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Dummy Forms on Showcase

No t e b o o k:

First Notebook

Cre at e d :

8/2/2014 2:13 PM

Up d at e d :

8/5/2014 7:33 PM

phone no :- ( 10 )
test on 9043 env how to create web page with the deatails entering
adminkt username
pass :- Std

suggestion 2 : the url gets too slow if thr we submit contineous forms
Query :- While Changing password it is not accepting the name same as primary user name but
help text nither mentined that


Note:: Use below credentials for trying submission of test forms. You can navigate to application
check each screen. Try to understand the purpose of each group fields etc. Note down your queries
and send at end of the day.
You can try sample form submission with valid test data. Try to avoid use of special characters junk
data etc. You can use dummy email id with idmission domain; check for form links in dumpbox.
URL :: https://showcase.betterthancash.com/inform/#serviceSelection
Login :: matest-jb

Password :: our standard password
Security question answer :: same as password
Same activity to be carried out by Navratan, Surajit and Vikram. Come up with queries as much as
you have.

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