Tenses (9c)

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English Tenses

1. A lot of boys (to like) football.

2. My father (to read) newspapers to get information about political life.
3. What (she/usually/to do) in the morning?
4. It (not/often/to rain) in this part of the country.
5. It (to rain) cats and dogs. Take your umbrella.
6. Why (you/to walk) so fast today? You usually (to walk) slowly, dont you?
- My sister (to wait) for me. She (to be) angry with me when I am late.
7. Your English (to get) better and better.
8. I (not/to see) Tom this week.
9. Mike still (not/to find) his keys.
10. What time the film (to begin)?
11. The police (to stop) me on my way home last night.
12. Now my brother (to smoke) a lot, but he (not/to smoke) before.
13. You often (to see) Tom? Not often, but I (to see) him at the party the
other day.
14. Ann (to read) the newspaper at 11 oclock yesterday.
15. The phone (to ring) when I (to have) a shower.
16. We (to talk) about him when he suddenly (to come) in.
17. I promise I (to phone) you as soon as I (to arrive).
18. Julia (to finish) all the housework by three oclock and well go for a walk.
19. I am not sure Ill recognize Eve. I havent seen her for ages. She (to
wear) a red coat.
20. He (to work) at his report all day.
21. The Prime Minister just (to announce) that voting is postponed till
22. We (to paint) our room for a week.
23. When I (to get) home yesterday, my sister (to make) a pie already.
24. He (to work) as a journalist for several years before he (to begin) writing

25. Imagine! Next year my Grandpa (to give) lectures at the University for 40
years already.

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