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History of Gaming technology



Game Structure






Core Game techniques






The gaming Industry value Chain















Reason of choosing reference





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Five major application of computer simulation

Six core technology that drives computer games

The way games are impacting on earlier technology


Any type of games both indoor and outdoor plays a very import role in human psychology and
human knowledge. Civilization has reduced the land and playground. Thus the digitalization of
game came up. The electronics gaming substituted most of the physical practice of the gaming.
In this report, we will discuss about the electronic gaming concept, the necessary hardware and
software for the system. We will discuss the historical background of Electronics gaming and
portray on the development till today. We will discuss different technical issues and requirement
as well as the key costing and benefit area of the technology. We will go through different
techno-commercial aspect of research and development of the technology that are done by
some companies. We will focus on the positive and negative effect of gaming and recommend
for further technical and behavioral development.


Typically games are defined as a sort of physical or psychological challenge, which is played as
per some pre-defined rules with a vision to win an award.
Video games are typically played for recreation, amusement and mental satisfaction as per
some rules confined by the software and hardware.
Serious Games provides knowledge as well as entertainment for learning, training, education,
strategic decision taking etc according to some pre defined rules and specification of hardware
and software system. (Zyda, 2005)
Electronic Games stand as a term for any pleasure or recreation with video game, desktop
computer, laptop, tab, mobile or the Internet with one or more participants. Typically Gamepad,
Keyboard, TouchPanel, Mouse, camera, microphone etc are supposed as some input device.
Game engines are the parts as it runs the game loop/ frame where in every loop the graphics,
users operating system, input, output is revised.
Simply the input, game loop and the output forms the game structure.
Emergent Game Technologies deals with developing tools and technologies necessitated for
building, testing, managing, and expansion of interactive games.
Game engine is the all about doing game-related assignment like delivering physical properties
and input by which the developers can make unique games focusing on the detail.
Typically the designers, artists, scripter and programmers are defined as the developer.
Reusable components are offered by the game engine which can be influenced to give a game
a new life.
Display board, loading of the game, animation model, detection of collision between physics,
objects, input, graphical user range and all sorts of artificial intelligence are basically defined as
the key component of a game engine.
Two other terms "API which is known as application programming interface and "SDK" which
stands for software development kit are closely related to the term game engine.
These engines are designed to access with all main interactive game platforms, from PC games
to the platform of next generation. PLAYSTATION 3, Xbox 360, and Wii are some relevant
example of the next generation platform. (Referencing C, 2009)


History of Gaming and necessity of Emergence

Many-body like Nimrod who first designed digital computer for playing game or Noughts and
Crosses who first used digital graphical display are considered to be the inventor of
video/computer games in 1950s.
When computer entered in the real world and people started using it for more commercial
purpose, then the gaming technology started to develop in a more rapid way.
At the end of 1950s by using oscilloscope games like tennis for two persons came up in the
The real inventor of computer game was Steve Russel who developed Space Wars in early
Initially coin operated system, TV game etc were popular among the users. Then PC came in
the scenario during 1960s.
PC and console technology were used for more than three decades. In 2000s, game controllers
were changed.
Earlier controllers were vanished by paddle, keyboard, touch-screen, gamepad, wheel, light
guns etc.
The usage of TV game or coin system is now substituted by laptop game, tabs, mobile, internet
gaming etc.
The 3D technology, the graphics, animation has made the gaming technology even more
popular to the user of all ages. (Referencing C, n.d.)


Game Structure

Game structure is typically the structure of programming which is unique for every individual
game. Structure ensures the entire set up, operating system and proper termination of things.
Basic structures portray on the entire project and reduces burden about the project outcome.
For all the games, Code is typically divided into the following three segments:
1. Initialization:
Setting variables for game engine
Setting variables for object of the game
Any other setting if necessary
2. Game Loop:
All the actions occur here
Main codes come here
3. Termination
Moving to next step
Shut down the game
(Referencing C, 2005)



Five applications of simulation techniques and Technologies were identified by Elmagharagy

in1968. Entertainment was added after 1968 which was not required at that time.

