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What is SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS)?

SSAS gives the business data an integrated view. This integrated view is provided by
combining online analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining functionality. SSAS
supports OLAP and allows data collected from various sources to be managed in an
efficient way. Analysis services, specifically for data mining, allow use of a wide array of
data mining algorithms that allows creation, designing of data mining models. (OR)
SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services is a service that provides to view business
data by unifying and integrating. It is the foundation for traditional reporting, OLAP
analysis, data mining and Key Performance Indicator scorecards.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What are the new features with SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS)?

It offers interoperability with Microsoft office 2007.

It eases data mining by offering better data mining algorithms and enables better
predictive analysis.

Provides a faster query time and data refresh rates.

Improved tools the business intelligence development studio integrated into

visual studio allows to add data mining into the development tool box.

New wizards and designers for all major objects.

Provides a new Data Source View (DSV) object, which provides an abstraction
layer on top of the data source specifying which tables from the source are

Unified Dimensional Model: - This model defines the entities used in the business, the
business logic used to implement, metrics and calculations. This model is used by
different analytical applications, spreadsheets etc for verification of the reports data.
Data Source View: - The UML using the data source view is mapped to a wide array of
back end data sources. This provides a comprehensive picture of the business
irrespective of the location of data. With the new Data source view designer, a very user
friendly interface is provided for navigation and exploring the data.
New aggregation functions: - Previous analysis services aggregate functions like
SUM, COUNT, DISTINCT etc were not suitable for all business needs. For instance,

financial organizations cannot use aggregate functions like SUM or COUNT or finding
out the first and the last record. New aggregate functions like FIRST CHILD, LAST
CHILD, FIRST NON-EMPTY and LAST NON-EMPTY functions are introduced.
Querying tools : - An enhanced query and browsing tool allows drag and drop
dimensions and measures to the viewing pane of a cube. MDX queries and data mining
extensions (DMX) can also be written. The new tool is easier and automatically alerts
for any syntax errors.
What are the new features with SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS)?

Interoperability with 2007 office system: This feature enables optimized

interoperability, delivery of powerful and affordable business insight for
information user.

MS SQL Server Data Mining Add-ins for MS Office 2007: With this release, data
mining became easier. It has add-ins for data mining which enables enterprises
for making predictive analysis which are accessible to wider audience base by
empowering harness the sophisticated data mining algorithms to end users.

MS SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Performance Guide: This feature

provides instant access to accurate information. It enables the end users to
obtain answers to complex questions, surprisingly, at the speed of thought for

The following are the new tools of SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services:
Unified Dimensional Model: The entities, business logic used for implementation,
metrics and calculations are defined in this model. This model is utilized for different
analytical applications, spreadsheets for reports data verification.
Data Source View: The data source view us used by UML for mapping to a wide array
of back end data sources. This model provides the picture of the business irrespective
of the data location.
New aggregate functions: The functions like FIRST CHILD, LAST CHIL, FIRST NONEMPYT AND NON-EMPTY functions are available. These functions can be used in
addition to basic aggregate functions, as these are not suitable for every business need.
Querying tools: Dimensions and measures can be dragged and dropped to viewing
pane of a cube using query and browsing tool. Writing data mining extensions, MDX
queries are the additional features. Syntax errors are automatically alerts with this tool
-------------------What are SQL Server Analysis Services cubes?--------------------------

In analysis services, cube is the basic unit of storage. A cube has data collected from
various sources that enables faster execution of queries. Cubes have dimensions and
Example: A cube storing employee details may have dimensions like date of joining and
name which helps in faster queries requesting for finding employees who joined in a
particular week.
What are SQL Server Analysis Services cubes?

SQL SAS cube is a data structure for fast analysis of data. Using cubes to arrange data
is a solution to overcome the limitations in relational databases. RDBMSs are not suited
well for display of large amounts of data and instantaneous analysis. Cubes can be
thought as an extension for spreadsheet. A companys financial data by product, timeperiod, city etc., are additional dimensions for business data. SQL SAS cubes are used
to represent this type of data.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Explain the purpose of synchronization feature provided in Analysis Services 2005.

Synchronization feature is used to copy database from one source server to a

destination server. While the synchronization is in progress, users can still browse the
cubes. Once the synchronization is complete, the user is redirected to the new
Synchronized database.
Explain the purpose of synchronization feature provided in Analysis Services 2005.

