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14,000 High Traffic Low Competition Keywords in 10 Hot Niches

Created By:
Warrior Forum: bvoges

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Keyword Bonanza

Page 3

Contents............................................................................................................ 4
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 6
Keyword Bonanza Overview ............................................................................... 6
Niche Keyword Pack Content Key ........................................................................ 6
Niche Keyword List Content Key.......................................................................... 6
How To Use Your Keywords With Fast Attack SEO .................................................. 6
Other Ways To Use Your Keywords ...................................................................... 7
Guide To The Niches ......................................................................................... 7
Keyword Bonanza Overview .................................................................................. 7
Niche Keyword Pack Content Key ........................................................................... 9
Niche Keyword List Content Key .......................................................................... 11
How To Use Your Keywords With Fast Attack SEO................................................... 12
Step 1: Choose a niche. .................................................................................. 12
Step 1a (optional, depending on the niche): Choose a sub-niche. ........................ 12
Step 2: Choose 18 keywords to build your site around (FA 16-26) .......................... 12
Step 3: Choose a Domain and Build and Optimize Your Site Using Wordpress (FA 2736) .............................................................................................................. 13
Step 4: Create and Post Keyword Driven Content to Make Your Site an Authority Site
(Fast Attack SEO pp 37-49) ............................................................................. 14
Step 5: Off-Page Optimization (Backlinking) (FA 50-83) ....................................... 14
Step 6: Scale Up and Expand (FA 84-85) ........................................................... 14
Other Ways To Use Your Keywords ...................................................................... 15
Other SEO Methods ........................................................................................ 15
LSI Keywords ................................................................................................ 15
Paid Search Methods ....................................................................................... 15
Guide to the Niches ........................................................................................... 16
Acne ............................................................................................................ 16
Beauty & Skincare .......................................................................................... 17
Fitness Strength SixPack ................................................................................. 18
Forex ........................................................................................................... 19
Get Ex Back................................................................................................... 20
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Insurance...................................................................................................... 21
Internet Marketing.......................................................................................... 22
Personal Finance/Debt..................................................................................... 24
Weight Loss & Diet ......................................................................................... 25
Yeast Infection ............................................................................................... 26
Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 27
Resources ........................................................................................................ 28
Resources Referred to in this Guide ................................................................... 28
Other Fast Attack Products For Ranking Your Site and/or Getting Traffic .................. 28
More Fast Attack Products We Recommend ......................................................... 28

Keyword Bonanza

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Welcome to Keyword Bonanza!
Keyword research is a time consuming and painstaking task. But with Keyword Bonanza,
we've put in the time and the detail work so that you don't have to. You'll reap the benefit of the weeks of work that we've put in to bring you thousands of high traffic, low competition keywords in 10 top niches.
The meat of the Keyword Bonanza product is of course the keyword packs themselves.
This bonus guide will help you make the best use of the keyword packs to get your sites
ranked quickly and to boost your earnings. Here's a quick overview of what's in the

Keyword Bonanza Overview

This section briefly introduces how we created the keyword lists and how they fit into
your SEO strategy using the Fast Attack SEO system.

Niche Keyword Pack Content Key

This section describes how the keyword pack spreadsheets are organized and what information they contain. We've also summarized this information on a single page (UKAContentKey.pdf) for your convenient reference.

Niche Keyword List Content Key

Each niche keyword pack is a spreadsheet file organized into a series of separate pages,
or sheets. The most important sheets contain lists of keywords and information about the
keywords. This section describes the information on these sheets.

How To Use Your Keywords With Fast Attack SEO

In this section, we give a basic outline of how to use the keyword packs with the Fast Attack SEO method. We don't teach the method, since that's already been done in the Fast
Attack SEO product, but we do explain exactly how the keyword packs fit in to the Fast
Attack SEO process. If you don't already own Fast Attack SEO, you can pick it up by
clicking the following link:

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Other Ways To Use Your Keywords

It should be obvious that you don't have to use the Fast Attack SEO method with these
keywords (although we think you should). Good keywords are good keywords, after all,
and these keywords should work with whatever SEO plan you choose. This section briefly
describes a few other ways you can use your keywords.

Guide To The Niches

This section provides some brief, niche-specific information including a list of suggested
products you can promote in each niche and other useful tips.

Keyword Bonanza Overview

When it comes to SEO, and being successful financially from the ranking results,
keywords are THE most important component of the entire equation.