Aid to Thought:
Capacity to perform any task more accurately
Increases consistency
Sharing ideas
Sharing knowledge
Prediction for the next step
Ideation on upcoming problems and challenges and the way to solve them
No safety limit
Data collection for all circumstance
Training: Repetition of the process makes one train up for the same process on next

The latest application field is entertainment. People gain a lot of entertainment from the
animated movies, games, 3D and other types of entertainment.
(Robert, Virginia, 2009)

Fig 1: Five major categories of the application of

Computer simulation. Entertainment is added later as a sixth category.
Source: Created by the author based on Elmaghraby, 1968.


Core Game Technologies

Games are built on the following six basic technologies:

3D Engine: It visualizes the virtual world


Graphical User Interface: It is used for controlling and managing the game.


Physics Models: It represents the action, reaction and interaction more realistically.


Artificial Intelligence: It represents the power of the character of the game


Global Networking: It helps to share the virtual world.


Persistent World: It increases experience from one stage to another and increases
cohesion among various experiences of players.

Fig: Six core technologies that drive computer games.

Source: Smith 2006


Serious Industries can get the following 5 benefits mentioned by Bergeron in 2006:
v Economics:
lowers cost,
wider distribution range
Accessibility in a broad range
v Educational Effectiveness:
Clear illustration of ideas
Communicating with a number of audiences
Repeat the same idea until clearly understood
v Efficacy:
Visual, acoustic, tangible, and poignant stimuli to gather knowledge
Changes human behave and resistance for learning
Increases self-realization on any mistake
Enhance correct and quick decision making
v Emergent Behavior:
Several logical approach
Cooperation among participants
Emergent and unpredicted behavior from the players.
v Social Impact
Setting new standards, relationship, conversation
Develop relationship (Referencing C, n.d.)
The following figure summarizes the growth of gaming technology and their impact on the
technology earlier:

Fig: The way games are impacting on the earlier technology

Source: Smith 2010


The Value Chain of Gaming Industry

The gaming industrys value chain consists of the following 6 drivers:
1. The Publishers:
Severally do the commissioning job done by the developers.
Example, Microsoft Game Studios, Ubisoft etc.
2. Developers (Talent level):
They give actual shape of the publishers plan.
3. Tools providers:
Actually works as middleman
Develop software
Example, Gamebryo, Renderware etc.
4. Distribution:
Generally do the branding and marketing
5. Hardware:
Platform for running the game.
Example, a PC, mobile, laptop, mouse etc
6. Consumer:
People who play games
(Referencing c, n.d.)

10 | P a g e

Comfort: In the recent years, the comfort market is not growing in a rapid way rather it seems
to be flat though some giant company like Sony and Microsoft are launching new products.
Console makers are adapting a strategy to do partnership with a publisher from the
development stage. It will confirm the following things:
a) Reflect peoples exact expectation
b) Higher market penetration
c) Ideation about the future of the game and
d) Loyal to game community
Gaming Cloud:
a) Security concern
b) Less intensity of data integrity
c) Loss of processing power
d) Cyclical degradation
Gaming Industry has a growth of over 100% per year where most of the publishers are
These newcomers are producing innovative ideas as well as a threat to the existing established
publishers like Capcom and Electronic Arts.

Bubble effect:
Bubble effect indicates the growth of a business like a bubble at the beginning stage and then
suddenly bursting. Gaming Industries are splitting up very vast. Thus the apprehension of
occurring bubble effect is always an issue of concern

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Innovation is the key success factor in the industry. Researchers are working every day for the
product development and process development in the relevant industry. There is lot of scope to
apply innovative thoughts and ideas for the development of the sector.
Market development and catching new market is another vital factor for long term success in the
business. Thus the marketing, branding, costing everything should be in such a way so that
company can make profit as well as customer get the desired games.
Publishers who have long experience in Casual or social gaming can set up new strategies for
catching the worldwide market and make the sector even more popular. (Referencing C, n.d.)
It is required to develop distribution channel worldwide rather than focusing on a particular
community. Traditional way of distribution is keeping the giant companies under huge pressure
in making good margin.
Cloud Gaming can be the solution to capture some new market. Gaikai, Inlive etc companies
are investing on cloud solution at the moment.
Gaming can be used as a tool for learning with pleasure. It has still huge market laying on the
Asian region.

