03.01. Sites, Rigs, Derricks and Masts

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Contents Page References 3112 Introduction and objectives 33 Resumé 3tMi4 Topic! — The site 31/5 1 Onshore operations 5 2 Offshore operations 5 3 Swamp operations 5 Topic 2 Onshore sites 31116 1 Dimensions 6 2 Bearing capacity 6 3. Environmental and safety requirements 9 Topic 3 The rig s/h 1 Selection criteria u 2 Major components 13 Topic 4 Derricks and masts Sins 1 General informacion 15 LL Purpose 6 1.2 Subseructures 5 1.3 Strengch and capacity ratings 16 1.4 Derrick and mast loads 16 2 Derricks 19 3 Portable masts 20 4 Telescopic masts 2 Topic 5 Power requirements 3/1124 1 Power equations 24 Example 26 Topic 6 Safery and inspection 3/27 1 Causes of derrick andior mase failure 27 2 General comments 28 3. Inspection 28 Questions 311129 WOLP- Sites, rigs, decks and masls Page 3/1/71 v2.00 INcielnclares ss ‘Well Engineers Notebook, Section B EP 94-1401 Civil engineering guidelines for drilling location construction in single string ventures. API Spec 4F Specification for drilling and well servicing structures APIRP 4G Recommended practice for maintenance and use of drilling and well servic~ ing seructures API Bull DIO Procedure for selecting rotary drilling equipment Page 3/172 ‘WOOP Sites, rigs, derricks and masts v200 Introduction and Objectives A drilling/ well servicing rig consists of a number of basic components working together to do the job in hand - ie. co drill a hole in che ground or to work in a existing well. Each compo- nent is designed according co che specifications of that hole, which will be in practice be its? depth, its diamerer and the expected range of pressures at depth. The majority of thesecom- ponents will be described in derail in subsequent Parts, but this Part provides a very basic introduction to the rig, to how a rig is chosen and also describes the most obvious component «= the derrick or mast. Not only is it necessary for a drilling tig to be matched to the hole it will have co drill, ic is also necessary to provide i¢ with a location in which to work. Onshore, that is the drilling site. For well servicing rigs the site will already have been constructed when the well was drilled and should only require relatively minor work co bring it back to specification. This Pare starts wich the basic requirements of a drilling site. ‘After studying this Part, consulting other relevanc documents and, if necessary, discussions with your mentor, you will be able to ‘© Name the major components of a drilling tig. + Describe the layout for an onshore drilling sire. + Scace the considerations which influence the choice of rig. ‘+ Name the various types of derricks and masts. + Explain where che load ratings of a derrick or mast on site can be found. + Name the forces acting upon a derrick or mast. * Calculate static and dynamic loads on derricks or masts. * List the possible defects of a derrick or mast. * Calculate che rig power required by hoisting equipment, che rorary table and che mud pumps. ‘+ Able to state the key HSE aspects oferecting and moving a rig. Poge 3/1/3 v200 Resume ‘This Pare deals with che preparation of che drilling site and che requirements for drilling and well servicing units, and in particular for their derricks and masts. Rig power requirements are discussed and an example is given. Page 3/1/4 ‘WOM? - Sites, rigs, derricks and masts v2.00 INTRODUCTION & LEARNING OBJECTIVES ‘This Topi comprises a short description of che different basic types of site and associated civil engineering work required for different environments. Transpore requirements are also men- tioned. While studying this Topic, you should focus on the following learning objective: + To know whae eype of construction work may be required for the situations described. 1 ONSHORE OPERATIONS Onshore, civil engineering work will be required not only co construct the drilling location and a camp, but usually also ¢o build roads to provide access for heavy vehicles. ‘The require ments that both site and roads have co meet depend greatly on the size of the rig and the type of terrain in which the site is locaced e.g. desert, mountainous, rocky ground, woods or inhab- ited areas, Depending on local circumstances this may be obtained ftom a river, by damming a stream or by drilling a water well. (In the latter case two wells would normally be drilled since a failure of down-hole equipment in a single well would have serious consequences.) In areas where access is difficule , or which would involve long travel times by road, site preparation would also include che 2 OFFSHORE OPERATIONS Offshore the operting environment will consist of fixed platforms or mobile rigs (i.e. bottom- supported, jack-up and floating units). ‘Transport to and from the site will be by ship and/or helicopter. i Offshore Operations are covered more fully in Section 7. 3° SWAMP OPERATIONS In swamp areas a swamp-rig. will have to be placed in position. wero the The most likely means of transport to and from the rig is by water. WOIP- Sites, rigs, dericks and mosts Page 3/1/5 v2.00 Topic 2 Onshore sites. INTRODUCTION & LEARNING OBJECTIVES This Topic deals with che normal requirements for an onshore drilling site, which are : chav it bas adequate size. + that the bearing capacity of the site is adequate e.g. it is able to take the load of heavy rigs and transport. + thac ie shall meet environmental and safety tequitements, ‘While studying this Topic, you should focus on the following learning objectives: * To be able to name the major features of a drilling location + Tobe able ro name the parameters that have an influence on its size + To know the HSE aspects to be taken into account when designing a drilling site 1 DIMENSIONS ‘The factors on which the dimension of a drilling site depend include: the type of derrick or mast; it must be possible to rig this up on