Model Question Paper SCT SIs (Commns) and ASI (FPB) On 02.09.2016

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Model Question Paper For the posts of SCT SIs (Communications) (Men & Women) And SCT ASI (Finger Print Bureau) (Men & Women) Paper I English (Descriptive in nature) 6, STRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This is a Question cum Answer Booklet (7 Questions) containing 24 pages. The gu have to Le answered within the stipulated space, Candidates ave prohibited from 1 Writlng their Registration Nos. in any part of their Answer Mooks except in the space specially provided for Uh purpose, b, Writing their names in uny part of the Aaswer Books. Addressing the examiner in any manner whatsoever in Answer Books, If they do 90, their answers will not be valued. Candidates shouid not forget to enter Ubeir Registration Numbers in the appropriate places, othenwice their papers will not be valued Answer should be written on both cides of the Answer Sheet. The answer to each question must be written in the space provided below that question. The answer should not exceed the space provided for the answer. NO ADDITIONAL ANSWER SHEET WILL BE. PROVIDED. Answors must be legibly written in ink or with Ball Pen (Blue, Black or Bive Black only) ‘The responsibility of handing over the Answer Book to the invigilator lies with the candidates. No loose sheets of paper will be allowed into the examination room and no paper must be detached from or attached to the Answer Book. Candidates are prohibited from bringing to the Exemination Hall any books, note-books or loose-sheets of paper, if they do so, they are liable for expulsion. They are prohibited fom talking to each other or from copying from others or allowing others to eopy from them or taking or giving any other kind of assistance or talking to or communicating with @ person outside he Esemination Hall. If a candidate is found violating these sules and / or committing any othor malpractice and / or behaving in an indiseiplined manner or causing nuisance or disiurbanee to other candidates, hoshe will at once be expelled from the Examination Hall, he/she will not be allowed to write the remaising papers and he/she will bo liable to rustication, @ Sub : ENGLISH (PAPER-1 (123)) ‘Time :3 Hours Max. Monks : 100 1, Write a short essay on any one of the following, Max. Marks : 15 A. Role of police communications in law and order situations and natural calamities. B. What ean citizens do lo slow down global warming? ©. Role of computers in prevention and detection of erime. im a fow sontencos Max. Marks : 15 Read the passage below and answer each the following ques An American scientist by the name of Alexander Graham Bell invented Ue clephono. It has proved to be an extremely usoful invention, It is havelly eonsidered luxury today. In fact, it is now a necessity. In big citios and towns, more and an people now have a lelephone. For those who still do not own phones, there are public telephones, These have been set up in publie places. Rach telophono has a receiver, a transmitter and a dial ‘Telephone exchanges work as connecting stations between two phones. Each telephone bas its own number. No two telephones in one city or town ean have the same number. To talle to someone, we have to first dial his or her telephone another invention that has helped to make the world a smaller place. exk Lo anyone almost instantly, number. This One ean eal] and Nowadays, mobile phones are extremely populax. Unlike the phones al home, one ca carry these in one's pocket. ‘Telephones are extremely convenient to bave. They are a big boon in times of ‘emergency. It is said that in times of need, a telephone can literally save a life. 1. Who invented the telephone? 2, Bach tolephone has three parts, Name them. 8. What is the work of the telephone exchanges? 4, What aro the uses of the telephone? 5. How is a mobile telephone different from a ordinary phone? suitable title ‘Max. Marks : 15 8. Write a pri of the following passage iy about 40 words and give Povhaps we are ving in one of the great ages of mankind and have to pay the price for that privilege. For the great ages have been full of conflicts and instability, of an attempt to change over from the old to something new. ‘There is not permanent stability and security and ehangoless ness for then life itself would couse. At the most, we can seek a relative stability and a moving equilibrium. Life is a continuous struggle on the physical, intellectual und more plane out of which new things take shapo and fresh ideas are born. Destruction and construction go side by side and both, aspects of man and nature are ever ovident. Life is a principle of growth, not of standing still, a continuous becoming which does not permit static conditions, (130 words) | 