-Craig Mako, Fast Attack SEO

The purpose of Keyword Bonanza is to shortcut the process for you by giving you
access to thousands of rankable keywords that have already passed the Fast Attack
keyword selection process. This frees you to focus on building and optimizing your site.
No more struggling with keyword research tools or spreadsheet programs. We've done
the drudge work of keyword research and analysis for you.

The Fast Attack SEO Guide recommends the following process for doing keyword selection:

Generate 5,000-10,000 keywords for your niche, using the Google External Keyword Tool and scraping tools like Keyword Optimizer Pro and Keyword Ninja.


Analyze these keywords using Market Samurai.


Import the Market Samurai results into Excel and find the keywords that meet
the Fast Attack Criteria for Easy, Realistic, and Dream keywords.


Select 18 keywords from the resulting list.

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A few weeks after Fast Attack SEO was released, a tool called Stealth Keyword Competition Analyzer (SKCA) was released, and the Fast Attack team recommended it as an
alternative to steps 2 and 3 above.
You dont need SKCA in order to use Keyword Bonanza, but if you want to do additional
keyword research on your own, we highly recommend it. You can pick it up by clicking
the following link:

This process, whether you use Market Samurai or SKCA, can be complicated and difficult. As we developed the keyword lists for this WSO, we experienced first-hand some
of the difficulties that you may have run into with this process. We were blocked by
Google sometimes for 7 days at a time. We found that SKCA, which is a great tool,
can take a lot of time to analyze a large list of keywords. We learned that, while the
scraper tools can produce huge keyword lists, generally only a very small number of
those keywords met our criteria for useable keywords.
Here's what we've done for you with this WSO:

For ten of the top niches in Internet Marketing, we used the Google External
Keyword Tool to generate between 7,000 and 15,000 keywords per niche. In all,
we generated more than 120,000 keywords in these ten niches.


We then took all the keywords with more than 1,000 global monthly phrase
match search results, and analyzed them with both Market Samurai and SKCA. In
all, we analyzed more than 26,000 keywords with both tools. Just the SCKA analysis alone for these 26,000 keywords took roughly 260 hours of computing time.


We imported all of these results into a Lotus Symphony spreadsheet (Symphony

is a free alternative to Microsoft Office), and used Symphony to analyze the results to see which keywords met the Fast Attack criteria for Easy, Realistic, and
Dream keywords.


We then prepared final spreadsheets for each niche in which we grouped the
rankable keywords into three groups:

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'Solid Gold' keywords: these keywords meet the Fast Attack criteria for
Easy, Realistic, or Dream keywords AND meet the SKCA criteria for Good,
Great, or Amazing keywords.


'Fast Attack' keywords: these keywords meet the Fast Attack criteria but
not the SKCA criteria.


'Stealth' keywords: these keywords meet the SKCA criteria but not the Fast
Attack criteria.

We also included the list of all keywords with greater than 1000 global monthly phrase
match results, and the list of all the keywords we analyzed in the niche.
This process resulted in more than 14,000 rankable keywords that meet either the Fast
Attack criteria, the SKCA criteria, or both, including more than 3,000 Solid Gold keywords that meet both sets of criteria.
All you have to do is pick a niche, look at the keyword lists, and pick 18 rankable keywords to build your site around. All the keyword research and analysis is done for you,
and there are plenty of keywords to choose from.

