Victorian Masquerade Player's Guide

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Players Guide to

Victorian Vampire
Character Creation, Rules and
Setting Details
Lucien Doomdark

Introduction.................................................................................. 4
Part One: Character Creation........................................................5
First Steps.................................................................................. 5
Concepts.................................................................................... 5
Nature and Demeanour.............................................................7
Clans.......................................................................................... 9
Brujah..................................................................................... 9
Gangrel................................................................................... 9
Abilities.................................................................................... 18
Disciplines............................................................................... 20
Allies..................................................................................... 22
Contacts............................................................................... 22
Fame..................................................................................... 22
Herd...................................................................................... 22
Virtues and Humanity..............................................................24
Part Two: Rules............................................................................26
Standard Tests.........................................................................26


This guide is intended to help you through various aspects of our
Victorian Vampire chronicle, set in a fictional British city: Edcaster
in the year 1897, from character creation and game rules to
setting and history. The Victorian period (1837 1901) is one of
the founding settings in Gothic literature: fogbound streets,
flickering gas-lamps and mysterious monsters coming out of the
mist. In this campaign, youll be playing one of these monsters: a
vampire based on White Wolfs: Vampire: The Masquerade
setting and their Minds Eye Theatre: Laws of the Night rules.
While owning a copy of the books is likely to be very helpful (in
particular; Laws of the Night, The Camarilla Guide and Dark
Epics), it shouldnt be necessary to play the game as this guide
abbreviates much of their content as a quick reference guide but
be aware that in many cases we will default to the rulebooks and
in others, we will utilise the amended rules here (itll be noted
where we do so rather than arbitrarily deciding and what to
In 1837, Queen Victoria ascended to the throne ruling. During her
reign, Englands population rose significantly from almost 17
million people in 1851 to 31 million at the end of Victorias reign
in 1901. In addition, the British Empire was one of the most
significant global economic powers with interests across the face
of the planet. Public health improved, social care became an
increasing force in the public consciousness, Darwin published
his Origin of Species but equally, 1897 begins with the punitive
Benin Expedition, one of the great atrocities of colonial Britain,
and although child labour laws are now in place; the gap between
the rich and poor. It is important to remember that the Victorian
world is as much one of fabulous progress and optimism as it
monstrous hypocrisy and decadence. Within less than twenty
years, the world will be set afire by the First World War and will
change radically beyond anything that has gone before.

The Players Guide is divided into sections: Part One deals

with character creation; Part Two explains the rules of the game
and some explanation into the downtime system, and finally Part
Three is a brief guide to Victorian England and Edcaster in
particular. In addition, there is an Appendix which you can print
out as a quick reference for Disciplines: the unique powers all
vampires possess.

Part One: Character Creation

First Steps
Creating a character in Victorian Masquerade is relatively simple.
To start with, youll need a piece of paper, a pencil and a little
imagination and a pinch of research (to get you started, see Part
Three). Character creation takes place in stages beginning with
defining your concept and choosing a clan, assigning character
traits and finally rounding out the characters vampire powers.

This is perhaps the most difficult aspect of character creation but
it is also the most fundamental to the game. Concepts
encapsulate who or what your character was before they became
a vampire, it might add insight into why they were chosen to be
turned or it may help the Storyteller create personal plot for your
character and improve and enhance yours and others play.
Jot down a few words or phrases that might describe the type of
character you want to play. Brainstorming a few ideas might also
help you nuance what might otherwise be a two-dimensional
character, but dont worry, most characters find depth through
character creation and ultimately through play.
For example, Dave sketches out a character using a massively
pretentious graphic (shown below). Hes interested in creating a
character based upon the intellectual writers and social
reformers of the time such as George Bernard Shaw or Oscar
Wilde. He starts off with an idea of playing a neonate (a term for
a young vampire) who might be familiar with the Communist
Manifesto and filled with big ideas about changing the
Camarillas hierarchical structure.

He jots down his initial idea that of socialism and draws off lines
denoting ideas that connect as they come to him. Marxism he
writes off and while likes the idea of the Fabian Society, the idea
of a subversive artist appeals. Figuring he might as well take the
stereotype further, Dave jots down Homosexual and in short
order, Dorian Gray considering a character with a dark secret or
high-ranking position?