4. Answer any one of the followings: Max. Marks : 15 A, Wee a letter to your elder brother asking for bis guidanee how to prepare for (he competitive exam to the post of a police sub inspector Or i B.A letter to local newspaper complaining about the nuisance of loudspeakers in | your locality as your board examinations are on and some family members are unwell Write a paragraph of about 10 lines on any one of the following | A. Major floods in A.P. during Oct. 2009 | B. ‘Max, Marks : 10 Mow to curb violence against women? Road aeeidonts in A.P. 6. Write w report in about 20 lines on any one of the following imaginary situations, Provide names, facts and figures, whore newsssitty. Max. Marks + A. You are a police Iriver and your police department vebicle is involved in al inajor accident, Write a report to the police station. Or You have discovered illegal and antinational activities at a Internet cafe, Write 4 report Lo the police station using your imagination, general knowledge about computers and internet. B. 7 ‘ranslute the following passage into Peluge Max. Mavles : 13 laws of the poticeman is a law enforcement officer. He tries to ensure that & leat ae siviedly followed. He piays » very important rolo in our soriety. d with one ‘All avous in the cities have a police station, Bach policeman is asso particular police station. It is his duty to ensure that law and order is maintained in his area, under all circumstances. Sometimes they are called in to contro! crowd Some policemen are trained to control traffic. It is their job to manage traftie and consure that all traffic rules are follower During accidents, theft and loss, the policeman is the first. person we think of, ‘The police conduct their investigation and solve crimes Policomen have long working hours and, sometimes, have to keoy standing all day’ Apart froin ordinary criminals, a policeman has to sometimes deal with terrorists also, He has to remain alert at all times, Since policemen guard our lives and property, they are held in great respect in society. @ pace For Rough Work Spnce For Roush Work paeee iit i Z @ Space Hor Rough Work Model Question Paper For the posts of SCT Sls (Communications) (Men & Women) And SCT ASI (Finger Print Bureau) (Men & Women) Paper II Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning / Mental Ability (Objective in nature) (200 ¢ Juestions) Directions (Questions 1 to 10) : Questions 1 to 10 require simple analogy aifsmen (5% 14908 10) : BYE 1 Lod 10 HHH DG DLryso OST 443. HEAD is related to CAP in the same way FINGER is related to (A) Nail (®) Helmet © Thimble () None HEAD, CAP & SonGeays6, edadgssor FINGER 806° SowoGszyoO A) A B ves (Q) somone @) aodds% DRAMA is related to DIRECTOR in the same way MAGAZINE is related to (A) Printer (®) Publisher (©) Reader (©) Editor DRAMA, DIRECTOR &* SomoGsiysd eSngaure MAGAZINE 806° Sowodsw SOA a6 (A) edxycooysin (B) psowensys (O aSargses/|X Xl a@l > S/o w » &B o® »o & Ais father of B, C is the daughter of A. What is the relation between B and C? ~ (A) Father and Daughter (B) Husband and Wife (© Brother and Sister @) Uncle and Niece A, B Bah, oS, C, A Boos, Srboto, B soGateo C Soyo Sowogsite N20? (A) G08 So8ain Sesto B) BB SBoio rvs (ex Ho8ass9 BYed D) Sré soBokn Soden cb BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 33, Write the number of the pair which is different from the others in the following (A) Glass and Water (©) Rich and Poor ®B) @) Cup and Saucer Bottle and Medicine B08 aOS" DAIS ad Say Storr No wo Sos 98? (A) pas a8 do (©) B08 soBcten es ®) @) BH SoBotw ONE amd SoBcin Sot Directions (Questions 34 to 87) : In the following question a related pair of words is followed by four pair of words. Select the pair which expresses the relationship most similar to that of the given words NBSinven (Gye 34 Sood 87 SU) : Bors Hs [Hh as SomoHe Sean ai wero abo Seino SABot YOR Goce, aignds SeSvoh crow SbiiSor Sonosiiwiy SOS w3io DS Svar : 84, Carpenter : Saw (A) Child: Toy (C) Typist : Paper SYGEOR : evowSsus :: A) og: Sy © BQ: ess 85. Bunch : Key (A) Bouquet : Flower (©) Beehive : Bee SaaS : Pw. : (A) Sewer (C) Badrrds : serv 36. Profit : Loss : (A) Rupee : Paisa (©) Success : Failure bin Syn ss (A) Gearon : pa (©) adie : eects 37. Sapling : Tr (A) Horse : Mare (©) Bud : Flower Awe: Bey: (A) Mogan : es oggsan © BoK:HHsw BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 @®) o) @) @®) @) B) © (B) @) @) @) 12 Writer : Pen Cloud : Rain Sson08 : Sosa Sows 7S ‘Team : Competition Examination : Subject ang ond 96K: SBQ Adult : Child Whole : Part Og Og Davin: Student : Teacher ‘Tree : Furniture DIRQ : CoTYEOe Bey : $455 38. 39, 40. 