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To recapitulate, it is believed that the gaming industry will develop in the coming year in a
significant way. It will be used massively in learning purpose. Gaming has remarkable impact on
the social affiliations and cultural model of a generation. The statement is also valid for business
practices. It has massive usage for moral development from the infant stage of a human being.
It is assumed that the sector will also develop in the upcoming years.

13 | P a g e

Zyda, M. (September 2005). From visual simulation to virtual reality to games. IEEE
Unreal Engine, C,Features of Game Development Tools, [Online] available at < > n.d.
Time Business and Money, C History of Video games, Wall paper, ringtone, [Online] available
<,31813,2029221,00.html >
Smith. Roger (2010), Competitive Impact of Game Technologies on Five Industry Segments,
Smith. Roger (2010), Game Impact Theory: The Five Forces That Are Driving the Adoption of
Game Technologies within Multiple Established Industries, n.d.
Nuclear research, C, Case on ROI Intact of Emergent Game technologies, (2009)
LEARNING, Game learning and technology, June 2011, Volume 15, Number 2 pp. 211
Elmaghraby, S.E. (June 1968). The role of modeling in IE design. Industrial Engineering, 6, pp.
Pablo, Daniel, Javier C Digital Games in eLearning Environments Current Uses and Emerging
Trends n.d.
Smith, R. (May 2006). Game Impact Theory: The Five Forces That are Driving the
Adoption of Game Technologies within Multiple Established Industries.
University of Maryland Research Paper.
Robert Godwin-Jones (2005), EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Messaging, Gaming, Peer-topeer sharing:Language Learning Strategies & Tools for the Millennial Generation January
2005, Volume 9, Number 1
Informs, c, Supply chain of Electronic Gaming system, [Online] available at < > n.d.

14 | P a g e

The topic of the report portrays on the initial idea about the report. We all are habituated
in playing games in our PC or internet. This report provides information about the
gaming technology.
Learning with fun has become a key issue in todays Academic purpose also. This report
has indicated about the key features, technologies application of electronic gaming
The most interesting thing of the report is, when somebody will go through the report, he
will find similarity with his day to day activity. He will be able to know how the gaming
technology, which they are using at the moment, has developed from the last century
through gradual implementation of new technology and addition of features.
For writing the report, we have visited the website of the different companies that are
developing the gaming technology. The mission, vision, strategies and challenges of the
gaming technology have been written on the basis of the information found in the
website of the companies. The sector is developing rapidly and thus the application
areas are also expanding. The gaming market is becoming competitive also because of
this rapid growth.
Ideas from lot of papers were taken to write the report. Roger Smith, the great
researcher of Electronic Gaming technology has written a number of papers. We have
taken many inputs from his paper and summarized them in the report.
There exist a lot of papers about the Gaming technology that has focused on some
particular issues. For example, some papers were written on the technical issues, some
about the application, and some about the challenges. But this report has focused on all
the issues as a whole. From the same report, all about gaming technology in a
summarized form has written. Also from the referencing, one can go to the adjacent link
from the references for more study. The recommendation part is also written on the
basis of the papers and blogs of the researchers.
For quick citation, some diagrams have been used in the report. Also the bullet form will
focus on the key point of the discussion.
We have not discussed about any confidential information of any company in the report.
We have not disclosed any financial information of any company. The report is just a
summarization on gaming technology as a whole.
Gaming has some adverse effect also. It makes problem in eyes and pressurizes human
brain. In some case it impact on the psychology of the infant due to violence. But
typically the games that have some points to learn and relation with the daily life makes
a good impression on the mind. The adverse sides of the games were not discussed in
the report. As the Title of the report is Emergent Gaming Technology, thus the gaming
technology, its features and application were discussed as per the title of the report.

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