Nature and Demeanour

Secondary to coming up with a Concept is the assignment of a
Nature and Demeanour, these describe somewhat your
characters personality and the way they interact with others
respectively. They are drawn from a list of archetypes but
frequently its easier to assign them after a session when you
have found the characters voice and manner somewhat.
However, they are important: acting according to your
characters Nature allows them to recover a lost Will Trait
(see ). On the other hand, other characters can use your
characters Nature against them in order to manipulate them
into doing things.
This list summarises briefly the various Archetypes that you could
choose to describe your characters Nature and Demeanour:
Autocrat You want to take charge since nobody else can do
the job right.
Architect You hope to leave a lasting legacy, to build
something for the future.
Bon Vivant Only a good time assuages your empty existence.
Bravo Other people only get in your way of doing things.
Caregiver You protect and comfort others.
Celebrant You find that joy springs from your overriding
Child - You need others to nuture and help you.
Competitor Everything is a contest; you plan to win.
Conformist - You take the lead and cues from someone else,
letting others handle the responsibility.
Conniver Theres no point doing it yourself when you can get
someone else to put in the effort.
Curmudgeon Nothings perfect, everything sucks and you
make sure everyone knows it.

Deviant Normal? You have no use for social norms and mores.
Director - You feel an overriding need to impose order.
Fanatic You hold to your ideals with zeal unmatched by
Gallant Everything you do is geared towards flamboyance
and excess as you need the attention.
Judge You have a deep sense of right and wrong, and you
seek justice guided by your principles.
Loner You dont belong, either through choice or by design.
Martyr Everyone benefits when you shoulder the burdens of
your ideals.
Masochist You test yourself through suffering and find
meaning in enduring hardship.
Monster You serve a purpose, as a bad example.
Pedagogue Everyone can learn from your example and
experience; you were born to teach others.
Penitent You must atone for your sins.
Perfectionist Everything you do must be flawless.
Rebel You must bring down the system.
Rogue First and foremost, look out for number one.
Survivor Nothing stops you; your drive to pull through is
Thrill-Seeker Youre always after the next high, by pushing
danger to the edge.
Traditionalist The old ways are the best ways so you preserve
and protect them.
Trickster Existence is absurd, fill it with laughter to dull the
Visionary A goal fills your mind and your dreams bring faith
to others.
Continuing the example above, Dave decides that his character
is probably a Rebel by Nature, but has difficulty deciding which
to choose for his characters Demeanour. After a session or two,
Dave finds that his character, while mannered is quite

aggressive, so decides that his character is something of a




In the world of Vampire: The Masquerade, vampires are divided

into clans that each have unique strengths, powers and
weaknesses. In addition, the various clans stereotype each other
horrendously; a fact that some savvy vampires use to their
advantage. In this game, there are seven main clans forming
confederacy known as the Camarilla, who are discussed below,
and four clans who considered Independent. You cannot change
your clan in play as it is a permanent aspect of the curse of
vampirism. Each of the main clans Strengths, Weaknesses and
Disciplines (vampire powers), are described here:
The Brujah are sometimes known as the Rabble by the other
clans and certainly the younger members do seem extremely
fractious. However, they all share a passion for causes and ideals
that frequently consumes them in unfortunate losses of control.
Nonetheless, the clan is one of the staunchest supporters of the
Camarilla even if frequently they disagree on a few things
regarding policy and philosophy.
The Brujah need a means of expression for their causes and as a
result find mortals with similar bents and tastes to their own.
They gain one trait of either: Political, University or Street
Influence for free at character creation (see below for more on
Influences). Furthermore, they also gain one free trait of:
Politics, Academics or Streetwise Ability (see below for
However, the Brujah passion is frequently their undoing. When
taking a Virtue Test to resist anger frenzy, a Brujah character is
considered to be one trait down.
Celerity Supernatural speed
Potence Supernatural strength