4l. Today is Wednesday, what will be the 94th day? (A) Monday (B) Saturday (© Wednesday ©) Tuesday 8 Ser SOAS, 94th BS D TS? (A) avert ®B) artsy © ewiirssn (D) Sorarsso0 Which one is like stool, table and chair? (A) Carpet (8) Bench (© Office (D) Books 26 Apes, Berd arBoin HByr ay? @ orb B) Boa (©) obi ©) Hasswen Which one is the same as Yellow, Orange and Green? (A) Grass (B) Purple (© Leaf ©) Tree DG Siow, are HoBctoo SHYSS 4487 A) Says B) sresgsn © @) By Insert the missing word : Stop (Look ) Go Cook (__) Digest (A) Chew (B) Soll (©) Waste @) Buy SDoos SeSvs9 Tosa : 5S (ef) A 68 (__) BBR A) S75 B) 6 © 38 (D) af 13 BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 42. 43. 44. 45, If ‘sky’ is called ‘sea’, ‘sea’ is called ‘water’, ‘water’ is called ‘air’, ‘air’ is called ‘cloud’ and ‘cloud’ is called ‘river’, then what do we drink when thirsty? (A) Sky: B) Air (©) Water @) Sea Bowen MeSH “SSM, “MEarSSooH “HOM, “DLO, “POM, “POD “Aosadaorm, ‘Arsasoorso SAT LOOSE, Sus rsd &byseo BaD errosioaw7? (A) esti ®) wd ©) d& D) SSS Directions (Question 43 to 45) : ‘The numbers in each row and column of the square are written according to the same rule. By identifying the rule, find the missing number SIO (iy 43 A204 45 SSH) : FO SHS SG, SIs sohS'd Sows eS 26 eR s BHvSn HrabadsA. 9GO MGosdo gr, S09 Sosy SASS + 51817 11) 17) 15 21/33) 7 (A) 22 (B) 24 © 29 @) 30 1] 3 | 28 2) 5 | 133 712 | 407 w4 ® 5 © 6 @) 8& ss le) ative) we fa (a) 200 ®) 100 ©) 600 ©) 400 BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 4 A 46. 41. 48. 49. What is the mathematical average of the number of days in a typical year, the number of days ina week, and the number of hours in a day? @) 132 @®) 168 (© 100 @) 115 a8 DogpSv0N NoseyISS* ‘Nebo SH Srero Nosy a& wns" Sfero Wows SoGai9 28 Bfee6'n Kote Moms 2087 (a) 192 B) 158 «) 100 @®) 115 PIPE is to WATER as WIRE is to () Electricity (8) Current (©) Voltage D) Ampere PIPE e088 WATER ; WIRE e858 A) deged ®) Sor © ge (@) 0d Which one of the following comes second in the English dictionary? Long (B) Large (C) Lunatic @) Length ROA nsvoenyS* Bods SO Ay TOS" 2B BouErr Sy? (A) ooh B®) of (C) ergedss @) Bod If blue means pink, pink means green, green means yellow, yellow means red and red means white, then what is the color of turmeric? (A) Green (B) Yellow (C) Red () Pink doesn warn Ser, Ser err Shy, Sky eH SS, Si ear WH Soot WH esr Bory eonswped, StH HG Toad, Goro 967 sy B) SHH © wy D) Servore is to Sri Lanka as Delhi is to ———— (A) Colombo, India (B) Kathmandu, Capital (©) India, Paris (D) Island, Harbour —— ward Joost wand G8 eS (A) Seot*, aodatr B) ameyods, ward (©) aodaisr, 265 D) dsShn, Tysctos 15 BRP - 9002 - 318233 - 3 51. 52, 58, 54, ‘Mohan travels 5 km to the south. Then again he turns to left and walks 4 km, Then again he turns left and walks 5 km, How far is he from the starting point? (A) 4km ®) Skm (©) 6km @) 2km BPS BRpriiovww 5, Boirertw Sis, SHIG wie MATH OBA 4 Lb, SABs., etic OBA DESI OBA 5 8.0. SEBS, OBE SoH WS S08 ov Sroswo* anne? (a) 48d. B) 58d. (© 68d. @) 28h. Ais the mother of B and C. If D is the husband of C, what is A to D? (A) Mother (B) Aunt © Sister ©) Mother-in-law A, BioBoho C Sux¥, 69. D, C Buns, $Y eons D8 A Dsosoxo? @) 62 ®) axe (© 3Bn OD) esr While standing in front of a Mall and waiting for your mother to come, you observe that a young man comes to the place on a scooter, leaves it there and goes away with someone else on a motorbike. You would? (A) Chase the person (B) Call back the person (©) Inform the police at the nearby booth (D) Remain engaged in your enjoyment RD } 6 Siw FH, aS rd Snot dond aBlowinyheo, a¥ chute w WHtiokw a SrYWHS' Sq, MDD OHS SHO, a Brant FES" SH WS" AOraminio bY Nov Boney? (A) esygp Bos axysoy (B) © Se8p Dense SOB (OC) BRS Ho ar5S* HBS BOD D) dD SoB*ESaS* dso/ySr02 HOB ‘The largest number which divides 25, 73, 97 to leave the same remainder in each case is (A) 24 (B) 23 © 21 @) 6 (58 Dios, 25, 73, 97 So a8 DAYS Bsn SEgySey DBS HOR Nowy @) 24 ® 28 © 2 @) 6 BRP - 9002 - 313238 - 8 16 A 5B. 56. 58. 59. ‘The smallest number by which 6561 should be multiplied to make it a perfect cube is, a 4 ®) 9 © 3 ©) 6 6561 Hy Kod oasthets, WD SHAY Soitsioorr Scioto LOH Hors a 4 ®) 9 © 3 @) 6 How many prime factors are contained in the square root of 8464? @ 4 @) 3 © 6 @) 8 8464 Sf Soresnd* 2 EMS TUE SOs? ) 4 ® 3 © 6 ©) 8 Evaluate : ¥6084 (A) 64 @®) 78 © 9 @) 72 saverspssiien : (6084 (A) 64 @) 78 © 90 @) 72 ‘A boy was asked to multiply a certain number by 53, He multiplied it by 95 and got his answer less than the correct one by 1206. Find the number to be multiplied. @) 67 ®) 76 © 7% ©) 87 28 2G Soagio 53 S MoeBowsin a8 mrend SAYS. ewes ood 35 rod, Say SSrGrasn Yay 1206 SHS acran H0BSs. Koehossons Somgiy SAA (A) 67 ®) 76 © 8 (D) 87 In a college V/Sth of the girls and 1/8th of the boys took part in a social camp. What of the total number of students in the college took part in the camp? a) 43 ® v3 (© 218 ©) 918 28 Ores $056" ak