Niche Keyword Pack Content Key

There is a lot of information in your niche keyword packs. This section will help you understand how the keyword packs are organized, and what information they contain, so
that you can use the keyword packs effectively and so that you don't get overwhelmed.
When you unzip the Niche Keyword Pack download, you'll find 10 .xls files. These are Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets, one for each niche. In case you don't have Excel, we've also
provided the files as .ods files. These are Open Document Spreadsheets, and you can
open them with Excel if you have it, but you can also use these files with Open Office and
IBM Lotus Symphony, which are two free alternatives to Microsoft Office and Microsoft
Within each spreadsheet file there are six separate spreadsheets, which appear as tabs
along the top or bottom of the screen (depending on which spreadsheet program you
The six tabs are labeled as follows: Summary, Solid Gold Keywords, FA Keywords,
Stealth Keywords, All > 1000 Phrase Match, and All Keywords.
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The Summary tab contains some summary information about the keyword pack, consisting mainly of the number of keywords we found in each category and the total number of keywords we analyzed.
The next three tabs, Solid Gold Keywords, FA Keywords, and Stealth Keywords,
contain rankable keywords that should be good candidates for use with the Fast Attack
SEO system. We'll look at these tabs one at a time.
The Solid Gold Keywords tab contains the best rankable keywords we found in the
niche. The keywords on the Solid Gold Keywords tab met all the criteria to be ranked as
either Easy, Realistic, or Dream keywords in the original Fast Attack SEO system. In addition, when we analyzed the keywords using Stealth Keyword Competition Analyzer,
these keywords ALSO met all the criteria to be ranked as either Good, Great, or Amazing
The next tab, FA Keywords, contains rankable keywords that meet the Fast Attack SEO
criteria for Easy, Realistic, or Dream keywords, but don't meet the SKCA criteria for
Good, Great, or Amazing keywords. Don't shy away from using FA keywords. Remember,
the Fast Attack SEO system was developed, and working, before SKCA was released.
Keywords on the FA tab should work well with the Fast Attack system.
The Stealth Keywords tab contains rankable keywords that meet the SKCA criteria for
Good, Great, or Amazing keywords, but don't meet the Fast Attack criteria for Easy, Realistic, or Dream keywords. Again, don't shy away from using Stealth keywords. When
SKCA was first released, and Market Samurai was having some issues with bugs, Craig
recommended using SKCA as an alternative to Market Samurai for finding keyword candidates. Because SKCA uses different metrics to score keywords, it lets us locate keywords that fail the Fast Attack criteria but are still good candidates for the Fast Attack
The last two tabs contain additional information. You won't use these tabs to find your
main keywords to promote using the Fast Attack method, but they contain useful information nonetheless.
The All >1000 Phrase Match tab contains all the keywords we found in the niche that
had more than 1000 global phrase match searches monthly. In other words, these are all
the keywords that we subjected to the full Fast Attack and SKCA analysis. This tab, like
the previous 3 tabs, contains all the results of our analysis of all these keywords.
The last tab, All Keywords, contains all the keywords we found in the niche, and their
monthly global phrase match search results.

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Niche Keyword List Content Key

This section of the report describes the information contained in each column of the following pages in your niche keyword packs:
Column Heading

Data Source



Google Tool

The keyword

Searches Month

Google Tool

Global phrase match search results/month *

Comp. Pages


The number of competing pages when you do a

search in Google with your keyword in quotes

REAL Comp. Pages SKCA

The number of websites that Google finds most

relevant for your keyword

CP Strength


Rating based on the REAL competing pages

Average PR


The average page rank of the websites on the

first page of Google for your keyword

PR Strength


Rating based on the Avg. PR



Rating based on the REAL competing pages and

the average PR



Does your keyword have commercial intent?

Ads Count


The number of ads showing up on the first page

of Google for your keyword

Stealth Rating


Overall SKCA keyword rating based on the competition level and the commercial intent

Searches (Phrase)

Market Samurai

Global phrase match search results/month *

SEO Comp

Market Samurai

The total number of web pages globally that mention the specific keyword term, in the same
(phrase) word order, in Google's index

Adwords CPC

Market Samurai

An indication of what you might expect to pay to

be the #1 ranked advertiser for the keyword in

FA Rating


The result of applying the Fast Attack keyword

criteria to the Market Samurai results in the previous 3 columns.



TRUE if the keyword meets both the FA criteria

and the SKCA criteria

FA Only


TRUE if the keyword meets only the FA criteria,

but not the SKCA criteria



TRUE if the keyword meets only the SKCA criteria,

but not the FA criteria

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How To Use Your Keywords With

Fast Attack SEO
Obviously, we're not going to teach the entire Fast Attack SEO system here. If you don't
already own Fast Attack SEO, you can purchase it by clicking here:
However, we will briefly outline the process you would go through in order to use these
keywords to build and optimize a site using the Fast Attack SEO method.
Throughout this section, we will refer you to specific pages in the Fast Attack SEO guide
using the following style: FA 12-15 means Fast Attack SEO pages 12 to 15.

Step 1: Choose a niche.

Simply choose one of the ten niches to build your site around. See the niche guides, later
in this document, for some information about the kinds of products you can promote in
the various niches.
Step 1a (optional, depending on the niche): Choose a sub-niche.
Some of these niches are very broad and lend themselves easily to choosing a sub-niche
within the main niche. By choosing a sub-niche you can more closely target your content
for a specific interest group within the main niche, and you can promote products that
appeal directly and specifically to that sub-niche.
For example, in the weight loss and diet niche, you could choose keywords that contain
the word 'exercise' to target buyers interested in losing weight by exercising, and promote products that appeal to those buyers.

