Awill143@uncc - Edu: Quicklinks Syllabus Guide

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Writing & Inquiry in Academic Contexts Plus Studio

Instructor: Ashlyn C. Walden

Office Location: Cameron 160
Office Hours: T 10:00AM-2:00PM; By Appt.
Google Chat Availability:
Sources: Clip Art Lord & Concept Crucible

Quicklinks Syllabus Guide

Required Digital Tools

UWRT 1104 Plus Studio Course Description

Textbook for Our Class

Attendance Policy

Exam Day

UNCC Withdrawal Policy

Texting/Cell Phones/Laptops



FYWs Program Statement on Diversity

Disabilities Statement


Class Cancellations/Inclement Weather

Pocket Survival Guide for Success in Our Class

Required Digital Tools

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A Wix website design account (FREE ACCOUNT)

A Scribd account (FREE ACCOUNT)
A space to store/save your work throughout the course such
as: 1. An electronic file such as a continuous Word
Document/Google Doc, or 2. An online storage cloud such
as Dropbox, iCloud, Google Drive, etc.
1 digital copy of each course reading as assigned (total of
1 file folder created on Google Drive and shared w/ me that
includes your collected sources for the course textbook
(See TEXTBOOK FOR OUR CLASS for more info)
Access to a laptop, tablet, iPad* during class time (Laptops
are available for checkout from the UNCC Library on a
limited basis)

UWRT 1104 Plus Studio Course Description

4 Central Qs
How should we
act, write,
What is research?
What is inquiry?
How do inquiry
and research work
together? Speak
to each other? In
what ways are
they the same?

Prerequisite: Appropriate Score on SAT/ACT and high

school performance.

In this hybrid course we will learn to analyze and compose a

variety of texts and use a range of technologies, adapting
language and style for particular audiences, contexts, and
purposes. We will develop flexible composing strategies;
locate and evaluate primary and secondary research; and
deepen engagement with source material, our own ideas,
and the ideas of others in order to strengthen claims and
solidify logical arguments. Grades are derived primarily
from electronic portfolios. More specifically, we will address
4 central questions listed to the left.

How are we going to do this???

To explore these questions, we will complete three major assignments and smaller inclass and online modules that will flesh out these areas. The first assignment is
conducting primary research, the second assignment is collating research and pushing
research forward by asking questions, and the third assignment is presenting research
in an extended portfolio platform.

Unlike some of your previous experiences with English

courses, our class will not have a significant amount of
reading. In fact, there are three short piecesand only
threethat I will assign as a part of your work for this
course. These three pieces will serve to ground our
conversation about:

What is research?
What is the purpose of research?
What does research look like?
What is inquiry?
How do research and inquiry relate?

However, just because we will not have class

sanctioned readings, does not mean that you will not
read or gather source material. Reading over the
course of this semester will consist primarily of your
own making; in other words, most of your course
reading material (scholarly articles, interviews,
documentaries, TED talks, news radio programs) will be
compiled by you as the student-researcher. Essentially,
you will be creating your own interactive textbook for
our course based on your specific area of interest.
Thus, you will have a text for this class that you will be
required to read, but it will be tailored to your work

Attendance Policy

This does not mean that you

can select MOSTLY videos
or social media content for
your reading materials. You
will need to collect a variety
of sources that are
REPUTABLE and work
toward accomplishing your
goals in this class. I know
this seems like a heavy task
and it isbut think of this
as an opportunity to collect
resources about areas of
interest that you REALLY
care about.

The Undercover

Allowed 3 absences without penalty

Each absence after 3 = 10 points deducted from your total final grade
3 "lates" to class = 1 absence
Missing the exam day = 2 absences + 10 points off your total final grade
Allowed 2 religious observance days per academic year; must fill out appropriate form
YOU are responsible for all missed work--consult Canvas
Want an assignment extension or an absence excused? Go through the Dean of
Students w/ the appropriate documentation

