Audio Script - Test 1

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TOEIC Practice Test 1 Answer Key a 4 16 wo © © w @ o © © ray w © o w ry w “> © wo Some people ate going up to the next Kvel The eset tof order “The buding boty ome ty sgh “The property closed ta the publ “The customers ae rey to pay their bil “The wales i bing thei food The woman is cedering the men 10 an away. ‘The water is alr away thee ates The sles asians are helping the “The Mors Inventory i lowe ‘A coun sparing for his purchases ‘A woman i reaching foe an ite, e's puting her les away She's sing across ee desk trom bis “They're reading the newspaper lozetlce He's uandiag her some papers. “The emer paying 26 “Te smusica has just ended, “The oreesta is entering the aucun Swnumees are getting out of the People ace evel slong tie path “The tees have lon al thet estes, “The ever has faade! the suerunding area a, a ow * © @ “ ® © o “ “0 © © ‘They're pustag up seme Dowered wallpaper They aking a our of the arden, They ding some work out They're eating ete Tunch ne park “The speake the class ‘Te afen and women are standing along the wal, ‘Tiere are smany empry seats inthe She's making a presentation tthe sup. “The tuck ts walt a he eli High The mun i cltaing into the tcl oxes are stacked ouside Die snuck, Men are array bose acros the seated in Svat of (any when was Me Chen born? (Woman) (A) tm ong Kone (Since bse june © wisss (oman 1) Did you ask thee shat ime their Saght woud (oman 2 (A). Yes, tley were Iappy 0 aoe (No, Tete think of (No, wus wo dk corel, 25, 26, oan b (an 2) oman (tas) (tan (un 2) oman ty (Foman 2) Who can deliver this memo to Mr. Watanabe for me! ©) Yes Me Watanabe lies in Jap, <8) Lan do te when Te Anish ying tris dese. (©) No, he delivery person is Crom Oaks. Dom’ you want 1 go 10 the soeepaon fr ss Gunther (No, in the hoe ‘allo i) Thaye the eeceipt 6) Sorry, but 1m noe fects well ‘Whur's the name of the travel agency this company woes? () Yeo, dat’ his mame GD. Think is called al) Points True. (© Lrecommend you we a canyon bag ere ui Mana eave the Oceanview contract? (A). She put i in Ms, Garcia's mailbox. 8) Jase a mince ago, 40 you can ail cate her (© tease the svete all booked. 2. 3h oan woman) women) ein) coma 1 (woman 2) (ame (mein 2) (Woman) ty ave you vised he main phat yor? (A). Yes, they ate @)_ Yes, Teen here last week with the director (©) Yes, the paedenee ¢ Joolelag after them, ‘who is ene new receptionist? 0 es in the min ottice ©) Mer mime s Oise ‘amine (© Yes we ned a new recepidonist, ‘Wit the conference be held here oat headquarters? (A) Its scheduled for is building, 8) No, you will ot be able to heat (© Yes, they wil have the coaterence, Whi dd the meeting bewin so enw? (Yes, a eigheeniny: (about the upconting scquisloa © Boeryone was ina uy ‘What are your total production figures for this faetonr? We praduce phacmaceutica (8) Over (000 unis « week. © tnihe shipping department a 3 35. 36. oun Fema tan Woman) ‘owvomun 1) (oman 2) (wan wan 2 (Wom) (ian) How far woul you say (Consnt Park fa eee) (A) Hesabouta eo: smioute walk. (8) No, | woulda't go 50 fur as to ay hat. (©) Yes, paring tere very expensive. Js the agenda prepared? (a). No, te stl broken. (a) Yes, cney compared very wel (©, Not yo, the vee prestiene needs 10 oe about 2 movie when swe Fn up here? (A) Just down the steer (Tuas + goad tea (©) Abou a tale howe ‘or, Thi “the product was ia sock ©) The sock exchange closes five (Yes, there was a targe inventory on ‘hand thes (No, they aeare an you lcate the Bes 00 the merge, or shouts 1 ask Me Chang to 60 (A) The Bee eat ig located atthe end of the hal. Ves, Lealled seeuscy ro handle the