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Presentation Report

Muhammad Jahanzaib Shafique

BS-Commerce Batch 2nd
Technical Writing and Presentational Skills.
Sir Saghir Muhammad

Brief discussion about EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE (EVD) consisting, history and Symptoms of
EVD including Causes and precautions with addition of death tolls and treatment.

EBOLA Virus Disease (EVD)

Ebola Virus Disease:
Ebola is a rare and deadly disease caused by infection with a strain of Ebola

History of EVD
First outbreak:
The first outbreak of Ebola was in 1976 in the Democratic Republic of Congo
affecting a school teacher.
Name origin:
It was named after a river near which the first case was of Ebola was
Major affecting areas.
At first in 1976, Ebola had hit the countries of West Africa. Now with
addition to the West African countries it has spread to others countries through
travelling from WA to U.S.A in major.

High fever greatly affecting the immune system of humans and its primates
is observed.
Internal and external bleeding:
At most, internal bleeding due to rupturing of blood vessels and sometimes
external bleeding is also seen in the extreme cases causing the blood pressure
deteriorating to a very low level.

Causes and Precautions:

Fruit bats:
most of the researchers believe that the host species responsible for the
deadly EVD are fruit bats which are usually hunted and eaten as a food in affected
Contagious disease:
it is a contagious disease spreading from exposure to the fluids or the body
of diseased either alive or dead.
Minimal contact with the diseased:
It can be controlled by the isolation, diagnose and minimal contact during
the treatment of patient.
Bury or cremate the deceased body:
firstly, the burial of deceased ones was carried out. Now the safest and
suitable way to get rid of the dead body is to cremate it.
Death Rates and Treatment:
The official statistics of Death Toll according to the report of WHO is above
4500 and it is estimated that it may have infected 3 times bigger population as it
is now.
(25-90)% chance of death:
it is the most deadly viruses, as it is spreading continuously and having
death chance of 25 to 90% and an average of 50% infected patients are dead up
till now.
However, no commercial vaccines or drugs are present but National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (branch of National Health Association) (NHA)
has prepared a vaccine and diagnosed first patient in Dallas U.S.A

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