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Samantha Sealy

5th Period




4.1 Assessment
The removal of the third phosphate group in ATP produces ADP.
To make ATP, carbohydrates, lipids o proteins are broken down.
Carbohydrates are usually the molecules broke down to make
They survive by using chemosynthesis and making their own food
to obtain ATP.
Food is first broken down by a series of chemical reactions to
make ATP that transfers the energy from the breakdown to cells
that use the energy for processes
Plants and animals both need food to make ATP, however plants
make their own food through photosynthesis while animals eat
food directly.
H2O+ATP=ADP+PG (phosphate group)
4.2 Assessment
Chloroplasts are the membrane bound organelles where
photosynthesis takes place. The molecules in the chloroplasts are
called chlorophyll, which absorbs some of the energy from the
visible light.
The light dependent reactions capture energy from the sunlight
that the chlorophyll absorbs energy from and transfers along the
thylakoid membrane. Water molecules and then broken down and
oxygen is released. Then the light independent reaction use the
energy from the light dependent reactions to make sugars.
The light would have only red and blue wavelengths because
chlorophyll only absorb these two main wavelengths.
Photosynthesis is important for building the structure of plant
cells because cells need energy to reproduce and build the plant
cells FINSIH
I think that photosynthesis is endothermic because although it
releases some energy when it breaks down food, it still absorbs
more than it releases.

4.4 Assessment
1. The glycolysis has to split the glucose into two three-carbon
molecules and make two molecules of ATP in the cytoplasm
before cellular respiration happens in the mitochondria.
2. The three carbon molecules made from glycolysis get broken
down into energy-carrying molecules and carbon dioxide during
the Krebs cycle. The energy-carrying molecules are transferred to
the electron transport chain to make ATP.

Samantha Sealy
5th Period

3. Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are basically the opposite

of each other. The products of photosynthesis are the reactants of
cellular respiration. The mitochondria and chloroplasts also
function opposite to each other. The chloroplast absorb energy
and the mitochondria releases chemical energy.
4. No, glucose isn't a reactant in the aerobic stages of cellular
respiration because glucose is broken down during the glycolysis
stage that happens before Krebs cycle.
5. Cellular respiration is exothermic because it releases stored
energy in the form of carbon dioxide and water.
4.6 Assessment
1. If there isnt any oxygen, fermentation is used to continue
2. Glucose is broken into two pyruvate and two NADH molecules.
NADH molecules energize the breakdown of pyruvate into alcohol
and CO2. NADH convert into NAD+ that get recycles back to
glycolysis so that the process can continue.
3. They both use pyruvate and NADH molecules to enter the
fermentation process. Also in both, NADH is reverted back to
NAD+. One difference is that the pyruvate molecules convert into
lactic acid instead of alcohol.
4. Cellular respiration needs oxygen to complete the process while
fermentation is an anaerobic process that is used when there
isnt oxygen to fulfill glycolysis. Although their differences,
cellular respiration and fermentation both need NAD+ to pick up
5. The roles of oxygen and NAD+ both pick up electrons and they
both get reduced.

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