femengency © (ibave them eeagy ‘uryoutna mute 37 38, fo. an oun oman) oman) ue) (Woman) (oman) many Did’ the son ‘equipment come out of ‘ur euler deparunetat ucgen! (a) We dide’s hear any sound (Yes, the oom is rene! (© No, we wor spect! fmdinw Whese do you plan 19 stay while you's in Pari? 4) Gur company tas an arasgerneat wit Hotct Oeon. have w conference thoee next week (©) Vibe ta France or four days, 1 was wondering if you'd ike to join cs for diner this evening? ) Yes it eas ‘wonderful dinner ®) Sonyt plan, (© Phope yom werent to Ios. ‘Does aur company gee any special deals on car ema AD Yes, et ike some company’ on the tn @b)_Twentyave percent Mf dhe regular iy (© No, #3 your tum w 42. a vs 45. cvoman (Woman 2) an 1) (tan 2) (cvoman) any tan) (¥oman) (oman 1) (¥oman 2) actly when wil Mr Mort be free? > In approximately two routs (B) At the International ‘iepor, © ‘Near gate umber 16. How ean f get more leweiead ual eavelopes! (>. Yer, the mall ie picked up three times a day. () Goovact Ms. Mekay ln the wtockrmom. © No, be ts’ the hea of the department, Ms, Dubols was present st this morning's stat meeting, Was't abe? 0) Once d week, ona ‘Monday. No, saan te © No, she wasnt there ‘You'ee the new asitane OD No, Cone need asslaance. No, Fsioxk for Me woo © Yes, Henew about hat ‘When cin you get me a copy of the mos recent sales epoet OO Yes, theyre sellag wal (> Rughe after lunch (© About four years ol a 48. 50. an 1) (san 25 ¥oman 1 (oman 2) ¥omin) oan (aay ¥en) (en 1) oun 2) ‘Why da’ tr, Basson Dring he station tothe attention of his supervisor? Yes, athis workstation No, be oten doemn't pay attention © He troughe he could hancle i himselt. 1s thls cost alceady marked dowat A) Yes, cuit ie se pice om the tag, @) The market is closed this evening. © Yeu, {eve a sed ‘Wor does Ms. Oniz want to tee the invoices? A) Yes, they hove tout vtces, There's 4 problem with the shiposen © No, she ich’ see Ie ‘Should they move the fie cabinet to the nghe or ‘over by the exp ‘machine? > Yes, our thinking i (®) Tehlak it looks good where I No, these copies adn come out lead. proposal we rejected List time? A) Yes, bur dhlags have changed slace then the wedding wat called olf (© No, twas a diferent injection ® 31 32. 53 si ss. (Woman 1) (Woman 2) Woman 1) ouan) evens) «suan) cy (¥voman) en) (eaman 1) (Woman 2} (oeoman 3) (Woman) (aan) (Woman) Teta tephone mesage 56, con youre desk 0, ed Me Surpby’s seereary eal again? Yes. She sa the commustee meeting Is $€. For Tuesday et cotter of tea aroun here? Yea, Hin there, Go havea Took inthe employee lounge, t's nea to the ‘nailroom, nahi? Want me 10 brlag you nyt? Die yo cer about Mrs SH Sompooe'scesignauon? ‘Yes. Our competitors sade her an eer she ‘ould resist, sr. wonder they api her a8 thei new ‘mating manager? Teed a cll the thearer to.onler ticks fot Wednesday Why don’t you see the pay aver the weekend, ‘Gauci? 3. runs only Monday cou Thursday. {Good moming, ti iandind Computer Serves, Wow You Ike o speak wit samen files, ervce, ct research? ‘Actunlly, nce te apeak swith FF in personel Please hold ate 1 ‘tunsfer your ca (ua) uaa ian (Woman) san) ‘oon ona) oma) oun (Foran) 4a (Woman) Wheo does the movie eon? There a two showings — fone at four and one ut es go 10 che ber som Do you think the des wil fi under the window? Ieee, but rae abou purting lt ext 1 che hookaielven? By the way. why are you eanging things agin? just could’ work emforbiy in the ob artmpeisent ‘what do you think fs the best way for us to get to the conference? Well, i's too close 10 bother ying. We coun Ave there, but I think if ‘we took the tin we ould get some work done the way. Yes, thas che best