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Animals and Occupations: Why Theme-Based Curricula Work

By Sandra Rollins Hurley, Ph.D., and Sally Blake, Ph.D.

One week the curriculum theme is farm animals. The next week its community
helpers and other occupations, or things that fly. Almost every child care center and
preschool has used a theme-based curriculum at one time or another. Thematic
units are popular among young children and teachers alike. What many early
childhood educators dont realize is that the use of thematic units provides an
integrated approach to teaching and learning. Such an integrated approach is
supported by research on how the brain works and how human beings learn.
Ultimately, the use of thematic units helps young children achieve higher levels of
Brain Research & Learning Psychology
Brain research challenges the belief that learning, and therefore teaching, can be
separated into traditional domains, such as cognitive (thinking), affective (feeling),
and psychomotor (movement). While separating learning into domains is necessary
for discussion purposes, learning cannot actually be separated anatomically or
perceptually. The notion of teaching to the whole brain is gaining popularity and is
particularly significant to language arts educators because language production is a
whole brain activity (Wesley, 1992).
Gardners (1983/93) theory of multiple intelligences states that in addition to the
traditional verbal/linguistic and logical/ mathematical intelligences, five other types
of intelligence exist. These include musical, visual/spatial, body/kinesthetic,
interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences. In order to facilitate learning,
teachers should provide a variety of learning activities which encompass all of the
intelligences, rather than focusing solely on traditional language and math
activities. (See Developing Multiple Intelligences in Young Learners in the
September/ October 1996 issue of Earlychildhood NEWS.)
Research by Piaget (1969), Vygotsky (1962), and Bruner (1960) also supports an
integrated approach to teaching and learning. This research concludes that learning
is a highly integrated process which cannot be easily separated into domains or
traditional academic disciplines, such as math, science, and language. Children
learn by active engagement with their environment and through social engagement
with other human beings. Multiple complex and concrete experiences are essential
for meaningful learning and teaching (Caine & Caine, 1991, p. 5).
Language and Learning
Language appears to be the key to effective learning in human beings. Lev
Vygotsky, a Soviet psychologist whose writings have had great influence in U.S.
education over the past 25 years, wrote that the primary function of language is

social. That is, language is used to communicate meaning from one person to
another. The secondary function of language is to serve as a mental tool for
constructing meanings for ourselves (Vygotsky, 1984). Thus language and thought
are closely related. We use language to help us remember; to find and construct
knowledge; to organize our ideas; to make what we know more precise by
reorganizing, transforming, and interpreting facts; and to apply what we know to
new situations (Fisher & Terry, 1990). Language helps us integrate facts into
concepts and ideas. For example, we can know a word like caterpillar when we see
it. We may be able to decode it and pronounce it correctly, but if we have no
concept or idea to go with caterpillar it is without meaning. The young child who
sees a caterpillar has difficulty talking about it without knowledge of the word whch
names the fuzzy, multilegged insect.
According to Vygotsky (1962), language serves another important purpose in
learning. He states that, What the child can do in cooperation today he can do
alone tomorrow. Therefore the only good kind of instruction is that which marches
ahead of development and leads it; it must be aimed not so much at the ripe as at
the ripening functions (p. 104).
This quote refers to the idea of instruction aimed at the zone of proximal
development the gap between a childs level of actual development (determined
by independent problem solving) and the childs potential development (determined
by problem solving supported by an adult or more capable child) (Vygotsky, 1978).
To move from actual development to potential development, scaffolding is provided
for the learner by a more capable adult or peer. Scaffolds are structures which
provide access and safety to out-of-reach places.
The most common learning scaffold used to aid children through the zone of
proximal development is language (Bruner, 1986). Parents, teachers, coaches, and
other children each talk the novice child through new activities. Gradually as the
child gains experience and skill, the teacher does less talking and relinquishes
control. This is as true of adults holding out their arms and saying, Come on, thats
good. Take another step. Uh oh. Get up and try again, to a beginning walker, as it
is of a coach telling a novice batter, Stand this way. Put your feet here. Move your
hands down on the bat a little more. This kind of dialogue appears to be basic to
human learning.
Teachers have three primary activities in scaffold learning. First, the teacher
provides support through social interactionprimarily by talking to the child.
Second, the teacher provides flexibility, and varies his or her action based on
feedback from the child. Third, the teacher focuses on just the amount of support a
particular child needs. The teachers help can be very explicit and direct or can be
in the form of vague hints (Dixon-Krauss, 1996). By acting as a facilitator or coach,
the teacher creates a positive learning environment and provides assistance to the
child. The child, however, must be actively involved in order to construct meaning.

