Created by Anna Grau

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Names ________________________________________________ and

HM2: MUS 400 Research: Library Classification of Music Sources1
1. In the DU library find the sections of the stacks devoted to music. Write down the range
of call numbers devoted to each of the following types of sources (ie. 750.2-750.8). This
may include a prefix.
2. Do some research into the Library of Congress call number systemyou may need to
look online for this information. Find out what call number area corresponds to those you
listed above, and add them to the chart.
Type of Source
Music Periodicals

Dewey Decimal

Library of Congress

Violin Technique
Individual Composer
Music Theory Instruction
Describe the differences between these systems. Which do you prefer?

Imagine that you are working on a research paper investigating the
relationship between Richard Wagner and his patron Ludwig II of Bavaria. Would all
the books you might need for your research paper be found in the music area of the stacks?
If not, what other areas of the stacks might you use to research this topic? Give the Dewey
Decimal and Library of Congress ranges for at least one other area that might be useful.

1 Created by Anna Grau.

Using the Library Website

Answer each question below using only the DePaul Library Websitemost of them only
require the online catalogue.
If you are unable to answer a particular question, list what things you tried.

Find the call number for a recording of music from Bali. If you wanted to browse
where would you look in the library? What online resources available through DePaul also
have recordings of Balinese music?

2. What subject does the Galpin Society Journal address? What is the latest issue of this
periodical that we have in the library? How would you find an article from an issue that
the library does not own?

3. Find one score and one recording the library has of Palestrinas Pope Marcellus Mass.
Give the call numbers.

4. Give the call numbers for one of the latest compact disc recordings of Beethoven's
"Moonlight" Sonata.

5. What is the call number for Chicago Symphony Orchestra program notes? How many
years does the library have? Under what titles have the notes been catalogued? How
would you access them?

6. Who directed Trollfljten? Provide the call number for another production based on the
same opera. Where in the library would you find dvds of both?

7. Name four online music journals with full-text access in our library system. How did you
find them?

Using Music Reference Sources

Reference sources are academic sources that attempt relatively comprehensive
coverage of a topic, and are useful as starting points or to give context to an
investigation. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliographies and atlases are among
sources that might be considered references sources.
1. At the library, find a dictionary of musical terms, such as the Harvard Dictionary of Music,
and look up a term relevant to the research topic. Write down the first sentence of the

2. Find a relevant entry in the print and online versions of the New Grove Dictionary of
Music and Musicians. Are there any differences in the content? Which do you prefer?

3. Look up Wagner or a contemporary in a biographical dictionary, such as Bakers

Biographical Dictionary of Musicians or the Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music. Write
the composers birth and death dates.

4. Find another reference source for music in the reference section of the library. Write
down the title.

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