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Cocoa Eco

Theobroma cacao L., family Sterculiaceae, is a small sized perennial tree. Cultivated trees reach 4-7
meters in height; wild cocoa trees may reach more than 20 meters in height. The tree top is dense with
branches spreading in a fan-like pattern. Leaves are large, alternate, elliptic-oblong, 15(20) to 35(50)
cm long and 4 to 15 cm wide, sharp-pointed, slightly thick, smooth margins, dark green above and pale
green beneath, hanging from petioles.
This tree is a caulifloral, namely its flowers are produced directly on the trunk or older branches. The
outer surface of the bark is dark brown, cracked, rough and thin; the inner surface of the bark is light
colored. The flowers are arranged in bunches along the trunk and branches, attached to 1-3 cm
pedicels; these flowers are pink, purple and white, five-petalled, star shaped and small (0.5 to 1 cm in
diameter and 2-2.5 cm long).
The fruit is a large berry called cacao pod, fleshy, oblong, red or purple-yellow, 15-30 cm long and 710 cm thick. Every pod contains between 30 and 40 axially arranged beans embedded in a white pulp,
developed from the outer layers of the testa. The seeds are large, the size of an almond, purple-brown,
2-3 cm long and bitter. The seeds contain no albumen and are coated with sweet and sour tasting white
mucilage. They are commonly called cocoa beans or grains.
These fruits ripen all year long; however, they are usually harvested during two seasons: the main
harvesting season (from the end of the rainy season until the start of the dry season) and the
intermediate harvesting season (at the beginning of the following rainy period). Five to six months must
elapse between fertilization and harvesting.
Cocoa Eco extract is produced form the fruits of Theobroma cacao, coming from an organic crop.

Table 1 shows the composition of fermented air-dried cocoa beans, husk and germ.


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Raw protein
Mono and oligosaccharides
Carboxylic acids
Other substances








Table 1. Composition of fermented air-dried cocoa beans (1), husk (2) and germ (3), expressed as %
(Belitz & Grosch, 1997).

Cocoa contains over a 1% of theobromine (3,7dimethylxanthine), which has remarkable stimulatory
action. It also contains caffeine, 0.2% on average (Belitz &
Grosch, 1997).
Fig.1. Structure of caffeine (left) and theobromine (right).

Phenol compounds
Cocoa seeds contain polyphenols storing cells (pigment cells), which account for 11-13% of the tissue.
Depending on their anthocyan content, the color of these cells may vary from white to deep purple
(Belitz & Grosch, 1997). Table 2 shows the composition of the polyphenol storing cells and the cocoa
seed cotyledons (Belitz & Grosch, 1997).

Leucocyanidin polymers
Total phenol
Free sugar

Polyphenol storing


Table 2. Composition of the polyphenol storing cells and cotyledons. Dry extract (Belitz & Grosch, 1997).

There are three phenol groups: catechols (37%), anthocyans (4%) and leucoanthocyans (58%). The
most important catechol is (-)-epicatechol; additionally, (+)-catechol, (+)-gallocatechol and ()epigallocatechol have been identified. The anthocyanin fraction is mainly composed of cyanidin-3--Larabinoside and cyanidin-3--D-galactoside.
The pro- or leucoanthocyans yield anthocyans and catechols when heated in acid solution. In general,
these are flavan-3,4-diols that finally condense into dimers, trimers or oligomers.
Proteins and amino acids
Raw proteins contain approximately 60% of total nitrogen in the fermented beans. The non-protein
fraction is composed of amino acids, small amounts of amide nitrogen (about 0.3%) and ammoniac
(0.02%) produced during the fermentation process.
Several enzymes, like -amylase, -fructosidase, -glucosidase, -galactosidase, pectinesterase,
polygalacturonase, proteinases, acid and alkaline phosphatases, lipase, catalase, peroxidase and
polyphenoloxidases have bee identified in fresh cocoa grains. Most of them are inactivated during the
treatment of cocoa (Belitz & Grosch, 1997).

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Carbohydrates in cocoa consist mainly of starch. Cocoa also contains other high molecular weight
compounds such as pentosans, mucilage with galacturonic acid, cellulose and other substances, which
are part of the raw fiber.
Soluble carbohydrates in cocoa include stachyose, raffinose, sucrose (0.08 1.5%), glucose and
fructose. Reducing sugars which result from sucrose hydrolysis during the fermentation play a
major role in the production of the aroma, during the roasting process. Cocoa seeds also contain
mesoinositol, phytol, tetroses such as verbascotetrose and other sugars (Belitz & Grosch, 1997).
Organic acids
The organic acids (1.2-1.6%) mainly consist of acetic acid along with citric (0.45-0.75%) and oxalic acid
(0.32-0.50%), produced during fermentation and contributing to cocoa flavor. The amount of acetic acid
produced in the pulp and accumulated in the cotyledons depends on the duration of the fermentation
process and the drying method. In 8 different types of cocoa, 1.22-1.64% total acids, 0.79-1.25%
volatile acids and 0.19-0.71% acetic acid have been detected (Belitz & Grosch, 1997).
Volatile compounds and savory substances
The harvest, fermentation, drying and roasting processes
decisively influence cocoa aroma. More than 400 volatile
compounds have been identified in roasted cocoa, all of
which contribute to a greater or lesser degree to the aroma
of this product. The most important substances for the
aroma include aldehydes, heterocyclic compounds, acids
and terpenes. For example, the sweet, floral and green
notes of the cocoa aroma are due some aldehydes such
as isovalerianic, phenylethanal and the aldol condensation
product 5-methyl-2-phenyl-hex-2-enal, whose aroma
resembles that of chocolate. 2-Acetylpyridine and other
substances contribute to the typical chocolate note.
The bitterness is due to purines such as theobromine and
caffeine, as well as to dioxopiperazines produced through
thermal fragmentation of proteins during the roasting
process (Belitz & Grosch, 1997).

