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Local Induction by Line Manager

Stockley Park Campus

To ensure that each individual who receives a BP badge has had the appropriate
safety induction, initial and date each item as completed. The local induction should
be carried out by the Line Manager, take approx 15 minutes and will involve a
discussion and walkabout.
Last Name: _________________________


First Name: _________________________

Project/Dept: Upstream Backbone

Line Manager to date and enter initials on completion of each item.



Fire and Evacuation Procedures
Reporting Injuries and incidents
Site Security Procedures
BPs Driving/Parking Policy and Rules
General Office Safety
Handouts, training, CofC etc

Inductee: ___________________________________________

Date: _________

Line Manager: _______________________________________

Date: _________

Local Induction by Line Manager

5 The Square - Stockley Park
Talking Points for Newly Badged Individual (NBI)
The following information are talking points for the Line Manager to ensure that each
individual who receives a BP badge (NBI) has had the appropriate safety induction.
Both Line Manager and Individual are responsible for completion. The local induction
should take approx 15 minutes and will involve a discussion and walkabout.
Part 1: Fire and Evacuation Procedures
Introduce Newly Badged Individual (NBI) to the floor wardens
Fire Wardens (Yellow jackets)
First Aiders (Green Jackets)
Advise of when the Fire Alarm is tested (10am Tues)

Point out location of Muster Points

Point out location of Exits (stair wells)

Show Map if necessary
Instruct NBI in procedures:

If Reporting a Fire:
o Call 2222 (This number is also used for a Medical Emergency)
o Activate Fire Alarm
If Alarm sounds:
Leave the building immediately closing doors behind you
Exit via closest Fire Escape
Assemble at the designated Assembly/Muster Point
Visitors are the responsibility of the person they are with at the time of
evacuation and should assemble with the person concerned
Do Not use lifts
Part 2: Reporting Injuries and Incidents
All areas have a first aid box. Show NBI location of nearest First Aid Box.
All injuries including First Aid must be recorded in the First Aid Entry Book
which is held at each Reception and reported in Tr@ction (ext 4400)
All accidents or near misses must be recorded in Tr@ction (ext 4400)
All injuries, accidents, near miss, unsafe condition, or other HSE incident
must be immediately reported to a BP representative (team lead, project
leader, HSSE Advisor, etc.)
All unsafe acts and behaviours must be reported in BOSS.
BOSS training available from Diane Lewis.
Part 3: Site Security Procedures
All visitors must be escorted
Clean desk no confidential BP data should be left out.
All desk drawers and cabinets must be locked
BP computers must have a power-on Password and screen saver password
Passwords must be difficult to guess or crack and not be common names or
BP laptops must be locked up in a cabinet at night and not left on a desk
BP computers must be switched off, logged off or locked when unattended

Keys should not be left lying around, hidden in unlocked drawers or other
obvious places.
Do not discuss confidential BP information in public areas including lobbies
and lifts

Part 4: BP Driving/Parking Policy and Rules

10 mph in Car Park
Drive in the direction indicated
Park in designated bays only
Reverse park
No driving while using cell phones
Drive the speed limit MAXIMUM is 25mph on the Stockley Park Campus
unless otherwise sign posted
Part 5: General Office Safety
The BP Staircode
Hold handrail
Take one step at a time
Walk, dont run
Ensure carried objects dont obscure vision
Do not use mobiles
Use lids on cups
Keep gangways and aisles clear, ensure safe access and egress
Keep areas around desks clear of computer bags/handles etc
All emergency numbers are cited on the back of your security card
i.e,, Ext 2222 Emergencies Ext 3456 Incident Reporting
Part 6: Environment
Recycle Policy
Recycle Bin

Bottles, paper, card only, remove lids and place in

General Waste
General Waste
Everything else
Do not contaminate the Bins if unsure place in the General Waste bin
Turn off PC monitors, speakers, etc., when leaving the office
Utilise double-sided printing. Printer default set to black & white, duplex

Part 7: Ergonomics

DSE Assessment for Office Based staff

To obtain a full pass you will be required to complete a paper exercise.
Remedy DSE tool will be sent electronically within 28 days. The RIL for
our area is Diane Lewis.
Ensure that your workstation is correctly adjusted to reflect the outcome of
the assessment
Other Assessments might need to be completed if NBI job requires travel,
manual handling, etc. These should be completed prior to work commencing.
Eg travel assessment.

Part 8: General

Explain local floor layout meeting rooms, repro areas, post, stationery
areas, bins, coffee areas, post/mail room, changing rooms and toilets, Prayer
room location if required.

Part 9: Handouts, Links and other information.

1. Mention: Our commitment to integrity - Code of Conduct
What BP expect from you in terms of behavior, ethics and standards, no
matter who you are or where youre located. Our code of conduct is about
helping you do the right thing, across all our operations.
Youll find the complete code on this site, with guidance on applying it to your
working life
2. Site Security Procedures
For more information, review the following Security pages:
3. Traction & Stop
For all Near Miss and Incident reporting, unsafe acts or behaviours
4. Driving Safety
The Driving Safety Standard was developed to reduce the number of driving
related accidents
5. HSSE Training examples
Traction/Near Miss Training
6. Day One Information

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