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IES Libertas. Torrevieja.

Departamento de Ingls

prepositions of time and place

1. Complete the sentences with: in, on, at.
a. I went to Paris in July.
b. We are leaving at five oclock.
c. There is a break in the afternoon.
d. Shes arriving on Monday.
e. Its very cold here at night.
f. I was born in 1993.
2. Write sentences using the Present Continuous tense, the information in brackets and a
a. play / golf / the afternoon. Im playing golf in the afternoon.
b. meet / Steve / Wednesday morning. Im meeting Steve on Wednesday morning.
c. go / to the bank / 10 a.m. / Friday. Im going to the bank at 10 a.m. on Friday.
d. start / new job /Monday. Im starting a new job on Monday.
e. visit/Egypt/December. Im visiting Egypt in December.
f. sell/my house/January 10th. Im selling my house in January 10th.
g. go/to Mexico/spring. Im going to Mexico next spring.
h. buy/new boat/2007. Im buying a new boat next 2007.
3. Write true answers to these questions.
a. What time do your lessons finish? My lessons finish at two in the afternoon.
b. What time do you get up on Sundays? I get up on Sundays at __________.
c. What month is Christmas? Christmas is in December.
d. When is your friends birthday? My friends birthday is in __________.
e. What time do you go to English class? I go to English class at __________.
f. What days do you do gymnastics at school? I do gymnastics at school on __________
and __________.
g. When is Easter this year? This year Easter is in April.
h. What time do you eat lunch? I eat lunch at __________.
i. What days do you watch TV a lot? I watch TV a lot on __________.
j. When was your mother born? My mother was born in __________.
k. What time do you go to bed on schooldays? I go to bed on schooldays at __________ in
the afternoon / at night.

1 E.S.O.

IES Libertas. Torrevieja. Departamento de Ingls

4. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use in / at / on + the words in brackets (...).

a. Where is he? In the kitchen.

b. Where are the shoes? In the box.
c. Where is the pen? On the box.
d. Where is the clock? On the wall.
e. Where is the bus? At the bus stop.
f. Where are the horses? In the field.
g. Where are they standing? On the balcony.
h. Where is he swimming? In the pool.
i. Where is he standing? At the window.
j. Where is the spider? On the ceiling.
k. Where is he sitting? On the table.
l. Where is the woman sitting? At the table.
5. Put in, near, on.
a. Dont sit on the grass. Its wet.
b. My sister lives in a village near Brussels.
c. What have you got in your bag?
d. Look! Theres a man on the roof.
e. There are a lot of fish in this river.
f. Our house is number 45. The number is on the door.
g. The cinema is near the supermarket.
h. I usually work in the city centre.
1 E.S.O.

IES Libertas. Torrevieja. Departamento de Ingls

6. Where are the people in the picture? Complete the sentences with behind, between, next to, in
front of.

a. Colin is standing behind Frank.

b. Frank is sitting next to Emma.
c. Emma is sitting in front of Barbara.
d. Emma is sitting between Donna and Frank.
e. Donna is sitting next to Emma.
f. Frank is sitting in front of Colin.
g. Alan is standing behind Donna.
7. Write sentences about the picture. Use the words in brackets (...).

a. (next to) The bank is next to the bookshop.

b. (in front of) The fountain is in front of the theatre.
c. (opposite) The bookshop is opposite the theatre.
d. (next to) The bank is next to the bookshop.
e. (near) Pauls office is near the supermarket.
f. (between) The bookshop is between the bank and the supermarket.

1 E.S.O.

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