sice. ‘= the amount of storage space required for materials and equipment, plus the manoeu- ving area required by the transport and handling equipment. A drawing of a typical single-well location is shown in Figure 3.1.1 2 BEARING CAPACITY 2.1 GENERAL From the point of view of bearing capacity the drilling location comprises two areas. One is the area which supports che ring sacar probably also the motors, genera- tors and mud pumps. ‘The other is che surrounding area which is used for che atea requires che same strengeh a ess roads, but the former area has to have a much higher bearing capacity to cake the rig loads, and a special foundation is normally used 2.2 FOUNDATIONS the Foundations are required Page 3/1/6 WLP -Sitos, rigs, derricks and masts ¥200 300 metres to camp <—_____+ Dimension depends ‘Dipspate sepene: Contaminated drain is required Oilsludge trap t wineee =r-- Ie og | ie: —— eo | Contaminated drain aE ae gui i a ~4_“Uneontaminated drain luring nig. aseentoly ° % ‘co Sse Legend: = erosion protection 1 Toolpushers office 7 Mud tanks 2 Bee 5 erat wslope 12,0 1:18 Poe Sen Melgecne 19 Hate = drilling equipment @ Shale shaker ‘The foundation must be level and sufficiently large and strong to prevent che derrick or mast from tilting or the substructure from distortion. WODIP - Sites, rigs, derricks and masts Page 3/1/7 v200 “The type of foundation used depends on che safe bearing capacity provided by che ground itself and on the expected length of time for which it will be required for drilling and re-entry activities. 000 - In circumstances where the sub-soil is relatively weak, and/or the foundation has co remain in place for the life of a field, a concrete foundation would be preferred. Its thickness would depend on the type of ground. If the sub-soil consists of a very weak formation such as soft clay it may even be necessary to drive piles to support che foundation. h sand and called the sand bed. ‘The sand is watered or rolled co compact it and finally the surface is levelled off before the foundation is installed, Mats are made of chree lay- ers of 7.5 em G inch) timbers nailed together crosswise (the total thickness is 22.5 em or 9 inches) as shown in Figure 3.1.2. ‘A new development is to use These are steel framed, re-inforced concrete slabs approximarely 4 feet square and 3 inches thick with a lifting eye in the centre for easy posi- tioning by a crane. ‘The advantage of this method is that peight icles pensive Sie Pr sub-sructuro than permanent tales! ski concrete of piling Yywae aa and the mats or foundation again on another location. Ic is also easier 10 Figure 3.1.2 : Wooden foundation plus sub-sructure 2.3. THE CELLAR ‘Ac the poine where the well will be drilled a cellar is constructed. This will usually have con- crete walls and floor, although a fabricated steel construction is sometimes used. The cella used 0 keep the wellhead blow ground level so eh * Ifa high BOP stack is required ic can be accomodated without having to use an abnor- mally high sub-seructure. ‘© During the production phase the Chrisemas tree is at a level which can easily be reached. ‘+ For workovers a low production hoist will fit over the wellhead Ic should be wide enough to accomodate double side outlets and access to all annuli. Figure 3.1.3 is a diagram of a concrete foundation structure with cellar construction. In some areas cellars have been eliminated from sites used for shallow and medium depeh wells by the use of compact wellheads. Page 3/1/8 ___WDIP- Sites, rigs, derricks and masts v2.00 3 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 3.1 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS and for this reason ic is important that no leave the site. ‘The surface area of a location should be coated and drained, and construction and maintenance of the site should be such chat all cypes of pollution e.g. oil and contaminated water are trapped and not allowed co leave the working scanty sides when In order to reduce the celal rede requirement for holding basins etc. it is common ere practice to construct dlual drainage systems. ‘The larger syscem will drain off rainwater falling on areas which are unlikely co be con- ‘Note: Collar reduction tobe made taminaced - water from Sibng tp has reset ot this system may normal- ly be disposed of wich- out treatment, The other system will cover the areas in which con- fetarranorcement Zz tamination is more like- - ly to occur, i.e, under the drilling unie and in the vicinity of drilling fluid tanks and fuel storage tanks. After skimming off any oil Figure 3.1.3 : Cellor with concrete foundation (ee below) contaminar- ced water will be either recycled or stored in a waste pit uncil the end of operations, at which time it will be disposed of. In some areas a double barrier is required co retain contaminants (on location 3.2. OIL TRAP Xmasis cata ave Oil traps should be included in the site drainage systems at a point before they enter the waste pit or leave the location. In principle che oil crap consists of a partition which divides a basin into ewo compartments (see Figure 3.1.4). The oil, whose density is lower than chat of water, will remain in the first inside me geting site kain outside the diting site al EF = water — ‘The oil must be romoved separately by tarkor Figure 3.1.4 + The principle of an ol rap WOIP Sites, rigs, derricks and masts Page 3/1/9 v200 compartment and the water, free of oil, can be drained off. However, there must always be some wacer in the basin to prevent the oil from being able to flow under the partition into the second compartment 3.3 WASTE PITS ‘Waste pits should be large enough to accommodate the drilled cuccings plus the coral volume of che circulating system. ‘Their design should include such considerations as: © Optimum and worst case design (2 compartments); ‘+ Separation of “dirty” and “clean” fluids; ‘© Making the pit(s) waterproof co avoid ground water contamination by seepage. ‘© local legislacion ancl Company policy concerning site restoration 3.4 SITE ACCESS Pare of the safety contingency planning is co ensure that the site can be evacuated safely in case of a severe emergency, such as, in the worst cases, a well on fire, oF an unconerollable flow of gas containing HS. For this reason chere are always two routes that can be used co enter and leave the site. Only one of these needs to be usable by vehicles. 