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Bangladeshi Army Training Rohingya Terrorists on Border

Turkeys Islamist-controlled INCA News Agency has just released the videos and photos of BengaliMuslim terrorists from RSO (Rohingya Solidarity Organization) Kalarzoes receiving military training from
the Bangladeshi Army supported by local Bangladeshi authorities and politicians and mosque-Imams in
the area right next to Burma-Bangladesh border.
The military training of Bengali-Muslim terrorists has been going on for a long time and recently
intensified since OIC (Organization of Islamist Cooperation) with the financial support of Turkey and
Saudi Arabia established so-called Rohingya umberalla group ARU (Arakan Rohingya Union) in May
To cloak their terrorist operations with seemingly-legitimate Islamic political activities one and half a
dozen Rohingya militant groups have formed the ARU - Arakan Rohingya Union - with the initiatives of
Shan traitor Harn Yawnghwes EBO - Euro Burma Office in Brussels - and the International Islamic Mafia
OIC - Organization of Islamic Cooperation - at the OICs Jeddah HQ in 30-31 May 2011.
Bangladesh-trained and based RSO terrorists have been committing brutal cross-border raids inside
Burmas Arakan frequently. Their ambush on the Burmese police patrol inside Duchiyardan BengaliMuslim Village on 13 January 2014 was one of their most successful operations.
And the influential Rohingya Lobby in the West supported by MSF-Holland operating inside Burma has
managed to turn RSOs terrorist attack into so-called Duchiyardan Massacre of Bengali-Muslims.
One of their other successful terrorist operations was the kidnap and murder of three unarmed
Burmese military engineers near the border on November-6, 2012.
Both Bangladeshi Government and Rohingya lobby have been continually denying the RSOs atrocity
against unarmed Burmese engineer-soldiers.
But now the Turkeys INCA News has come out boastfully with the RSOs photos of those three
kidnapped Burmese soldiers.

That murderous ambush on Burmese Armys road-building crew on November 6 by Bengali-Muslim

terrorists from RSO (Rohingya Solidarity Organization), the OIC-supported and Al-Qaeda-affiliated
terrorist group based in Bangladesh, killed one engineering officer from Burma army.
The Rohingya terrorists have also kidnapped three Burma army soldiers and fled back into Bangladesh.
The cross-border terrorist attack took place in the Maungdaw Township of north Arakan.

The news leaked from the army circle in Maungdaw described the terrorist attack as an ambush on a 13men unarmed construction team from Burma Army General Engineering unit building the BurmaBangladesh Friendly Road on the borderline in the area known as Na-Sa-Ka Territory (1).
The Bengali-Muslim terrorists raided the construction site on yesterday about 6 in the evening and an
officer was killed and 3 unarmed engineering soldiers were captured. The rest of the 13-men crew
managed to escape. The three men are still missing and we think they were already killed, said a local
Buddhist from the Aung-tha-byay village in the area where the terrorist attack occurred.
The Burmese construction site raided was about forty miles from Maungdaw town and on the border
between Burma and Bangladesh. Following is the eyewitness account from a local Buddhist abbot who
heard the gunshots from the terrorist attack.
The site was in the area around Mile Post (1), (2), and (3) at the east of Bandoola in Upper Aung-thabyay. Everybody heard the gunshots and the army troops from Taung-byo immediately went there. At
about 9 in the night our army units fought off the RSO terrorists and that skirmish lasted for about 5
minutes. There were casualties on both sides but we dont know how many.
The raid happened during time the army soldiers were at the Mee-daik in the Na-Sa-Ka Territory (3)
helping the villagers celebrating the Buddhist ceremonies. The RSO terrorists knew that news and took
that opportunity to raid the unarmed engineering troops by the border, bastard Muslims, added the
abbot of the local Buddhist monastery.
Now after nearly sixteen months and after constant denial of that ambush the Islamists-controlled
Turkish newsagency INCA has boastfully published the photos of three Burmese engineering soldiers
admittedly kidnapped and their heads brutally chopped off by the RSO terrorists.
And the INCAs Islamist Turkish also published nearly four dozen photos of Bangladeshi Army training
the RSO terrorists inside Bangladesh territory near Burma-Bangladesh border.

