Implementing Guidelines v3 PDF

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This document is meant to serve as a guide to the IE students of PUP-Manila taking up INEN 3475.
After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Apply the systems approach in project development and management
2. Formulate and prepare feasibility studies, as well as proper project documentation
Implementing Rules and Guidelines:
1. NUMBER OF MEMBERS - Each group should be comprised of at least three and at most five
members. It is the prerogative of the feasibility study advisers on the number of members per group
and the composition of each group, i.e. whether grouped randomly or through a specific algorithm.
2. FEASIBILITY STUDY WORKING TITLES - Unless otherwise directed or ordered, feasibility
study titles must be approved by both advisers of the class. A group will not be allowed to continue
with their feasibility study unless approvals from both advisers are obtained in writing (see Form
A), which is to be included in the final paper.
3. PROJECT MILESTONES - To ensure proper project pacing, the project milestones below are
advised in order for each group to be able to finish the written paper and successfully defend their
feasibility study well within the semester
first Monday of July - Feasibility Study Title approved
last Saturday of July - Market Study done
last Saturday of August - Technical Study done
first Saturday of September - Management and Socio-Economic Studies done
third Saturday of September - Financial Study done
Please note that the schedule above should serve as a guide for each components latest finish,
which means that the various studies should be in their final draft status by those said dates. It is
better to finish way in advance for your adviser to provide inputs and necessary revisions be made.
4. PRE-DEFENSE - To prepare each group for the oral defense, a pre-defense in front of at least two
(2) faculty members from the Industrial Engineering department will be held for one week starting
on the Monday after the Financial Study milestone. Drafts of the feasibility studies must be given to
each panelist of the pre-defense. Sign up sheets will be posted at the IE Lab for each group to
choose the time slot for their pre-defense, which will depend on the availability of the IE faculty.

A pre-defense grade of MINOR (revision), MAJOR (revision), or FAIL will be given by the IE
faculty members to each group. In the event that the pre-defense grade will be FAIL, the group will
automatically get a 5.0 for INEN 3475 and will not be allowed to proceed to the oral defense. The
reason for the FAIL mark, which will be provided by the IE faculty members who served as the
groups pre-defense panelists, will be communicated by the adviser to the group.
5. FINAL DRAFT - Four copies of the final draft must be provided to the feasibility study advisers
and the oral defense panelists at least one week prior to the date of their scheduled oral defense. The
oral defense panel will be comprised of three members who are invited by the feasibility study
advisers and the students themselves. A guide on the qualifications of the panelists to be invited will
be provided to the students on the first week of September.
6. ORAL DEFENSE - The Oral Defense will be held on the first two Saturdays of October. The
panelists will be evaluating the group based on the rubric to be provided to them together with the
final draft of the groups feasibility study (see Form B - to follow). The results of the oral defense,
i.e. MINOR (revision), MAJOR (revision), or FAIL, will be communicated to the group
immediately after the deliberation of the panelists. In the event that the group obtains a FAIL grade
from the oral defense panelists, the group will automatically get a grade of 5.0.
The numeric grade of the oral defense will be made known to the groups thirty minutes after the
last group has defended for that day.
7. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS - After the groups successful oral defense, the group has one
week to revise their feasibility study based on the panelists comments and get the sign off of their
panelists on the revision. A grade will be given to the student only upon the submission of the
following to the feasibility study adviser:
a. Sign-off of each panelist on the revisions done by the group on the feasibility study
(hard copy of e-mail sign-off showing e-mail address of panelist will suffice)
b. Copyright receipt for the feasibility study
In the event that the adviser needs to finalize the grades in SIS and the two requirements stated
above are not yet completed, the group will get a grade of INC provided that their final grade based
on the grading system for INEN3475 (see item 8) is passing.
In addition to the two requirements above, the following are also required from each group in
order to obtain clearance from the Industrial Engineering Department:
a. Two hardbound copies of the feasibility study (with approval sheet)
b. CD containing the following:
i. .doc/.docx copy of the feasibility study
ii. .pdf copy of the feasibility study
iii. contact information of the group members (home address, mobile number, e-mail)
The format of the hardbound copies will be provided in a separate guideline.

8. GRADING SYSTEM - The grade of each student will be based on the following criteria:
a. WRITTEN STUDY (40%) - This is the grade given by the adviser depending on how wellwritten the feasibility study is, guided by the rubric followed by the panelists of the oral defense
and other criteria deem fit by the adviser.
b. ORAL DEFENSE (50%) - This is the average of the grades given by the panelists during
the oral defense based on the rubric provided to them. As mentioned in item 6, obtaining a FAIL
mark from the panelists in the oral defense will mean an automatic 5.0 for the group.
c. PEER EVALUATION (10%) - This is the grade provided by the members of the group to
each of his/her groupmates (see Form C - to follow).

Engr. Joselinda M. Golpeo
Feasibility Study Adviser
Chairperson, Industrial Engineering Department

Dr. Maria Theresa D. Bongulto
Feasibility Study Adviser

Engr. Arvin Jay Austria
Feasibility Study Adviser

Engr. Joseph Vincent David
Feasibility Study Adviser

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