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Europe Refugee Crisis

Recently in the news it has been seen that the Europe refugee crisis has
gotten out of hand, European migrant crisis arose through the rising
number of refugees and migrants coming to European union, across the
Mediterranean sea or through southeast Europe, and applying for asylum.
It has been the largest influx in Europe since world war 2, but then people
seeking asylum were only white, sadly here in this case they are brown,
mostly men and muslims.
When numbers are over 6 million it gets hard to comprehend and arrange
asylum immediately for such seekers, but what most countries have
Europe has decided is inhumane and frankly evil.
In 2014, over 2.5 million refugees entered Europe illegally, and more than
4 million in countries around like turkey, Lebanon.
Factors cited as immediate triggers or causes of the sudden and massive
increase in migrant numbers in the summer of 2015 along the Eastern
Mediterranean and Western Balkan route (Turkey-Greece-MacedoniaSerbia-Hungary) include:
In mid-June 2015 the government of Macedonia announced that it was
changing its policy on migrants entering the country illegally. Previously,
migrants were forbidden from transiting Macedonia, causing those who
chose to do so to take perilous, clandestine modes of transit, such as
walking along railroad tracks at night. Beginning in June, migrants were
given three-day, temporary asylum permits, enabling them to travel by
train and road.
The opening of the Macedonia route enabled migrants from the Middle
East to take very short, inexpensive voyages from the coast of Turkey to
the Greek Islands, instead of the far longer, more perilous, and far more
expensive voyage from Libya to Italy. According to the Washington Post, in
addition to reducing the danger, this lowered the cost from $5,000 to
$6,000, to $2,000 to $3,000.
According to the Washington Post, German Chancellor Angela Merkel's
public assurance that Germany offered temporary residency to refugees
combined with television footage of Germans welcoming refugees
persuaded large numbers of people to migrate.
The Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad announced increased
military conscription, and simultaneously made it easier for Syrians to
obtain passports, leading Middle East policy experts to speculate that he

was implementing a policy to encourage opponents of his regime to leave

the country.
But, when numbers get that high you have to be careful in how you
address them, sadly some politicians, being paranoid and sceptical on the
whole refugee crisis, are being disrespectful and harsh on the already
grief stricken and struggling for their basic needs refugees.
Prime minister addressed them saying, a swarm coming across the
Mediterranean. US media saying terrorist Inbound, this language is
utterly disrespectful and racist on their behalf. Donald Trump is sad about
so many strong men coming as refugees.
From over 4 million applications the grant has been met only to around 1
million and the waiting dates range from a 3 month to stagnating 5 years
of time. In this period, the refugees cant work and wont be granted any
security or insurance from the government.
Since the waiting period is being so much they are self forced to push
deeper into the countries that actually want them, like Germany and
france, where people are being greeted warmly, with an applaud, flowers
and lots of love.
Unfortunately, many politicians from countries other than Germany have
not been so welcoming, some have been brutal in addressing while other
just be downright cruel.
Netherlands MP, Geert Wilders says,NO WAY! You cannot enter
Netherland at all, Hungarian PM, Viktor orban said, Its risky, dont come
we cannot guarantee your safety or acceptance here. The Danish
government published Ads in a paper in Arabic saying that the refugees
are not welcome here and the regulations are not what will suit you.
The mayor from Aslthalom, Hungary, released a video depicting he and
his team, warning refugees not to come and hunting them down if they
ever did.
Greece being Islamophobic said, they will only give asylum to Christians
as they dont have any mosques, well certainly they dont know you can
build one and mosques are not some kind of naturally occurring
phenomenon. Polands MEP, Janusz Korwin-Mikke compared refugees with
human garbage and trash.
But, researches show that the paranoia and scepticism of these countries
is baseless, they show that while there might be some work and money
in short term, the influx of lower wage immigrants into a community tends
to raise wages for everyone.

A paper published by four economists suggests that, immigration

benefited local population in 19 of the 20 industrialized countries they
On 20 April 2015, the European Commission proposed a 10-point plan to
tackle the crisis:
Reinforce the Joint Operations in the Mediterranean, namely Triton and
Poseidon, by increasing the financial resources and the number of assets.
We will also extend their operational area, allowing us to intervene
further, within the mandate of Frontex;
A systematic effort to capture and destroy vessels used by the smugglers.
The positive results obtained with the Atalanta operation should inspire us
to similar operations against smugglers in the Mediterranean;
Europol, Frontex, EASO and Eurojust will meet regularly and work closely
to gather information on smugglers' modus operandi, to trace their funds
and to assist in their investigation;
EASO to deploy teams in Italy and Greece for joint processing of asylum
Member States to ensure fingerprinting of all migrants;
Consider options for an emergency relocation mechanism;
A EU wide voluntary pilot project on resettlement, offering a number of
places to persons in need of protection;
Establish a new return programme for rapid return of irregular migrants
coordinated by Frontex from frontline Member States;
Engagement with countries surrounding Libya through a joined effort
between the Commission and the EEAS; Initiatives in Niger have to be
stepped up.
Deploy Immigration Liaison Officers (ILO) in key third countries, to gather
intelligence on migratory flows and strengthen the role of the EU
Even after all this, knowing it is hard the government isnt doing enough
the UNHCR funding is less than 40% what it should originally have been.
The paranoia of recession and terrorist coming is frankly weird and
Refugees have been handled like caged animals throwing food at them
while storing them in a barn, A journalist was fired after she was caught
on camera kicking a 13 year old girl as she was running towards her.

As the crisis mount, we as humans should be compassionate towards each

other for selfish reasons as mentioned above, if not for humanitarian
reasons. Treating them like equals, and welcoming them with open arms is
the least we can do.
At the end I would like to say this, when world is in dire jeopardy and
chaos, love and compassion always triumphs and hatred does not bring in
any good
Hoping for a new sunshine for these refugees, let us pray for those who
died at the sea and those who are suffering as immigrants.


1. Wikipedia
2. The new york times
3. The Washington post
4. CNN.

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