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Nicole Khoury

749 Roscommon Drive

Vacaville, CA 95688
(707)392- 9976
Completed 3 years at Buckingham Charter Magnet High School
Projected graduation date: June 2017.
Completed 30 Units at Solano Community College
G.P.A. 4.2. Top 3% of class.
Student Activities/Athletics

Freshman- Current. Play Varsity Softball, achieved awards for sportsmanship and athletic ability.
Sophomore- Current. Commissioner of the Soroptimist Women Empowerment Club, member
with a leadership role in Science Club, Debate Club, CSF, and National Honor Society
Sophomore Year-Current. Vacaville Unified School District School Board Representative- work
with the Superintendent of the school district, give speeches at meetings, attended awards night.
Freshman- Sophomore Year. Played Varsity Girls Basketball.
Leadership Experiences

Senior Year. Commissioner of Publicity & Technology and Promotion

Senior Year. President of National Honor Society
Junior- present. Publicity Commissioner of the Soroptimist Women Empowerment Club
Sophomore - present. Member of the Publicity Committee in the Leadership class
Sophomore - present. Senior Student Representative on BCMHS Student Council
Eighth Grade. Associated Student Body President at Bethany Lutheran School


VUSD Special Recognition recipient

Award based on academic achievement, community service, and campus participation and leadership in high school
leadership projects and studies- for representing Buckingham Charter Magnet High School as a board representative

2015 First Place Campus Star, Vacaville Reporter winner

Opinion writing, First place, grades 9-12, published in local newspaper
Member of National Honor Society, 2014 - present
GOTCHA Attendee and High Honors Recipient, 2013- present
Special recognition for most successful students in the VUSD, 4.0 and above G.P.A.

Walk to End Alzheimers Volunteer, 2013- present

For months prior to event, planning and meeting to discuss ALZ annual fundraiser walk- additional help day of
Library Tutoring, 2013- present
Tutor children in World and U.S. History, English, and Math

Volunteer Work at Bethany Lutheran, 2013- present

Office assistant, read to and tutor the children, grade papers, assistant teach, meet with principal to discuss possible
improvements to the school
Interned for 3 weeks (15 hours a week) at The Law Offices of Favaro, Lavezzo, Gill, Caretti & Heppell per
the recommendation of a Stanford Pre-Law Program accepted into.
Offered a permanent position at The Law Offices of Favaro, Lavezzo, Gill, Caretti & Heppell after the firm
was impressed, only student employee to work at the firm in over two decades (6-10 hours a week). Read law
books, police reports, toxicology reports, autopsy reports, wills and deeds, trusts, California Continued Education of
the Bar code books- writes reports to lawyers, meets with clients around the same age, does receptionist work and
administrative assistant work as needed. July 2015- July 2016

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