642 Subject Index

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Subject index

power (cont.)
supply, 464
regulated, 465
ripple, 422, 425, 465, 467
switch, 561
transfer, 1613, 194
transfer matching, Spice simulation, 162
transfer simulation, 1623
powers, 32, 43, 74, 84
Poynting vector, 100, 109
primary (transformer), 332
precession, 26
Preece, William, 580
Probe macro, 516
probe, oscilloscope, 398
propagation constant, 302, 582
proportion and ratio, 47
proportional gain, 273, 275
PSpice functions, 598
ABM, 57, 599
ABMI, 524, 578, 589
ABS(x), 383
AGND, 598
AVG(x), 288, 422, 606
AVG(x,d), 606
CCCS (F device), 601
D( ), 321, 375, 532
DDT, 31920
DIFF, 273
GAIN, 273
GLAPLACE, 327, 603
GLOBAL, 539, 604, 608
GVALUE, 308, 31920
INTEG, 273
IPWL, 255, 256
ISIN, 511
ITL1, 599
ITL2, 599
ITL4, 222
K_LINEAR, 335, 550
M(x), 383, 422
MULT, 609
P(x), 532, 540, 602
PARAM, 604
PWR(x, y), 524
RELTOL, 386, 598
RMS(x), 606
SGN(x), 256, 383
SUM, 273, 609
TCLOSE, 568, 608

TEMP, 371
TIME, 569, 604
TLUMP, 583
TNOM, 307
TOPEN, 568, 608
VCCS (G device), 308, 319, 371, 589
VCVS (E device), 601
VNTOL, 598
VPULSE, 446, 557
VPWL, 163, 220
VSIN, 53, 285, 387, 445
VSRC, 596
YX, 610
ZX, 162, 557, 600
a.c. simulation, 53, 607
ako, a kind of, 429
analog operators and functions, 6023
analysis options, 222, 307, 383, 386
attribute display, 607
averaging, 606
bias display, 165
bias levels, 607
B(K1), 256
current-controlled switch, 608
current direction, 602
current markers, 603
current source, 608
d. c. sweep, 607
display preferences, 606
edit model, 600, 608
edit symbol, 602
nal time, 53, 596
oating node, 599
Fourier display, 53, 607
global parameter, 608
increment, 308
inductor, 599
.ini le setup, 606
initial condition, 82, 589
interval, 246
k break, 256
Laplace parts, 603
libraries/include les, 6089
linear displays, 605
log displays, 605
Magnetic. lib, 255
magnitudes, 610
mathematical functions, 603
model parameters, 609
models and subcircuits, 607
multiply, 609
net names, 604
noise analysis, 246
noise generator (PWL), 249, 285
noise syntax/variables, 248
NO PRINT DELAY, 257, 596

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