Does this mean I can choose any text? Not really

Textbook for Our Class

Exam Day
The exam day is a designated meeting time for the course. However, I am inclined to waive
meeting on the exam day if ONE of the two following conditions are met:
a. All students turn in the 3 major assignment components (total of 9) and complete the
required portfolio checks ON TIME.
b. All students either turn in the 3 major assignment components (total of 9) & complete the
portfolio checks (total of 5) or accept the 0 assigned for turning work in late WITHOUT
excuse emails or attempts to turn in the work late. SEE LATE WORK UNDER
If the waiver is forfeited, we will meet on the exam day for a final course activity.
Failure to appear on this day will result in 2 absences (due to the 2 hour time block
given for exams) & a 10 point deduction from your final course grade.
UNCC Withdrawal Policy

As of Fall 2015 There is a limit of 16 credits of "W" allowed for all undergraduate

students. This action must be taken by Monday, March 21 at 11:59PM.

If you withdraw from a course, it will show on your transcript with a grade of "W" but will
not count towards your GPA.
After that deadline, exceptions may be requested, but only in cases where extenuating
circumstances such as serious illness can be demonstrated.
Unsatisfactory academic performance itself is not an extenuating circumstance.
Students should be cautious about the impact of withdrawing from one or more courses
on time-to-degree, financial aid eligibility, and cost to the student.

Sources: Meme Generator

Texting/Cell Phones/Laptops

Part of adequate class participation is being completely

engaged with the class throughout the entire time
period. I do not permit any type of cell phone usage,
texting, or inappropriate surfing on the Internet when
you are given time in class to work. I reserve the right
to ask you to leave class and be counted absent
for the day should I catch you texting, working on
other materials, or socializing on your computers
during class time. If you have extenuating
circumstances that require you to have access to your
cell phone, please see me as soon as possible. Please
be respectful of all the time I give you to work in class,
and use it wisely to get help on your assignments as

Your course grade will be based on percentages assigned
to each individual unit in the class and various modules you
will complete throughout course (i.e. Studio Responses,
Class Participation, etc).

Grades are on a
ten point scale
(90-100 A, 80-89

Assignment Groupings


B, 70-79 C, 60-69
D, and 59 and
below, F).

Class Participation (In Class & Online)


Studio, Group, & Homework Responses

(Modules Online)


All major
assignments and
a final portfolio
must be

Unit One: Primary Research & Inquiry


completed in
order to receive

Unit Two: Secondary Research & Inquiry


a passing grade
in the course.
Failing to

Unit Three: Research, Inquiry, & Digital



complete even
one working
draft, not

Course Total


participating in a
workshop, not
completing a
reflection, or not
completing the
portfolio means
you will fail the

Sources: The Announcer & Concept Crucible


Please feel free to email me with any questions you have about
our class work, reading, or assignments. Keep in mind:

Email is a genre, meaning there are appropriate ways to

address, ask questions, etc. Email is not a text message, so

please do not write an email as such.
I generally check & respond my email 2-3 times on a
weekday between the hours of 10:00 AM and 4:00PM
I check email once over the weekend

Consider also
using Google
Chat in your
UNCC Gmail
account. W/ a
prior appt., I will
chat with you
online in real
time. This is
great option
when you cant
make it to office

FYWs Program Statement on Diversity




Source: Clipa





rt Sheep

The First-Year Writing Program strives to create an

academic climate that respects people of varied cultural
backgrounds and life experiences. As a community of
scholars and teachers who study language, literature, and
writing, we are committed to nurturing intellectual and
aesthetic diversity. In all our activities, we invite participation
by diverse groups, including, but not limited to, those who
define themselves in the following terms: race and ethnicity;
gender; political orientation; sexual orientation; special
health needs; age; religion; country of origin; and socioeconomic status. Finally, by fostering multiple perspectives
in our coursework, we can help our students prepare to
participate in our increasingly diverse society, as well as in
the global community.

PHONE: 704.687.0040


Students who have a disability or condition, which may impair their

ability to complete assignments or otherwise satisfy course criteria
should meet with me to identify, discuss and document any feasible
instructional modifications or accommodations. Please inform me
as soon as possible after a disability or condition is diagnosed,
whichever occurs earliest. For information and auxiliary assistance,
contact the Disabilities Resources Center.