Bangladeshi Army Training Bengali-Muslim Terrorists

The not-so-remote terrorist training camp is at Naikhongchari town in Bengladeshs Bandarban District
right across Maungdaw Township of Burmas north-Arakan. The heavily militarised border-District has
been tightly controlled by the 69th Infantry Brigade of Bangladeshi Armys 24th Infantry Division.
In addition six BGB (Border Guard Bangladesh) battalions the paramilitary forces formerly known as the
Bangladesh Rifles of Bangladeshi Army are also stationed right along the Burma border. And they all
have been constantly denying the decades-long existence of RSO terrorist camps in their territory right
next to our Burma.
But everything clandestine is now coming out into the open as Turkeys INCA had happily boasted of the
activities of the Islamist Jihadist Army labelled as Arakan Jihad Warriors on their news website recently.

And the emergence of Rohingyas Warrior:

Response to the massacres continued to grow, especially in the Islamic world. To establish an
independent Islamic state in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban, responsible for massacres in the world
that the US-led Western alliance as a gift Arakanese Muslims staged attacks.

While the massacre of Muslims in Burma, a group of Islamist fighters in Pakistan and Indonesia also
went to Burma said. In Indonesia, according to the news site broadcast fighters from other
countries, including Indonesia, and financial aid, weapons and fighters stated that they need to support.
Indonesian scholars the "Muslim sees great cruelty. Mujahideen are ready to jihad in Arakan Muslims in
Arakan currently made against the crisis jihad in Allah's way is the only thing. "The explanation.
Arakan Arakanese in the process of developing Islamic scholars to make jihad Islamist fighters out of a
lot of time before the photos were published for the first time.
Rohingya Muslims in Burma on the massacre of the Islamic fighters entering the country began to
organize attacks on Buddhist monks. The attack on a military convoy, as well as news arrived that a large
number of priests were killed. The injured have been released on the internet images of monks.


Bengali-Muslims Slaughtered Burmese Police In Maungdaw

Sergeant Aung Kyaw Thein

(Missing, presumed dead)

Hey, whatre you men doing there? Yelled suddenly Burmese police sergeant Aung Kyaw Thein at a
group of about 20 Bengali-Muslims just ahead as the slowly walking police patrol nearly ran into them in
the dark.
Time was about 10 in the night. In his torchlight beam were a group of Bengali-Muslim men suspiciously
waiting in the dark. His loud yell had apparently startled the Bengali-Muslim illegals commonly found in
this lawless part of Arakan in Western Burma.
Sergeant Aung Kyaw thein and his 4-men Security-Police patrol together with 4 civilian villageadministrative officials were doing their regular round to maintain law and order in the troubled border
region. At that moment they were right inside the wholly Bengali-Muslim village called Duu-chi-yar-dan.
Date was 13 January 2014.
Burmese Police Patrols Sudden Encounter with Bengali-Muslims
Suspecting something serious was going on the police patrol quickly approached the Bengali-men now
caught in their torchlight beams. Then suddenly 3 or 4 Bengali-Muslim men bolted into the dark.
Hey, dont run, we are police patrol, we wont harm you! Despite Sergeants loud yell the BengaliMuslim men quickly disappeared into the darkness like ghosts.
Were People-Police (Pyi-thu-ye) patrolling, yelled again Sergeant Aung Kyaw Thein at the rest of the
group of Bengali-Muslims and at the same time pointing his torchlight back on himself to show his police
uniform so that they would know he was a policeman as he shouted repeatedly.
Whatre you men doing here in this time of the night? Disperse and go back home right now. If
something bad happen it wouldnt be good for all of us,
Sergeant Aung Kyaw Thein asked the Bengali-Muslim men to go back inside their houses, but the
Bengali-Muslims wouldnt listen to him and just stared at the direction of their men disappearing into
the darkness while loudly yelling at each other in their own Bangladeshi language.
Hey, whatre you men staring at? Were asking you men to disperse for your own sake. Dont be too
loud this late. Go back home. Now is middle of the night, Sergeant Aung Kyaw Thein kept on telling the
Bengali-Muslin men to disperse and go home.
Then suddenly they all heard loud yells and saw the distant shadows of a large crowd yelling loudly and
rushing towards them policemen.

