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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of Engineering

Digital/Electronic Bird Deterrents Device

Used in Farms and Airfields

A Project Proposal in Completion of the

Requirements in Methods of Engineering Research

Proposed to:
Engr. Marianito P. Gallego

Proposed by:
Magsalansan, John Errol C.
BS ECE 3-1

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background

Birds are also Gods creation. They have also a vital role in our
world. But unfortunately, we, humans, have encounter several problems dealing
with them and most of it, in the field of agriculture and air transportation.
In the field of air transportation, birds made up 97 percent of
wildlife collisions with airplanes from 1990-2013, with 138,257 strikes in 24
years causing nearly $600 million in damage. It is not only after the cost of
damage but also the loss of many lives because of accidents.
In the field of agriculture, bird damage is a significant problem. In
Australia, the total damage to agricultural production estimated at nearly $300
million annually. Over 60 bird species are known to damage agricultural crops.
These species possess marked differences in feeding strategies and movement
patterns which influence the nature, timing and severity of the damage they

Background of the Study

Since the world had been created by God, we also live in this planet
with other creation of God. Animals, plants, insects, etc., are also live here. At
the beginning, these creatures dont cause major problems to mankind. But as
the civilization progress, gradually they caused a problem on us.
When farming starts at ancient times, birds and insects pests the
farms of our ancestors making them to suffer and lessen their harvests. As the
modernization starts, many methods of repelling birds have been done. At early
times, men are using scarecrows to deter the birds on farm. But it is not quite
Here in Philippines, a developing and agricultural country, farming
is the common work of the citizens. Many of our farmers have been bothering
by birds. And because our country is not so well developed, they used the
native methods to deter this birds, they put scarecrow in the middle of farms
hoping that it will help them to keep the birds out of their farms.
As my own experience, some of my relatives on our province,
Pampanga, have been bothered by these problems. When planting, they need to
watch their field because if not, the grains that they spread on the fields would
have been eaten by birds. And if the crops are nearly in harvest, birds are

usually eaten the crops and it cause sometimes of rotting crops. Many sacks of
harvest have been wasted and it decreases the income of the farmers.
In coffee farms, birds also dealing a massive damage, they eat the
coffee beans. In Laguna and Batangas, coffee farmers tried their best to lessen
the damage caused by birds. They always patrol the farm and check if the
beans have been destroyed or rotten. They need to maintain a good quality of
coffee beans so that they can sell it at good price.
Migratory birds are also caused a problem in Candaba, Pampanga.
When the migratory birds come from somewhere and usually it comes in a huge
number or group, the farms are normally affected. Not only destroying the
farms, sometimes, these birds are carrying some illness that may affect the
local animals and more importantly, we, humans.
In other countries, they also monitored the birds. Nowadays, much
kind of diseases have been spreading throughout the world. Birds can carry
these diseases and spread it. We Filipinos are luckily having an archipelago
country and we have been isolated from other countries. Therefore, we have a
natural kind of defenses from these problems but still we need to take some
precautions to avoid and prevent that problem.
Not only on agriculture were we dealing problems on birds. In
means of air transportation or airplanes, birds are also causes great problem.
Because of wide fields on airports, birds are normally go there. But this is too

dangerous for aircrafts, the engine may get destroyed while in operation because
of wind pressure, and if a bird is near, the engine would absorb the bird and it
will damage the engine of the plane.
News according to, MANILA, Philippines A Philippine
Airlines plane had to return to the Ninoy Aquino International Airport to fix a
problem with its nose landing gear while a Cebu Pacific aircraft that took off
from the same airport had a bird strike upon touchdown at the Pagadian City
airport on September 23, 2014. A flock of birds got sucked into the engine of
the Cebu Pacific aircraft upon touchdown at airport in Pagadian City in
Zamboanga del Sur at 8:27 a.m. on the same day. Luckily, no one has been
injured in this incident.
Bird strikes happen most often during takeoff or landing, or during
low altitude flight. However, bird strikes have also been reported at high
altitudes, some as high as 6,000 m (20,000 ft) to 9,000 m (30,000 ft) above the
ground. Bar-headed geese have been seen flying as high as 10,175 m (33,383 ft)
above sea level. An aircraft over the Ivory Coast collided with a Rppell's
Vulture at the astonishing altitude of 11,300 m (37,100 ft), the current record
avian height. The majority of bird collisions occur near or on airports (90%,
according to the ICAO) during takeoff, landing and associated phases.
According to the FAA wildlife hazard management manual for 2005, less than