3.5 CAMP SITE For similar safety reasons accommodation is not set up on the rig site. Where only one well has to be drilled the camp site is about 150 - 300 m (500 - 1000 fe) away in an up-wind direction from the rig (the prevailing wind direction in the area is used for this). A central camp site is usually used in an area where several wells will have to be drilled in one field. Hygiene and safety requirements are applicable co the camp site, Waste-pits for garbage and cess pits must be constructed. 3.6 SITE AND ACCESS ROAD RE-INSTATEMENT Before any work is done co either the rig- or campsite and any access roads, a survey should be carried our detailing the terrain, che use of the soil, the position and condition of any man- made structure or crops. Boundacies of plots, if existing, need to be precisely recorded. It tecommended to take photographs (preferably in colour) of everything to back up the infor- mation, ‘This information is necessary to re-instate che area to its original state after opera tions have ceased and to avoid future company liability. 3.7 RIG MOVES For rig moves (in particular mobile rigs) a rig move plan is required with clecails of each indi- vidual load, its weight and dimensions (including the toral height when loaded on a truck), lifeing and transport instructions, ete ‘A road survey muse be formpare of the rig move plan. Such a survey should identify the best route taking into consideration: + traffic bottlenecks + road conditions + obstructions, the load capacity of, and clearance under, bridges, + the presence of overhead power lines and the clearance + the requirement for police support WDIP- Sites, rigs, derricks and masts v2.00 Poge 3/1/10 INTRODUCTION & LEARNING OBJECTIVES ‘Once the site (including the anchors for the dlerrickman’s escape line and for the guy lines of portable and telescopic masts) is reacly, the rig equipment can be installed. Topic 3 deals with selection criteria for a rig and lists the major components thereof. ‘While studying chis Topic, you should focus on the following learning objectives: + To be able to discuss the criteria used for choosing a rig. + To know the relative advvantages/disadvantages of the three principal types of offshore drilling unit + To be able to name the major components of a drilling/well servicing rig 1 SELECTION CRITERIA FOR A DRILLING/WELL SERVICING RIG 1.1 GENERAL his either Ideally a rig should be selected to suit a specific well, avoiding the use of a rig whi 00 large or too small. In practice equipment suitable for drilling/servicing a range of wells economically is chosen. ‘The depth rating alone may not be decisive because wells in different areas require emphasis on different rig functions. API Bulletin D10 “Procedure for Selecting Rotary Drilling Equipment” should be used as ref- erence. 1.2 CONSIDERATIONS WHICH INFLUENCE RIG SELECTION “The following, considerations influence the selection of a rig + The mechanical rating and suicabilicy for che range of wells in the programme. + The mobility and cransportability of a land rig in che circumstances of the operating area, or che operability of an offshore unit in the conditions of the operating, area * The contract rate, And the following influence the selection of contractors who will be given the opportunity to tender for che contract to supply one: + Their HSE record + Their QMS record (ISO 9002 certified ?) * Their financial strength + Their staff development record © Their cechnical support structure © Their familiarity with che area of operations WIP Sites, rigs, decicks and mosis Poge 3/1/11 2.00 1.3 CHOOSING THE BEST RIG TO DRILL A PARTICULAR WELL ‘The following factors should be taken inco account when choosing the best rig for a particular well: * Ancicipated formation pressures © Hole and casing programmes, + Preferred drill string size and weight(s) to be used. + Hoisting requirements. * Hydraulic requirements. * Rotary requirements. + Auxiliary equipment required ‘A good reference to use is the IADC Drilling Manual, 1.4 MOBILITY A land rig has to be transportable in the conditions of the operating area. Different types of environment in which they have to operate include: * developed country with good roads. + desert + cundra * mountainous areas * thick jungle, economically accessible only by air. A land rig will always be broken down into packages for transport, the maximum size of the packages being constrained by = + the type of vehicle that is available and usable over the route ‘+ the obstructions that have to be negotiated. The main problems are usually bridges - che load carrying capacity and/or the clearance undler them - and/or the clearance under overhead power lines. (See paragraph 3.7 of the previous Topic) ‘There is a wide range of specialised transport available ro cope with all types of conditions. 