Sows! erd¥od" V5 i008, eradod* V8 Soto a€fD8. © SoSs* dedfnis SookgEw DerykBo Sons? (a) 43 @® m3 (©) 2s @) 313 Simplify 171+19x9= a) 0 ® 1 (© 18 @) 81 OOS ea 1T1+19x9 = @) 0 ®) 1 © 6 @) 81 7 BRP - 9002 - 318283 - 3 61 62, 63, 64, 65. BRP - 9002 - 313283 - 3 Directions (Questions 61 to 70) : Find the Odd man out from the following given items ABsesve (Gye 61 S08 70 SH) : GOB andywds WS edertedor ay wNd SXOR™OHOD : (A) Ear (©) Tongue (Ay 39 (C) wend (@ ABDE (© FGHI (A ABDE () FGHI (A) Kerala (© Sind (A) Sox (©) 808 (A) 19 © 9 @ 19 © 9 (A) Moon (©) dupiter (A) Soysoee (©) hoboee ®) (B) © (®) (@) @B) Oo) (B) @) @) @® (D) B® @) @B) @) ®) ) 18 ‘Throat Nose Fro Sooty DCBA KLMN DCBA KLMN Nagaland Haryana aerrero& soe 7 13 7 13, Venus Mereury DOU aniiotio 66. 68. 69. 70. @ © a) © a © @) © cy) @ © Chain Locket Ress S80 Mountain, Forest Siigeosn etn Acro plane ‘Transport paraiso Nepal India bad nodose @® @ @) @) @) @) ®) @) ®) ©) (B) ) (B) @) ® ®) @) @®) @) 19 Wig Ring af aortio0 Ocean Star BSoops0 ses mg Sri Lanka Andaman Seok woes BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 2. 73, 74, Which of the four sets is like the given set? Given set (14, 28, 82) (A) (14, 19, 80) ®) (43, 21, 297 © (12, 21, 30) @) (15, 28, 31) aS GwaS aE", wet wos" DB atrvigion HOR AiO? ‘RS UBS w6 (14, 23, 32) (A) (44, 19, 30) ®) (18, 21, 29) (©) (2, 21, 30) @) (15, 28, 31) Simplify : 15.60 x 0.30 = ——__—-? (A) 4.68 B) 0.458 (© 0.468 (@) 0.0468 N8O¥6e9 : 15,60 x 0.30 = ———? (A) 4.68 @) 0.458 © 0.488 @) 0.0468 In an office of 30 employees, the average salary of the 20 male employees is Rs, 15,000 and that of the ten female employees is Rs. 12,000. Find the average salary of the 30 employees (A) 12,000 ®) 14,000 (©) 10,000 @) 15,000 2S SOYpctonS* 30 008 ABTYoe 20 SooB HU BByoeo SoS A¥iso Sr. 15,000 Ss805> ets" SB S008 8 ABWYOo SONS diio Br. 12,000 e.. 30 S08 ABTybo SoS S808? (A) 12,000 @®) 14,000 (© 10,000 ®) 15,000 Which of the following group of letters will appear exactly the same in a mirror? (4) AHIMOST (B) VOAMAOV (© HVRTRVH ©) OSMIHMO Bot aagnds OY Siursrind* OB eSSnd" ira edagiiorr Goto? (A) AHIMOST (B) VOAMAOV (©) HVRTRVH () OSMIHMO Fraction of 56% (a) 14/50 B) 1425 © 1a ®) 14100 56% Bo0¥, isp? (A) 14/50 (B) 14/25 © as @) 14/100 BRP - 9002.- 313233 - 3 20 A 16. 11. 7B. 9. ‘The population of a town increased from 3,50,000 to 5,25,000 in a decade. The average percent increase of population per year is (A) 8% (B) 12% (©) 10% (D) 17.50% 2S SrQ sesnd® af Syrsw Gas, aa 3,50,000 sod 5,25,000 & DOASS. oS BoSehyCE nase SONS DHId.w sw (a) 8% B) 12% © 10% D) 17.50% ‘The sum of an odd number and an even number is (A) Always even (B) Always odd (©) Can be odd or even (D) Can't say 28 BB Som, HoBate» a8 48 Hons Boosh, S0BHS09 (A) day" 38 Sows (B) dgperr Bd Sows, (©) Bd Sows Ser 56 Sows @) Bysav If 150 is 25% of a number then 125% of that number will be (a) 25 (B) 125 © 600 (D) 750 28 Soms Gow, 25%, 150 ea2r8, 8 omg S08, 125% Boy Sotiris (A) 25 @ 125 (©) 600 @) 750 ‘The eum of two numbers is 44. Five times one number is equal to six times the other. The bigger of the two numbers is @ 2 ®) 20 (© 30 @) 382 Bode Hogs Avs, Amsw 44. af Sows Gow}, nd Diy, SS Sows Ans, wld Gey MSs. Se Doe Somos ® BEA @ 24 @®) 20 © 30 (D) 32 How many meaningful English words can be made with the letters ESDO using each letter only once in each word? (A) One ®) None () Two @) Three ESDO ei) exgsno8', eS N, ekYSuw 2H,o8 SrW SSdirfiog, I wo/{ Sdsworsy Br soBow Siuyso? A) es @B) dwoe% (©) Bot ©) sre 21 BRP - 9002 - 313283 - 3 81. 82. 83. 84, 86. Directions (Questions 81 to 85) : In each of these questions, find the pair of words which is different from the other three pairs of words : RBIsSwvor (Woo 81 0d 85 SW) : Se ye Smad, DROS sarcy avo SsSn0d* Paya Seve eveseiy SOTA : (A) Light — Heavy ®B) Broad — Wide © Big-Large @) Tiny- Small (A) 88s-aty (B) Bday - egw (2% -aresons D) Hge_Q-9HH (A) Mother ~ Father (B) Sister— Brother (©) Master — Servant (©) Uncle~ Nephew (A) 89- wos B) BBe-w%y (O) choearn ~ sees (D) Sra —Soweyess @) Oil-Lamp (B) Water—Tap (©) Power ~ Machine (D) Oxygen —Life (A) Srd~ dsa0 B) 6-H (0) $8 atoyss D) e8yeS — ers (A) Knife ~ Dagger ®) Pistol Gun (© Car—Bus ©) Engine — ‘Train A) 88-9 B) 3BS- was (C) $t— wy () Rosso Boo (A) Car— Engine (B) Ticket - Train (©) Ink-Pen (D) Stamp —Letter (A) st%-a085 (B) &35-Zeo © 28-25 D) BoS- Sub Three of the following are alike in certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? (A) Mustard (B) Wheat (©) Jowar @) Bajra B08 TDS" a8 SYOS" DinSgivorr God, as Minow SrwoBoDSA. OB wiiarsrsorseo Sowows BB? (A) eres B) Feeio (O sb ©) ado BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 22 A 88. 89. 