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The Catacombs of Gruesome Malice

Level 18


Dungeon Walls

Hewn Stone (Athletics DC 20 to climb)

Dungeon Floor

Smooth Stone



Shadowy (phosphorescent fungus every 20 ft.)

4 x Rockfire Dreadnought (mm 104, 2000 xp), wandering senselessly


Room #1

4 x Rockfire Dreadnought (mm 104, 2000 xp), wandering senselessly

2 x Aboleth Overseer (mm 8, 4000 xp), returning to their lair with plunder

7 x Cloaker Lord (mm3 35, 2000 xp), searching for an object stolen from
their lair

1 x Elder Black Dragon (mm 75, 10000 xp), wandering senselessly

6 x Medusa Shroud of Zehir (mm 187, 2000 xp), wandering senselessly

3 x Mind Flayer Mastermind (mm 188, 4000 xp), hunting for food

Room Features

Tar slicks (targets of forced movement must save or be slowed until the end
of their next turn), Several square holes are cut into the ceiling and floor
6 x Slaughterstone Eviscerator (mm2 186, 2000 xp)
Treasure: Large Tapestry (16500 gp); +4 Ki Weapon (phb3 201, 85000 gp)
Kukri (av 9), 4 x Elixir of Water Breathing (mme 94, 3400 gp), 8 x Vortex
Stone (av2 88, 3400 gp); hoard total 142300 gp

Room #2

Room Features

Room #3

Room Features

Wall of flame (provides concealment, deals 1d10+7 fire damage), A stone

ramp ascends towards the north wall
3 x Ghost Beholder (mm3 23, 4000 xp)
Spinning Blades (Perception DC 20 to find, Thievery DC 25 to disable, Init
+2, Close burst 1, Attack +23 vs. AC, Damage 2d8+7, 2000 xp)

Part of the east wall has collapsed into the room, A carved stone statue
stands in the east side of the room
2 x Fomorian Painbringer (mm 110, 4800 xp) and 2 x Fomorian Warrior (mm
110, 3200 xp)
Treasure: 204 pp, 27200 gp; 3 x Large Alexandrite (8700 gp each); Ivory
Pedestal (17800 gp); +4 Breaching Armor (av 43, 85000 gp) Feyhide Armor
(av 7), 8 x Blinding Bomb (av 26, 3400 gp); hoard total 203700 gp

Room #4

Room Features

Room #5


Ladder to suspended walkway, A stream of acid flows into the room through
a hole in the ceiling

3 x Greater Helmed Horror (mm 155, 2000 xp)

Treasure: 18700 gp; Fine Aquamarine (9400 gp each), Fine Violet Garnet
(9400 gp each), 3 x Large Deep Blue Spinel (8900 gp each); 4 x Slow-Step
Oil (av 29, 3400 gp); hoard total 77800 gp

Room #6

Room Features

Room #7

Room Features

Scaffolding (Acrobatics or Athletics DC 10 to climb), Fathomless chasm

6 x Fire Giant (mm 123, 2000 xp)

Entropic altar (healing is only half as effective), Part of the ceiling has
collapsed into the room


Javelin Turret (Perception DC 25 to find, Thievery DC 20 to disable, Init +2,

Target 1 creature within 10 squares, Attack +23 vs. AC, Damage 2d8+7,
2000 xp)

Hidden Treasure

Hidden (Perception DC 30 to find) Trapped and Locked Iron Chest (Thievery

DC 15 to unlock, Strength DC 30 to break, 60 hp)
Arrow Trap (Perception DC 20 to find, Thievery DC 20 to disable, Singleshot, Target 1 creature within 10 squares, Attack +23 vs. AC, Damage
4d10+7, 500 xp)

3 x Black Pearl (9200 gp each); 3 x +4 Attention-Stealing Bullet (av2 26,

3400 gp), +4 Elven Battle Armor (phb 230, 85000 gp) Feyleather Armor (phb
214), +4 Freezing Bolt (av2 27, 3400 gp), Martial Practice Book (Use Scroll
(mp2 153, 1000 gp), Survivor's Assurance (mp2 151, 4500 gp), Feign Death
(mp2 149, 275 gp), Handle Steed (mp2 150, 275 gp)), Phantom Chaussures
(av 129, 85000 gp), Silver Sand (av2 88, 3400 gp); hoard total 215600 gp

Room #8

Room Features

Shadowmere floor (creatures knocked prone are trapped in a mirror world),

A grinding noise can be heard in the north-east corner of the room
5 x Iceshard Blaster (Perception DC 25 to find, Thievery DC 20 to disable,
Single-shot, Close blast 2, Attack +21 vs. Reflex, Damage 3d10+6 cold, 500

Room #9


Room #10


Room #11

Room Features

A narrow ledge runs along the south and east walls, A large demonic idol
with ruby eyes sits in the south-west corner of the room

Room #12

Room Features

Blood-soaked altar (attacks score a critical hit on a natural 19 or 20),

Someone has scrawled "It is awake" on the west wall

Room #13


6 x Gibbering Abomination (mm 126, 2000 xp)


7 x Banderhobb Abductor (mm3 19, 2000 xp)


Room #14


7 x Falling Cage (Perception DC 20 to find, Thievery DC 25 to disable,

Single-shot, Target 1 creature, Attack +21 vs. Reflex, the target is
restrained (Athletics DC 25 to escape), 500 xp)

1 x Elder Black Dragon (mm 75, 10000 xp)

Treasure: 6800 gp; 2 x Large Golden Yellow Topaz (7800 gp each); Bronze
Chainmail (16500 gp), Silver bound Book (blank) (17900 gp); +4 Armor of
Cleansing (av 40, 85000 gp) Wyrmscale Armor (phb 214), +4 Defensive
Armor (phb3 198, 85000 gp) Earthhide Armor (av 7), 3 x Silver Sand (av2
88, 3400 gp); hoard total 237000 gp