Presence Inhuman power over the emotions of others


Commonly referred to as Animals by the other clans, the Gangrel
are primal and deeply connected to their inner Beast in a way
other vampires are not. They are generally solitary predators and
frequently spend a great deal of time in the wilds dodging
Lupines and living off the land. Frequently, they ignore the
politics of the undead in order to focus on the hunt for fresh
Time apart from others and away from civilisation, leads to a
hardy, sharper vampire better able to live off the beasts that
inhabit the wilderness, thus the Gangrel clan all gain the Animal
Ken and Survival Ability traits for free at character creation.
Regrettably, the Gangrels unique relationship with their inner
Beast manifests itself in their personal appearance. Every time
an Animal frenzies (loses control of themselves to the Beast),
they gain one of the: Bestial, Feral or Repugnant Negative
Social Attributes (see below for more details on Attributes).
However, no character can earn more than five Negative Social
Attributes through this weakness. This weakness must be
shown either by wearing a badge with the traits written on it or
through make up, costume or some other phys-rep.
Animalism The ability to communicate and control beasts
Fortitude Supernatural toughness
Protean Shape changing powers
With a name like the Lunatics, the Malkavians have a heavy
burden to bear. While respected for their insights and wisdom,
they are more often shunned and rejected for their insanities.
Every Malkavian has some sort of eccentricity and although those

members of the clan with mild problems are considered

acceptable to Camarilla society; frequently, those with more
severe problems are not.
Malkavians madness enables them to see the world through
different eyes. Like the oracles of ancient times, the clan can
often interpret omens and signs from the world around them.
Therefore, all Malkavians begin play with a free trait in the
Awareness Ability.
Despite their almost supernatural perception, the clan are known
as the Lunatics for a very good reason as each of them is
irredeemably insane. All Malkavians begin play with a
Derangement, which should be discussed and approved with the
Storyteller beforehand. A Derangement has a roleplaying and
mechanical effect on your character and unlike any flaws gained
through play cannot be removed (although it can be suppressed
for an hour by spending a Will Trait).
Auspex Superhuman senses
Dominate Inhuman power over the wills of others
Obsfucate The ability to hide yourself from others
The Sewer Rats are possibly one of the more unfortunate clans of
the Camarilla as they are forced to be apart from the rest of
humankind by their appearance. Each of the Nosferatu clan is
hideous and deformed, however, they are regarded as superior
information-brokers by the Camarilla and have an unerring
tendency to find things that might have been flushed away
The Nosferatu eke out an unliving away from prying eyes, usually
they are found deep within the sewers of any given Camarilla14

held city. They gain both one free trait of both the Stealth and
Survival Abilities for free at character creation.
Of all the clans, apart from possibly the Gangrel or the
Malkavians, the Nosferatu are definitely characterised by their
most visible weakness. Each member of the clan gains three
Repugnant Negative Social Attributes at character creation,
and can never acquire the Alluring, Gorgeous or Seductive Social
Attributes at any time. Finally, a Nosferatu cannot initiate a
Social Challenge (see below), without some form of disguise,
except to intimidate others.
Animalism The ability to communicate and control beasts
Obsfucate The ability to hide yourself from others
Potence Supernatural strength
The Toreador clan mingle with artists, socialites and various
creative types, as well as those other parasites that that kind
attracts: critics, patrons and hangers-on. Their interest in the
finer things in unlife has led other clans to label them as the
Degenerates, a slur rarely heard in the clans presence given
their influence in mortal circles.
The Toreador are connected to many of the finer institutions that
make up mortal society. As a result, they gain two free traits out
of a choice of Academics, Crafts, Performance or Subterfuge
Abilities at character creation. Furthermore, the Toreador can
bid these traits and time-out for 15 minutes in order to tap their
circles as if they possessed the Herd Background (see below).
Unfortunately, the delicate sensibilities of the Toreador are their
undoing. They are entranced by beauty and must spend a
Mental Attribute to resist the reverie; although, the trance can

be broken by a distraction as simple as a nudge or as violent as

an assault. Artworks or performances that have had more than
three traits of the relevant Abilities invested in them count as
Auspex Superhuman senses
Celerity Supernatural speed
Presence Inhuman power over the emotions of others
Witches first, vampires second, as closely-knit as any mystical
order, the Tremere clan seeks temporal and occult power and
each member will fight for those goals. Of course, each member
of the clan has different interpretations in just how to do so. The
Tremere are ambitious; for example, their leader was not turned
into a vampire by another but stole it through his magics.
The Tremere take education and understanding seriously beyond
their own blood sorcery. Every member of the clan receives the
Occult Ability and the Occult Influence for free at character
Alas, the Tremere demand loyalty from all of its members and are
not careless enough to trust its rank and file. Every member of
the clan is one step towards a full blood bond to the Council of
Seven, the clan founders original advisors, and the elders and
ideals of the clan as a whole.
Auspex Superhuman senses
Dominate Inhuman power over the wills of others
Thaumaturgy Vampiric blood magic