Armed Bengali-Muslim Mob Attacking Burmese Police Patrol

In the soft moon light Burmese policemen clearly and alarmingly saw the huge mob of Bengali-Muslim
men wielding swords and spears and long sticks rushing onto them. The Muslim mob was so large they
couldnt even count roughly how many Bengali-Muslim men were in the threatening mob.
Catch them, catch the motherfucking cops, dont let the pigs escape, get them, cut them up with
swords! yelling loudly the wild mob of Bengali-Muslim men as they rushed towards the small patrol.

One of the young policeman just behind the Sergeant Aung Kyaw Thein quickly lifted his 303 Lee-Enfield
rifle and pointed at the Muslim mob, but experienced Sergeant held down his rifle barrel and thus
stoping him from shooting wildly at the dangerously approaching Bengali-Muslim mob.
Hey, dont shoot, nobody shoot. If we killed some of them we could be in trouble later. Too difficult to
explain, just do not shoot!
Sergeant Aung Kyaw Thein was still trying to handle the situation peacefully even though he knew very
well the Bengali-Muslims clear intent to kill the police who are all Buddhists, Burmese and Yakhines.
Hey, were just a patrol, were not gonna do anything to you all, just halt, Sergeant Aung Kyaw Theing
kept on shouting at them Muslims to stop, but the Bengali-Muslims wouldnt stop and the mob was
getting closer and closer.

Eventually Sergeant Aung Kyaw Thein realized the very imminent danger and yelled back to his people,
Run, run, run for your lives, theyre gonna kill us all, and he then trying to slow down the rushing
Bengali-Muslim mob by shotting his M-22 rifle twice into the air but to no avail as the angry mob was
closing right onto him.
Once they heard his order all policemen and civilian officials turned back and ran for their lives as the
armed mob was almost upon them. In pitch black darkness they all had to run for their lives away from
the overwhelming Muslim mob.
Losing Police Sergeant Aung Kyaw Thein in Hostile Bengali Village
The small group of Buddhist policemen and civilian administrative officials on the run from the BengaliMuslim mob were separated into two groups on their desperate flight away from the hostile BengaliMuslim viallage.
Policeman Min Yan Naing, Kha-yay-myaing Village-Chief Maung Ba Htun, Kin-chaung Village Tenhousehold-chiefs Aung Than and Maung Thein Hla, and Duu-chi-yar-dan Village-tract Clerk Than Htun
Oo were the first group getting out through the east of Du-chi-yar-dan village towards the main
concrete road.

The second group with policeman Min Min Khaing and policeman Min Zaw fled through north-east of
Duu-chi-yar-dan towards Kha-yay-myaing Yakhine-Buddhist Village. Both group didnt know first that
their sergeant was caught by the Bengali-Muslim mob as he also was trying to flee.

Only after they all reached a seemingly safe place away from the Bengali-Muslim village they sat down
and counted and only then they realised their sergeant was missing.

Sa-yar-gyi, Sa-yar-gyi Aung Kyaw Thein, Sa-yar-gyi, the young policeman who was trying to shoot at
the mob and stopped by Sergeant Aung Kyaw Thein kept on calling out for his beloved sergeant into the

They didnt hear anything back as they all looked back worryingly onto the way they just escaped from
the Muslim mob. After a while they realised that their Sergeant wouldnt be coming back to them.

Im so sure, bastard Muslims got him and cut him down, said sadly the same young policeman with
tears coming down his cheeks, I cant believe that shit happened to him and us. I was even trying to
shoot at them motherfucking Kalars and he stopped me. He got killed by fucking Kalars because of that
order, fucking stupid.

