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1. Multiplication Of Algebraic Expressions:(i) a b =ab Example: 3x 4y = 12xy

(ii) a(b+c) = a b + a c. Example: 2z (3x + 5y) = 6xz + 10yz

(iii) ( a + b)(c + d) = a c + a d + b c + b d

(iv) This rule can be extended to multinomials also. Example:

2. Division Of Algebraic Expressions:-



The story is set in the days of the Franco-Prussian war. The French district of Alsace and Lorraine
were captured by Germans. The new master was to come the next day in a school in Alsace to
teach German in place of French. The story tells the effect of this news on the life of a young boy
named Franz, at a school in Alsace.
The story at a glance
The prose The Last Class by Alphonse Daudet narrates about the year 1870 when the Prussian
forces under Bismarck attacked and captured France. The French districts of Alsace and Lorraine
went into Prussian hands. The new Prussian rulers discontinued the teaching of French in the
schools of these two districts. The French teachers were asked to leave. The story describes the
last day of one such French teacher, M. Hamel.
M. Hamel had been transferred and could no longer remain in his old school. Still he gave his last
lesson to his students with utmost devotion and sincerity as ever. The story depicts the pathos of
the whole situation about how people feel when they dont learn their own language and then
losing an asset in M. Hamel. One of his students, Franz, who dreaded French class and
M.Hamels iron rod, came to the school that day thinking he would be punished as he had not
prepared for his test. But on reaching school he found his teacher, M.Hamel dressed in Sundays
clothes and all the old people of the village sitting there. It was due to an order on the bulletin
board. That was the first day when he realized for the first time that how important French was for
him, but it was his last lesson in French and they were only to learn German in school after that
day. M. Hamel seemed very upset. Finally the lesson began M. Hamel taught them everything he
could; everyone listened to his orders and appreciated their last chance to learn everything
possible. For once, Franz listened to all that was taught and realized how easy it was and how
much he had learned just in one day. The bell rang and class ended, Franz regretted not listening
all those times and not showing up until that Last Lesson.
The church clock struck twelve. It was time for the school to close. M. Hamel wanted to say
something. But he was overcome with emotion. He wrote Vive La France! on the blackboard,
and with a wave of his hand, he dismissed the school.
Alphonse Daudet expounds the themes of freedom and patriotism in his short story The Last
Class. Courage, the importance of education, and the preciousness of ones own language are
interrelated themes


Nature of Oxides of Metals:

Metals like sodium, potassium and calcium react with oxygen to to form their respective

oxides. These oxides dissolve in water to their respective metallic oxide, which are basic in
nature and turn red litmus blue. They also react with acid to form metallic salt and water.

Sodium + Oxygen

sodium oxide

Sodium oxide + Water

Sodium hydroxide

Sodium oxide + Hydrochloric acid

Potassium + Oxygen

Potassium oxide

Potassium + Water

Potassium hydroxide

Potassium oxide + Hydrochloric acid

Calcium+ Oxygen

Potassium Chloride + Water

Calcium oxide

Calcium oxide + Water

Calcium hydroxide

Calcium oxide + Hydrochloric acid

Sodium Chloride + Water

Calcium Chloride + Water

Rust formation

Iron reacts with atmospheric oxygen and moisture to form iron oxide, which is commonly known
as rust. Nails rust because of the moisture present in air.
Iron when reacted with both water and oxygen which present in air (moist air), corrodes. Its
silvery colour changes to a reddish-brown, because hydrated oxides are formed which is
commonly called as rust.
Reaction showing formation of rust when reacted with water in presence of oxygen
4Fe + 3O+ xHO 2FeO.xHO


Oxides of aluminium, copper and zinc slowly form oxides with oxygen. Their oxides are
insoluble in water but when they react with acid they form salt and water hence these
oxides are basic in nature.

Aluminium + Oxygen

Aluminium oxide

Aluminium oxide + Hydrochloric acid

Aluminium Chloride + Water

Copper + Oxygen

Copper oxide

Copper oxide + Sulphuric acid

Zinc + Oxygen

Zinc oxide

Zinc oxide + Sulphuric acid

Copper Sulphate + Water

Zinc Sulphate + Water

The oxides of metals which are acid as well as basic in nature are called amphoteric



Light is an invisible form of energy which helps us to see things.