Room #15

Room Features

Room #16


Room #17

Room Features

2 x Frostcyst Burster (Perception DC 20 to find, Thievery DC 20 to disable,

Single-shot, Close burst 3, Attack +21 vs. Fortitude, Damage 3d10+6 cold
and the target is weakened until the end of its next turn, 500 xp)

Ice clouds (provides concealment, deals 1d10+7 cold damage), An iron

sarcophagus sits in the west side of the room

6 x Banderhobb Abductor (mm3 19, 2000 xp)

A balcony hangs from the east wall, Skeletons hang from chains and
manacles against the south and west walls
6 x Fire Giant (mm 123, 2000 xp)
Treasure: 442 pp; Deep Blue Spinel (9300 gp each), 3 x Fine Aquamarine
(8400 gp each); Banded Agate Stele (17600 gp), Dragonscale Belt (17100
gp), Porcelain Vase set with Amethyst (16200 gp), Small Tapestry threaded
with Copper (16200 gp); 6 x +4 Reaving Bullet (mme 36, 3400 gp), 4 x
Clinging Essence (mme 130, 3400 gp), Serpentine Bracers (av2 55, 85000

Clinging Essence (mme 130, 3400 gp), Serpentine Bracers (av2 55, 85000
gp); hoard total 264800 gp

Room #18


Room #19

Room Features
Hidden Treasure

Hail of Blades (Perception DC 20 to find, Thievery DC 25 to disable, Init

+2, Close burst 8, Attack +23 vs. AC, Damage 1d10+7, 2000 xp)

A tile labyrinth covers the floor, Several pieces of rotting wood are
scattered throughout the room
Unlocked Iron Chest (Strength DC 25 to break, 60 hp)
Large Golden Yellow Topaz (9100 gp each), 2 x Violet Garnet (8400 gp
each); Small Tapestry threaded with Copper (17300 gp); +4 Rod of
Resurgent Valor (phb2 206, 85000 gp); hoard total 128200 gp

Room #20

Room Features

Summoning circle, Tar slicks (targets of forced movement must save or be

slowed until the end of their next turn)
5 x Incunabulum Inquisitor (ud 147, 2000 xp)
Treasure: 8 x Brightleaf (av 193, 3400 gp), Crown of the World Tree (av
140, 85000 gp), 6 x Elixir of Defense (mme 92, 3400 gp), Fire Horn (phb2
210, 85000 gp); hoard total 217600 gp

Room #21


Room #22

Room Features

Room #23

Room Features

Room #24

Room Features


Symbol of Insanity (Perception DC 25 to find, Thievery DC 25 to disable,

Init +2, Close burst 9, Attack +21 vs. Will, Damage 1d10+7 psychic, 2000

Fiery brazier (Strength DC 10 to knock over, deals ongoing 5 fire damage),

An iron chandelier hangs from the ceiling in the south side of the room
Flooding Room (Perception DC 25 to find, Thievery DC 20 to disable, Init
+2, Round 1 the room becomes difficult terrain, Round 2 all creatures are
swimming, Round 3 all creatures are swimming underwater, 2000 xp)

Anchor Stone (move at least 2 squares per turn or become immobilized,

save ends), Various torture devices are scattered throughout the room
2 x Mind Flayer Mastermind (mm 188, 4000 xp) and 7 x War Troll (mm 254,
1000 xp)

A magical idol in the south-east corner of the room conjures a vial of

poison for whomever offers a prayer to a god of death (but only once),
Someone has scrawled a large X on the west wall
2 x Ghost Beholder (mm3 23, 4000 xp)
Treasure: 42500 gp; 3 x Large Alexandrite (8900 gp each); Ermine Pouch
set with Brown-green Garnet (17700 gp); +4 Addergrease Armor (av 39,
85000 gp) Feyhide Armor (av 7), +4 Boar's Charge Totem (av2 43, 85000
gp), +4 Orb of Forceful Magic (mme 45, 85000 gp), +4 Staff of the Evader
(phb3 211, 85000 gp), Arcane Ritual Book (Far Sending (mp 150, 4200 gp),
Plane Shift (mp 150, 17000 gp), View Object (phb 314, 17000 gp)) (total
38200 gp); hoard total 465100 gp

Room #25

Room Features

Mercurial Altar (creatures may shift their speed as a move action), The
walls are covered with veins of metal
2 x Mind Flayer Mastermind (mm 188, 4000 xp)
Treasure: 2 x Large Violet Garnet (9500 gp each), Violet Garnet (8200 gp
each); 4 x +4 Summoning Bolt (av2 28, 3400 gp), +4 Vengeful Spirit Totem

each); 4 x +4 Summoning Bolt (av2 28, 3400 gp), +4 Vengeful Spirit Totem
(av2 47, 85000 gp), Elixir of Accuracy (av 186, 3400 gp); hoard total
129200 gp

Room #26

Room Features

Barred partition walls (provides cover, Strength DC 20 to break), A faded

and torn tapestry hangs from the north wall
2 x Mind Flayer Mastermind (mm 188, 4000 xp) and 4 x War Troll (mm 254,
1000 xp)
Treasure: 2 x Fine Violet Garnet (9500 gp each); 7 x +4 Space-Shifting
Bullet (av2 27, 3400 gp), 2 x Clinging Essence (mme 130, 3400 gp), 5 x
Primal Ritual Scroll (Control Weather (phb2 214, 4500 gp)); hoard total
72100 gp

The Catacombs of Gruesome Malice
Some content used under the terms of the Open Gaming License

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