8% of strikes occur above 900 m (3,000 ft) and 61% occur at less than 30 m
(100 ft).
These are some notable accidents caused by bird strikes (Source: accident database). October 04, 1960 at Boston,
Massachusetts, Eastern Air Lines; during the takeoff, the aircraft struck by a
flock of starlings and it loses its three engines and get crashed. September 22,
1995, at Anchorage, Alaska, U.S. Air Force; flew into a flock of 100 or more
Canada Geese, lost two engines, and crashed. January 15, 2009 at New York,
New York, US Airways; ditched in Hudson River after losing both engines after
collision with Canadian Geese.
These plane accidents related with birds are needed to be solved
because it causes a vast amount of money damaged and causes of losing of
many lives. We need to provide a solution to avoid this kind of catastrophic
accident occur once again and preventing of losing of money and lives.
Even there are already made solution, we need to make a new or
modified the solution. Bird repelling device had been made now are using ultra
frequency and others uses a propane gas. This method are not quite safe
specially the using of propane gas. Using propane gas on farm may cause an
accident on the user and injure it, and maybe, when igniting this propane gas,
it creates fire which is not necessary for dry farm fields because it may cause a

wild fire or maybe a forest fire. Thats why I suggest modifying the device using
propane gas to a new and much safer way.
It is for these reasons that the researcher wish to embark on the
research concerning about the topic.

Statement of the Problem

This study was undertaken to find out a way on how to repel the birds
from farms to avoid it from pesting the farm fields and to avoid the bird strike
occur in the airfields and preventing of plane accidents especially here in the
Specifically, the researcher wishes to seek answers to the following
1) What

are the methods that may be used to repel these birds?

Does it repel in a blast or distressing sound?
Does using a loudspeaker will be effective?
Does having time interval of blast would be effective?
Does the digital bird repellant would be so effective?

2) How to power the device?

a. Does using of battery would be enough?
b. How about using solar panels?
c. Or both used solar and battery?
3) What

is the level of loudness of the sound per given area?

In 100 square meter?
In 250 square meter?
In 500 square meter or more?
Theoretical Framework

The Law of Nature is a system of law that is determined by nature,

and so is universal. Meaning, it is how God created us and the world and we
cannot change it.
An ecosystem is a community of living organisms (plants, animals
and microbes) in conjunction with the nonliving components of their
environment (things like air, water and mineral soil), interacting as a system.
These biotic and abiotic components are regarded as linked together through
nutrient cycles and energy flows. As ecosystems are defined by the network of
interactions among organisms, and between organisms and their environment,
they can be of any size but usually encompass specific, limited spaces (although
some scientists say that the entire planet is an ecosystem).
Flocking behavior is the behavior exhibited when a group of birds,
called a flock, are foraging or in flight. There are parallels with the shoaling
behavior of fish, the swarming behavior of insects, and herd behavior of land

Conceptual Framework



It would repel the birds

The grain-eating birds/

Produce an electronic

from the farms and

birds on airports.

device that can repel

airports, increasing the


production of goods, and

lowers the rate of bird

The device is automatic

It would save time and

The operation time of the

or digital type and it can

energy of the farmers


be program.

and bird watchers on

It is designed as solar

Farmers and bird

powered and also a

watchers would only

rechargeable and

check the battery or the

replaceable battery

condition of the device if

powered device.

was still operating.

Although there still a

Effect of the blast sound

The device will be placed

minor effect, but

produce by the device in

at the middle of the field

because of placing the

near houses.

and the device is auto-

device far from houses,

disabled during at night.

they can tolerate it.

Powering of the device.

Research Paradigm

The research was starts at observing and collecting data about the birds,
their behavior and the problems that they cause to our farmers and our planes
by means of surveying, reading, watching and sometimes experiencing the
problem. After gathering the data, analyze and study the situation of the
problem and the data, read some related studies about the problem, gather
more data and formulate some hypotheses that may solve the problems dealing
with problem. Then, we should conduct some experiments and test if the
hypotheses we formulate are working or not until we get the solutions that
would repel these birds. Then make a conclusion and recommendations so that
the research may be improve in future studies.

Block Diagram

Assemble the device.

Program the device

(Battery, controller,

for the desired time

speakers and case)

interval of producing
distressing sound.

Observe the
effectiveness of the

Lock them in a case

Set the device in

and turn the devices

every 20 meter radius


in the field.