Light from a source falls on an object which gets reflected to our eyes and the
information reaches to our brain and we can see things.

A ray of light can get reflected, refracted and absorbed at a same time
depending on the nature of the medium it is going through.

The phenomenon due to which a ray of light travelling from one optical medium
to another, bounces off from its surface with a change in angle is called
reflection of light.

Light gets both reflected from a mirror surface or from a book or table surface.

Difference is in case of mirror, the light rays are parallel reflected to our eye
which is making us see a very bright patch of light.
But in case of a book or a table, reflected rays are moving in different directions
so it does not form any bright patch of light.

Image formed in a plane mirror is a Virtual image.

The object distance from mirror is equal to the image distance from the mirror
after reflection.



The activities or tasks which a farmer performs to cultivate a crop are referred to as
agricultural practices.

Irrigation is the supply of water to crops at different intervals. Modern methods of

irrigation include Sprinkler and Drip irrigation.

Drip irrigation is economical as water is not wasted and useful in regions of poor water




Weeding is a process of removal of weeds (unwanted or uncultivated plants) from a field.

Trowel, Harrow and weedicides are used to remove weeds from fields.




Harvesting is the removal or cutting of crop after maturity.

Hand sickle, thresher and combine are used in harvesting.

Combine includes both harvester and thresher which are attached to tractors to speed up
the harvesting process.

Threshing is the removal of grains from chaff and Winnowing is separation of grains from
chaff by wind.



Storage of grains is done by using silos and granaries at large scale and at small scale
they are stored either in jute bags or metallic bins.

Proper storage is essential to protect the yield from moisture, microorganisms and rodents
like rats, squirrels etc.



Animal husbandry is the field dealing with the study of food, shelter and healthcare of
domestic animals.

The keeping of animals for specific purposes (food, transportation, wool etc) is called

All domestic useful animals constitute Livestock which includes cattle, buffaloes, sheep,
pigs, and camels.



1. In India , Union Executive consist of the president , Vice-President , Prime Minister and
the Council of Ministers
2. Being

a parliamentary form of a government , India has a separate head of state

(President) and a separate head of government (Prime Minister)

3. The president acts on the advice of the prime minister; he or she is the supreme
commander of the armed forces.
4. The president appoints the prime minister and the council of ministers, and the chief
justices of the high court and the supreme court.
5. The president remains in office for a period of five years, though he or she can be elected
for second term.
6. The President enjoys a variety of powers- executive, legislative , judicial and emergency
7. The vice-president acts as the president in case the president resigns, acts as the

president till the newly elected president assumes power .

8. The vice - president is the ex-officio chairman of the rajyasabha.
9. The party thats wins the majority seats in the LokSabha is invited by the President to
form the government .
10. The prime minister chooses his or her council of ministers from among party members in
11. The Council has three categories of ministers cabinet ministers , ministers of state and
deputy ministers.
12. The Council of ministers is collectively responsible for the governments action.
13. The Civil officials are known as Civil servants.
14. The Civil service consists of members of Indian Administratives Service (IAS) , the Indian
PoliceServices (IPS) , the Indian Foreign Services (IFS)etc
15. Anyone can obtain information from the government under the Right To Information (RTI)
Acts 2005. People have used it to get things like ration cards, government aids,etc when
it has been unjustly denied to them.



x Ms eul M Apur x Ms AU x MsMU q eul M rjj fsMi W | Mx p Ms M

MsMU Aml Ms AU eul M uxiuMi M mi eil xea Wi W ExM Ms q
eul M Eil W xeu m EpUMU Ai W | MD p MsMU M io iM x AU
MsMU lW ol xMi eo iM ExM Ms x Aj q eul M Apur l S | Mus
puri ,AMwh Aju ush Szr M Aml Ms M qkrq x mxii MUl W Ms lW
W | Ms uW W e qlwr M xD pulA M eai MU S | Ms uW W e eul M LM
Lx m mxii MU e xoM sL WiMU W |

1. xuMr xkl os pui |
2. mj mwh uwq mZU |
3. xii krr xqUh MUhrq |
4. Lixr aixr Ucri kUpxMU pui |
5. x UuS Mu qlri |

CHAPTER: xSu mUi lkW cUhq



Ordered list displays the list that is precedes by a number or a letter.

