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Consider the most general form of a traveling wave.

y = A cos(kx + t) + B sin(kx + t).

Using trig identities, we can get the equation
y = A(cos kx cos t sin kx sin t) + B(sin kx cos t + cos kx sin t).
Rearrange to get
y = cos kx(A cos t + B sin t) + sin kx(B cos t A sin t).
Using more identities we can get
y = sin(kx +

)(C cos(t )) + sin kx(C 0 cos(t 0 ))


where C 2 = A2 + B 2 , C 02 = A2 + B 2 , tan =
y = C 0 sin(kx +


tan 0 = B
. Then

) cos(t 0 + ) + C 0 sin kx cos(t 0 ).


This is just a superposition of two standing waves with the same amplitudes
that differ in phase by 2 spatially and temporally.
So somehow, when you superpose two standing waves that dont transmit
energy, you get a traveling wave that does transfer energy! How is that

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