Scope and Limitations

The proposed research is only focused on the effects of birds on in our

agriculture and our airlines. Its only aiming about finding a new way or
techniques or modified the current solution into a simpler and safer solution.
In agriculture, it only focuses on how to repel birds on the farms so it
can help the farmers on providing more production of goods and they can get a
more income.
In our airlines, it only focuses on also repelling the birds and help bird
watchers to keep the birds out of the airport and maintain the security and
safety the passengers.
The research does not focuses on the thief that may get the devices on
the fields, means that the user is the one who should make a counter-measures
against them.
The research also focuses on the common type of birds here in the
Philippines that causes the problems said on this research.

Significance of the Study

To the farmers, the proposed research will serve as one solution against
the attack of the birds in their farms and they can produce much harvest and it
would increase their incomes.
To the bird watchers of airports, the proposed research will help them to
minimized their efforts and making their work much easier, safe and more
To the passengers, the proposed research will help us to lessen our
worries against the bird strike accidents when we are on a plane and to have a
more safe and convenience flights.
To our industry, the proposed research will help us by aiding us about on
dealings on problems and boost our industry to provide more goods and create
more business in our country.
To our Government and Nation, the proposed research will help our
farmers to increase the production of goods and it would also help our airlines
to maintain the safety of their passengers and it cause of more tourist go to our
country and it will help us to boost and developed our economy.

Definition of Terms

Bird strike - is strictly defined as a collision between a bird and an aircraft

which is in flight or on a takeoff or landing roll. The term is often expanded
to cover other wildlife strikes - with bats or ground animals. Bird Strike is

common and can be a significant threat to aircraft safety.

Propane gas bird repellant a device that producing a loud sound to scare

the birds by means of igniting the propane gas in a tube or chamber.

Electronic or digital deterrents a device that is fully made of electronics
components and use to repel birds in farms and airfields.
Bird watchers - a person who observes birds in their natural surroundings
as a hobby, or work especially in airports or airfields.
Crop/grain eating birds birds thats responsible for pesting or eating the
crops on farms.
Flock - is a group of birds conducting flocking behavior in flight, or while
foraging. The term is akin to the herd amongst mammals.

Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature and Studies

Birds are also part of this world. They also been created by God and
they have the right to live here. But as humans, we are the most superior
creation by God. We have the power to manage, organize, think and etc. There
are some situations that we are experiencing problems dealing with birds.
Thats why we humans, conducted research to provide a solutions for these
Some of the problems are related on the fields of agriculture and
transportation. These fields are so important to us. Having problems in this
fields are have great impact to us especially because it may cause of food
shortage or bird strike accidents. These are the reasons of finding ways to solve
the stated problems.

Related Legal Basis

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 (MBTA), codified at 16 U.S.C.
Section 703712 (although Section 709 is omitted), is a United States federal
law, first enacted in 1916 in order to implement the convention for the
protection of migratory birds between the United States and Great Britain
(acting on behalf of Canada). The statute makes it unlawful without a waiver to
pursue, hunt, take, capture, kill or sell birds listed therein ("migratory birds").
The statute does not discriminate between live or dead birds and also grants full
protection to any bird parts including feathers, eggs and nests. Over 800
species are currently on the list
Basic protection given to wild birds. All birds, their nests and eggs are
protected by law and it is an offence, with certain exceptions, to:
a) Intentionally kill, injure or take any wild bird.
b) Intentionally take damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in
use or being built (NB: The nests of white-tailed eagles, ospreys and golden
eagles are protected all year round).
c) Intentionally take or destroy the egg of any wild bird.
d) Have in ones possession or control any wild bird (dead or alive), part of a wild
bird or egg of a wild bird which has been taken in contravention of the Act, the

Protection of Birds Act 1954 or the law of any EU Member State (Which
implements the EU Birds Directive 1979).

Related Literature
Foreign Literature
Flock prevalence is the proportion of flocks containing one or more
infected - Salmonella-positive - birds. Flock prevalence is a national estimate;
hence country-specific data are required. Estimation of flock prevalence
requires consideration of the broiler production methods used. Differences in
production practices occur not only between countries, but also within
countries. For example, within the United Kingdom (and therefore probably in
many other industrialized countries), many poultry companies may have their
own feed mills, breeder flocks and hatcheries, thus differences between
companies may exist. In addition, different breeds of birds may be used, both
within a country and worldwide. Further, flock sizes, densities and the
conditions under which a bird lives can also vary, such as free-range and
organic birds versus mass-produced commercial birds. Many of these factors
may influence the Salmonella status of a flock.
In addition to production methods, it is possible that climatic conditions
may also influence flock prevalence. There is distinct seasonal effect in the

outbreak of human Salmonella cases, which peak in the summer months.