Disabilities Statement

Plagiarism is a
SERIOUS issue,
and should not
be taken lightly.
Should you have
questions about
plagiarism or
citing sources, see
me or visit the
Writing Resources
Center in
Cameron 149.

automatic failure
of this class &
possibly being
reported to
Student Affairs.
This is your
education; be

A. Cheating. Intentionally using or attempting to use

unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or
other devices in any academic exercise. This definition
includes unauthorized communication of information
during an academic exercise.
B. Fabrication and Falsification. Intentional and
unauthorized alteration or invention of any information
or citation in an academic exercise. Falsification is a
matter of altering information, while fabrication is a
matter of inventing or counterfeiting information for use
in any academic exercise.
C. Multiple Submission. The submission of substantial
portions of the same academic work (including oral
reports) for credit more than once without authorization.
D. Plagiarism. Intentionally or knowingly presenting the
work of another as one's own (i.e., without proper
acknowledgment of the source). The sole exception to
the requirement of acknowledging sources is when the
ideas, information, etc., are common knowledge.
(NOTE: For more information regarding plagiarism, see
PLAGIARISM Appendix at
E. Abuse of Academic Materials. Intentionally or
knowingly destroying, stealing, or making inaccessible
library or other academic resource material.
F. Complicity in Academic Dishonesty. Intentionally or
knowingly helping or attempting to help another to
commit an act of academic dishonesty.

Class Cancellations/Inclement Weather

In the event that the university or myself needs to cancel class due to weather or other
unforeseen circumstance, you will STILL have work to complete. More specifically:

You will receive an email from me with instructions

Check our Daily Agendas to chart the appropriate changes
Work will be updated Canvas for you to complete
Be mindful of the time constraints for the work, and turn in your work on time and

Pocket Survival Guide for Success in Our Class

With regards to the work of the course:
I reserve the right to give an impromptu reading quiz if it becomes apparent you
are not prepared
Unless otherwise posted, ALL MODULES (Studio, Group, and Homework
Responses) are due via Canvas by 12PM (noon) prior to our class meetings; this
allows me time to read your responses before class time
All major assignment components are due prior to 11PM on Saturdays on the
specified due date
All major assignments and a final portfolio must be completed in order to receive
a passing grade in the course
Failing to complete even one working draft, not participating in a workshop, not
completing a reflection, or not completing the portfolio means you will FAIL THE
With regards to late work I:
Will not accept late papers except
under extremely extenuating
circumstances (death in the
family, extended illness, etc.)
Reserve the right to require some
sort of documentation (i.e.
doctor's notes, a memorial
bulletin, etc.) for my records
Hold all of my students to the
same standard throughout my
classes, thus the need for a more
rigorous process to justify late

Follow the survival guide,

and prosper
Sources: Geek League of America

I give ample time in class to work/workshop various projects, so I expect you:

To stay off of social media and coursework for other classes.
To ask me questions, raise concerns, and/or get assistance from me concerning
our course work.
To not wait until the last minute to ask questions, get help etc.
With regards to attendance:
It is your responsibly to be here and fully active
Should you be absent, you are responsible for all missed work
If you miss class, consult Canvas to see what you have missed
NEED HELP? I am available:
Via email, office hours, Google Chat, and additional appointments outside of my
set times if necessary

To help you throughout this class, so waiting until the last minute to get help, ask
questions, raise concerns, etc. is bad practice
Consider the syllabus, Canvas, and Google Docs resources:
A contract for the standards of behavior and coursework expectations
Are here to protect both you and me concerning the acceptable working and
learning conditions for this class
Are resources to help you know what is going on, so claiming "I didn't know" is
never an excuse
Your first resource when you have questions about
content, due dates, expectations, etc.
With regards to your email, Canvas, &
Google Docs Folder:
I will be sending you updates,
reminders, comments, and other
course information via email and
Canvas; therefore, you need to
check both often
Should I need to modify the course
syllabus or due dates, I will update
you via email, Canvas, and our
Daily Agendas
Sources: Get in the Sky
You are responsible for keeping up with these
changes when I make announcements in class
Should Canvas become unavailable from some sort of system-wide error, you
will still be required to complete your work through our course Google folder
Should Canvas become unavailable and we need to use the Google folder backup, you will receive specific instructions from me via email

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