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CHRIST UNIVERSITY, BANGALORE-560029 V BA LLB End Semester Examination October 2010 |ALS31 Max. Marks: 100 Sub:International Relations - II 3Hrs SECTION - A ‘Answer any 4 questions. 4x5=20 1, The Westphallian System 2, Hedley Bull’s contributions 3. Contributions of MacGeorge Bundy 4, Intra-State Wars 5. Ideological Contradictions in Soviet foreign policy doctrine 6. Russian Foreign Policy under Boris Yelstin 7. The Chinese Revolution in 1949 8. The Research and Analysis wing(RAW) SECTION -B Answer any 2 questions. 2x10=20 9. In what way did the Cold War transform the objectives of U.S Foreign Policy? 10. Do you think that Russian Foreign policy had a pro-western tilt in the initial years under Boris Yesltin? 11. Elaborate on the Colour Revolutions and its impact on Russian Foreign Policy in the 21th Century? 12. Explain the shift in Chinese Foreign Policy in the Deng era. SECTION -C Answer any 3 questions. 3x20=60 13. Do you think that the Westphallian model of the nation-state will survive in the 21th century? Answer critically 14. Examine Russian interests in the Trans-Caucasian region. 15. Critically examine Russian interests in Chechnya.Do you agree with the methods they employed and would you prescribe them for Federations around the world. 16. Do you think that India is an Asian superpower? Critically evaluate 17. Is China aspiring for world supremacy? Do you think that their domination of Asia is complete?

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