However, Angen et al. (1996) have showed a significant increase in prevalence of
Salmonella in broiler chickens in Denmark during the autumn months of
September-November, and Soerjadi-Liem and Cumming (1984) demonstrated a
higher probability of Salmonella infection in Australian flocks during the cold
and wet season.

Local Literature
Ancient Philippine mythology varies among the many indigenous tribes
of the Philippines. During the pre-Spanish era, some tribes believed in a single
supreme being who created the world and everything in it, along with lesser
deities. Others chose to worship a multitude of trees as an act of animism.
Today the Philippines have three religions, animism in northern Luzon,
Christianity in southern Luzon and in visayas, and Islam in mindanao.
Muhen A bird who is one of the most influential figures in the Tboli
pantheon who is considered the god of fate, whose song when heard is thought
to presage misfortune. Any undertaking is immediately abandoned or
postponed when one hears the Muhen sing. Bulalakaw, bird god,causer of
illness. Aswang, an half-bird and half-animal.

Related Studies
Foreign Studies
A study done in New Zealand (Spurr and Coleman, 2005) suggests
a simple pretreatment cost-benefit analysis of the bird control technique(s)
under consideration should be used to make bird management decisions. In
this instance, the bird control technique under review was repellents. Cost
effectiveness was calculated based on the cost and effectiveness of each
repellent, the value of the crop, and the loss to birds if the crop was not
protected (Table 1). Total cost was calculated based on cost of raw materials +
labor to make an application x the number of applications needed.
So, for example, if your berry crop is worth $10,000/acre, the
expected loss to birds without treatment is 20%, and the bird repellent under
consideration is 50% effective, then the repellent should cost less than
$1,000/acre to be cost effective. The same sort of simple cost benefit analysis
would also be applicable to other bird management techniques. In the case of
netting or other durable equipment such as canons, however, the duration of
the technique (i.e. life of the netting) would need to be factored in as well.
Bird repellents are often portrayed as an effective, clean, green
method of bird management (Spurr and Coleman, 2005). There are currently 2
bird repellents labeled for use in NY State. They are the methyl anthranilate-

based products Bird Shield and Rejex-It Crop Guardian. Research here and in
other states (Michigan, Oregon, Washington and Florida) indicates these
products have both positive and negative aspects.
The active ingredient methyl anthranilate is similar to the
chemical responsible for the major flavor component of Concord grapes. It is
manufactured in large quantities by food processors and is considered safe for
human consumption by the FDA. However, it is a volatile compound and has a
short residual on exposed fruit giving good repellency for approx. 3 days then
gradually loosing effectiveness. In addition, a large amount of product needs to
be consumed in one bite in order for it to be most effective. Application
technologies for small fruit such as air blast sprayers are designed to apply
small amounts of product uniformly over larger areas, thus reducing product
Applications of sucrose syrups have been demonstrated to repel
birds from blueberry plantings. The exact method of repellency is not well
documented, but it is thought birds such as European Starlings and American
Robins are unable to digest the disaccharides in sugar. Most birds are able to
digest simple monosaccharide sugars found in fruits (Brugger et. al., 1993).
The invasive European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) reproduces
prolifically and is highly adaptable, which has resulted in nuisance populations
across North America (Currie et al. 1977). Known for their intelligence, these

glossy black birds also spread diseases, such as gastroenteritis, foot and mouth
disease, salmonella, avian tuberculosis and histoplasmosis (Feare 1984,
Johnson and Glahn 1994). Starlings can be found in flocks of up to 1.5 million
birds and cause an estimated $800 million in damage in the United States
annually (Norris et al. 2003).
Starlings pose a serious threat to the agricultural industry,
especially berry farmers. Starlings descend on berry fields, consuming the ripe
fruit and sometimes destroying entire crops (Pritts and Hancock 1992, Gough
1994, Sweeney 2003). In the Pacific Northwest, which produces a third of the
worlds blueberry supply, farmers report losses of up to 30% annually
(Whatcom Farm Friends 2008). Other sectors of agriculture, most notably
dairies and orchards, are also affected by these birds. With dairy commodity
barns and stored forages providing winter feed and blueberries providing
summer feed, starlings particularly thrive at berrydairy interface areas in this
region (Gilkeson and Adams 1996, 2000; Steensma et al. 2007).
Bird strikes, collisions between an aircraft and one or more birds,
are not a new phenomenon. The first recorded fatal aircraft accident resulting
from a bird strike occurred in the United States in 1912 (Lewis, 1995). Since
that time, bird strikes have caused the loss of 52 civilian aircraft and around
190 lives worldwide (Allan, 2000). Fortunately, the majority of bird strikes cause
little or no damage.