91. “Day” is related to “Night” in the same way as “White” is related to (A) Green (B) Red (C) Blue (D) Black “Sao”, “0878 SomoGss. SB DGSurr BevY"H HovoGSs.0ns5 @) S% @) 269 (C) deso ©) say In a certain code VACATE is written as AVACET. How is letter LITERATE written in that code? (A) ILETRAET (B) ILETARET (©) LITERATE (D) None 28 268 So$SAnd* VACATE wAS6 AVACET mm g@rdvassd. LITERATE sity Stisw 2 So8san5" dey graoncoi? (@) ILETRAET ®) ILETARET (© LITERATE ©) 8se FOOT is to WALK as to NOSE is to (A) Blow (8) Breathe © Smell D) Twist ethoho ©SIHE Heo Sve, eH A) ec B)_ Bsfos (© weB drs ©) Bape Five persons were walking along a street. D was ahead of A. E was following B. C was between A and B. Who was in the middle? (A) A (B) B @ Cc @ D 28 DBS® wd S008 Spo SeotiotwayQo D, A & Swodorr aepseayss. E, B Siyoss aay. 0, A SsGaten B dogs damnéto. SoGgS" iS 2500? a a ® B © c @) D 85% expressed as a fraction is (A) 25/8 ®) 35 © we @) v4 85% a> @ayduorr wey Bertie (a) 25/8 ®) 3/25 (Cy) Viz @) v4 23 BRP - 9002 - 818283 - 3 93, 94, 95. If A's salary is 25% more than that of B, then how much percent is B’s salary less than that of A? (A) 20% (B) 10% (©) 15% @) 25% B din¥, aiion Sey A deisn 25% wASoM ad) Bile, B Bw’, Hos A Soy Dow TSS oe? (A) 20% B) 10% (©) 15% @) 25% Ifa man covers 10.2% km in 3 hours, the distance covered by him in 5 hours is @) 18km @®) i7km C) 16km @) 15km 28 S98 3 KotvS® 10.2% 8.80. 2AKORS, 5 KowroS® eowsed deHerto erresso (A) 188.2o. B) 178.4. (C) 168.8. @) 158.0. A and B can together do a piece of work in 15 days. B alone can do it in 20 days. In how many days can A alone do it? (A) 80 days ®) 40 days (©) 45 days D) 60 days A SiBalo B ater Hod a8 SOO 15 Serod* Savio. B as},d o SOO 20 Serod* Saotterss. A282 & SOD 2, Serod® Saoroc? (A) 30 Stee B) 406%xe> (C) 45 Stereo D) 60 Seren A person bought an article at Rs. 100 and sold it at Rs. 150. Find his gain percent (A) 20% (B) 30% © 25% @) 50% a8 SiG a8 SeYADS. EM. 100 O& SYA*er Bh, TOD BP, 150 o& SAyydo. OD erPovSD A) 20% (B) 30% ©) 25% @) 50% Ina bus, there are 12 small seats on each of which 2 passengers can sit and 2 long seats on which 14 passengers can sit. If half of the number of sitting passengers are allowed to stand then the capacity of bus in terms of passenger is (A) 46 @®) 52 ©) 57 @) 58 aS wiyS', ago SArdioo kG dyn 12 HyRay, 14 S08 pairedwoe sro yo DissuoT 2 atePS hay Sow. LPSYO ad WokreB 05" Silo S089 Domevek exwwsoasHeo © DSS" 04s Batrdso Soa (A) 46 (B) 52 ©) 57 @) 58 BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 24 A 98. 99, 100. 101. 102. 50 girls and 70 boys had to go for a picnic. 40% of the girls and 50% of the boys went for the picnic. What is the approximate percentage of the students who went for picnic? @ 40 B) 42 © 44 @) 46 50 amOSeo SoBaton 70 arent 28 DSU cioryo4s 3YB. POSOS® 40%, arensS* 50% DY arysed 3B. DSS PUY BOS Dory Tidy SST 087 (A) 40 (B) 42 © 44 @) 46 Fatima ranks twelfth in a class of forty-six. What will be her rank from the last? (A) 33 @®) 35 () 37 @) 34 46 2008 Ko 2S BEKBES* POAT 12 5 OYOW. 258 Avo wy Gosh, 7908 Ios? (A) 33 (B) 35 © 37 @) 34 If. coin is flicked twice, determine the probability that it will land heads both times? ) V4 (B) 2/4 ©) 3/4 @ 28 WUD Toth Sry MARTH, Joc Srvy wo Miyso Fbiniw s6Asiyar wo Sommhysio NYdiosn Sots? a) ys B %y4 © 34 © yi What is the chance of throwing a number greater than 4 when a dice is rolled? A 3 ® ys © 33 @) 4/3 a8 SnDSio EBoidaint 4 Kay MMySrr Ko Hoagto NdoEw Ko SSS? a) 2/3 ®) ¥3 © 33 @) 48 “Receptionist” is related to “Office” in the same way as “Hostess” is related to (a) Crew ®) Airport (C) Car (D) Aircraft “BWBOHY” “eapisors SomoGoasyw, 8 OSSov “SREY ADE" SowoGSRy Goths A Sars @) doxbag © s6 ©) doxbeg “Coal” is related to “Heat” in the same way as “Wax” is related to (A) Honey (B) Bee (©) Light @) Fire «8S ©5058 “ERS” & HomohoswGSS oS oxswrT “AH” esd 42S" SonoGssowss (a) 8 ®B) Sev © soa ©) a%p 25 BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 103. Select a number choice which is different from the rest @ 140 B) 360 (©) 240 @) 480 BROS TMD Bary OSSwIT Ko aS SoMyS IOS Sctor%9 (A) 140 (B) 360 © 240 @) 480 104. A box contains 5 red balls, 4 black balls and 7 white balls. What is the probability that a ball drawn is either red or black? (@) 5/6 ®) 4/6 © 96 @) 716 28 DE 5 dSwowwey, 4 So woo SoBaiy 7 By wows NORaNyYB. AOreyAnsiioorr aS DOH Dw MO, Sor MO SAH Soarsgb 06? (A) 5/16 ®) 4/16 (C) 9/16 @) 7/16 105. ‘Cardboard’ is related to ‘Opaque’ in the same way ‘Glass’ is related to (A) Transparent (B) Lustrous (©) Glossy @) Hard “s§S'Gr, “earns Somogussvonss. of DGS “MEY exSG BO8 50n0G094S (A) Bees (B) Ersoy © mm ©) ayo 106. A wall is 8 m high. At what distance from the base should a ladder 10 m long be placed so that it just reaches the wall? (A) bm B®) 2m (©) 6m ©) 4m a8 AY 8 Bo, 82 BOR AiyB. w A*esho SOS Ooo 10 bo. ary No a8 HBy x ord STSD B08 LOB GPVSE® AossOH? @ 5a. @) 2%. © 6. @) 4%. 