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1.In the given fig. 1 what we see that A is brighter than B.

So to differentiate star according

brightness we use apparent magnitude which is classified into 1,2,3,4,5,6.But apparent magnitude
doesnt consider the distance from the observer.When we see a lamp from different distance then
its brightness vary.So to include the distance we use the absolute magnitude.

Now this brightness classification may vary(It may more than 6).In fig upper value shows the
apparent magnitude and below value show the absolute magnitude.
So further we will use absolute magnitude.

So in fig. 2 star C and D have different colour.We know that colour depend upon the temperature.
For high temperature : blue colour
For low temperature : orange colour
And according to temperature stars are classified into O,B,A,F,G,K,M.
How to remember : Oh Be A Fine Girl Kiss Me

Now how to relate brightness and colour of different stars.That is done by HR diagram.

Note : Luminosity is proportional to (mass of star)^3.5

: More less magnitude of stars shows more brightness.
3. HR diagram : Given figure show the relation between luminosity and temperature.
X axis : temperature(From left to right temperature is decreasing)
Y axis : log(luminosity of star/luminosity of sun) .So 1 here is showing the sun.

Here we got a main sequence in which all around 95% stars lies.At left point stars are large and have
the high brightness(But less life time:10^7)
But at the right point stars are small and have less luminosity.
Example : Rigel star which come in B classification and lies in main sequence.

Now we will discuss about the Giants type of stars.This kind of stars have following properties:
1) Cool
2) Higher bright
3) Very large(Generally high brightness means big size(take it as short tricks))

There is also Supergiants classification which come just above the giants classification.
Example : Betelguese come in giants.

5.Now we will discuss about the white dwarfs which has following properties :
1) Not bright
2) Very hot
3) Very small

Example: Sirius B is come in white dwarfs.

So now according to HR diagram we can define the many properties of stars and Stellar Evolution.

Now dont worry about that diagram that is same what I explained.(You can explain that if you know
the basic of HR diagram that I already discussed).
In your exam only simple graph will be asked like show the position of white dwarfs and giants.
Here Im giving good graph of HR diagram that would really help you..

Note : After this read about the stellar evolution.You will enjoy it and definitely will get good
understanding of the HR diagram(How it is useful)

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