SO1 Short Description

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Short description of PEOPLE Sub-objective n1

All subprojects have to be formulated from a gender approach taking into account the
mainstreaming UE policies relating equal opportunities between women and men.

1. Sub-objective n 1: Reconciliation of work and private life

To produce and implement measures in the field of
Aims 1.0
reconciliation of work and private life between women an
men adapted to the social and demographic changes
challenged by Europe.
Priority 1.1

Production of European studies and analyses by means

of the following actions or sub-objectives*:
Priority 1.1a:
To study new family models and changes on European
population from a gender approach and to produce new
models of reconciliation from a gender approach adapted to
these new family models.

* All subprojects submitted to

the sub-objective 1 are to be
made in attainment of at least
one priority

Priority 1.1b:
To analyse new models of work organisation (flexible work,
telework, periodic home working) from a gender approach.
Priority 1.1c:
To study and produce gender indicators to evaluate the
different gender impact of flexible work organisation.

Priority 1.2

Implementation of awareness actions in the field of

reconciliation of work and family life between women
and men.

Priority 1.2a:
Raising awareness and inform companies about the new
models of work organisation providing more time flexibility
to men and women workers.
* All subprojects submitted to
the sub-objective 1 are to be
made in attainment of at least
one priority

Outputs 1.0
Recommended Outputs
and Outcomes to be
achieved in the Subproject

Priority 1.2b:
Raising awareness of the whole society in the field of equal
share of responsibilities between both sexes to promote
reconciliation of work and private life between women and

Production of European studies and researches;

Production and Implementation of awareness actions
in the field of reconciliation of work and family life;
Innovative models of work organisation from a
gender approach;
Transferable models from a gender approach;
Policy recommendations from a gender approach

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