107. The sum of two numbers is 20 and their difference is 8. Find the difference of their squares (A) 60 (B) 160 (©) 100 @) 20 Dodds Somgo Bars, SB 20, OP SserzHion 8, TO Siw Sovigo SgemySws Sos. (A) 60 @®) 160 © 100 ©) 20 BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 26 A 108, Ahmed is taller than Salim. Salim is not as tall as Ahmed but taller than Akbar. Sohan too is not as tall as Salim but taller than Akbar. Who is the tallest? (A) Salim (B) Akbar (C) Sohan and Akbar (D) Ahmed eaPhyS, OS San Her day, SOS OHSS Sw Hed! Se SD OF San DIDS Ted. BES, SOS Say aresps Tre srt HD HH Say Hedy. goes" ISto IOS Srey TA? (A) 88S B) ef (0) BPS SyBaiwo OHS O) exsys 109, ‘HOPE’ is to ‘EXHILARATION’ as ‘DISAPPOINTMENT is to (A) ENVY (B) MELANCHOLY (© LIFE (©) GRAVE ‘HOPE’ e088 ‘EXHILARATION’ & ‘DISAPPOINTMENT ©0886 898 30888 (ENVY (B) MELANCHOLY (© UFE (D) GRAVE 110. ‘BREEZE’ is to ‘CYCLONE’ as ‘DRIZZLING’ is to (A) TEMPTATION (®) FLOOD (©) DOWNPOUR () DRENCH ‘BREEZE’ ©8988 ‘CYCLONE’ & DRIZZLING eXo58 808 30858 (A) TEMPTATION (®) FLOOD (©) DOWNPOUR (D) DRENCH Directions (Questions 111 to 115) : Find the Odd-man out : siieesoven (God 111 Hod 115 48H) : BsO09s BOD BHAT : 111. (A) Taka (B) Rouble (C) Shilling @) Ton AW of B) srwd (©) 2QoK ©) oS 112. (A) Lake (B) Mountain (C) Ocean (@) Geyser (a) 80%) (B) SégpiS00 (©) Bsa @) J2b5asr0 113, (A) Diphtherice (B)_ Malaria (© Tumour @) Cholera A ays @) s86air (© erynb (D) seo 14, (A) Sugarcane —B)_—Milllet (©) Wheat (D) Maize A) 38 B) ages (O) Fteso ©) sy 115. (A) Churchill (B) Macroni (C) Hitler (D) Alexander A 5d B) srbyo (©) ys @) eBrgoeé A 27 BRP - 9002 - 318233 - 3 116. 117, 118. 119, When the shape below is folded at the dotted lines which shape does it produce? Bots Ko eh) 8d Sos,00 No AdoS* WANSHA, WH D add KraoBowixo? © @) ‘There are 34 chicks in a poultry farm, 18 of them died. How many are left? (A) 28 B) 16 © 18 @) 34 BS S*& PISS 34 S*Boed Nos. Codd" 18 GOB. DROS IQ)? (A) 28 B) 16 © 18 @) 34 ‘The number of Deers in a 200 is three times the number of Tigers. Which one of the following numbers cannot represent the total number of these two? (A) 48 (B) 44 (C) 42 @) 40 BS Both WSSTOS® Bolo Sows ev Soayo Say Surdovon Koy. Bods SHY Ay Soest DB SeBodos8 Gers}, Bveh;sov Sosgss Bassaroeoo? (A) 48 (B) 44 © 42 @) 40 Which letters are hidden in the following monogram? 808 APSYWHE GIS ary exes D9? cD () COsL ® BOET (C) ICBN @) MCSL BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 28 A 120. 121. 122, ‘The length and breadth of a rectangle are in the ratio 2: 1, If the perimeter is 12 em, find the area of the rectangle (A) 2sq.em ®) 4sqem © @) 8sq.em 2S BY Stroysiin Buow, SUiiy, Delay 2: 1 OAS" aio. woeyso# 12 eowwipe, © Ag Stivpiiin Boot, Sorogion (A) 28. Bob. @B) 43.20. (© 6%. ©) 83. v0.8. Directions (Questions 121 to 124) : In each of the following questions, there is a systematic change occurring in the PROBLEM FIGURES. Find the nature of the change and then decide what will be the next figure from among the ANSWER FIGURES : Rss (yew 121 kod 124 Sx) Goss BE YAY WHYS, Sows NWSves" a SBS BUY GAB. oF BOC Eno¥, Sggrdsods SOA, waren BSSoOS'D TOS" OB GTS oer OiSio wd OYorouiw Sassi : Problem Figures (sioig a0) LT Answer Figures (earan o)65009) hae an @ ®) © @) Problem Figures (sini o_sei1000) 29 BRP - 9002 - 318233 - 3 123, Problem Figures (‘Sso% 9,620) a al - a Answer Figures (aaran ysis) 124, Problem Co) a © Answer Figures (i ch @) Figures (stisig 2ysin000) Cesarean Qyio000) Es “& (B) ne ©) + @) 125. When the shape on the left is folded at the dotted lines which shape does it produce? IEHBH No GHD cose Ko AGOS BOSH, O DUH HB Sraroesoi? 7 fl BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 30 126. 127. 128. 129, 130, Find the HCF of 48, 264, 792 and 1008 (A) 24 B®) 2 ©) 48 @) 36 48, 264, 792 So8a¥o9 1008 diao¥, K.des0, 208? (A) 24 ®) 12 © 48 @) 36 Find the LCM of 15, 24, 27 and 36 (A) 1008 ®B) 1800 (© 1080 @) 108 15, 24, 27 SoBoteo 36 Sv¥}, 8.2.40. 2087 (A) 1008 (B) 1800 (©) 1080 @) 108 A number is multiplied by 2 and then 16 is added to it. The result is divided by 2 and the original number is subtracted from the quotient. The remainder will be @ 8 ®) 6 © 4 @) 2 28 Boats 28 fodoo, ans 16S 8058. © DBdwrv Soy JOGA 2 3 dso, © Og vod dare Soagio SSaiynasS, erpeo Sto “a 8 ®) 6 «) 4 @) 2 How many squares are there in the figure given below? Gots anrignds DsSnd® IN) SHS Soy? (A) 12 @®) 17 © 13 ©) 16 If ‘ROSE’ is coded as 6821, ‘CHAIR’ is coded as 73456 and ‘PREACH’ is coded as 961473, then what will be the code for ‘SEARCH? (A) 246173 (@) 214673 (©) 214763, (@) 216473 ‘ROSE’ ©& rd 6821 rr, ‘CHAIR’ ws COO 73456 , ‘PREACH’ et Dd 961473 rm, So8SSBoNS%He SEARCH’ Ho Iby SoSHSBOSSSY A? (a) 246173 (B) 214673 (C) 214768 @) 216473 31 BRP - 9002 - 313283 - 3 131. 122, 133. 