Perhaps the staunchest supporters of the Camarilla, the Nobles

see themselves as the rulers and leaders of the sect and in many
respects, they are essentially correct. The Ventrue have rarefied
tastes and gravitate to the top of mortal institutions such as
banks, the police and even the British aristocracy. Unsurprisingly,
a number of Camarilla Princes are Ventrue, but they generally
excel whatever their station.
The Ventrue ensure their childer are well taken care of and every
member of the clan receives a trait of the Resources
Background, and a free trait of either Finance, High Society or
Political Influence for free at character creation.
Being part of the elite brings with it rarefied tastes. Every
member of the clan has particular feeding preference; this could
be blond men or Jewish women (but does not apply to drinking
vampire blood). Therefore, finding sufficient blood is frequently a
problem and Ventrue characters time-in with one less Blood
Fortitude Supernatural toughness
Dominate Inhuman power over the wills of others
Presence Inhuman power over the emotions of others
Dave has a number of choices for a clan for his vampire: Brujahs
love of causes appeal to him, a Malkavian zealotry might also be
interesting, the Toreadors love of art and creativity and the
Ventrues leadership could make for an interesting twist on his
character. Deciding that he finds the idea of a rogue artist
intriguing, Dave selects the Toreador clan and notes down his
choice of free traits: Academics and Performance as well as
the clans signature weakness and the in-clan Disciplines for
future reference.


The next step in creating your vampire is defining the core traits
and abilities of their personality, their physique and even their
mental capacity. Attributes are divided into three categories:
Physical, Social and Mental. At character creation, you assign
them in order of preference: primary, secondary and tertiary, and
select relevant traits from the list below. The number of traits you
can take is limited: you can select seven traits in your primary
category, five in your secondary category and only three in your
tertiary. You can choose to spend traits to take an Attribute
multiple times to represent a particular aspect of the character.







Dave decides that his Toreador is going to be a more intellectual

type of proselyte and selects Mental Attributes as primary,
Social Attributes secondary and finally, Physical Traits. Dave
selects Creative three times to represent his characters artistic
background, as well as Clever, Dedicated, Determined and
Knowledgeable spending his seven traits on Mental Attributes.
He then assigns his Social and Physical Attributes accordingly.

Next, you select your characters Abilities. These are skills and
talents at which your vampire particularly excels such as the arts
and sciences, sports or music, or even combat. At character
creation, you can select up to five Abilities, but you can choose to
take an Ability more than once to represent a degree of skill and
specialisation in an area.
You have a knowledge of the Humanities: History,
Philosophy etc. You are literate and capable of
reading and writing.

You have a better understanding of animals, their

reactions and behaviour, than other vampires.


You are capable in a variety of sports such as rugby,

football and cricket, or you could be a good runner
or sprinter.


You are aware of things going on around you and are

able to some degree sense the other things in this


You can fight unarmed.


You are capable of a means of artistic expression

through a physical medium. You must take this
Ability separately for every medium (i.e. Crafts
(Painting), or Crafts (Sculpture)).


You are capable of avoiding blows in combat.


You understand the feelings and motivations of



You know how to act in a given social situation, be it

a high society gala or a quiet pint in a seedy pub
down the docks.


You can get your point across through speech and



You understand how to manage money and make a



You can use a variety of guns. You must take this

Ability separately for every category of firearm (i.e.
Firearms (Revolvers), or Firearms (Rifles)).


You can threaten people into doing what you want.


You can observe a situation around you and look for

clues in an area as well as put them together to form
a coherent hypothesis.


You know the laws and legal system of one particular

area or field. You must take this Ability separately for
each type of law (i.e. Law (Kindred/Vampire), or Law


You inspire and manage others through skill or sheer



You can speak a different language. Every time this

Ability is taken you add another language to


You understand anatomy and how to heal others.