Step 2: Choose 18 keywords to build your site around (FA 16-26)

Once you've chosen a niche and, optionally, a sub-niche, choose 18 rankable keywords
around which you will build your site. We've done the heavy lifting for you here. Pretty
much any keyword on the 'Solid Gold Keywords,' 'Fast Attack Keywords,' or 'Stealth
Keywords' list should be a good keyword to use.
The original Fast Attack SEO guide recommended choosing 6 Easy keywords, 6 Realistic
keywords, and 6 Dream keywords. The point of doing this is to give yourself a good balance among keywords that should be easier to rank for, and keywords that might be
Keyword Bonanza

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harder to rank for but should also be more profitable if you do succeed in ranking for
However, since we're also analyzing keywords with SKCA, you have more options. You
should still strive for balance. You don't want to choose 18 Easy keywords, or 18 Amazing keywords. You don't necessarily even want to choose 18 Solid Gold keywords, since
the method should work well with Fast Attack and Stealth keywords.
Instead, we recommend that you try to mix it up. There are no hard and fast rules here,
but a good mix might be to choose about half of your keywords from the Solid Gold list,
and split the other half between the Fast Attack and Stealth lists. Then review your list to
make sure that you have a good balance of keywords rated Easy, Realistic, and Dream in
the FA Rating column, as well as a good balance of keywords rated Good, Great, and
Amazing in the Stealth Rating column.
You should also make sure that as many of your keywords as possible are buyer keywords. While the methods we've used should ensure that any keyword you choose will be
a keyword which you have a good shot at ranking for, and which will be profitable when
you do rank for it, still, not all keywords are created equal.
There are several things to look for to determine if your keywords are buyer keywords.
First, look at the 'Commercial,' 'Ads Count,' and 'Adwords CPC (phrase)' columns. Try to
avoid keywords that are not commercial, that have no ads showing, or that have Adwords CPC of 0 (unless you are monetizing your site using Adsense, in which case you
should aim for a minimum CPC of $1.00 or even $1.50).
Next, consult the Buyer Keyword Guide table (FA 26). Try to make sure that most of
your keywords fit into two or more of the categories in that table. This may not always
be possible, especially in the smaller niches, but always aim to have at least some of
your keywords meet this requirement.

Step 3: Choose a Domain and Build and Optimize Your Site Using
Wordpress (FA 27-36)
Covering this step in detail is outside the scope of this WSO, but just to summarize:

Choose a domain, preferably an exact match to one of your keywords.

Obtain hosting

Install Wordpress

Install a Theme and some essential Plugins

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Step 4: Create and Post Keyword Driven Content to Make Your Site
an Authority Site (Fast Attack SEO pp 37-49)
Once again, we cannot cover most of this step in detail, as it's well outside the scope of
this WSO, with one exception: content creation.
You should write, outsource, or purchase 18 articles one for each keyword in the niche.
You can write the articles yourself, outsource them, or purchase PLR. If you purchase
PLR, we recommend that you buy limited edition PLR the kind where the seller only
sells, say, 50 licenses to those particular articles. To further insure that your content is
unique, you may wish to rewrite or spin any plr articles before putting them on your
Once you have your content, you can complete the rest of this step.

Always follow the on-page optimization guidelines on FA 38-42.

Drip-feed your content according to the schedule on FA 47.

Step 5: Off-Page Optimization (Backlinking) (FA 50-83)

This is another crucial step that is outside the scope of this WSO. To summarize:

Build backlinks to your content following the Backlinking Master Guide on FA 51

and the detailed instructions on FA 52-83.

Step 6: Scale Up and Expand (FA 84-85)

Start your next site, rinse and repeat.

That completes the outline of how you can use Keyword Bonanza to build and optimize
your sites with the Fast Attack SEO method.
Remember, if you don't already own Fast Attack SEO, you can get it for less than ten
bucks at the following link:

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Other Ways To Use Your Keywords

Keyword Bonanza is specifically designed for use with the Fast Attack SEO method, but of
course, there's no reason you can't use them with other SEO methods, or for paid traffic.
In this section we cover a few other ways you can use your keywords.

Other SEO Methods

If you have an SEO method that is working for you, you can use your Keyword Bonanza
with that method. Remember, these are high-traffic, low competition, niche targeted
keywords, so they should work with whatever SEO method you choose. Just choose keywords from the lists and apply your method as you would normally.