134, Chinku has a few chocolates to distribute in his class on his birthday. If he keeps 2, 3 or 4 in a pack, he's left with one chocolate. If he keeps 5 in a pack. He's left with none, What is the minimum number of chocolates he can pack and distribute? @) 37 ®) 54 © 6 @) 25 DOSP SB GD HRS Ser TO GOAOS' Sossow SY TFuy Soy. ak 2x86" 2, 3 Bor 4 BOOSIE 2 TZer Sys DAO aS. 28 YES" 5 AoMsHe. oH 5H 06 So. ak ay8S" Botnet eed Aossoks SOY Noms No TBey 297 ) 37 @®) 54 (© 65 @) 25 Find the area of a circle of diameter 140 cm (A) 15400 (B) 15000 (© 15200 @) 15300 140 0.8, ays Ko a8 HyBIw nw, Prog’? (A) 154005. Bob. B) 150003. Bobo. (©) 152008, @) 15300 5. 0.80. An uncle tells his nephew, “I was of your present age when you were born”. If the uncle is 36 now, how old was the boy 5 yeare back? a) 15 ® 17 © 13 @) 20 a8 Sostindn eto Arsene" “DS SYS, w Ty, Satay d Liys Satay” od Drywv. BoseireSow arti Saidiiyy 86 ans, e SgTras 5 oes dwodo Scion Io? (Ay 15 @®) 17 © 13 @) 20 Different number of birds are sitting on two trees. The birds of the Ist tree are telling to the birds of the 2nd tree that, “If one of you comes to our side we will become 5 times of your reduced number”. The birds of 2nd tree reply, “If one of you comes to our side we will become equal to your reduced number”. Find the number of birds sitting on Ist and 2nd tree respectively (A) 6,3 ® 42 © 142 ©) 9,7 Dot Dap D04 NoasoS* Se LNT YO aay. Dn6ed DAYD No sxe Tots Dayp No SsHos* guy SOELD, «bo BY Sod est Doses Sayseyond, Sr Sows ho BAS Som 5 Bay ero”. ered Dots Tey" Ser gay esr SOY, “LS asl Hr PHk SaysH 000 ho HH Som ar Sons, SArAsMoHy”. Dose, Doskd Deyp MOO Aly Shoo Soay Sisrr Dy od STAs. a) 63 ® 42 © 1,2 @) 9,7 BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 32 A 135. 136, 137, ‘Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which one does not belong to the group? a u ® s @©T @ Vv oS Ko werhodd* ak agsor, marc Sryiso 28 oGtwrr aod as Sous. GrdroBosete, & SiorSwsy Somos BB 267 “a U B® § © T @) Vv Directions (Questions 136 to 145) : To each of the following questions, four probable answers have been given. Select the most appropriate alternative as the answer : RGSS ([Siyeo 136 Hod 145 SO%) : BoB Wes" aS YH, OnDE, PEd#h aryigso"d erarenrer ahwAsa. SOGLS Seryimcsoaww earavrr Joby Scvsoo + Suppose you see a car coming at high speed, which has just run over a child to death. Will you? (A) Note down the number of the car (B) Shout for driver to stop the car (C) Hire a taxi and try to follow the car (D) Render first aid to the child 2S OD SO LOB, & OY ID swWeasvons a8 swd GS Srsv6* Sayers by} drow BORSS OD Gos. eXpe HY? (A) SRosontosy Grd SH B) or aint, Bovos devsiiv eBSey (©) a8 er§yd erciont S&S | SUI) EHSVOTSY D) 6 OW ito OBeySo woBoDUy Suppose you see a fellow passenger fall out of a running train. Will you? (A) Open the door and see if the man is hurt (B) Inform the guard at the next station (©) Pull the alarm chain and stop the train, and give first aid to the passenger (D) Raise a hue and cry and inform other passengers DY ak SirSatrrdlusets SEABS Boo S08 Sdoryes. SrnsS Gorosw. expe OY? (A) Genk B89, w Sf maoSdre wo SPSS B) Sara YIS SY MQW BODE (C) wero FPessiove wh, Borsy GSBS, © Sardis Lei aSByoo ADSD (D) Dir 6d avy WairdwHoh BIDS 33 BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 138. Suppose you hurt someone by accident. Will you? (A) Run away from the scene (B) Say “Tam very sorry” and leave (©) Pay compensation for the damage (D) Take him to a doctor and get him medical aid RD GHA05S* MSEGar PAVLIGASD GdGowoay. expe 27 (A) © diigo S008 SEMA (B) “RBTSeaed” BY C866 Hood SeowsOs SAY (O) ways SEs SQoBSH (D) aS PED SY BAST, GBA Pig edocs GOBODAS 139, Suppose you find a disabled person on the road. Will you? (A) Kick him to one side (B) Abuse him for becoming a nuisance on the road (©) Help him to his destination (D) Leave him there because you are getting late to the office DY SHHEE 25 DSerIOD SPNBSN Goss. ope 2H? (A) 2608 a8 BRT Hay Save) (B) SermOS' ASESSSod wBDD DBO’ CO) ed KSogswsi SHtciosn Saor0o% (D) 2% abides soigsoiosn eBDD oN, SO Savery 140. One of your cousins has omitted to invite you to accompany his marriage party. He might have forgotten somehow. Will you? (A) dust ignore the whole affair (B)_ Send him your best wishes (C) Join the marriage party all the same (D) Hold it against him D DoS DHoS® aS O6O IT Dots eswtyosos SSTSVS. we IewoS* sosoTdiowo. Spee HY? (A) Batson Ssrareisonitn Dyyginn Samos (B) eBdD d ersogor CoBodsy (©) 8 26S wd Dar Dota BEY D) cbnl aSdsiwr off neswocr doBEey BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 34 A 141. 