Synchronization feature is utilized in Analysis Services 2005 for copying database from
one source server to the destination server. Users can browse cubes, while the process
of synchronization in progress. Once the synchronization process is completed, users
are redirected another synchronized database.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MDX in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services brings exciting improvements including query
support and expression/calculation language, Explain.

MDX in SQL server 2005 Analysis services offers CASE and SCOPE statements. CASE
returns specific values based upon its comparison of an expression to a set of simple
expressions. It can perform conditional tests within multiple comparisons. SCOPE is
used to define the current subcube. CALCULATE statement is used to populate each
cell in the cube with aggregated data.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can you explain how to deploy an SSIS package?

A SSIS package can be deployed using the Deploy SSIS Packages page. The package
and its dependencies can be either deployed in a specified folder in the file system or in
an instance of SQL server. The package needs to be indicated for any validation after
installation. The next page of the wizard needs to be displayed. Skip to the Finish the
Package Installation Wizard page.
Can you explain how to deploy an SSIS package?

1. Create a batch command file

@echo off
set DESTSERVER=yourserver
set SOURCE=%1
set DESTNAME=%~2
dtutil /FILE %SOURCE% /DestServer %DESTSERVER% /COPY
2. Add a menu to the External Tools menu
Click on Tools, followed by External Tools . Then click Add. This will add a menu
option under the menu Tools.
Type Deploy to MSDB in Title text box.
Type the full path to the batch command file created in step 1 in the Command text box.
Type $(ItemPath) $(ItemFileName in Arguments text box.
Add a space between the two arguments. A menu bar displays under Tools menu.
3. Add an custom icon for the deploy menu item in the toolbar
Right click the toolbar and click Customise
In the command tab, select the left list box Tools
Select External Command 1 and drag it to the toolbar
Click on Rearrange Commands, and check the option Toolbar and select the
toolbar into which the menu item to be dropped. It is suggested to select Standard tool
Select External Command 1 in the list box and click on Modify Selection. And click on
Edit Button editor.
By clicking on newly added button icon, it will deploy the active SSIS package to server.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is the new error handling technique in SQL Server 2005?

Previously, error handling was done using @@ERROR or check @@ROWCOUNT,

which didnt turn out to be a very feasible option for fatal errors. New error handling

technique in SQL Server 2005 provides a TRY and CATCH block mechanism. When an
error occurs the processing in the TRY block stops and processing is then picked up in
the CATCH block. TRY CATCH constructs traps errors that have a severity of 11
through 19 as well.
What is the new error handling technique in SQL Server 2005?

SQL Server 2005 introduces a new exception handling paradigm using TRY / CATCH
blocks in T-SQL. The errors are well trapped in the try block and the execution is
transferred to the catch block. The circumstances like using cursors the cursor is
allocated for opening in the TRY block at the time of occurring an error is thrown to
CATCH block to determine whether it is open. If it is open, it should be close and
SQL Server 2005 still supports the @@ERROR function, but TRY / CATCH is a much
better option.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What exactly is SQL Server 2005 Service Broker?

Servive brokers allow build applications in which independent components work

together to accomplish a task. They help build scalable, secure database applications.
The brokers provide a message based communication and can be used for applications
within a single database. It helps reducing development time by providing an enriched
What exactly is SQL Server 2005 Service Broker?

Scalable, secure database applications can be developed by using SQL Server 2005
Service Broker. Apart from Database Engine, message-based communication platform
is provided which enables the independent application components to perform as a
functioning. Service Broker includes an infrastructure for asynchronous programming.
This could be used for applications for single database as well as for distributed
applications. The application development time will be reduced by providing the
necessary infrastructure for building distributed applications.
Explain the Service Broker components.

Service broker components help build applications in which independent components

work together to accomplish a task. These applications are independent, asynchronous
and the components work together by exchanging information via messages. The
service brokers main job is to send and receive messages
Explain the Service Broker components.

The following are the components of Service Broker:

Message: The basic unit of information that is transferred in a Service Broker

application. These are received by Service Broker, the way they are sent and are
guaranteed only for sending and receiving one at a time.
Conversation: After sending a message to Service Broker, a conversation, which is
created for a particular task and deleted soon after the ask has been completed. It is the
primary information exchange construct in Service Broker.
Queue: All messages are stored in a queue till the processing is completed. It is a
special type of table which can be viewed only with SELECT statement on the name of
the queue and INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE statements can not be issued. These
messages on a queue will certainly persists even a server restarts, thus guarantees the
non-loss of the message.
Service: Reading a messages and processing them is the action of service component.
It can be a stored procedure or an ad hoc, or a different program which connects to the
database server. Every services need to be associated with a queue.
Conversation Groups: The message processing is serializes and correlates the
messages by using conversation groups. Each conversation is a member in a
conversation group. The core concept is, some of the messages are related to other
messages, and the conversation group puts them together in an ordered fashion.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is a breakpoint in SSIS? How is it setup? How do you disable it?

