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Enlightenment Ladder

A Resourcing Strategy
Explanation of the Diagram


The diagram to the right is called the

Structural Differential from General
Semantics. In this diagram WIGO (What
Is Going On) is the external world with its
diversity of activity. The silent level is the
level of direct human senses, from our
sense organs. It is before words.
E - The raggedly-cut parabola
represents "what is going on" (WIGO),

So for the moment observe

your external environment.
Become silent, a state of nonverbal awareness. Now, ask
yourself the questions below.
After each question return to
being Silent.

O - The circle labeled "O" (for Object)

represents some human's (for example,
Mickeys) interaction with WIGO.
Through my sensing organs and
nervous system, I 'create' colors,
sounds, smells, etc., from my
interacting with WIGO.

D - The tag "D" signifies the

first verbal level in the abstracting
process. We can label this the
"Descriptive" level, and try to remember
that what I say, think, hear, etc., at this
level about my WIGO-Object level. My
experience 'should' be similar to what a
good reporter would report - as close to
"just the facts". This writing surface is
The next level (I1) of language is
Concepts. Red, green blue are Colors.
Colors is a concept, a generalization of
our description of our experience of red,
green ,blue, etc.
The next level (I2) of language is
Explanations. The brain taking electrical
signals form the eye makes up colors.
The next level (I3) of language is
Judgments. Blue and green are good
colors. Red and Black are bad colors.


The Process
The purpose of the
Enlightenment Ladder is to
take one through a process that
can bring one to the direct
experience of non-symbolic
consciousness. Other names for
this is the your core state, are
your authentic self, bliss

Silent level of No words. Be

Silent. Be without words.
Experience what is.
Now inside, silently ask
What is my experience of the
source of this? Wait for the
experience to emerge inside of
you. Enjoy this state. You can
repeat this question as often as
you want.
Other questions you use
From where does this arise?
What is underneath this?
What is there before this?

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