Cocoa plant received its name from Carl von Linn (18th century) who used the Greek words: theos
(godness) and broma (food), to define this special species: food of gods.
Cocoa and chocolate have been traditionally used as energizers and general tonics to protect the body
against illness. These products have also been used to stimulate appetite, boost resistance and reduce
tiredness. In some cultures, cocoa was used as an aphrodisiac.
The medicinal uses of cocoa, both as a medicine and as a vehicle for other medicines, started in the
New World and spread to Europe by the middle of year 1500. Olmecs, Mayas and Aztecs were the first
to apply cocoa for medicinal uses. Documents from the early colonial period include instructions for the
medicinal use of cocoa. Manuscripts produced in Europe and New Spain since the 16th century until the
beginning of 20th century contain more than 100 medicinal uses of cocoa. The three specific roles
attributed to this plant are: to treat extreme slimness, to stimulate the nervous system in cases of
apathy, tiredness and weakness, and to improve digestion and elimination at the kidney and intestine
At present, cocoa is attributed the ability to enhance the senses, to maintain a state of general wellness
and to reduce tension. The organoleptic characteristics of chocolate, as well as its stimulating
properties, have made this food one of the most famous ones in the world. Nowadays, it is known that a
number of chocolate components are beneficial for health.

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Lipolytic activity
Xanthine bases and polyphenols are the most abundant chemical components in a group of habitually
consumed plants, such as cocoa, coffee, tea, mate. These compounds have been recently related to a
thermogenesis stimulating action and consequently, to obesity treatments (Beltrn, I., 2003).
Xanthine bases (caffeine, theophylline and theobromine) are lipolytic substances. They stimulate
lipolysis and increase intracellular levels of cAMP by inhibiting the cAMP degradation pathway
(inhibiting phosphodiesterase) and stimulating cAMP synthesis (adenylcyclase).
(Gutierrez San Miguel, L., 2006).
Polyphenols have been observed to
possess thermogenic properties. Their
action mechanism is based on the
prolongation of noradrenaline life (by
inhibiting noradrenaline degradation enzyme
catechol-ortomethyltransferase) and other
actions (Beltrn, I., 2003).
Therefore, cocoa Eco extract is of great use
in the formulation of cosmetic products that
help regulating the adipose tissue.
Figure 2. Lipolytic activity of caffeine and polyphenols (Beltrn, I., 2003).

Blood circulation stimulation properties

Cocoa is rich in flavonoids, whose antioxidant properties prevent vascular stasis, scavenge free
radicals and boost skin microcirculation.
Flavonoids are vein-active and vessel-protective agents because they reduce the permeability and
increase the resistance of blood capillaries. Flavonoids are used in the treatment of blood vessels
disorders such as varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), low capillary resistance, etc. Their
protective effect is due to their high affinity for proline-rich proteins, such as collagen and elastin. Since
these proteins are structural components of veins, their degradation weakens the blood vessels,
inducing edema and swelling of the lower limbs. Oral administration of flavonoids has been observed to
effectively improve the capillary resistance in animal models. CVI is often accompanied by a marked
inflammatory response. Recent studies suggest that a flavonoid treatment may be beneficial.
Flavonoids attenuate inflammation and the immune response through their inhibition of important
regulatory enzymes. Certain flavonoids are potent inhibitors of the production of prostaglandins, a
group of molecules involved in the immune response. Studies have shown that this effect is due to
flavonoid inhibition of key enzymes involved in the prostaglandin biosynthesis, i.e., lipooxygenase,
phospholipase, and cyclooxygenase. Flavonoids also inhibit phosphodiesterases involved in cell
activation. This inhibition affects mainly the biosynthesis of cytokines that mediate leukocytes adhesion
to injured tissue. Protein kinases are another class of regulatory enzymes affected by flavonoids. The
inhibition of kinases is due to the competitive binding of flavonoids with ATP at catalytic sites on the
enzymes. Thus flavonoids reduce inflammation by inhibiting key inflammatory enzymes (Manthey, J.A.,
Methylxanthines, such as caffeine, are remarkable stimulators
of skin microcirculation. Methylxanthines boost skin
microcirculation by strengthening vasodilatation, due to their
adenosine antagonist action and its action on the -adrenergic
system (Tofovic, S. et al., 1991).
Thus, cocoa Eco extract is recommended to formulate
cosmetic products with general blood flow stimulating action.