Teachers must learn when to help directly and when to act as a catalyst and a
resource (Charbonneau & Reider, 1995).
Language, like other skills, is not learned alone, but rather with other knowledge
(Chomsky, 1972). Young children have an overwhelming need to find meaning and
make sense of what is being read or spoken. Language is not learned sequentially
and hierarchically, nor is it learned apart from the culture and environment in which
the child lives. Infants do not practice one sound to perfection before attempting to
make another sound. They do not then put together those sounds to make words
one-by-one until they can utter coherent, complete sentences, and then speak in
Anyone who has observed infants and toddlers knows children babble and play
with language in a way that perhaps could be termed practice. Observers also
realize that language is used to convey meaning. Babies cry when they need
attention; they coo in response to others. Toddlers clearly show they have learned
some of the powers of language. There is little doubt of their meaning when they
say, No! or Mine! Early childhood is a critical period for the development of
communication abilities for both uses of languagecommunicating with others and
communicating with ourselves.
Integrated Thematic Units
Brain research and the psychology of learning support the idea that learning is an
integrated process, a process focused on constructing meaning, and a process
largely dependent on the ability to communicate. Because of this, teachers have
sought ways to facilitate learning based on these principles. One result is the
creation and development of integrated thematic or topical units which are widely
used in preschools and elementary schools today.
Katz (1988, p. 45) reminds us that the data (Consortium on Longitudinal Studies,
1983) on childrens learning suggest that what is required in preschool and
kindergarten is an intellectually oriented approach in which children interact in
small groups as they work together on a variety of projects that help them make
sense of their own experience (p. 45). Topical units are ideal for integrating
learning across the curricular areas, creating an environment and climate that
facilitate childrens search for meaning, and supporting language development.
Early childhood educators need to develop and use integrated units which are
developmentally appropriate for preschoolers.
Creating a Thematic Unit
Integrated learning units usually center around a theme or topic, such as safety,
belonging, animals, or food. Often a piece of childrens literature is used as the core
of a unit. The following three steps are useful in creating an effective thematic unit.

Identify a Theme. The first step in designing an integrated unit is to identify a

theme and related subtopics. Questions to consider during this step include:

What do I hope the children will learn as a result of participating in this unit?

Is this a theme/topic about which children are naturally curious ?

Do the children have some understanding and background knowledge about

this theme?

Create Specific Activities. The second step involves brainstorming ideas for specific
activities within the theme. It is often helpful for two or more teachers to brainstorm
together. Consider questions such as:

What activities lend themselves to this unit?

Are all of the activities developmentally appropriate?

Are all of the activities meaningful and worthwhile? (The fact that an activity
is cute is not a good enough reason to include it.)

Implement the Theme. Finally, you are ready to implement the unit. Questions to
ask yourself include:

What will be an intriguing way to begin the unit?

Does the room need to be rearranged?

What resources (e.g., books, math and science manipulatives, guest

speakers) do I need?

How will we end it?

How will I evaluate the units success?

How will I assess childrens development?

Careful thought and planning are important. Reflection during and after the unit will

help you learn from and refine the unit for future use.

A Sample Thematic Unit

The following integrated thematic unit is centered on the book Mr Archimedes
Bath by Pamela Allen (1980). This well-loved picture book relates a legend of the
Greek mathematician Archimedes. It is said that Archimedes had been studying the
displacement of water. While Archimedes was turning the problem over in his
head, he chanced to come to the place of bathing, and there, as he was sitting
down in the tub, he noticed that the amount of water which flowed over the tub was
equal to the amount by which his body was immersed. This indicated to him a
method of solving the problem, and he did not delay, but in his joy leapt out of the
tub, and rushing naked towards his home, he cried out with a loud voice that he had
found what he sought. For as he ran he repeatedly shouted in Greek, heureka,
heureka (Clagett, 1968, p. 480).

First, it was decided to focus on the theme Asking Questions because this is
something young children naturally do, are able to understand, and have had
experience doing. The theme relates directly to the core book because scientists
and mathematicians, like Archimedes, ask questions. We hope children will learn the
value of asking questions and the value of looking for answers. Subtopics related to
water, bathing, and animals are included because of the books content.
In order to integrate the theme of asking questions into many different topic and
intelligence areas (e.g., spatial, musical, kinesthetic, interpersonal), the following
activities were created.

Water Levels. Fill clear basin or bowl three-quarters full of water. Mark the water
level on the outside with masking tape. Provide different size objects and have
children predict how the water level will change when they place each object in the
water. As children place objects in the water, mark the new level with tape. Guide
discussions to help children infer that mass influences the water level in the

Equivalency Measures. Use nonstandard capacity containers (e.g., plastic bowls,

cups, tops from hairspray cans) and have children estimate which contains the
same as the displaced water after the object is removed from the container.

Bath Rituals. Ask children to share their bath rituals by asking questions such as:

Who helps with your bath?

Do you have bath toys?

When do you take baths?

Eureka! and Other Words. Engage children in word play by asking them to share
words they use to express excitement, joy, and pleasure. Compile an experience
chart of their words.

Pool Play. Set up a plastic pool and let children mark the water level before they get
in and after. Ask them to dictate describing words as they play in the water. List
their words on an experience chart.

Art. Provide wet chalk and allow children to respond to the story by creating an
original picture. Try bubble art by adding food coloring to bubble mixture. Have
children blow colored bubbles and catch them on paper. As the bubbles pop they
leave a colored ring.

Sink or Float. Provide an assortment of objects which will sink or float. Allow children
to put objects in a container of water and then mark on a chart whether the objects
sink or float.

Animals. Provide a variety of books that describe the animals (i.e., goat, wombat,
kangaroo) shown in Mr. Archimedes Bath. Encourage children to look at pictures,
ask questions, and listen as information about the animals is read. Child care
centers with technology available can encourage children to use early childhood
software programs to learn more about the animals in the book.

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