of wire wound ona former of ength 109 em and diameter’3 ms placed co-avaly within another solenoid af the same length and numberof turns, but of diatneter6 cm: Find approximately the mutual inductance and ‘the coupling coefficient of the arrangement: i pe eee 885 c [0.887 mH, 0.5] dee “Two calls; of 12000 turns and ¥ of 15000-turns le in parallel planes so:that 45% of the flux ‘ “produced by: colbX links with coil Ya current of 5 Ain X produces 0.05 mWb while the same current n'Y produtes 0.075 mWb, Calculate a) the mutual inductance and (b) the coupling ‘oeffidient. \* A ¥ {67.5 mH, 0.44) “two tolls oF 30 and 600 turns respectively are wound side by side-on a closed iron clrcuttof section 10 cm? and mean length 250 cm, (a) Estimate the mutual inductance between the coils Ff relative perrieablty of the Iron is 2000 (b).a current inthe first coil grows steadily from 0 0 im 10:Ain 0.01: : find the emf induced in the ‘other coil., {0.302 4, 302V] ‘An:31500/2300V transformer is rated at 100 KVA as @ two winding transformer. ifthe two o windings are connected in series to form an auto-transformer what ‘wii be the voltage ratio and output? 7 ; ; 2% [13.8/11.5, 600 KVA ; 13.8/2.3 KV, 120 KVA} ‘A-t-phase tranformer has 180 and 90 turns respectively in its ‘secondary and primary windings. ‘The respective fesistances are 0,233 2 ‘and 0.067 (1: Calculate the equivalent resistance: of {a) ‘the primary in terms of the secondary winding, (b) the secondary In terms.of the primary ‘winding and (c)the total resistance of the tranformer interms of the primary. A [0:268 0, 0.058-0, 0.125 Al 9. Calculate In terms. ‘ofthe'primary, the'effective {equivalent} resistance and leakage reactance of ‘a transformer which gave the following data on test with the secondary ‘terminals short circuited +: Applied:voltage 60° Vi current 100.4 ; power input 1.2 KW. ies 3 7 {0.12 0, 0.59.0) 40, A40KVA tianstormet with a ratio of -2000/250V tas @ primary resistance of 2,15 anda ‘econdaly resistance of 0.155 0. Calculate (a) totale resistance in terms of the secondary winding (b) the total resistance drop.on full Joad-and (c) the total copper loss on full load: \ {0.0334 0, 5.35, 856.1 41. A50.Hz single phase ‘transformer has a turn | ratio of 6. The resistances are 0.9 and 0.3.0; andthe A reactances 5 and 0:13 for high voltage and low voltage respectively: Find (a) the voltage to be 7 applied te:the high voltage side to. ‘ebtain full load current of 200 Aon the tow voltage ‘winding ‘on short-circuit (b) the power factor. on short circuit. {330 V, 0.2) 42; Caleulate the regulation of tranformer in which the ohimic loss js 1% of the'output and the reactance drop 5% ofthe voltage, when the PF 1 (2) 0.8 [R68 | (b) unity (c) 0.8 leading. ose 7 * [3.8 %, 1%, -2:2 %) 43. A100 KA, 6600/330 V, 50 H2, Single phase tranformer took 10 A arid'436 100 Ina short tireut test the figues referring tothe hleh volegs side. Calculate the voltage to be applied to the high voltage side on full oad at PF. 0.8 lagging when the secondary terminal voltage is 330 Woe ees (eraav- 14.84 A, 200/400. Vv, SO'Hz, single phase. transformer gave the following test figures : ‘No-lodd slow voltage data : 200 V, 0.7 A, 60 W ‘Short-

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