You can fight others with a variety of weapons in

combat. You must take this Ability separately for
each weapon type (i.e. Melee (Sword), or Melee


You understand, through study, the supernatural

things that share your world such as other, rarer,
clans or bloodlines of vampires.


You are capable of expressing yourself through an

ephemeral artistic medium. You must take this
Ability separately for each form of expression (i.e.
Performance (Acting), or Performance (Singing)).


You understand the workings of the political



You have knowledge of the Sciences: Mathematics,

Physics, Chemistry and Biology.


You understand how people keep other people out of

their property. You can apply this understanding to
circumvent that through lockpicking or other means.


You are skilled at passing undetected by others.


You understand the way of the street, you can find

your way around and you know how to act.


You are an accomplished liar and are good at

disguising your motives.


You can live, or otherwise, for an extended period in

the wilderness.

Every vampire has a unique powers and abilities. For a full
reference, see , where there are handy cut-out-and-keep cards
for each application. However, for simplicitys sake, Disciplines
are divided into three tiers: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. At
character creation, you may select three Basic Disciplines, of
which two must be from your clans preferences.
In addition, Disciplines must be bought in order. For example, you
must purchase Heightened Senses in order to buy Aura
Perception (both Auspex Basic Disciplines), and then your
character may purchase The Spirits Touch (the first
Intermediate Auspex power), when they have sufficient
Experience points (see below).

Many vampires retain or require connections to the mortal world.
These anchors are represented by Backgrounds and you can
spend five traits on these at character creation.
These are friends and acquaintances that might help your
character out from time to time. Mostly they are not used outside
of Downtime (see ), and will require a favour in return. Allies can
be purchased with traits as individuals or you can expend traits
to make an Ally more effective.
These represent a pool of individuals who your character can use
to find out about a particular area. Contacts can pass gossip or
information back to your character but are less reliable than
Allies or Retainers. However, they are more flexible and can be
directed into different areas in Downtime.
This represents an individual vampires residence and feeding
ground. Traits are allocated to a particular area that a character
has physical control over such as a rookery or slum, palatial
manor house with a number of tenants or even just a modest
townhouse in the burgeoning suburbs.
This Background represents celebrity. A character with one trait
of Fame might be well-known to a small section of society, while
a character with two traits might be a well-known music hall
performer or local worthy, and so on. Vampires as a general rule
tend to avoid the limelight but many were chosen to be turned
for their fleeting influence.
Many vampires maintain a stable of mortals from whom they
feed regularly. Taking this Background means you have accrued a
circle around you to draw blood from without having to hunt or

risk the Masquerade. Every trait invested can be used to get your
character an additional Blood Trait at time-in, or should they may
time-out for 15 minutes per trait to receive the equivalent
number of Blood.
This represents sway in a particular aspect of mortal life or
institution. Vampires compete heavily to control various areas for
a number of reasons such as the Masquerade or personal power.
There are number of Influences available listed below:


You have sway over some aspects of the local

government such as the Registrar of Births,
Deaths and Marriages or the Land Office.


You have connections and authority in a

religious group such as the Church of
England or one of the many Dissenter
churches or synagogues.


You can manipulate financial institutions such

as banks or adjust stocks and shares through
said bodies.


You have some control over the various

medical practitioners in the city and even
some of the charity hospitals in the area.

High Society

You are familiar with the trends and fashions

of the aristocracy and can often make your
way into the most private and intimate


You know whos making what and also have

some say and control in the nascent unions
and cooperative societies starting in this


You can get your way in legal proceedings

and can sometimes manipulate the outcome

of a case or levy a higher or lower sentence.


You are familiar with the local journals and

correspondents of national newspapers in
your area, and also the events in the Arts


You may know of or be able to hold some

levy over a secret society such as the
Freemasons and wrest some knowledge or
power from them.


You have the ear of the local constabulary

and can evade minor charges, keep track of
ongoing investigations or guide them to a


You know whats going on with things on the

street, frequently you can find things from
the local fences and make contacts with
various street gangs.


You have fingers in the docks, the railway or

even the canals and even the coaching inns.
You can find out whos going where and
cause problems in the system.