1.5 OFFSHORE OPERABILITY Individual offshore drilling units have a relatively limited envelope in which they can operate: + Jack-ups are restricted as to water depth by the length of their legs, they are also Limi ‘ed by the conditions of the sea bed. For re-encries they may be restticed by pre-exist ing foorprints and/or Nowlines ‘+ Drill ships cannot operate in shallow water and are sensitive to weather conditions. An advantage which they have over other offshore units is that they have a very large stor~ age capacity and can thus operate autonomously for relatively long periods + Semi-submersibles cannot operate in shallow water, but are less sensitive co wind and swell chan deill-ships Offshore units are also occasionally constrained by the requitements of the access to the oper~ ating area rather chan by the operating area itself. There may be shallow water co en route, or it may be necessary to pass under a bridge, or even under a cable car system. A well known problem for example is che bridge over the entrance (0 Lake Maracaibo. It is too low co allow an offshore unic to pass under it with the mast erected, which does not cause great difficulty. ‘What does make it expensive to move a jack-up in or uc of the lake is that che distance from the lake bed co che bridge is less than the usual length of jack-up legs, so a section of each leg Feget2 WOIP: Sites, rigs, devicks ond mosis aaae 200 has to be cut off and then welded back on again (involving inspections and re-cercifying the structure). 2 MAJOR COMPONENTS OF A DRILLING RIG Figure 3.1.5 is a schematic diagram of a rotary drilling rig ‘The major components of all drilling rigs are fundamentally the same and are as follows Derrick or mast and substructure. Hoisting equipment Pipe-handling equipment. Prime movers and power transmissions. ‘The drilling fluid system. Instrumentation. ‘Well control equipment, Details of che composition of these major component groups are shown overleaf. a ® a af ahe I. ae es 7 «| 5 - = 8 ® # of 3 oF ie 3 a de iH Figure 3.1.5: Diagrammatic view of a drilling rig WIP - Sites, rigs, derricks and masts Page 3/1/13 v200 COMPOSITION OF A DRILLING RIG Major components Consisting of Deat with ‘npart Prima movers and Power ransmission oquiprmant Diosel-elecrc systems- DC: Ward Leonard system AG: Thyristor system, Independent diesel engines Gas turbines Hycraulic couplings & torque convertors Clutches, mechanical & air {ink belt chain dives V-belt dives: Derricks, mast anc sub-stuctures ‘Conventional or standard type devick Portable skid types, jack Knife, Tul vow masts ‘Mobile - or Wailer mounted mast Dynamic marine type dericks ‘Multiple well derricks 3a Heisting equipment raw works Crown block “Traveling block Hook Links and elevators Swivel ‘Wire rope (dling fino) oad line anchor Auxliary brakes 32 Pipe handing equipment ‘Air winchos Rotary table Slips Tongs: Kelly spinner ‘Master bushing and kelly bushing a2 Ding fuid system Driting ru tanks Gtesitng pumps. reciprocating 2 Duplex, coubie ating Tipu single acting Gontntugal pumps, auxiary, or = Dring tut maxing and eating equipment = Sods soparaton equipment = i-gas separators Buk storage, bononte, bays & coment Mud guns, botiom ts Lignin mixers (paddle) aa Instruments Weight incicatoe Pressure gauges Rotary tachometor Rolary torque meter ‘Mull-channel recordors ‘Tong torque incicator Penetration rate recorder (Geologreph) Pump stroke counter Diiling uid fowmetor Tank lovel recorders Diling Mud donsity recordar Gas detectors ‘Annular fw detector 34 Wel contol equipment Blowout proventers(ram-ype, bag-type) Hydraulic aecumuiator (Koomoy unt) ‘Choke maniolg, with chokes BOP contro panels, including romote contro! pant Choke remate contol panel Trp an! Sip tanks Sandpipe and kil ine valves 35 Page 3/1/14 WLP Sito, igs, decks and most v200 INTRODUCTION & LEARNING OBJECTIVES, Topic 4 begins with general information about derricks and masts, goes on to deal with che loads that they have to withstand, and finally describes the construction of derricks, portable mastes and telescopic masts. While studying this Topic, you should focus on the following learning objectives: * To be able to describe the loads acting on a derrick/mast. * To be aware of the relationship between the hook load and the load on the crown block. * To be able co describe the relative advantages/disadvantages of the different types of derrick/mast. 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON DERRICKS AND MASTS 1.1 PURPOSE Derricks and masts have two functions. The primary function is co support the crown block (ref. Pare 2 of this Section). ‘The secondary function, which is nor fulfilled by the masts used with lighter types of well servicing rigs, is to provide support so that tubulars (drill-pipe, drill collars or cubing) can be stored vertically, or “racked”, in “stands” of three lengths*. By doing this only one in every chree connections has to be unscrewed when pulling che pipe out of the hole to change the bit or perform other work on the lower end of the drill-pipe or tubing, string, thus saving time. * Most drilling units use "stands" consisting of chree joines of Range 3 drill pipe However some small rigs, especially small workover units, use stands consisting of ewo joints, and some heavy rigs use stands of four joints. 1.2. SUBSTRUCTURES Detricks and portable masts other than the telescopic type are supported by a heavy steel sub- structure, ‘The derrick transmits all the vertical loads through four points at che lower ends of the legs, and the purpose of the substructure is transmit these loads to the ground via the rela- tively large area of the flanges of the basal I-beams. The required bearing capacity of the ground is chus kept within reasonable limits and less expensive foundations are required. ‘The height of the substructure is chosen so that in combination with che cellar depel it will accomodate below the derrick floor a BOP stack appropriate co che rig Telescopic masts are normally mounted on wheeled units and che loads are supported by jacks. ‘The bearing capacity is provided by inserting plates or beams uncler che jacking units. Such WOIP Sites, rigs, derricks and masts Page 3/1/15 v2.00 masts are only used for relatively light work, thus the vertical loads are not as great as are experienced with derricks and the other type of mast. 1.3 CAPACITY ‘The ratings for all types of derricks and masts are specified by the manufacturers in accordance with rhe standards given in