pan. 1 ple up tickets a the station on my ay biome From ark, Do you have this week's Business News yor No, the eek that wed «0 Aeliver Kn Monday has ‘herent rene shal bee here soon, 1 come ack liter ts aternoen, Fguess 60. ou 6, (Woman oman tay Worany (Many an) «soma cua) Juan, Ricardo will not be able to atend the meeting ext week in Panama, 20 Yd ke you to represent the Sem. Would you be Able wo do we Yes, Ms. Ortega, Ud cea lice co g0 0 that meeting ‘What abou travel arrungenests? Tats al been taken care Of See Cutis, Youll eave Swaclay veal — and thank ye heart nothing but prase for that new heakh food resauraat. Same bere. And I've gots coupon forthe salad bar—buy one, gee one free im always Looking vo eave some money, Les chee out for aac, ‘he airtine sent my luggage to New York by Imistke anc te docstt ook ee they'l be abie to deliver et me in ine or thls evening's dinaee. ‘Where can Tyo t0 buy a lew things? ‘There's a shopping call not far from hese. You can ‘get there by bus or ea ‘fom the hotel. (Oh, th’ ight as thete the Last time Fas Sun Faneisco, 6 6s. (oman 19 oman 2) (oman 1) ua stan 25 (an 1p woman) oun (Woman) tn 25 hin Because you've worked here now for two years Susanna, you ae ented to three weeks vacation, ‘Will be allowed to take it all at once? Most supervisors allow two weeks a & time let's get these boxes unloaded before the iteten sta gets here (Okay. Should T pur these ‘ans af com om the she? ‘You can jus leave them ou on the counier, They're a part of today’s Hello, Yur. ne tite ‘ou would he back fom, ‘Your tap 30 soon, Wel, we didn't expect co De back now, bur Anna ‘our youngest, got sie ‘le we were away. Fay sorry to bea that L hope she's feeling beer Alan, oe you going to he in your ocr Thursday ‘morning! if you're aot, ‘could I work there beciuse mv pice & being ulate chew ‘You'te tn luck, Tom. be out until Friday soening That's gteat I've got Bet this project dope by Monday aiternonn, on 70 oeumn 1) oman 2) (oman 1) (oman) (nn) (Womans un) (Woman) at en) «stan 2) tn 1p Did you leave that ” surketing sept on ay flesk? Lean ti anywhere No, Pico, he aniy thing ee put on your desk seceny sa men, Could you plese cheek in your le cabinet for #1 need ie ston Pm sony, se, We've 2 ‘ompleely booked tonight "There are no rooms evlsble wal Tomormae evening 1 se, ls there somep ace close bv where lt bey able wo aay? e et wie eall aman and see {fea Sind room for you. xense me, could | speak ‘o Mb, Keisan, please? Ms. Krishnan? Fn sory, but she's no longer i his aivinon, She wis luanafere bt week 10 Perhaps you could ive me her new number? Would you tke ro wat ome lant wise you'r i tov next weld m ‘That would be gees Tve always wanted to ace your opera festhand OF. Let me know when yourte salable and 1 show you around, ‘stan (oman) (ta) any (woman) un crema tan ¥en) ovomsn 1) ‘ovoman 2) (woman 1 ‘or résumé looks very Impresive, Me Mora, ant I would ike 0 oer you a [90 with our compan ‘Thank vou, Me Shima. relly ooking facwar to ‘working with you. Good, You can sign the saers a he persone! ‘And ow worl yo ike 1 pay forthe camerat Could Iwate you a check? Ceranly, 1 need some {orm of tenufeation oF 3 major crest ead eto, ten in com 512 (fivecwetvel just plugged i my hai dryer sed all the tgs went out Fe sore. sent someone to take eae oi eit aay. “Thanks, have to go ont 4 Glock, so Tim really ina hum Ms. Diaz, please muke sce rm nor taterruptet for the ‘mex howe. 11 be working ‘oa document that t have ‘Will you take the levernaiona et you'e expecting. Ss. Lec? Yes. That’ ue one exception fil wake 7 ‘o¥emany coy Woman) roman) on woman) an) «

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