You know whos who on campus, whats

going on in the labs behind the scenes and
should you feel so inclined you can adjust
degrees and secure funding.

Some non-player characters may take an interest in your
character: teaching them, lending them status or other
temporary benefits. Mentors keep an eye out for your character
offering them help in some situations, however, they also expect
favours in return similar to Allies.

Assets, cash or money, Resources represent the financial
strength of your character. It will allow you to purchase
equipment in Downtime or during play, and generally
represents spending money that might be necessary for a
luxurious lifestyle that vampires frequently enjoy.
Servants and handymen are always useful and this Background
represents someone in the characters employ who can be used
to carry out tasks during Downtime and can be used to manage
other assets such as Influence or Contacts.

As a vampire, your character is descended from their clan
founder through the process of transformation. Allegedly, all of
the clans descend from Caine, who killed his brother Abel and
was cursed by God to become a vampire. Most vampires in the
19th Century are of 12th Generation, essentially 10 times
removed from the First Vampire (being bizarrely the First

Virtues and Humanity

Vampires struggle to maintain their self-identity in the face of
their need for blood and something called the Beast Within. This
is a problem all of their kind face in one form or another:
inhumane acts degrade the human identity and sense of self that
a vampire retains from their own life. Faced with hunger, fire or
anger, the Beast may take over and cause the individual to
frenzy and lose control. However, it can also take control
permanently should the human identity ebb away through a lack
of empathy and understanding of others.
In the game, this sense of self is represented over all by three
stats: Courage, Self-Control and Conscience. The latter two also
feed into Humanity, a vampires general sense of compassion
and sense of self in relation to others. At character creation, you
receive one free trait each in Courage, Self-Control and

Conscience, and then you must spend seven traits across those
three. Finally, you calculate your Humanity score by working out
the average of your Conscience and Self-Control ratings and
rounding up.
Each of these Virtue traits is rated from one to five. For example,
a vampire with a Conscience of one is practically inhuman and
completely without remorse, while a vampire with Self-Control of
three has a higher than average resolve in the face of trouble
and a vampire with a Courage of five traits would be almost
suicidally brave.

Part Two: Rules

Fortunately, the rules for Victorian Masquerade are deceptively
simple. While most times actions will be mediated by the
Storyteller, the person who runs the game and organises plot,
there will be occasion when characters might have to make tests
to decide whether they can carry out an action.
There are three kinds of test: Standard Tests, Simple Tests and
Static Challenges, and all of them work through the basic
mechanic of the paper-rock-scissors and bidding traits.

Tests and Challenges

Standard Tests
These are made against another player character when you wish
to do something to them. This could be as simple as combat or
using a Discipline on them. One player initiates the test by
bidding a relevant Attribute to the test: for example, when
launching an attack against someone you may bid a Physical
Attribute or using a Discipline might require a Mental or Social
Attribute. Next, the challenged player also bids a relevant trait
from their character. Its ideal to try incorporate this into your
roleplay to try and avoid breaking the immersion preferably
through narration.
Next, the players play paper-rock-scissors and the winner wins
the challenge. The loser loses the challenge and can no longer
use the trait they bid for the rest of the night. If the players draw,
then both sides must state how many traits they have in the
category from the trait they bid initially, starting with the
challenger. The player with less traits loses and the challenge is
concluded. Players are not obliged to announce all their traits in
order to preserve the tactical advantage.

Abilities can be used to retake a test that a player might have

lost initially if they are deemed to be relevant by the Storyteller.
The players then make the check again unless the defender can
use another relevant Ability to block the retest. This can only be
done once per challenge per Ability.

Due to age, potency and malice, many elder vampires are less
likely to lose to rank fledglings whove barely taken their first sip.
To represent this, there is a system called overbidding. If a player
character loses a test, then the player may declare an overbid
and bid another trait from the same category. Then the two
players must declare the number of traits they have in the
relevant categories starting with the overbidder. Should the
overbidder have double or more traits in the relevant category
then they can initiate another test. This can only be done once
per challenge.
Simple Tests and Static Challenges
These are tests against the Storyteller. Static Challenges follow
the same rules as Standard Tests but are against the
environment (the Storyteller), rather than other players. Simple
Tests are uncommon but occasionally required to activate a
Discipline. These are simply tests made against a Storyteller that
also win on a tie.
Simply, put these rules form the basic mechanics for tests made
during uptime play in Victorian Masquerade.