API Specification 4F “Drilling and well servicing structures”. ‘These include a design factor of 50% for steel derricks when new. ‘The ratings of used equip- ment, however, should be reviewed regularly after inspection by the manufacturer or insurance company surveyor. Ratings given include ‘+ maximum hook load ie. che maximum string weight including the weight of the crav- elling block. ‘© maximum setback capacity ie the maximum weight of drill pipe and drill collars chat can be racked in the derrick or mast. ‘+ maximum wind velocity with full setback. # pitch and roll tolerances (for offshore applications) + general depth rating for a given size and weight of drill pipe. Icis therefore essential co be familiar with the capacity of the derrick or rig in use. The neces- information can be obtained from: sary + the manufacturer's nameplate which gives “Mast and Derrick Name Plate Information”. * substructure Name Place Information. + manufaccurer’s operating instructions. ‘The following strengeh and capacity factors should be taken into account to prevent che der- rick or mast being overloaded: + Maximum ancicipated casing load. (Although a rig may be rated to drill toa certain depth, it may not be designed strong enough to run casing heavier than drill pipe _ | sentative of the manufacturers will have to be co chat same depth.) present. Ie will then be necessary to have the mast or drvik inspected by che cercfying company. Field welding is not normally allowed on mascs or derricks. Where this is unavoidable igh grade welding rods have to be used under special procedures, using welding a repre- + Anticipated wind load or other exceptional conditions e.g. dynamic derrick foundations as on a dill ship. # Substructure (base) setback capacity. 1.4 DERRICK AND MAST LOADS 1.4.1 General During operation derricks and masts are subjected to vertical forces arising. from the load car- ried by the eravelling block and hook and horizontal forces arising from the pressure exerted by the wind. On a floating unic the derrick will be oscillating as the vessel rolls and pitches which will result in the hook load having a lateral (relative to the derrick) component. ‘The movement of a floating vessel will also generate inertial loads in the derrick, but the period is so long that these will be insignificant relative to the other loads. Poge 3/1/16 WDIP - Sites, rigs, derricks and masts v2.00 1.4.2 Vertical forces Figure 3.1.6 shows one possible arrangement of the drilling line, rhe fast-line and the dead line (che fast Line and the dead line are the names given respectively co the sections of the drilling line between the crown and the draw-works and between the crown and che point where the line is made fast on the substruccure. The laccer is known as the dead line anchor). ‘The arrange- ment shown would be vost described as having six lines strung, because there are six segments of line supporting the travelling block. Figure 3.1.6 : Stringing orrangement of a driling line Ignoring friction, the tension.in the line'is Hookload N where N = the number of lines strung, Hook load = load on hook + weight of travelling block Ic is important to note that because the ends of the drilling line are attached at rig-floor level there are wo more lines pulling down on the crown block than there are pulling up on the travelling block. It follows that: Detrick load = Hook load + Fast line load + Dead line load 1.4.3 Static derrick load “The static derrick load (ignoring the weight of the derrick plus crown block) occurs when the block is not moving but is carrying che full hook load, Because there are no friction effects the fast line load and the dead line load are both equal co the line tension and: N+? 5 hook load Static load = N Detticks anc! masts are designed to a static load capacity for a specified number of Lines and with an established position for the dead line anchor. Changing the number of lines strung or moving che dead line anchor position will alter the static load capacity considerably. 1.4.4 Dynamic derrick load (crown load) ‘The dynamic derrick load is the load which occurs while running in or pulling out a drill string or casing string. ‘The derrick load is still the sum of the hook load, che fast line load and che dead-line load, but in this case friction plays a parc - which is a combination of the bearing friction of the sheaves and che internal friction within the line as it is bent round the sheaves. “To balance frictional forces the cension in a line increases by a factor “kas it passes over each sheave. This assumes chac che frictional forces are directly proportional ro the load on che WOOP - Sites, rigs, derricks and masts Page 3/1/17 v200 sheave and that the line wraps round 180° of the sheave. ‘The latter is true for the lines which pass round the sheaves in the travelling block and is approximately true for the fast line and the dead line. In drilling line calculations, allowance is made for the friction by means of factors derived from the above-mentioned factor “k” and che number of lines strung. Fast line tension _ kN (k 1) ‘The fast line factor reese Hookload —,N_y Dead line tension __k=1 ‘The dead line factor Hook load Ny KN 4 k= 2 oi ‘Thus the load on the crown block hook load API RP 9B quotes a value of 1.04 for “k” for roller bearing sheaves, which are the most com- mon type. Substituting this figure in the above equation and comparing che result with che static derrick load indicates that che dynamic load on the derrick is insignificantly higher than the scatic load. The increase due co friction varies from 1% with only two lines strung (i.e. @ single sheave travelling block) co 0.5% with ten or twelve lines strung, Note however, that the changes in fast line and dead line censions are far from insignificant. ‘With ten lines scrung the dynamic fast line tension will be some 23% higher than che static line tension, and the dynamic dead Line tension will be 17% less. What is even more signifi- cant is that if the weight indicator sensor is on the dead line, which it usually is, che dynan fast line tension with ten lines strung will be almost 50% higher than the figure shown by the ‘weight indicator. 