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Marigold Color


Marigold Color consists mainly of xanthophylls obtained from the

flower of marigold.

The Color Value (E 1cm ) of Marigold Color is not less than 2,500 and is

Color Value

in a range of 95115% of the labeled value.


Marigold Color is dark brown solid or liquid having a characteristic



Weigh the equivalent of 0.1 g of Marigold Color calculated in

terms of Color Value 2,500 from the labeled value and dissolve in 100 ml of an ethanol
n-hexane mixture (1 : 1). A deep yellow color develops.

Marigold Color in an ethanol n-hexane mixture (1 : 1) solution exhibits

absorption maxima at a wavelength of 469475nm and 441447nm. It may, in

addition, exhibit an absorption maximum at a wavelength of 420426nm.

Weigh the equivalent of 0.1 g of Marigold Color calculated in terms of Color

Value 2,500 from the labeled value, dissolve in 10 ml of an ethanoln-hexane mixture

(1 : 1) and use as the test solution. Measure 5l of the test solution and perform
Thin-Layer Chromatography without a control solution, using a tolueneethylacetate
ethanol mixture (15 : 4 : 1) as the developing solvent. One or two yellow spots are
observed at either of the approximate Rf 0.8 (fatty acid ester of lutein) and 0.35 (lutein)
or at both. These spots changes to dark blue by antimony trichloride TS. For the
thin-layer plate, use a plate prepared by applying silica gel for thin-layer
chromatography dried at 110 for 1 hour for support. Stop the development when the
solvent front rises about 10 cm above the original line, air-dry, and spray the antimony
trichloride TS.


Heavy metals

Not more than 40 g /g as Pb (0.50 g, Method 2,

Control solution Lead standard solution 2.0ml).

Not more than 10 g /g as Pb (1.0g, Method 1).





Not more than 4.0 g /g as As2O3 (0.50 g, Method 3, Apparatus B).

Color Value Test Proceed as directed under the Color Value Test.

Operating conditions

Ethanol-n-hexane (1 : 1).


Absorption maximum at a wavelength of 441447nm.

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