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Antioxidant activity
Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants that protect LDL from oxidative damage in different ways:
As antioxidants, by scavenging free radicals.
By inhibiting, activating or protecting specific enzymes in the organism.
Because of their solubility, they remain on the surface of LDL particles, thus reducing the
consumption of antioxidants like vitamin E and carotenoids(Beltrn, I., 2003)
Cocoa derivatives, including chocolate, are an important source of polyphenol antioxidants: catechins
and procyanidins. These substances, because of their structural differences and particular properties,
as compared with other similar compounds in beverages and food, contribute to increase the total
antioxidants in the diet.
Research results demonstrate that cocoa grains derived products are rich
in specific antioxidants, with the basic structure of catechins and
epicatechins, similar polyphenols to those in some plants and tea.
The chemical structure of polyphenols consists of aromatic rings with
hydroxyl groups, which are especially suitable for antioxidant actions, since
they are able to donate hydrogen or electrons or scavenge free radicals.
Flavonoids are the most abundant polyphenols in cocoa. Chocolate, a
cocoa derivative, is rich in flavonoids with the structure of catechin and
epicatechin and especially in polymers like procyanidins, generated during
the processing of cocoa beans. The catechins and procyanidins isolated
form cocoa have strong in vitro antioxidant properties, as demonstrated by
a comparison between chocolate catechins and tea catechins; the first
have four times stronger antioxidant effects than the second. Catechins
and corresponding oligomers linked through C4C8 bonds have the
strongest antioxidant effect (Gutirrez Maydata, BA., 2002).
Researchers from the Nutrition and Food Science Department, Pharmacy School, University of
Barcelona (UB, 2007), have verified the antioxidant power of natural cocoa, based on its high
proportion of polyphenols, substances present in vegetal compounds. Consuming polyphenols helps
preventing cell aging and degenerative diseases (such as cardiovascular disease) and boosts the
immune system.
Thus, cocoa Eco extract is recommended to formulate cosmetic products for the protection of skin and
hair against oxidative processes.


Cocoa has been known for its antioxidant, energizing and also photo-protecting properties but it is also
effective for anticellulite and slimming processes, as it is demonstrated in the following study.

1. Experimental method
Inoue, H. et al, in 2006 realized a study to determine the effects of
caffeine and theobromine (among other methylxanthines) on the
body fat. For this study, 5 groups were created and they were fed
with a diet containing 0.025% of each methylxanthine being studied
(xanthine, caffeine, theophylline and theobromine) except control
group during 12 weeks.
The aim of this study was to observe the increase or decrease of
body fat percentage as a result of the methylxanthines taken. Body
weights were recorded twice a week and the daily residual food as
well. Body fat percentage was calculated by conventional methods
and results were statistically significant.

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2. Results
Results clearly demonstrated that body fat percentage was smaller in the methylxanthines groups,
compared with the control group (more than 15% difference). HDL levels were also lower in the groups
with xanthine, caffeine and theobromine. The abdominal adipose tissue weight in the caffeine group
was also significantly lower than the levels in the control group, the same that happened for the
triglyceride levels.

3. Conclusions
Considering these results, methylxanthines, and in particular caffeine
and theobromine, are interesting to reduce body fat, adipose tissue
and also cellulite.
Therefore, cocoa becomes useful to treat weight increase,
remodelate figure and reduce body weight when needed, including




Cosmetic Application




Blood flow stimulation


-Blood flow activation



-Hair color protection

The recommended dose is between 0.5% and 5.0%.

Belitz, HD. & Grosch, W. Qumica de los Alimentos. Zaragoza: Ed. Acribia S.A, 1997. Cap. 21 (613
Beltrn, I. Polifenoles y xantinas: su aplicacin en obesidad. Actividad Diettica, 2003; 19: 10-16.
Gutirrez Maydata, BA. Chocolate, Polifenoles y Proteccin a la Salud. Acta Farm. Bonaerense, 2002;
21 (2): 149-152.
Gutierrez San Miguel, L. Celulitis. Descripcin y tipos. OFFARM 2006; 25 (S1): 94-98.
Inoue, H., Kobayashi-Hattori, K., Horiuchi, Y., Oishi, Y., Arai, S., Takita, T. Regulation of the body fat
percentage in developmental stage rats by methylxanthine derivates in a high-fat diet. Biosci Biotechnol
Biochem. 2006 May; 70(5): 1134-9.
Manthey, JA. Biological properties of flavonoids pertaining to inflammation. Microcirculation., 2000; 7 (6
Pt 2):S29-34.
Marshall, S. Chocolate: indulgence or medicine? The Pharmaceutical Journal, 2007
Tofovic, S., Branch, Oliver R., Magee, W., Jackson, E. Caffeine Potentiates Vasodilator-Induced Renin
Release. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1991, 256 (3): 850-860 (ref.187).

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