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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

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1. rakishly adv. in a rakish manner

2. hurricane n. an extremely violent storm
3. auxiliary adj. functioning in a subsidiary or supporting capacity n.

4. turret n. a small tower extending above a building

5. grin v. to draw back the lips and reveal the teeth, in a smile n.

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astonishment n. the feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising

roaring n. a deep prolonged loud noise v. adj.

fading n. weakening in force or intensity v. fade ing

intimate n. someone to whom private matters are confided vt.

tense vi. become stretched or tense or taught adj.

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1 glove n. covers the hand and wrist vt.

10. lurch vi. walk as if unable to control one's movements n.

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1 corridor n. an enclosed passageway

11. distraught adj. deeply agitated especially from emotion
12. haggard adj. showing the wearing effects of overwork or suffering

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1 grumbled vi. show one's unhappiness or critical attitude n.

13. anesthetizer n. loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness

14. delicately adv. in a delicate manner

15. glistening adj. reflecting light v.
16. craven adj. lacking even the rudiments of courage n.

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1 Cautiously adv. with caution or prudence or tact
17. ignition n. the process of initiating combustion or catching fire

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wrecking n. the event of a structure being completely demolished and leveled

18. slush n. partially melted snow vi.

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1 insinuatingly adv. in an insinuating manner
19. attorney n. a professional person authorized to practice law
20. defendant n. the person being sued or accused adj.
21. miserable adj. very unhappy; full of misery
22. bedlam n. a state of extreme confusion and disorder

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pistol shot n.

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1 cannonading n. intense and continuous artillery fire
23. ammunition n. projectiles to be fired from a gun vi.
24. sergeant n. a lawman with the rank of sergeant

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1 derisive adj. expressing contempt or ridicule
25. scornfully adv. in a disdainful manner
26. disdainful adj. expressing extreme contempt

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