It is estimated that more than 30,000 bird strikes occur to civilian

aircraft each year (ICAO, 2001). Despite efforts to reduce the problem, bird
strikes continue and are estimated to cost the worldwide aviation fleet in excess
of $US3 billion annually. Direct costs can include hull loss or damage. However,
a substantial proportion of these costs are associated with cancelling
commercial flights and making alternative travel arrangements for fare paying
passengers (Short, Kelley, Speelman & McCarty, 2000).

Local Studies
Utilization and planting of Bt-11 corn in the Philippines is safe for
human and animal health. It is also safe to non-target insects, earthworms and
birds. The human and environmental safety of Bt protected crops is supported
by the long history of safe use for Bt microbial pesticides around the world
(Betz, et al 2000). The possible development of resistance of Asiatic corn borer
to Bt corn is currently mitigated by the implementation of a scientifically sound
and practical Insect Resistance Management (IRM) strategy.


The literatures and studies show that since then, many methods
and solution have been done. But, still, there are some new ways to solve the
problems dealing with birds. The proposed research will use new techniques to
solve the problem.

Chapter 3
The Research methodology
Research Design
The proposed research is a quasi-type research, because it
describes the research and would conduct some experiments. The proposed
research was sought and gathers data about the problems by reading some
article and watching it in media like news and internet. After getting enough
information and data about the problem, formulate and testing a hypothesis
would be done. For the meantime, the research is on proposing state thats why
there are no experiments have already done. After it was been passed, the
researcher would test some experiments and use some materials to verify or
prove the hypothesis have been made are the solutions of the research problem.
Even though the research was not already conducted some experiments, still it
was a quasi-type of research because the research describes the problem and in
future, would conduct experiments for verifying its proposed hypothesis.

Research Locale
The research problem was been experience in our place, Mexico,
Pampanga. Farmers in our province are having been experiencing this problem
thats why it came to my mind that this would be my research problem.
Also in school, we gather some ideas about the problem or
techniques of solving the problems on our classmates, friends and specially, on
our professor.
In national library, having read some articles related on the topic
and using them as a sample or guide in making our research.
In the field, by experiencing the research problem, gathering data
from farmers and also from others that also experiencing the same problem.
In our home, watching and reading newspaper or journals, and
watching some news on our television that is related to the problem.
In computer shop, through the internet, we gather more data and
ideas that we are needed for our research problem.

Description of the Research Instrument

The research instrument mainly focus on testing the effectiveness of

the device in solving the problems and also for analyzing some aspects that may
be improve for so we can obtain better results and to solve the research
It would test various conditions to get more accurate data needed so
we conclude more reliable and more appropriate.

Research Instrument
Digital/Electronic Bird Deterrent Device
The objective of this research is to know if the proposed solution
would be effective and it would help us to repel the birds in farms and airfields.

Battery, solar panel, timer or controller (circuit), speaker, case, 10
birds sample test (sparrow).

1. Assemble the device, by putting or connecting the battery and solar


power to the controller.

Then connect the speaker to the circuit.
Program or set up the timer of the device.
Check the device if it is correctly assembled and programed.
Place the device in the middle of the field. Place also the 10 sample birds

within 100 meter radius from the device.

6. Set the timer of the device into intervals of every 5 minutes.
7. Observe the reaction of the birds per blast of sound.

Number of birds repel or
Time Interval

5 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

20 minutes

25 minutes


reacted (out of 10)


Data Gathering Procedure

Observing the surroundings and gather some problems. Make
brainstorming with friends and classmates. Experiencing the problem
and analyze the situation. Reading some articles related to the problem.
Watch news in television. Going to library and read some related studies
about the research problem. Use the internet for searching more
information and to gather more data, reviewing some previous studies
and modified their solution, and would conduct some experiments to
verify the proposed solution.

Statistical treatment of data

No treatments of data have been done yet. There is not enough data
because the experiments have not been done yet.

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