By that time they had no other choice but to go back to their Kha-yay-myaing Police Outpost and report
the whole horrible incident to the authorities at Maungdaw Security-Police Headquarters.
Army and Police Reinforcement Arrived At Duu-chi-yar-dan
Once the emergency telephone call from Kha-yay-myaing Outpost was received troops from local army
battalion and more Security Police quickly marched towards Duu-chi-yar-dan Bengali-Muslim village and
reached there soon at about Midnight that night.
Once the Burmese security forces reached the northern vicinity of Duu-chi-yar-dan Muslim Village more
than 500 Bengali-Muslim men armed with swords and spears came out of the village and confronted
The Bengali-Muslim mob slowly crept up till they were only about 50 yards away from the point men of
the army troops. Burmese soldiers had to fire at least 8 times into the air till the Bengali-Muslim fled
towards the north. Almost all Bengali-Muslim men of Duu-chi-yar-dan ran away towards other BengaliMuslim villages nearby and left only women and children and some older men.
Burmese security forces then tightly surrounded the Bengali-Muslim village and in early morning next
day January-14 they started the slow process of searching the body and gun and equipment of missing
Police Sergeant Aung Kyaw Thein, and finding out what exactly happened there last night.
For first two days they found only bits and pieces of Sergeant Aung Kyaw Theins torn-up uniform and
equipment and pair of short-neck jungle-boot near the sentry-post inside the Muslim village as the
village women refused to co-operate with the police and soldiers.
Only after intensive interrogation and eventual confession of Mosque-guard Bu Ar-long (50) -- a son of
Baw-li Ar-long -- of the Village Mosque named Ismai Mosque the police investigators discovered on
January 17 the rest of the police uniform worn by Sergeat Aung Kyaw Thein from inside the rubbish hole
at the back of Ismai Mosque.

Also some parts of Sergeant Aung Kyaw Theins bllod-stained police equipment were discovered inside a
cloths drawers on the second floor of Arabic Madarassa near the Ismai Mosque. One of his empty bulletmagazine was also found in the rice field just outside of the Muslim village.

Islamist Terrorist RSO-Sponsored Attack On Burmese Police Patrol

So far 16 Bengali-Muslim men suspected of orchestrating the brutal attack on the police patrol in Duchi-yar-dan Bengali-Muslim Village were in police custody and they were helping with the
From them Burmese police now knew the solid fact that there were 19 Bengali-Muslim terrorists from
Bangladesh involving in the well-orchestrated attack on Burmese Security-Police patrol. The said
terrorist group led by K-Phike-Dullah (23) had recently attended a Mujarhidin Jihardist training camp
at the OIC-supported and Saudi-funded RSO (Rohingya Solidarity Organization) Headquarters in
neighbouring Bangladesh.
On January-3 this year the terrorist group sneaked back into Duu-chi-yar-dan Bengali-Muslim Village and
started giving small arm training to the Bengali-Muslim villagers at the village mosque and madrassar.
Two other Bengali-Muslim men who led the violent attack on police patrol were Abdul-Muna who had
entered Burma recently and Jaw-Bullah who was a convicted criminal spending two years in a Burmese
jail just few years ago.
The purpose of their ambush on Burmese police patrol was to discourage local authorities from entering
their Bengali-Muslim villages which are being used as hiding places for illegal immigrants from
Bangladesh and also the Bengali-Muslim criminals trafficking drugs and war weapons and also smuggling
other contraband across the border.
According to the police investigators eleven Bengali-Muslim terrorists out of nineteen totals were able
to cross back into Bangladesh on January-15 with the help from sympathetic Bangladeshi border guards
and Bangladeshi Islamists.
According to police informants they were handsomely rewarded by the terrorist group RSO for their
successful attack on the Burmese police patrol in Duu-chi-yar-dan and killing a Burmese police sergeant
and capturing his M-22 rifle and ammunitions.

Rohingya Solidarity Organisation


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