Start=Value (This attribute indicates the starting value of the list).
List item tag is an empty element.
Unordered list tag displays a bulleted list.

Disc (a solid round bullet)

o Circle(a hollow bullet)

Square(a square solid bullet)

Nested list is required when a list has a sub list.



- C. M0z Pz GvgU :
1. zz Ug Ai Rg z g gAi g0zg.
2. U0Ug z gdzs Pg.
3. gAi Ct J0z Z0qgAi PgAiwzg.
4. Z0qgAi PqP Z0qgAi gt J0 j Cgv g tgg
ZjvAi PtPAiV Pnz.
5. Q..1117g zs vPr dAiz v ggAit zU Pnz.
6. zUU gz ZjvAi Ugv.
D. Jgq-g PU GvgU :
1. V 0wz ti 0z Uw Ai Pq Sir,
U Pl Hl GZgz U P, PU UU RPjU Uqm zg.
2. Z0qgAi ig0, gZ gPU0Ug 0wAiiVz. C d g rz
PgAiwg. gAi Ct J0z 0swzg. CU Pqz KAi 0v.
Dzj0z Dv v : PAiiVz Z0qgAi gt J0 j Cgvg
tgg ZjvAi PqP PtPAiV rz.
3. Zg vPr UrUgU Pnzg. geg, P0ogAit, gg,
vg, zg UrU Pnzg.
E. /Lz PU Gvg :
1. vPr Ewz U0Ug Ew, ezsz gu Ez. Pq vz Pxz.
Ai z gu Ez. JP VV Pq zs, Pq

jtvAi0z Uz CzPV gr rz gg Gd Zjv Ez. U0Ug gd

U0Ur J0z gVz. Cg z gdzs Pg. ig Q.. 500g wU
Pg0z j gdzsAi vPrU v0z. C0z 0zP Lz viUgU
C0zg vAi vizgU U0Ug DP qzg.
2. QwgAit zAiz DZU 150 Udz C0vgz zg zAi! F
zAiz gZAi P vV wz gzg FU Qg DzsgU CAi Ezg
P gAi viz P v0gg. zAiz gAiz Eg
PU UsUrAi Ug z itz vj P gU PlqP
GAiVg iVAi F P z. E 0UjAi z0Pg zU,
0Ai eggg Ur, vqwAi Q 0g, vPr zg zAiP
jU PlqUV.
3. ZP- , g 0zP V rP0q gt, z Pg wgV 0z
Eg PgzP0q Ut J0z. Eg zg. gw M0z U0m, JqP
, jU Ailz vUwU vP0v PU zg0v PUwzg. Cw zg
Ug Vq gU zAi K U, P PV P0rv. Jz
ej0z gvqVv. zs, zg. AigP ! J0z RPg PVzg. D0zz
Dz Cg AiiwPjU P0v ag zs0z g Ur Qv. g zAi
zgQv J0z PVzg.
4. , Pjg vQg j d qz. DV jU FU C0Ur J0z
gPgtVz. M0z 0wP zAiz eU0z z zv Ug
Gz Pv Pv0z Ai0z CqU fVz 0v. DU zv v
PAiV v qU Za Aii J0z Dzv0z Pq Ai
Ej Czg U0l Rq vgQ Ai Ai0z wAiz. C00z
vP Ai J0 g 0v.

- U z gzg J.P. gg.

- U a0 a0 J0z PgAivz.
- UAi Pt DZ-FZ gvz.
- UAi P v jUV CAivz.
- P g Plg U K iqP.
- t, qz U Ai gP.





lW e M mU lq mQi euWUss lW j|


mQi lW o x oWi mrU MUi j|


o ElW mrU x cc lW MWi j|


mQi lW M elqSl 14 luoU M osSux M m

q qlr ei W|

u Sz M mWs mklq j, Sz M xuii xaq q

lW e M oWi raSl j|

CHAPTER: On voyage


CHAPTER: Faire les courses

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