Computer, Information Technology, Internet and Multimedia

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Group 2 Analog

Computers, Information Technology , Internet and Beyond

Topic Outline
I. Computers
A. Definition of Computer
B. History
1. Early Counting Methods
2. Early Mechanical Aids for Counting
C. Evolution of Computer
1. Early Calculating Tools
a. Abacus
b. Napiers Bone
2. Gear-Driven Machines
a. 1642 The Pascaline
b. 1673 The Stepped Reckoner
c. 1801 Jacquards Loom
d. 1820 Babbages Engines
3. Electro-Mechanical Machines
a. 1890 Holleriths Tabulating Machine
b. 1930 Bushs Differential Analyzer
c. 1944 Aikens Mark I
4. First Generation: The Vacuum Tube Years
a. 1946 ENIAC
b. 1949 EDSAC
c. 1951 UNIVAC
5. Second Generation: The Era of the Transistors
6. Third Generation: Integrated Circuits Miniaturizing the Computers
7. Fourth Generation: The Microprocessor

D. How do Modern Computers work?

1. The Binary System
2. The Operating Systems
3. Data Types
E, History of Computers in the Philippines
II. Information Technology
A. Definition
B. History
C. Data Processing Operations
D. IT Example
E. IT in Society
1. Education
2. Day to Day Living
3. Entertainment
4. IT Careers
F. Recent Developments
III . Internet
A. History of Internet
B. How Internet Works
1. Finding Computers
2. Clients and Servers
3. The Other parts of the toolbox
4. How does this Parts Work together
C. Internet Services
1. World wide web
2. Electronic mail
3. File transfer Protocol
4. Chat Rooms
5. Social Networks

6. Search Engines
D. Uses of Internet
1. Communication
2. Education
3. Research
4. Real Time Updates
5. Financial Transaction
6. E-commerse
7. Entertainment
E. Internet in the Philippines
1. History
2. State of Internet in the Philippines
F. Impact of Internet
G. Disadvantages of Internet
IV. Multimedia
A. Definition
B. Types

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