Part Three: Edcaster, Victorian Britain and

the Masquerade
Traditionally, the city was divided across the River that separates
The Church of St. William was originally founded in the 9th
Century by Danish Christians and was appointed to Cathedral
status in the 14th Century by the Archbishop of York. By the
Reformation, the Cathedral had become a major site of
pilgrimage with the growth of the port to the North Sea and the
relics of the prominent local saint: St. William of Edcaster,
canonised when the Church increased in status. Unfortunately,
the dissolution of the monasteries affected the church quite
badly and it is only recently that renovation in the southern
parish of Barchester has enabled a semblance of the original
woodwork to be restored to its former glory.
The current Bishop, his Grace John Greenwell, is a keen scholar
and antiquarian and takes particular pride in the Cathedral
library: one of the best surviving examples of its kind including
rare books by ecclesiastical scholars such as Alberic de Maulon,
as well as chronicles dating back to the citys earliest days. In
addition, the Treasury of the Cathedral largely escaped Henry
VIIIs purges. Finally, a number of staff tends to the populaces
needs and the site acts a focal point for a number of parish
priests in the city.
The docks have been the key to Edcasters success since the
12th Century and with the Industrial Revolution, the city has
been greatly enriched by the growth in trade with foreign parts.
The city is known as Edcaster, but few south of the river still call
it that. For the last twenty years, the south side has steered its
own course, away from the parent north. The coming of the
railway brought a new source of power while the north could
claim to be port city to the empire, the south became an

indisputably British powerhouse. Although wool for export passes

through the city on the way to the northern docks, the main
industry is meat. Cattle come in via the railway line to be ground
into corned beef, rendered into dripping or tanned into leather
nothing is wasted here, the south side is famous for it. Working
people flocked here, rather than to the more genteel side of the
river. The south side is a rough place made rich by people who
were not afraid to get their hands dirty. While far from lawless, it
has its fair share of corruption many gangs have bought
themselves a degree of respectability through a 'gentlemen's
agreement' with the authorities.
South of the river is divided into a number of districts:
An assortment of warehouses, workshops and sidings. The ideal
place for a surreptitious meeting, at night populated only by the
city's unwanted and desperate either newly arrived or looking
for escape.
South of the railway, with its own branch line, the south side
slaughterhouses are famous all over Britain. Cheap terraced
houses have grown up around the vast stockyards, making this a
thriving (if smelly) community and place of business. The man to
speak to here is Mr Rome, a fixer who holds most of the
legitimate and illegitimate commerce of the area under his sway.
East of the slaughterhouses, the city's rendering plants work day
and night. The wind off the North Sea carries the smell of blood,
bone and beef dripping across the rest of the south side. The
streets around hold hundreds of worker's families, easily
recognisable outside the district by their greasy hair another
sign of the district's grisly business.
Clustered to the west of the city's only major bridge, foreign
families too poor to live near the north side's prosperous docks
make their home. Many are in the employ of shipping companies
or the dockside authorities. This is a place where Scandinavians
rub shoulders with Indians and the Chinese it is the south's

most cosmopolitan area and a place where anything can be

bought for the right price and the Heifeng Consortium (silk
importers with connections on both sides of the river) are usually
Across Queen's Way from the immigrant district is the south
side's beating heart. The pubs, markets and wandering traders of
the city are found here. A place that seems never to sleep, the
bustle of the crowds rarely fades, the din of the merchants
replaced with the laughter of music hall audiences and the roar
of the crowd at Two-Ton Tony's boxing matches after the sun goes
South Edcaster made its breach with the north nearly ten years
ago. The Brujah, with their mortal allies among the working
people, made a claim for dominion over everything south of the
river. With the support of the Tremere, they made it stick. To this
day the Tremere have not explained their decision, not even to
the Prince. They make few demands of the Brujah rulers, making
peace an easy thing.
It is perhaps typical of Brujah enlightenment that the Prince of
the city is a woman. Frances Hardy was a variety artist as a
mortal and shows similar versatility as a kindred ruler. She is
known to be firm but not without charm. Relations between north
and south could be much more fractious.

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