Ing. AP. Turismo

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COMMUNICATION: The sending & receiving of messages

Verbal: Oral or Written - LINGUISTIC CODE (share the alphabet & its vocal) = Natural language / 1alphabet, 2- iconographic languages, 3- sounds
Non-verbal - kinesics (body language): SIGNS, ICONS = SEMIOTICS: Study of signs
Language: the code/ carrier of cultural patterns/ tool used to communicate
Language Choice refers to an individual who can speak more than one language. Thus, their
Language Choice is the language that they choose to use the majority or the time. Essentially, a
person's choice language is known as their primary language.
Varieties: formal informal / standard nonstandard / dialect: Br. Vs Am.
Dialect: varieties of the language w/ a peculiar lexis, syntax, phonetics, writing;
Idiom = lngua -- idiomatismo fixed frase idioma
Normally panned and ideas can be carefully organized, informal lexical features like contractions are
unacceptable, rephrase or edit is possible, punctuation and layout are used to mark the grammatical
boundaries of sentences, capitalization and underlining can be used for stress, question and
exclamation marks can be used to convey attitude;
Text types letters, e-mails, reports, minutes (ata de reunio); Journal serious, scholarly publication
written in Eng., Germ., Span. or Port.
Text modes: narrative (telling a story) , descriptive (saying what something looks like), expository
(explaining how something works), argumentative (expressing an opinion and giving reasons for it);
Text Structure: the way paragraphs are organized
Text Function: to persuade, to entertain, to inform
Domain: area of expertise / area of interest financial, economics, languages, business
Tourist: the visitor staying at least 24h in the country visited: for holiday, business, official mission,
convention or health reasons.
Types of Tourism: Mass T.: traditional, lange-scale tourism commonly used to refer to popular forms
of leisure e.g. package tour, city breaks / Alternative T.: cultural events, rural tourism, sport events,
conferences (e.g. seniors highly educates, go to the land, want to be away from the city visitors
Domains & Fields: rates, weights and measures (money, British conversion factors, exchange rates,
number and figures) / flags (countries, international organizations) / climate (meteorology) /
geography / botany / zoology / art and history (art buildings, chunch) / transportation facilities
(airport, public transportation, driving laws, motor vehicle registration and accidents, trains, airlines)
/ food & beverage (restaurants) / attractions (local traditions, cultures and communities; historical
and natural attractions)
Products: sea, sun, snow, culture, adventure, sports.
Segments (Links in the tourism chain?): accommodation, food & beverage, transportation, events
& recreation, reservation & sales, sports and leisure, marketing & advertising, planning and
organisation of activities;
Client Profile: gender, age, income, nationality, education (formal instruction), hobbies
Selling a product: by mass media, branding, computer communication. Service-provider product
client = direct contact OR indirect contact mediatized areas intermediary.
countrys bloodstained image 1 pais c/ a imagem manchada de sangue
hoteliers - a manager or owner of a hotel
Urbanites in particular are drawn to Tulum hippie atmosphere - ?
high-rise hotels started popping up along its shores - arranha-cus hotis comearam a aparecer
ao longo de suas margens
beautiful 17th-century architecture accepted in Spanish colonialism - during the late 17th century
to 1750, one of Mexico's most popular architectural styles was Mexican Churrigueresque. These
buildings were built in an ultra-Baroque, fantastically extravagant and visually frenetic style.
acronyms a set of initials representing a name, organization, or the like, with each letter
pronounced separately / technical jargon the language, especially the vocabulary, peculiar to a
particular trade, profession, or group / shortening the act or process of dropping one or more
syllables from a word or phrase to form a shorter word with the same meaning phone /
compounding - consisting of two or more parts that are also bases, forming a compound noun,
adjective, verb, preposition agglutination- words put together create 1 word or juxtapositionwords together no change/ nominalization a conversation into a noun (as in changing the adjective
or the verb e.g. legalize legalization) / borrowings the result of such a process; something
borrowed, as a foreign word or phrase e.g. paper, abdomen, area / neologism: word created to a
specific thing to mean something e.g. glocal=global+local) / creative use of language Skilled Interpersonal Comm. rewarding and reinforcing (lovely, well done, unfortunately),
questioning (direct: how old are u?) or indirect: shall I ask your age?), negotiating (skills: effective
speaking, effective verbal communication, listening, use of adverbs, reducing misunderstandings,
politeness and respect, problem solving, assertiveness techniques, dealing with difficult situations,
decisions making), describing and explaining, persuading, giving instructions, apologising (handling
complaints), asserting, ordering, visitor motoring.
Verbs: Finite or non-finite. Lexical, auxiliary or modal. - Structure: reg, irreg (strong go or mixed
cut) / Tense: simple, perfect, continuous / Aspect: perfective, progressive / Voice: passive, active
/ Mood: imperative, bare infinitive, infinitive / Forms: root, p. participle, pr. participle / Function:
transitive, intransitive, copulative (to be, seem, look like), ditransitive.
Phrasal Verbs: They called up the man = They called the man up = They called him up - Eles
telefonaram para o homem. - transitive verbs are separable / Prepositional Verbs: They called on
the man = They called on him - Eles visitaram o homem. inseparable.
Modal Verbs: can/could, may/might, shall/should, will/would, must, aught to.
Describing a picture: climate, urban design, architecture, vegetation trees, fauna, flora, landscapes
WTO World Tourism Organisation executives from all sectors of the tourism industry:
accommodation, catering, cruises, entertainment, recreation, transportation, travel-related
Pragmatic Communication skills: manner, relevance, quality, quantity. aware of kinesics,
proxemics, terms of address, patterned attitude, politeness, names across cultures.
Traveller: any person on a trip between two or more countries/ localities within their country of
usual residence / Travel: the action of moving from one place to another
Trip: tends to be defined according to distance, duration and purpose. Stay one or more nights away
from home for most purposes - Tourist trip
Voyage: long journey by ship, boats / Holidaymaker: somebody who is in holiday
Day visitors: the one who arrives and leave the same day excursionist
Access: the condition of a place or facility, whether if it is easy for people to reach it
Attraction: any visiting service or product which tourist would enjoy using
Accommodation: provision of bed facilities on a commercial basis within the hospitality/tourism
industry / Activity: things done while on vacation

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