Jainism Vs Buddhism

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Birth Place

Family members


Kings Who
followed Jainism

Contribution to
Literature and

Contribution to
Literature and





Adinathar; Vardhamana Mahavira(24th&last Thirthangara) Gave
strong foundation to Jainism.
To remove superstitious beliefs, unwanted religious rituals,
aste Discrimination
6th Century B.C.
24 Thirthangaras
Vardhamana Mahavira(B.C. 534 - B.C. 462)
Kundagramam, Near Vaishali Nagar, Bihar
Father: Siddartha
Mother: Trisala
Wife: Yasodha
Daughter: Priyadharshana

Three Gems or Triratna:

1. Right Belief
2. Right Knowledge
3. Right Action
The Five Doctrines(i.e Beliefs)
1. Ahimsa (Non - Violence)
2. Satya (Truth)
3. Asteya (Non Stealing)
4. Aparigraha (Non- Possession)
5. Brahmacharya (Celibacy)
Chandragupta Maurya, Kalingathu Karavelen,
Koon Pandian, Mahadevavarma Pallava I
Jains Religious Texts :
1. Angas
2. Purvas

Jains Grammar Work:

1. Sillapathikaram
2. Nannool
3. Tamil Nigandu
a. Chivagachintamani
b. Vallayapathi

Dilwara Temple(Rajasthan), Parshvanatha Temple, Adinatha Temple

(Both are at Kajuraho, M.P)
Udaiyagiri, Hathigumpa, Girnar, Sravanabelagola(Gomateswara
Statue), Kazhugumalai

1. Swetambaras (With Clothes)

2. Digambaras (Without Clothes)

Mahavira said, One should not harm others. Human beings are
responsible for their own problems. We should not harm any
living being. He preached a restricted life.He asked his followers to
his principles of Ahimsa or Non Violence . To attain the spiritual
goal the jains starved and subjected themselves to all bodily
Jainism insisted that they should not wage war or agriculture. Trade
and commerce was their occupation.

Founder: Gautama Buddha
Same as jainism
6th century B.C
No Thirthangaras
Gauthama Buddha (B.C 563 - B.C. 483)
Lumbini Vanam, Near Kapilavastu, Nepal
Father: Sudodhana(Sakhya Clan)
Mother: Mayadevi
Wife: Yasodhara
Son: Rahul
Principles on Suffering:
The Four Noble Truths:
1. Life is Full of sorrow
2. Desire is the cause of sorrow
3. Sorrow can be ended by giving up desire
4. The Eight Fold path is the way to end sorrow.
Principles on Conduct:
The Eight Fold Path:
1. Right Action
2. Right Belief
3. Right Effort
4. Right Living
5. Right Meditation
6. Right memory
6. Right Thought
7. Right Speech
Ashoka, Kanishka, Harshavardhana
The Buddhist Religious texts are called " Tripitakas". They are
1. Vinaya Pitaka
2. Sutta Pitaka
3. Abhidamma Pitaka

Buddhist Literature:
1. Manimekalai
2. Kundalakesi

Sanchi Stupa, Sarnath Pillar,Monasteries, Chaityas etc

No Sculpture
1. Hinayanas
a. Accepted Buddha's Principles and No idol Worship
1. The organization of Buddhist monks was called "Sangam".
2. Mahayanas
2. The Prayer Halls of the Buddhist monks ---- "Chaityas"
a. Worshipped Buddha as a God and Started idol worship.
3. Buddhist Monasteries ----- "Viharas"
4. Jataka Tales --- History of Buddhism, Jataka stories depicted at
Gaya, sanchi and Burcut
5. Ajanta, Ellore caves -- Describes the Fame of Buddhism.
6. Gandhara Art belongs to Buddhism.
7. Siddartha enlightened under Pipal tree at Gaya bacame Buddha.
(Buddha means: A person who knows what is good, what is bad and
what is suffering)
8. Buddha first sermon ----at Sarnath, at Benaras, U.P

Buddha said, Life is full of miseries. The reasons for the sufferings
are not because of fate or the deeds of our previous birth.
There are other reasons for sorrows.We should strive to
overcome sorrows by not being greedy, not telling lies and not
harming others.
To avoid miseries one should have right thinking, right speech
and right livelihood.
He opposed the caste discrimination. Man need not have any fear for
God, soul and
fate.One should depend on and live on his own ideas and knowledge.
We should show compassion towards animals, birds and Human

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