Tally Problems

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* Yamaha show room established with 78,00,000

* purchased 100 Splendar+ bikes @ 50,000/-and stored in Godowns
Main location
25 Nos
Trunk road
25 Nos
Gandhi road
25 Nos
Kurnool road
25 Nos
* how to transfer 10 bikes from Trunk road to Main location
* sold 3 Bikes @ 75,000/- ( in Main location)
* one bike loss by theft in Gandhi road godown
how to enter above details in Tally.
Company creation (Accounts with inventory)
Gateway of Tally
press F11 (company features)
Inventory features (enter)
Maintain multiple godowns --- yes (enter)
(Accept yes/no)(enter)
Gateway of Tally
Accounts info (enter)
Ledgers (enter)
Single ledger
Create (enter)
* Yamaha capital ---------- capital A/c
* purchase ------------- purchase A/c
* sales ------------------- sales A/c
* Loss by theft --------- Indirect expenses
Gateway of Tally
Inventory info (enter)
Units of measure (enter)
create (enter)
Nos (enter)
stock groups (enter)
single stock group
create (enter)
Bikes (enter)
stock items (enter)
Splendar+ (enter enter) Bikes (enter) Nos (enter)
Godowns (enter)
single godown
create (enter)
Trunk road (enter)
Primary (enter)
(Accept yes/no)(enter)
Gandhi road

Kurnool road


Gateway of Tally
Accounting vouchers (enter)
press F6
Cr Yamaha capital
Dr Cash
Press F9
party's A/c name : Cash
purchase ledger : purchase
Splendar+ (enter)
Main location (enter) 25 (enter) 50,000 (enter)
Trunk road
Gandhi road
Kurnool road
(Accept yes/no)(enter)
Gateway of Tally
Inventory vouchers (enter)
Splendar + (enter)
Splendar+ (enter)
Trunk road (enter) Main location (enter)
10 (enter)
10 (enter)
(Accept yes/no)(enter)

Gateway of Tally
Accounting vouchers (enter)
Press F8
party's A/c name : Cash
sales ledger
: sales
Splendar+ (enter)
Main location (enter) 3 (enter) 75,000
(Accept yes/no)(enter)
Press F7
Dr Loss by theft
Cr purchase (enter)
Splendar+ (enter)
Gandhi road (enter) 1 (enter)

Output :
Gateway of Tally
Stock summary (enter enter)
press "ALT+F1"
Main location _________
Trunk road __________
Gandhi road ____________
Kurnool road ___________


* Ongole dairy established with 84,00,000
* placed a purchase order to Gangarao for 6,800 lts Milk @ 46/(purchase order)
* Gangarao delivered above quantity milk (purchase)
* Ongole dairy get a sales order from Rangarao for 5,000 lts Milk @ 65/(sales order)
* Ongole dairy delivered above quantity Milk to Rangarao (sales)
* how to enter purchase orders and sales orders in Tally.
Company creation (Accounts with inventory)
Gateway of Tally
press F11
Inventory features (enter)
allow purchase order processing -- yes
allow sales order processing --- yes (enter)
(Accept yes/no)(enter)
Gateway of Tally
Ledgers :
* Ongole dairy capital --------- capital A/c
* purchase ------------------ purchase A/c
* sales ----------------------- sales A/c
* Gangarao ------------ sundry creditors
* Rangarao ------------- sundry debtors
Gateway of Tally
Units of measure : lts
stock group
: milk products
stock items
Milk (enter enter) milk products (enter) lts (enter)