1.4.5 Shock loads As shock loads are difficult to calculate rigs are designed to twice their rated strength (che design factor of 50% previously mentioned). Shock loads occur when a string is picked up ‘ouc of the slips and there is acceleration of the string and when the brake is applied to deceler- ate it. The tripping of « hydraulic or mechanical jar will induce shock loads although most of the energy is transmitted to the stuck pipe. ‘The harsh acceleration or deceleration of a heavy string can result in large inertial forces devel- ‘oping which are capable of overloading the derrick or mast. It is also possible thac the block line of the string could break in such circumstances. For this reason the inertial forces should be reduced as far as possible when che rig is handling heavy loads by braking and picking up the string with care, 1.4.6 Wind load ‘The wind load on a derrick with a rack full of drill pipe results in considerable transverse forces. Derricks and masts are constructed in accordance with API Spec 4F to comply with a maxi- mum wind load specified for that particular rig. Mose derricks and masts can withstand a wind load of 45 - 58 m/s (100 - 130 mph) with che racks full of pipe Page 3/1/18 WOIP - Sites, rigs, derricks and masts v200 2 DERRICKS 2.1 CONSTRUCTION OF THE STANDARD DERRICK ‘The so-called API standard derrick is shown in Figure 3.1.7. Ie consists of four main legs of beams which are bolted together plus a series of horizontal gires and diagonal cross bracing, also bolted. ‘The material is normally structural steel with a minimum yield of 224.4 Némm2 (33,000 psi) and a hot-dipped galvanised surface finish, One side of the dercick has a higher opening ac che bottom than the other sides; this is known as the V door and is required in order to give suf- ficient clearance to lift forty foot (12 m) lengchs of pipe from ehe catwalk into the derrick Some eighty feet above the derrick floor is che derrickman’s platform, called the jn-pote water table fourbio board fy oor ‘monkey board”, where he has the equipment to handle the upper ends of pipe derrick i ib-strvoturo ack the stands of pipe and rack them neatly. ‘This consists of “fingers” hinged to a bar which is fastened across. ewo legs of the derrick. Figure 3.1.8 shows the details. ‘il cote palleoce on git Figure 3.1.8 : Racking equipment in derrick WOLF - Sites, rigs, derricks and mosts v2.00 ae 7 ‘concrete foundation ‘wooden mats Figure 3.1.7 + A stondord derrick At the top of the derrick is the crown block with the axle supported in a structure called the water-table. Above the crown is one single beam, called the gin-pole, which is used to support @ pulley block used solely to life the crown into position, This construction allows the standard derrick co be cransported on normal crucks and to be erected without heavy lifting equipment. A special ist rig-building crew is used, who construct it from the bottom up, with each successive layer lifted into place by a gin-pole supported by cables attached to the previous layers. This is illustrated in Figure 3.1.9. Since every component of a derrick is designed to carry its share of the load any parts omitted, improperly placed Page 3/1/19 or needing to be forced into place may contribute to the failure of the derrick. For this reason the nuts and bolts are tightened only slightly more than finger tight (where safety permits) during the ial construction. Once the encite structure has been erected all nurs and bolts are then tightened co the required tension. This method ensures a more even distribution of stresses. Unfortunately the name “gin-pole” has been given to ewo different pieces of equipment related to the derrick - che connection is that they are both tempo- rary lifting devices. 2.2 DYNAMIC DERRICKS Dynamic types of conventional derricks are primarily used on board floating, drilling rigs. They are much scronger than the API standard dettick. Given chat they rarely have to be dismantled they consist of welded sections that are pinned together instead of being constructed of individual bolted beams. 2.3 APPLICATION Figure 3.1.9 : Ginpole for rig building Conventional or standard derricks are used: © where there are many wells on che same location: without dismantling, the derrick is rolled to the next cellar. ‘© onsmall, tender supported platforms where there is insufficient space to assemble a mast horizontally. ‘+ in situations where mast sections cannot be transported + on very heavy duty rigs for deep wells where the inherently stable layout of a standard derrick can be made stronger than a portable mast and has more racking capacity. Disadvantages of such derricks + Specialist rig builders are required. ‘+ Erection and dismantling is time consuming. (Bue time delays can be avoided by “leap-frogging” two derricks.) 