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Positioning statement for Unilever offering in NE Brazil:

Campeiro Forza is the detergent powder which gives a strong cleaning

power and removes stains with less effort and better priced than
competitors for the Brazilian consumers who are proud of cleanliness,
pleasant perfumes and convenience while washing clothes.

Points of Difference: Quality, Affordability and Practicality

Frame of Reference: Detergents; fastest growing market (17% a.a.);
Unilever leader (75%); Omo Minerva and Campeiro own brands in the
category, while Quanto Old Fases and Pop are P&Gs brands
Reason to Believe:

27% a.a. purchasing power growth of the poorest in NE -> first mover
53% of NE population with less than 2 minimum wages
Unilever as market leader in the category (81%) key to target new
segments and avoid saturation in its current market
Unilever huge legacy and track record + strong distribution channel
for other brands
Increasing competition of P&G with R&D increases urge for action

Brand: Brand extension

New brand = too costly and complex, while adding confusion to

Reposition = mature market with well established view on Campeiro
Campeiro, Pop and Invicto are low cost but do not supply quality
Brand extension = + Facilitate product acceptance; + Reduce costs of
introductory market programmes and + Permit customer variety
seeking BUT dilute brand meaning; - Canibalize parent brand
Campeiro best suitable as Omo and Minerva higher price and good
audience already

Formula: new process -> higher quality than Campeiro

more foam but to the limit that can be easily removed from clothes
(only 28% own washing machines)
a different pleasant smell
higher granularity powder to increase easiness of removal

Packaging: plastic, 2 sizes and new shape

Plastic to increase practicality when washing clothes in the rivers or

at outside places that suffer from rain -> second rate perception
mitigated by highlighting cleanliness and stain remover
1kg and 500gr package due to consumers weekly budget
Different shape than current plastic bags and colorful layouts to avoid
comparisons with current transparent plastic bags

Promotion: Mix of ATL and BTL (focus on the latter)

ATL mass media as local TV shows with high audience

BTL POS marketing with introductory promotion on shops facilitated
by the distributor specialization

Distribution: Specialized distributors at local stores close to its key owned


Spread out and large numbers of retailers (75,000) = complex

Assure more shelf space in retailers and increase focus on the
Better management of repositioned brand and the other brands in the

Price: ideally in between Campeiro and Minerva

Cannibalization: level before becomes unprofitable

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