LSI Keywords
With any method, including Fast Attack SEO, you will want to make sure your content
contains LSI keywords in addition to the keywords you are targeting. You can use the
Fast Attack Keyword lists as a source for LSI keywords in your niche.
For LSI keywords, you can choose from any of the keywords in the niche, including those
that did not meet the criteria for either Fast Attack or SKCA. Your best bet is probably to
choose keywords from the 'All > 1000 Phrase Match' page that are relevant to the targeted keyword for your content item.

Paid Search Methods

You can also use the Keyword Bonanza to identify keywords to use with paid search methods such as Pay-Per-Click. With Google Adwords, how you do this, and which keyword
lists to use, will depend on whether you are advertising in the search network or the content network.
For the Adwords search network, you'll want to focus on search volume and CPC. Typically you'll want to look for buyer keywords with relatively high search volumes and relatively low CPC values.
For more information on using the Google Adwords search network, we recommend this
WSO by Warrior max:
For the Adwords content network, a good way to use these keyword lists is to use the All
Keywords list to build large, thematically related keyword lists for use in your Ad Groups.
For more information on using the Google Adwords content network, we recommend
Warrior Russ Ruffinos upcoming product, Endless Traffic Tap:
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Guide to the Niches

In this section, we provide a brief overview of each niche, including summary data about
the keywords, and some recommendations for how to monetize your site in each niche.

Total Keywords Analyzed


Keywords with >= 1000 Global Monthly

Phrase Match Search Results


Solid Gold Keywords


Fast Attack Keywords


SKCA Keywords


Total Rankable Keywords


Notes about the Niche

The Acne niche is a classic desperate buyer niche. People want to look their best, and
people with acne are often desperate for a solution. Because people in this niche are often repeat buyers, it's definitely worth building a list here.
Products to Promote
Clickbank has a number of Acne products. Currently, the top gravity Acne product on
Clickbank is Acne No More with a gravity of 90.21 and a payout of $27.82.
CPA Offers:
There are also plenty of CPA offers. A search on returns 47 results, including several ProActiv offers with payouts as high as 27.00; Own Acne with a payout of
$25.00, and several Dermology offers, with the best one being a free trial offer with a
payout of $40.00.
Amazon Physical Products:
If you'd rather promote physical products through Amazon, there are Acne Light Therapy
product priced at 149.99 and up, and high-end Acne creams and other treatments in the
$100.00 to $250.00 price range.
And if you want to monetize your site using Adsense, over 600 of the rankable keywords
in the niche have estimated Adwords CPC of at least $1.50.
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Beauty & Skincare

Total Keywords Analyzed
Keywords with >= 1000 Global Monthly
Phrase Match Search Results


Solid Gold Keywords


Fast Attack Keywords


SKCA Keywords


Total Rankable Keywords


Notes about the Niche

The Beauty and Skincare niche is not a desperate buyer niche, but there is a ton of money being spent here. Again, people in this niche are often repeat buyers, so you definitely
want to build a list here.
Products to Promote
There are not a lot of Beauty and Skincare products on Clickbank, and none with high
gravity. You're probably better focusing on CPA offers and physical products.
CPA Offers:
Searching for 'beauty' on returns over 1900 results. Curiously, however,
most of them seem to be for non-beauty related products like antidepressants. Searching
for 'skincare' is more promising, returning only 30 results, many of which are free trial
offers with payouts over $20.00.
Amazon Physical Products:
Searching on for 'beauty products' in the 'Health & Personal Care' category
returns over 3300 results. More than 160 of these products are priced at $100.00 or
more. And don't forget - the beauty of promoting Amazon is that most people will buy
more than one thing once they're on the site, and if they get to the site through your affiliate link, you earn a commission on their entire purchase.
And if you want to monetize your site using Adsense, over 1000 of the rankable keywords in the niche have estimated Adwords CPC of at least $1.50
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Fitness Strength SixPack

Total Keywords Analyzed
Keywords with >= 1000 Global Monthly
Phrase Match Search Results