3 PORTABLE MASTS Figure 3.1.10 shows a portable drilling mast in both vertical and horizoncal position. In principle portable masts are always raised by their own travelling blocks and draw-works. ‘The mast and engine substructure are installed first, then the engines and drawworks. The drawworks and engines are checked and prepared for running while che mast sections are being pinned together. ‘The lower mast section is mounted by hinge-pins to two brackets on the substructure, ‘An “A" frame is set up on the substructure and the block line is reeved so that the fast line runs over a sheave in this frame. ‘The mast is raised by the block line and a raising sling Page 371/20 WOIP - Sites, rigs, dacicks and masts 2.00 which run over sheaves on the mast and the “A" frame, ‘The procedure is illuscrated in Figure 3.1.11. Once the mast is vertical it is locked in position to the “A” frame and is ready for use. ‘row block Iravoting block sting FF i Yonik [EISNN Figure 3.1.10 : Fortable driling most Considerable force is requited to raise the mast from the horizontal position. The horizontal distance between the centre of gravity and ‘he hinge point, and thus the torque required, isthe greatest figure 3.1.12a). This mokes great demands on the lifing equipment and ling must be carried out extremely slowly. The further the mast is ited the shorter the horizontal distance between the contre of grewty and the hinge point and tho force required is correspondingly less figure 3.1.12b) (Once the mast is verlcal its weight is supported by the hinge point. Distance L = 0. Tho mas will, however, fll slightly past he dead point. Therefore ‘only a small force will bo needed to overcome the ficlion and lower the mast past the dead point, a sandline, for example, can provide a q _ this force, As soon os the mast has passed the verlical position itis * lowered by its own weight. AN my Figure 3.1.11 : Forces exerted while raising a mast Leo 4 TELESCOPIC MASTS Figure 3.1.12 shows a telescopic mast. Telescopic masts with their drawworks and engines are usually mounted on trucks or trailers. ‘The load should be borne by hydraulic or mechanical jacks, noe by the tyres, so that the mast is kepe steady and perpendicular. ‘The jack feet are relatively small and, as large surface pres~ sures are likely co occur, especially during fishing jobs or while casing is being run, wooden ‘mats are usually laid co distribute the load before the truck or craler is moved co che site WDIP- Sites, rigs, dericks and mosis Pogo 3/1/21 v2.00 First the bocom section, containing che upper section, is raised by two hydraulic cylinders to approximately 4 degrees past dead centre. This cile makes it possible for the travelling block to be positioned slightly away from the mast, directly above the well once the erection of the mast has been completed, ‘After the lower section has been raised and guyed the top section is extended by che raising sling and rig hoisting equipment. Some telescopic masts have a hydraulic cylinder to extend the top section. ‘Once in the highest position ehe top section is locked co the lower section by the four pivot catches of the locking mechanism. The lower section must be locked securely by bolts or ‘lamps so that no movement between the sections is possible Since the applied load is normally outside the base of a telescopic mast it must be used with guy lines to provide stability (see Figure 3.1.13). The thickness of the guy lines, the sequence and che tension at which these are fastened depend on the size and the construction of the mast. ‘These values can be found in the instruction manual. Reference may also be made to API 4E for guy line specifications. racking platform twin Sstage hydraulic rams screw jacks for support and leveling Figure 3.1.12 : Ideco Rambler rig (H30) Page 3/1/22 WLP - Sites, rigs, derricks and masts v200 4 crown to ground guys B - — 2erossed guys fiom racking board co yround, 2 additional racking board eo ground guys, Recommended with strong winds of when pipe set bback excoods the rared racking capscity. D = 2014 internal bottom section guys to ground or structure on vehicle. Figure 3.1.13 : Recommended guying pattern - general conditions WOIP- Sites, rigs, derricks and masts Page 3/1/23, v200 INTRODUCTION & LEARNING OBJECTIVES ‘The drilling engineer should be able co calculate the power required for the drilling opera- ions. This is necessary ra selec the most economical rig for the job. Inefficient use of the engines affects the daily costs which can be controlled by the driller. Remember overloading means higher wear and higher fuel consumption. Most diesel engines and gas curbines driv- ing the rig achieve highest efficiency ac approximately 80 to 90 % of their ull-load capacity. Ac this poine fuel consumption is most economical and thete is no overheating. Iris possible in both direct diesel drive systems and electric systems, thac more engines are run than would be necessary for che job on hand. ‘The driller must therefore also be able co calculate the rig power needed, This topic will cover power formulae and calculations of power requirements While studying this Topic, you should focus on the following learning objectives: ‘+ To be able to calculate the power required by a drilling operation + To understand the use of efficiency factors in these calculations 1 POWER EQUATIONS Ikcis necessary to be able to determine the prime mover and/or generator power requirements for hoisting, rotary and pumping equipment. 1.1 HOISTING POWER , Mechanical work = force x distance (i.e. weight x height) ‘The cerm “power” represents the work done pet unic time thus power = force x speed. In SI units In Oilfield units 1,2 ROTARY POWER “The torque applied to che drill string determines the power requirements for rotary de Assuming that the torque, T, is applied by a force, F, at a distance f, ‘The work done co rotate the string once = 2m x F = “Thus che rorary power = 21 XT X the rotary speed Page 3/1/24 WDLP Sites, rigs, derticks and masts v2.00 1.3. RIG PUMP POWER ‘The circulacing race and the pressure losses in the system determine the power requirements of che rig pumps. Hydraulic horsepower = pump pressure X flow rate Ibs fe? _ 144 5.615 barrels —— SxS = x psix 2" x = fe sec 550 60 minute or, if circulation rates are measured in U.S.gallons/min as is common in U.S. based rigs: FO 144 1 US gals __ psi gpm Ibs & X psi x = fz sec 550 7.48160 minuce 1,714" 1.4 ELECTRIC POWER Electric power = voltage x current, i.e. watts = volrs x amps and the conversion factor for oilfield units is VHP ~ 746 wanes 2 EFFICIENCIES All systems are affected by losses, which have to be taken account of when calculating power requirements: Mechanical efficiency ‘The percentage relation of mechanical power output to mechanical power input (normally abo Hydraulic efficiency ‘The percentage relation of hydraulic horsepower output (o mechanical horsepower input. In some cases this may include mechanical efficiency. Volumetric efficiency ‘The percentage relation between the actual delivered capacity of a pump and the calculated displacement of che pump (see Part 3 of this Section). Transmission loss ‘The difference between output horsepower and input horsepower. It may conveniently be expressed as percentage of input horsepower. Electrical loss ‘The energy converted to heat. ‘The percentage of loss can be influenced by the cable diameter, length and conduction coefficient WDLP - Sites, rigs, derricks and masts Page 3/1/25 v2.00 When calculating power requirements the efficiency and losses must be taken inco account. 