Some English Idioms

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(AR) (EN) Some English

Idioms | Walid Nasif


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)( Come before the court

/ Come loose
Come round to someones place
/ Come to terms
Come to the point
/ Come up against a brick wall
/ Come up to expectations
/ Common ground
Concrete problem
Conspiracy of silence
Consult ones own interest
/ Contain oneself
/ / Cook someones goose

Cook the books

/ Covering letter
/ / Creak at the joints
Cross-country race
Cry for the moon
Cudgel/rack ones brain
/ Cut off a corner
/ Cut ones coat according to ones cloth
Cut the Gordian knot
/ / Daft
Damned from the start
Dawdle away the time
To commit acts of vandalism and pillage

Conduct espionage activities

Condemn Nazi war crimes against concentration camp inmates

Condone Serbs atrocities

Conduct autopsy

Conjure up a threat to his regime

Consider a libel suit against

Construct military installations in the Gulf

Confront racial segregation

Control his pent-up rage

Control all the levers of power

Convict him of premeditated murder

Convict him on charges of bigamy and fraud

Cook up a new accusation against

Control a rock-hurling mob

Crack down on the campuses

Create division and havoc in Turkey

Crush the uprising by force

/ Dead end
Dead on target
/ Dead as a doornail
Dead spit of
Deliver a judgement
Depart from tradition
Depressed area
Dice with death
Die in harness
Die in the attempt to
/ Dig ones heels in
Dip into a book

Dip ones hand into ones pocket

/ Dire need
/ Dirt-cheap
/ Dish
Distress warrant
Do it for kicks
Do it standing on ones head
/ Do someone in
Do something for a lark
Do something with ones eye open
Donkeys year
? ?Do you see any green in my eye
Dogged by misfortune
Dont argue the toss
! ! / !Dont get ideas
/ Dont hit a man when hes down
! !Dont jump guns
/ Dot ones Is and cross ones ts
/ / Double-dealing
/ Double Dutch
Down in black and white
/ / Down to earth
Down tools
! ! ! Drat
Draw in ones horns
/ Drive someone into a corner
Drive the point home
Drop a brick
/ Drop a line
/ Dying by inches
Eat dirt
/ Eat ones word

Err on the right side

Exhaust the subject
Explain away
I dont like the idea of someone (noising around) my life

She (playing the matter down)

Her policy and her attitude (sets her apart ) among this people

He stand up quickly in the meeting and (sounded up) about the matter

The girl (takes after) her mother s style in choosing clothes
He seems that he will (tear into) him angrily

He angrily (walked over) from the meeting

All the news paper (zeroed in on) the current badly economy

His parent punished him because he (acted up)
The officer trying to (beat about) any excuse for his negligence

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