Solid Gold Keywords


Fast Attack Keywords


SKCA Keywords


Total Rankable Keywords


Notes about the Niche

Again, not a desperate buyer niche, but lots of money spent here, and definitely lots of
repeat buyers so you will want to build a list. You can also cross-promote, since many
buyers interested in fitness, strength, or getting a six pack may also be interested in
other niches like weight loss, dating, or even sports betting.
Products to Promote
There are several high gravity Muscle and SixPack products on Clickbank. For example,
The Muscle Maximizer (gravity 110.26, payout $45.04, continuity) Vince DelMonte's No
Nonsense Muscle Building (gravity 111.82, payout $58.02, continuity), and Six Pack
Shortcuts (gravity 19.82, payout $43.48, continuity). You should be able to do quite well
promoting Clickbank products in this niche.
CPA Offers:
Searching for 'muscle' on returns over 150 results, with payouts up to
$55.00. Promising offers include supplements, like Muscle Advance with a $37.50 payout,
exercise machines like the Tower 200 with a $36.00 payout, and total workout training
systems like P90x with payouts ranging from $24.50 up to $33.60.
Amazon Physical Products: has lots of weight training equipment and body building supplements that
you could promote, including many in the $100.00 an up range. Search on 'weight training equipment' or 'body building supplements' in the 'Health & Personal Care' category
and sort by price, highest to lowest, to choose products to promote on your review site.
And if you want to monetize your site using Adsense, over 500 of the rankable keywords
in the niche have estimated Adwords CPC of at least $1.50
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Total Keywords Analyzed


Keywords with >= 1000 Global Monthly

Phrase Match Search Results


Solid Gold Keywords


Fast Attack Keywords


SKCA Keywords


Total Rankable Keywords


Notes about the Niche

The Forex niche is another classic desperate buyer niche. People in this niche want to
make money. Many of them are desperate to make lots of money, fast. They are repeat
buyers, so you'll want to build a list.
Products to Promote
Clickbank is probably your best bet for promoting Forex products. Top products to promote include Million Dollar Pips (gravity 140.09, payout $44.21), MaxEDD (gravity,
payout) and TradeMiner (gravity 28.38, payout $43.22).
CPA Offers:
There are not a lot of CPA offers in this niche, but Offervault does list several different
offers for a trading platform called eToro, with payouts from $41.00 up to $160.00, depending on which offer you promote. If you can get these eToro offers to convert, you
could make a killing. There are also a handful of other interesting CPA offers in the niche,
with payouts as high as $80.00.
Amazon Physical Products:
Amazon doesn't have much in the Forex niche. There are, however, a number of books
(including some Kindle books) priced at over $100.00. Again, good money to be made
here if you can get conversions.
And if you want to monetize your site using Adsense, over 300 of the rankable keywords
in the niche have estimated Adwords CPC of at least $1.50.
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Get Ex Back
Total Keywords Analyzed
Keywords with >= 1000 Global Monthly
Phrase Match Search Results


Solid Gold Keywords


Fast Attack Keywords


SKCA Keywords


Total Rankable Keywords


Notes about the Niche

The Get Ex Back niche is another classic desperate buyer niche. However, you may not
get repeat buyers in the niche. It could be worth building a list anyway, since people who
opt-in to your list may not be ready to buy immediately, but if you have good email marketing skills, you may be able to convert them with your follow-up emails.
Products to Promote
The Magic Of Making Up (gravity 276.89, payout $23.64) is by far the top Clickbank
product in this niche. Other products you should consider are Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back
(gravity 60.03, payout $27.40) and Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back ((gravity 43.45, payout
$27.52). Or you could choose Marriage related keywords (there are plenty of them in the
list) and promote Save My Marriage Today (gravity 58.27, payout $34.71, continuity) or
Save The Marriage eBook (gravity 40.69, payout $24.04, continuity).
CPA Offers:
We did not find any CPA offers in this niche. If you do find some, please let us know.
Amazon Physical Products:
Nothing at Amazon, either, except for books at relatively low prices. Stick to Clickbank or
And if you want to monetize your site using Adsense, over 500 of the rankable keywords
in the niche have estimated Adwords CPC of at least $1.50.