3 > EXAMPLE CALCULATION Using che data given for ewo rigs, one using SI units and the other using traditional oilfield units, calculate the power required for tripping out the drill string while circulating ‘SLumics ‘Field units: Weight indicator ending 800 kN 180,000 bs Ivecge hating sped 20 mh 60 fmin Mechanical efficiency 50% 0% Giculating xe 500 tiesmin 130 gpm Pump peste 15 Mm 2.100 psi Pump volumes eficency 959 9506 3.1 HOOK POWER = 800 kN x 20 m For the rig using SI units Power = —_———. = 333 Kilowarts plese 60 secs X08 180,000 Ibs x 60 fe 550 x 60 secs x 0.8 For the rig using oilfield units Power = 3.2 HYDRAULIC POWER 00 Veni For the rig using SI units Power = 15,000 kPa x 200 min, 1 139 kilowatts 1000 x 60 0.95 2,100 psi x 130 Tor the rig using oilfield units Power = 22100 ps'X130 gpm , L168 yp 1714 095 3.3 TOTAL POWER ‘The coral power requirements are approximately 465 Kilowatts for the rig using SI units and 577 HP for che rig using oilfield unis. Page 371726 WLP Sis, igs, dries ond mos v200 INTRODUCTION & LEARNING OBJECTIVES, Safety is an essential aspect of good drilling practice. Ensuring chat the entire rig and all che equipment are in good condition can save lives and money. Inspections while rigging- up/down and during use are therefore extremely important. While studying this Topic, you should focus on the following learning objectives: + To be able to recognise bad practice with regard to the operation of a drilling rig. 1 CAUSES OF DERRICK AND/OR MAST FAILURE ‘The following is a list of actions/conditions which could lead co a derrick/mast failure: + Unauchorised cuccing and welding of structural members. * Drilling holes in struccural members. * Bent and missing braces. + Welding defects, cracks etc. ‘+ Wear, elongation of bolt holes or pin holes. * Boles missing, not tight. + Mast raising slings damaged/wornlimproperly used, + Safety latches not set. + Worn or damaged sheaves on “A” frame. + Corrosion, especially mast raising slings. + Rig not level. + Location not perfectly level + Poor drainage. + Incorrect guy line cension * Poor condition of guy lines. + Sudden overload, shock loads. + Abuse during cranspore + The use of look-alike spare parts WDLP - Sites, rigs, derricks and masts Page 3/1/27 v2.00 2 GENERAL COMMENTS 2.1 CONSTRUCTION ‘The construction of derricks and masts is such that each section contributes to the correct dlis- tribution of the forces and loads which occur. Any damage to, or modification of, structural members (such as cutting or drilling holes in them) will weaken these so that chey no longer contribute adequately to the distribution of the loads. ‘The cause of bent o distorted sections can often be traced back to inexpert dismantling, trans- portation, swinging of the block or unauthorised attachments. To avoid problems derricks/masts must only be raised, lowered or otherwise handled accord- ing co procedures agreed by the manufacturers 2.2 VIBRATIONS Drilling derricks are subjected co considerable vibration which may occasionally loosen certain bolts and nuts so chat the strength of the derrick is seriously impaired. Elongation of bole holes or cracked weldings can also result. 2.3 GUYING ‘The guy lines ensure the stability of telescopic masts. Inspection of the correct tension of the guy lines using a dynamometer is therefore essential 3 > INSPECTION REPORT 3.1 PROCEDURE AND REPORT FORM. A regular report of visual field inspection of derricks or masts and substructures has to be pre- pared by the drilling contractor. A special field inspection reporc form should be used. The form is a joint publication by che American Petroleum Insticute and the International Association of Drilling Contractors and should be available in the office and on the rig. “The report form and inspection procedure was developed as a guide for making and reporting field inspections in a thorough and uniform manner and has been approved by the APL (APL RP 4G: Recommended Practice for Maintenance and Use of Drilling and Well Servicing Structures - Appendix A.) The procedure is intended for use by operating personnel. More detailed and cricical inspections may be scheduled periodically, or ordered to supplement a program of these inspections, if masts or derricks are used in the upper range of their load limits, or if structures may have been subjected to critical conditions which could affect safe performance, 3.2 MARKING DAMAGE Ac the cime of inspection, damaged sections or equipment must be clearly and visibly marked so that needed repairs may be made. When repairs have been made, the visible markings should be removed by painting over them. It is also necessary for the inspector to insere “None” when no damage markings are needed, as this is his indication that che item has passed inspection. It is recommended that inspection be made with assistance of manufactur~ er's assembly drawing(s) and operating instructions. Page 3/1/28 WOLP - Sites, rigs, derricks and masts v¥200

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