IBM Virtual Simulation Resume

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Fata Hirzi Abi Karami


IBM Service Management Virtual Simulator Reiview

1. In the begining of the game, we faced the condition that all the
stackholder the company has its own problem. The CRM system has
just crushed. The shipment management system continually fails,
and many other problem. And to solve that problem, we need to
answer the question like i do in the screenshot above. If the answer
is true, the revenue and customer satisfaction will increase. If you
keep false in answering the question, in several minutes the
company will cannot make any shipments and as a result are losing
revenue every second.
2. The first round of the game, we must met the target of 100
shipments per second.
3. The second round, the objective increase to 200 shipments per
second and integrated 40.000 new personel into the company.
4. The main objective of this game simulation is that we can gain an
understanding of the issues faced by CEO, CIO, and other
5. To ensure that we continue drive revenue and increase profits, we
must improve our customer service and be more effective in our
service delivery.
6. IT is so important in that company as it controls all of the processes,
from sales and dispatch, through to invoicing.
7. All of the stackholder has its own job. Like The Service Desks job is
to control the communication from users. Finance Teams job is to
control the company to keep gain a profit. The Sales Teams job is to
implement CRM system properly. And the other departements job
that i cant mention one by one.

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