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Home > Tax Fraud Overview

Tax Fraud Overview

What is Tax Fraud?
Tax fraud occurs when an individual or business engages in illegal schemes intended to avoid paying
taxes mandated by the government. Both civil and criminal penalties may be assessed in tax fraud
matters. Tax whistleblowers [1] are entitled to a reward for reporting tax fraud and are also entitled to a
reward for reporting tax underpayments that are not the result of fraud. For an action to be considered tax
fraud, the IRS must be able to prove willful intent to engage in illegal methods with the express purpose of
withholding taxes from the federal government.

Actions Indicative of Tax Fraud

Businesses and individuals engage in a variety of different types of tax fraud [2] in order to avoid paying the
government rightfully owed taxes. These schemes often utilize a combination of the following actions in
order to make the underpayment seem legitimate:
Failing to file a tax return
Deliberately under-reporting or omitting income
Claiming false deductions
Hiding or transferring assets or income
Overstating the amount of deductions
Making false entries in records
Failing to report income earned in a stock exchange
Maintaining two sets of books
Misusing trusts
Abusing charitable deductions

The Tax Whistleblower Program

In 2006, Congress passed the Tax Relief and Health Care Act, providing a substantial reward for
informants whose knowledge of tax fraud helps the IRS recover a large sum of money. Tax whistleblowers
may receive between 15% and 30% of recovered taxes, penalties, and interest. To qualify for
consideration, the amount in dispute must be greater than $2 million in unpaid taxes, fines, interest, and
The percentage of your reward will vary depending on your contribution to the case. Therefore, in order to
maximize your tax reward [3], it is essential that you provide the IRS with detailed information and assist it
throughout every phase of the investigation.

Superior IRS Tax Whistleblower Representation

The lawyers at Kenney & McCafferty [4] specialize in tax whistleblower claims. We can help maximize the
recovery by the IRS while providing you with the greatest likelihood of receiving the maximum
whistleblower reward. We have handled tax whistleblower cases for more than a decade, and our firm has
obtained the first and only multi-million dollar tax reward since the changes in the Tax Whistleblower
statute in 2006. With our assistance, the IRS has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars, resulting in
substantial rewards for our clients.
Our lawyers possess a diverse background and we work with in-house accountants. Our firm includes a
former IRS Revenue Agent and a former Department of Justice tax prosecutor. We have the experience
necessary to ensure that your rights, and your reward, are protected.
If you have knowledge of tax fraud resulting in the underpayment [5] of more than $2 million to the IRS,
please contact [6] our tax whistleblower attorneys [7] today. Kenney & McCafferty will consult with you about
your case, without obligation. All communications with Kenney & McCafferty attorneys regarding your case
are confidential and protected by attorney-client privilege.
For information about securities fraud, please see information about the SEC Whistleblower Program [8].
Footer Cloud:
<p> This website is for informational use only. The content within these pages should not be perceived as
formal advice, nor does the understanding constitute a formal relationship.</p>

Kenney & McCafferty, P.C., (K&M), only provides legal advice after having entered into an attorney-client
relationship, which our website specifically does not create. Only after having entered into a written, signed
agreement with K&M is an attorney-client relationship created. Any electronic communication sent to K&M
may not be secure, and thus may be disclosed. Accordingly, we request that you do not send sensitive or
confidential information electronically. In addition, the sending of electronic mail to any lawyer or other
address identified in this website does not create a lawyer-client relationship. The contents of any such
mail are not privileged, unless the sender is a current client of K&M, and the communication is sent
pursuant to that attorney-client relationship.
2011 Kenney & McCafferty, P.C.

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