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Total Keywords Analyzed
Keywords with >= 1000 Global Monthly
Phrase Match Search Results


Solid Gold Keywords


Fast Attack Keywords


SKCA Keywords


Total Rankable Keywords


Notes about the Niche

The Insurance niche is not a desperate buyer niche, but it can be a very lucrative niche
for lead-generation sites (think CPA offers). Probably not worth building a list in this
Products to Promote
There's not much in the way of Clickbank products to promote in this niche. There are
only a handful of products related to insurance, all with very low gravity (under 1.00).
CPA Offers:
As expected, a search for 'Insurance' on returns hundreds of offers 671
when we searched. Payouts go as high as $230.00, with about 150 offers paying over
$10.00, and hundreds more falling in the $2.00 to $9.75 range. Many of these offers are
simple zip or email submits.
Amazon Physical Products:
Insurance on Amazon is one of those funny markets where there isn't a lot for sale except books, but in the books department there are a number of reports and whitepapers
that sell as .pdf downloads for thousands of dollars. I don't know who (if anybody) buys
stuff like this from Amazon, but if you figure it out and can figure out how to sell this
stuff through an affiliate link, let us know! Otherwise, stay away from Amazon in this
And if you want to monetize your site using Adsense, over 1400 of the rankable keywords in the niche have estimated Adwords CPC of at least $1.50.

Keyword Bonanza

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Internet Marketing
Total Keywords Analyzed
Keywords with >= 1000 Global Monthly
Phrase Match Search Results


Solid Gold Keywords


Fast Attack Keywords


SKCA Keywords


Total Rankable Keywords


Notes about the Niche

As I'm sure you know if you're reading this, the Internet Marketing niche is another
classic desperate buyer niche. People buy in this niche because they want to 'live the
dream' by quitting their day job and making lots of money working at home. These are
definitely repeat buyers, so you'd be crazy not to build a list in this niche.
Products to Promote
Clickbank has loads of hot-selling Internet Marketing products. Right now, the top products are Mobile Money Machine (gravity 666.84, payout $32.82, continuity) and Affiliate
Resurrection (gravity 241.02, payout $42.22, continuity), but there are plenty of other
products to choose from. You may even want to avoid the highest gravity products (because everybody's promoting them) and concentrate on finding and promoting high quality products with lower gravity.
The Warrior Forum WSOs
Don't forget that once you've built your list, you can also promote WSOs. Because they
are generally lower-priced than Clickbank products (and often of better quality), and you
can often get 100% commissions, you can make a killing promoting these to your list.
CPA Offers:
There are a number of Make Money CPA offers on Offervault which you could promote in
this niche. While we've never heard of anybody doing really well with these offers, that's
not to say it hasn't been done. If you find you can do well with CPA offers in this niche,
please let us know!
Amazon Physical Products:
There are some high priced books and courses in the Make Money niche on,
but we think you'd do much better sticking with Clickbank and WSOs..
Keyword Bonanza

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And if you want to monetize your site using Adsense, over 500 of the rankable keywords
in the niche have estimated Adwords CPC of at least $1.50.

Keyword Bonanza

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Personal Finance/Debt
Total Keywords Analyzed


Keywords with >= 1000 Global Monthly

Phrase Match Search Results


Solid Gold Keywords


Fast Attack Keywords


SKCA Keywords


Total Rankable Keywords


Notes about the Niche

Personal Finance/Debt is another classic desperate buyer niche. People want to look their
best, and people with acne are often desperate for a solution. Because people in this
niche are often repeat buyers, it's definitely worth building a list here.
Products to Promote
Clickbank doesn't have much to offer in this niche. There are a scant handful of lowgravity products. The money here is in CPA offers
CPA Offers:
There are plenty of CPA offers in the niche. A search on for 'debt' returns
nearly 1400 results. Oddly, some of these seem to be for dating sites, but there are plenty of offers relevant to the niche in there as well. Searching on 'loan' returns 922 results,
and doesn't seem to be cluttered with the dating offers. Payouts on these offers go as
high as $100.00, and there are more than 350 'loan' offers with payouts of $20.00 or
more. At the low end, there are plenty of email/zip submit offers with payouts of $2.00
or more.
Amazon Physical Products:
Not much here. There are a few oddball books with prices upward of $100.00, but you're
better off focusing on CPA offers and Adsense.
And if you want to monetize your site using Adsense, over 500 of the rankable keywords
in the niche have estimated Adwords CPC of at least $1.50.