Gateway of Tally
Accounting vouchers (enter)
press F6

Cr Ongole dairy capital 84,00,000

Dr Cash
Press "ALT+F4" (purchase order)
Partys A/c name: Gangarao
order no: 1
Purchase ledger: purchase
Milk (enter) 6,800 (enter) 46 (enter)
(Accept yes/no)(enter)
Press F9 (purchase)
Partys A/c name: Gangarao
Order no(s) : 1 (enter)
(Accept yes/no)(enter)
press "ALT+F5" (sales order)
Partys A/c name: Rangarao
order no: 1
Sales ledger : sales
Milk (enter) 5,000 (enter) 65 (enter)
(Accept yes/no)(enter)
press F8 (sales)
party's A/c name : Rangarao
order no(s) : 1 (enter)
(Accept yes/no)(enter)
Output :
Gateway of Tally
stock summary (enter enter)
Closing stock 1,800 lts Milk
* More fresh established with 35,00,000
* purchased 500 dozens Lux soaps @ 230/- from Hindustan
as a credit (purchase)
* More fresh returned 100 dozens Lux soaps to Hindustan
(purchase returns)
* sold 265 dozens Lux soaps @ 250/- to Rupesh as a credit (sales)
* Rupesh returned 15 dozens Lux soaps (sales returns)
how to enter purchase returns and sales returns in Tally

Company creation (Accounts with inventory)

Gateway of Tally

Press F11
Inventory features (enter)
use debit/credit notes --------- yes
use invoice mode for debit notes -- yes
use invoice mode for credit notes -- yes (enter)
(Accept yes/no)(enter)
Gateway of Tally
Ledgers :
* More fresh capital ------ capital A/c
* purchase ------------------ purchase A/c
* sales ------------------------ sales A/c
* Hindustan ---------------- sundry creditors
* Rupesh ------------ sundry debtors
Inventories :
units of measure : dozens
stock groups
: soaps
stock items
Lux (enter enter) soaps (enter) dozens (enter)
Gateway of Tally
Accounting vouchers (enter)
press F6
Cr More fresh capital
Dr Cash
press F9 (purchase)
party's A/c name : Hindustan
purchase ledger : purchase
Lux (enter) 500 (enter) 230 (enter)
(Accept yes/no)(enter)
press "CTRL+F9" (Debit note)
party's A/c name : Hindustan
purchase ledger : purchase
Lux (enter) 100 (enter) 230 (enter)
(Accept yes/no)(enter)
press F8 (sales)
party's A/c name : Rupesh
sales ledger
: sales
Lux (enter) 265 (enter) 250 (enter)
(Accept yes/no)(enter)
Press "CTRL+F8" (credit note)
Partys A/c name : Rupesh
sales ledger
: sales

Lux (enter) 15 (enter) 250 (enter)

(Accept yes/no)(enter)
Output :
Gateway of Tally
stock summary (enter enter)
closing stock 150 dozens Lux soaps

VAT means Value Added Tax, it was one of the state
Government tax replace with sales tax. Vat was introduced by L.K.Jha committee
in 1976, he was introduced CEN VAT (Central Value added tax) was activated from
1986 in Central Government of India, VAT was chargble on profit and better than
sales tax,
AP VAT (Andhra pradesh value added tax) was implement on 2005
April 1st by our ex.cm.YSR.
VAT in Andhra pradesh (2014 to 2015 )
* 5% and 14.5% tax rates in above budjet
* VAT was main income of our state
TIN: TIN means Tax Identification Number; it is having 11 digits, first two
digits are represent the state name, 36 and 37 new TINs are in Telangana
and Andhra Pradesh states, those new TINs are activated from 2/6/2014.
PAN: PAN means Parmenent Account Number, it is having 10 digits, this number
is alloted by Income tax department in Central Government of India.
CIN: Corporate Identity Number
VAT payable = output vat - Input vat
Input vat: it is chargble on purchasing value
Output vat: it is chargble on sales value
* Mahesh started business with 48, 00,000
* purchased 10 Lg tvs @ 10,000/-(VAT 14.5%)
* sold 8 Lg tvs @ 20,000/Calculate how much VAT, Mahesh payable.

