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Miracles #5 -- Healing Leprosy (Leviticus 13; Mark 1:40-45;

Luke 17:11-19)
11 September 2016
Pastor Art Brammer, Tay Street Baptist Church
Leprosy is not simply another disease, it is a typical disease. =
I. Leprosy in the Bible Lev 13:1-8, 45-46
A. Gods requirements were severe:
1. They lived in perpetual mourning.
2. They had to give other people warning.
3. They lived in isolation from others.
B. Leprosy was seen as a judgment by God.
Miriam (Num 12); Gehazi (2 Kgs 5); Uzziah (2 Chr 26).
C. Leprosy is a symbol (type) of sin.
1. It is deeper than the skin of his flesh (v. 3) Mt 15:19-20.
2. It spreads (v. 7-8) 1 Cor 5:6
3. It makes unclean (v. 46).
4. It isolates (he shall dwell alone, v. 46) Is 59:1-2.
D. Leprosy could be cured (v. 13-23) Mt. 19:26.
II. Jesus healed 1 leper who had faith (Mk 1:40-45).
A. The leper kneeled before Jesus and called Him Lord.
B. Jesus touched the leper (v. 41)....purposefully:
1. By touching him Jesus showed sympathy toward the leper.
2. By touching him Jesus cleansed the leper.
3. By touching him Jesus healed the leper.
III. Jesus healed 10 lepers who asked (Lk 17:11-19).
Sometimes God gives what is asked for, but doesnt give all that He
could give because of the limited scope of the prayer.
Leprosy is a state of living death (He is a walking sepulcher).

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