Keyword Bonanza

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Weight Loss & Diet

Total Keywords Analyzed
Keywords with >= 1000 Global Monthly
Phrase Match Search Results


Solid Gold Keywords


Fast Attack Keywords


SKCA Keywords


Total Rankable Keywords


Notes about the Niche

The Weight Loss niche is another classic desperate buyer niche, with repeat buyers. You
will want to build a list.
Products to Promote
Clickbank has a number of solid performing Weight Loss products. Currently, the top
gravity Weight Loss product on Clickbank is The Diet Solution (gravity 320.45, payout
$42.33, continuity), followed by Burn The Fat (gravity 155.87, payout $22.76, continuity) and Fat Loss 4 Idiots (gravity 152.67, payout $31.96).
CPA Offers:
There are also plenty of CPA offers. A search on for 'weight loss' returns
730 results. The offers are mainly for supplements like KORE HCG Diet and PureBerry
Max, and exercise devices like Ab Coaster, Ab Circle, and Solar Flex. Payouts range as
high as $128.00, with more than 350 offers paying at least $20.00.
Amazon Physical Products:
If you'd rather promote physical products through Amazon, there are supplements in the
Health & Personal Care category priced as high as $99.95, but most are under $50.00
and at Amazon's commission rates, you'd have to sell a lot of those. The Exercise & Fitness Accessories category has a few saunas selling for upwards of $2000.00, but after
that, prices drop off quickly, with most products priced below $50.00. We recommend
you stay away from Amazon in this niche there's plenty of money to be made with
Clickbank, CPA offers, and Adsense.
And if you want to monetize your site using Adsense, over 900 of the rankable keywords
in the niche have estimated Adwords CPC of at least $1.50.
Keyword Bonanza

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Yeast Infection
Total Keywords Analyzed
Keywords with >= 1000 Global Monthly
Phrase Match Search Results


Solid Gold Keywords


Fast Attack Keywords


SKCA Keywords


Total Rankable Keywords


Notes about the Niche

The Yeast Infection niche is another classic desperate buyer niche. People want to cure
their yeast infection NOW. But building a list may not be worthwhile here.
Products to Promote
Clickbank has several good Yeast Infection products. Currently, the top gravity Yeast Infection product on Clickbank is Yeast Infection No More (gravity 127.88, payout $29.86),
followed by 12 Hour Cure For Yeast Infection (gravity 59.47, payout $20.01) and Bacterial Vaginosis Freedom (gravity 17.51, payout $26.21).
CPA Offers:
We only found two CPA offers in this niche, both for a product called Yeastrol. One is a
percentage offer that pays 50% of the customer's order price; the other pays $24.00.
You could try promoting both offers and see which pays more. We think you'll probably
do better promoting Clickbank products or monetizing with Adsense.
Amazon Physical Products:
There are a few high priced Yeast Infection treatments on Amazon, including the aforementioned Yeastrol, but if you want to promote treatment products, the Yeastrol CPA offers are probably better. And we still recommend Clickbank or Adsense.
If you want to monetize your site using Adsense, over 200 of the rankable keywords in
the niche have estimated Adwords CPC of at least $1.50.

Keyword Bonanza

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Thank you so much for putting your trust in me and purchasing Keyword Bonanza. I wish
you all the success in the world with your internet marketing efforts, and I hope that
Keyword Bonanza will be an integral part of your success.
I want to especially thank Craig Mako for all of his help and support with this product. I
couldnt have done it without him. I also want to thank the folks at Market Samurai, Paul
Rosenthal and his team at Trusted Proxies, Alex Safie for his Stealth Keyword Competition Analyzer tool, and all my internet marketing mentors.
If I can help you in any way with your internet marketing business, whether its to answer a question about Keyword Bonanza, answer any other questions you have about
any aspect of Internet Marketing, or anything else, please email me anytime at

Bob Voges
Arlington, MA

Keyword Bonanza

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Resources Referred to in this Guide
Fast Attack SEO
Stealth Keyword Competition Analyzer
Google Adwords Content Network
Russ Ruffinos Epic Guide to getting laser-targeted traffic for one cent per click
Google Adwords Search Network
How to get laser targeted traffic from Adwords for under $0.20 cents per click

Other Fast Attack Products For Ranking Your Site and/or Getting
Secret Backlinks That ANYONE Can Use For FREE To Boost Rankings AND Traffic NOW!
The Free Traffic Methods I Use To Create $35,000+ Per Month Income On Autopilot!
The Quickest Way To Rank Even The Toughest Niches And Keywords WITHOUT Waiting!

More Fast Attack Products We Recommend
Instant Methods To Create Quick Income Without ANY Costs!
STOP Relying On Low-Conversion Saturated Promotions And START Creating Tremendous
A Breakthrough Wordpress Plugin That Boosts SEO Rankings AND Traffic To ANY Site
Through A Nifty \"+1\" Tweak
Keyword Bonanza

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