VAT calculation in manual :

purchasing value = 10 *10,000 = 1,00,000
Input vat (Chargble on purchasing value)

= 1,00,000 * 14.5/100 = 14,500

sales value = 8 *20,000 = 1,60,000
Output vat (Chargble on sales value)
= 1,60,000 * 14.5/100 = 23,200
VAT payable = Output vat - Input vat
= 23,200 - 14,500
= 8,700 /VAT calculation in Tally :
Company creation (Andhra pradesh)
(Accounts with inventory)
Gateway of Tally
Press F11
Statutory and taxation (enter)
Enable value added tax (VAT) -- yes
set/alter vat details -- yes (enter)
(Accept yes/no)(enter)
Gateway of Tally
(1) Mahesh capital ---------- capital A/c
(2) Purchase --------- purchase A/c
Used in vat returns -- yes
Select -- purchase @ 14.5% (enter)
(3) Sales -------- sales A/c
Used in vat returns --- yes
Select --- sales @ 14.5% (enter)
(4) Input vat ---- duties& taxes
Select --- vat
Select --- input vat
Select --- input vat @ 14.5% (enter)
(5) Output vat --- duties&taxes
Select --- vat
Select --- output vat
Select --- output vat @ 14.5% (enter)
Gateway of Tally
Inventories :
units of measure : Nos
stock groups
: Television
stock items
Lg tv (enter enter) Television (enter) Nos
Gateway of Tally
Accounting vouchers (enter)
press F6
Cr Mahesh capital
Dr Cash

press F9
party's A/c name : Cash
purchase ledger : purchase
Lg tv (enter) 10 (enter) 10,000 (e) 1,00,000(ee)
Input vat (enter)
press F8
party's A/c name : Cash
sales ledger
: sales
Lg tv (enter) 8 (enter) 20,000 (e)
1,60,000 (ee)
Output vat (enter)
23,200 (e)
Gateway of Tally
Display (enter)
Statutory reports (enter)
VAT (enter)
VAT computation (enter)
VAT payable 8,700/-

Central Sales Tax is a tax on Sale levy by Central Government under the
provisions of Central Sales Tax Act, 1957. As per the provisions of this Act, any
movement of goods from one State to another on account of sale/purchase or
transfer of document of Title to goods between two separate parties is considered
as Interstate sale/purchase. All such transactions are liable to CST. Any
movement of goods otherwise than as sale, sent outside the country, is exempted
from levy of CST. Examples of such Transactions are Consignment and Branch
Transfers outside the state, Exports, Deemed Exports etc.
Example: Vamsi starts a business with capital amount Rs.5,00,000/ purchased the following goods: from SV Technologies by cash
LG computers 10Nos each Rs.20,000/ Sony computers 10Nos each Rs.21,000/Paid Input CST 2%
sales the following goods to Kiran Technologies by cash

LG computers 5Nos each Rs.22,000/ Sony computers 5Nos each Rs.23,000/Collected Output CST 2%
o Create a company
o Enable the VAT press <F11> and select the Statutory & Taxation option set
Enable VAT "Yes"
o Create the Units of Measure
o Create the Stock Items
o Create the Accounting Ledgers
--------------------------------------------------------------------vamsi Capital A/c
Capital Accounts
Purchase A/c
Purchase Accounts
Sales A/c
Sales A/c
Duties & Taxes
Duties & Taxes
---------------------------------------------------------------------o Voucher Transactions
Year ending concept
Accounts life cycle (Split company data):
Gateway of Tally
Press ALT+F3
Select company (enter)
Split from enter financial year ending date and press enter upto accept


* Sai granite established with 98,00,000
* purchased Rough granite blocks worth 50,00,000
* paid plant rent to farmers 8,000
* purchase a Machinary for granite cutting work 3,00,000

* paid traveling and fitting expenses for Machinary 10,000

* paid power deposit to Ap transco for power supply to plant 3,000
* paid water expenses to Ongole corporation 6,500
* paid cutting and palishing expenses to workers 35,000
* paid power bill in plant use 1,500
* sold Rough granite blocks worth 48,00,000
* Commission received from real estate owners 6,00,000
* paid salaries to staff 85,000
Year ending adjustments:
* Outstanding salaries 5,000
* depreciation on Machinary 3,000
* accured commission 35,000
* prepaid cutting and palishing expenses 2,000

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