Breakpoints allow the execution to be paused in order o review the status of the data,
variables and the overall status of the SSIS package. Breakpoints in SSIS are set up
through the BIDS wizard. In this wizard, one needs to navigate to the control flow
interface. The object where the breakpoint needs to be applied needs to be selected.
Following which, Edit breakpoints can be clicked.
What is a breakpoint in SSIS? How is it setup? How do you disable it?

A break point in SSIS is a stopping / exit point in the code. It is an opportunity for
reviewing the status of the data, variables and all the status of SSIS package, given to
the developer / DBA. Each break point has 10 unique conditions.
Break points are setup using BIDS. In BIDS, navigate through control flow. Right click
on the object that is to set the break point, and click on Edit break point.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Explain the concepts and capabilities of Business Intelligence.

Business Intelligence helps to manage data by applying different skills, technologies,

security and quality risks. This also helps in achieving a better understanding of data.
Business intelligence can be considered as the collective information. It helps in making
predictions of business operations using gathered data in a warehouse. Business
intelligence application helps to tackle sales, financial, production etc business data. It
helps in a better decision making and can be also considered as a decision support
Explain the concepts and capabilities of Business Intelligence.

Business Intelligence is all about processes, skills, technologies, practices and

applications used for supporting decision making.
Business Intelligence applications could perform
- Centrally initiated by the business needs
- It includes decision support system, query reporting, OLAP, data mining, forecasting
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name some of the standard Business Intelligence tools in the market.
Business intelligence tools are to report, analyze and present data. Few of the tools
available in the market are:

Eclipse BIRT Project:- Based on eclipse. Mainly used for web applications and it
is open source. It is a free web based reporting tool.

JasperSoft:- BI tool used for reporting, ETL etc.

Pentaho:- Has data mining, dashboard and workflow capabilities.

Openl:- A web application used for OLAP reporting.

Name some of the standard Business Intelligence tools in the market.

The following are the standard Business Intelligence tools in the market:
Name some of the standard Business Intelligence tools in the market.

Business intelligence tools are to report, analyze and present data. Few of the tools
available in the market are:

Eclipse BIRT Project:- Based on eclipse. Mainly used for web applications and it
is open source. It is a free web based reporting tool.

JasperSoft:- BI tool used for reporting, ETL etc.

Pentaho:- Has data mining, dashboard and workflow capabilities.

Openl:- A web application used for OLAP reporting.

Name some of the standard Business Intelligence tools in the market.

The following are the standard Business Intelligence tools in the market:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAS Business Intelligence.

SAS business intelligence has analytical capabilities like statistics, reporting, data
mining, predictions, forecasting and optimization. They help in getting data in the format
desired. It helps in improving quality of data.
SAS Business Intelligence.

SAS BI provides the information about an enterprise when needed. It provides this
information in customized format. SAS BI integrates data across the enterprise and
delivers the self-service reporting and analysis. This consumes less time for responding
requests and for business uses to view the information. An integrated, flexible and
robust presentation layer for SAS Analytics with full breadth is also offered by SAS BI.
All these are integrated within the context of business for better and faster decision
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Explain the SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence components.

SQL Server Integration Services:- Used for data transformation and creation.
Used in data acquisition form a source system.

SQL Server Analysis Services: Allows data discovery using data mining. Using
business logic it supports data enhancement.

SQL Server Reporting Services:- Used for Data presentation and distribution

Explain the SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence components.

SQL Server 2005 is a complete platform that enables BI features, tools for analytical
applications. It has tools for building analytical applications and its functionality made
the easier way of building and managing complex BI systems.
The components are
Integration Services : extracts, transforms and loads
Relational Database: Deals with relational warehousing
SQL Server: Multidimensional database
Reporting Service: For generating managed and ad hoc reports
Office Products: For Ad Hoc query and analysis
BI development studio: Database development tools
Management Sudio: Database management
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is broad cast agent?

A broadcast agent allows automation of emails to be distributed. It allows reports to be

sent to different business objects. It also users to choose the report format and send via
SMS, fax, pagers etc. broadcast agents allows the flexibility to the users to receive
reports periodically or not. They help to manage and schedule the documents.

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