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11.Root canal disinfects types,propreties,efficacy ?

1. Phenols and their derivates

- Action: denaturation of bacterial protein and inactivation of bacterial enzymes;
toxic impact on apical periodontal tissues
-Properties: lost of antibacterial properties after 24 hours due to contact with
tissue fluids
-No longer recommend due to high toxicity-to-efficacy ratio

2. Essential oils
They have some antibacterial effects but also have a severe irritant impact
on periradicular tissues

3. Aldehydes

Formaldehyde, paraformaldehyde, glutaraldehyde

Action:Bacterial protein denaturation effective canal desinfectant
- Cytotixic
- Mutagenic
No longer recomended due to high toxicity-to-efficacy ratio

4. Halogens
1. Chlorine as active ingridient of NaOCl
2.Iodine compounds

Action: iodine binds to bacterial proteins, has oxidative influence through oxigen formation as
the result iodine reaction with water and hydrogen iodide formation
Application: intracanal dressing, iontophoresis
Specimens: iodine potassium iodide IPI= 2% iodine+4% iodine potassium+water, Lugol`s
attention: possible alergy

5. Quaternary ammonium compounds

They are compounds that lower the surface tension of solution
They have mildly effective disinfectants

6. Antibiotics and corticosteroids(applied only for 2-4

days)Polish book
has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect
nowdays example :1.Ledermix 2.siptomixine forte 3.pulpomine(dexadent)
metronidazole (bactircidal and increase PH)

7.Calcium hydroxide(most common)

-Most endodontopathogens are unable to survive in a highly alkaline environment of
calcium hydroxide - pH 12.5, therefore they are eliminated after a short period when
are in direct contact with this substance.
-The antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide is related to the release of hydroxyl
ions in an aqueous environment.
-This high pH provides a stimulus for tooth to repair itself in absence of bacterial
Their antibacterial effect is due to the following mechanisms:
damage to the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane
protein denaturation
damage to the DNA
intracanal dressing (temporary canal filling) for 1-3 weeks
unmatured teeth (not finished root canal development) - apexification
external resorption
internal resorption

time of treatment from 3 to 12 months

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