142, 143, A well known organization has sent you a questionnaire about its products you are supposed to be using, Will you? (A) Throw it into the waste-paper basket (B) Make a serious attempt to fill it and return it (© Fill in the form hurriedly () Try to find out who sent it to you 28 Siomoas Sos by ASArHOS KOdS SayO MB00 US HeyHOD Sodio. ope RH? A) 28 ageryd® awSatsreirs (B) SBeowysv 26% rH HESS Sods (© Sao mao 8 Sawsoxy (D) cra BY ISE Sobsb wd Soha Watdayossy Suppose you meet and old class-mate who has been extremely successful in business since ‘you met him last. Will you? (A) Sulfer from a sense of inferiority for not having been equally successful (B) Be happy at his good fortune ©) Feel a pang of jealousy D) Greet him like earlier days AY BSG SPOS BANG, THVIOS® Grr DacSsowioas af HB FNS LRTI BoPDoMsU Goss. eH by? A) O8D6" HSPSSuT DacSosin HDD OD 28 DAYS gSS0S’ Gacy (B) @BD Wao /OBoa Sos AWAY (0) eSranS* Sras Saint esau (D) 2% Ser 55 GHD VPSOSOBSY One of your acquaintances has made a phone call from your shop. He does not bother to pay for it. Will you? (A) Ask him to pay (B) Let him not to make a call from your shop again, (©) Just curse him and let it go that () Not mind it 2 GONE S20 BENS TES a8 as DSSS SHH, Swed OS arTEgin DOSS. wipe HY? (A) e6Dd Saregin Bos so CARY (B) D @ONd Aa0d Sater aeSdaiwow exrDBosH ©) eB9 8, 54d Saixt0%H (D) md KGa BY Sais 35 BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 144, 145. 146, Suppose your heart is set on seeing a particular movie but your friends decide to see another. It turns out to a heated debate. Will you? (A) Remind them that you had, in the first instanco, suggested something better (B) Rather not make an issue of it (© Criticize your friends on their choice (D) Leave the company to see the movie of your choice BY aS Sos HGS. Grasosn XYovo28d so H irtow MEd arrow BYOB, 06 a8 SWSsr000% Mares TPIGHSB. expres NH? (A) Bey BontiesS Bot crn 1809 Sows ays epSssw Saoow B) HDD BY Dsadsoorr SASS HomraRyo (©) Fytrsrois, 36 DobY atidtosiworr DSoGoxe9 D) Dajpsoons boars Srsonw 76d FIO BQO You have a very interesting idea, which can bring about improvement in an existing process. Will you? (A) Keep it to yourself (B) Tell others about it (©) _Look for a chance to try it out before telling it to others (D) Seek an appointment with the boss BAYS Ra epyQo Sayww diy a8 awigscsvans aban Sow, ee HH? (A) 26% by aosERAY B) wBWLoX cad 1809 BOA CO wBHok Berry smoth orDd SaoASGos ves No wesw SB (D) 8 ar 2¥ Soot deo SrBesy If the cube is turned twice to the right as indicated by the arrow (———>) which will be the hidden numbers? a8 Sostin erenind" Swed Neue SoGoten GEASHE DHE" avrg (———# Soaygoo 99? 73 tise A 23,5 1,2,5 re pe oo BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 36 A 147. Which one of the following figures represents the relationship among EMPLOYED; DOCTORS; WOMEN and MEN? Gos DHyy Seswod* 96 EMPLOYED; DOCTORS; WOMEN ‘602 MEN Axdjyfo Bowossivsss POdiigsv SLrowivis? @o ooo] & | B @ ® © @) 148. In the adjoining figure J |m n. Find the length of CE B85 Ko OSE" J |ml| n. CE Boy}, Hckspxo SSoAPov @ 16cm (B) 120m (©) 18cm @) 14cm 149. Think of a single letter, which when suffixed to the following words, forms new word MAN, HAT, BORN, HID A A ® I © s @) E 450 808 SSSwOh a exSmrs LORI LG Sin rsroiioeo. MAN, HAT, BORN, HID a) A @ 1 © $s @) E 150, There are 10 crows sitting on a branch, one is shot at with a gun and is killed. How many remain thereafter? @ 3 @®) 0 © 9 @) 2 28 SSYD 10 Sw SPO YO AyD, Pods" a8 Bods Bays SosadsG, Siars ext 22 BAO dotioio? @ 3 ® © 9 @) 2 A 37 BRP - 9002 - 318288 - 3 151 152, 153. 154, Nearly all readers of newspaper fare well in the examination, Raja is not a regular reader of newspaper. The inference ‘Raja has not fared well in the examination is’ (A) True (B) Probably True (© False () Probably False TT, SFowy 4495 TH HHP Gossir SYS’ Sy ROS. wer HSSSS0 ro, SOS S83 BeOS “rar SOLE’ SE Graber” way det (A) BBgS00 (B) wie aeyss (©) emgsos (0) atror cages How many C's are there in the following sequence which are immediately preceded by J? ABJCICCICLCJICIICCST (A) Two (B) Three (C) Four @) Five 454 808 BOY Ay HBS" J VIG SdwBOWIS fo ‘C’ eo 94? ABICICCICLCIICIICCT (A) Sod B) sore © wei @) & Which one word cannot be made with the letters of the word ‘CARPENTER? (A) CARPET ®) NECTAR (©) PAINTER (D) REPENT ‘CARPENTER? &&) Stand @YPavo6" D a¥ Sein Haire Scoot dev B87 (A) CARPET (B) NECTAR (©) PAINTER (0) REPENT The accused is more powerful than the dead. The police is less powerful than the court but more powerful than the lawyer. The accused bows his head in presence of the police. Who is the most powerful? (A) Court (B) Police © Lawyer @D) Accused SLBODS TWO STD NASA) CGS 48 Nowra. Bio Sty Say GHYS 48 LOG SD Tytord SQ WS BE Some. NoBthoe BHA TAIPINS* GH Bois Gow NSSW. IS I, 48 Some? A se (@) abs © sper D) DoBsoe BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 38 A 158, 156. Ramesh is 12th from the right and 4th from the left in the line of boys. How many more boys should join the line so that there may be 28 boys in all? w 2 ® 13 Ou @) 20 ward SUosS* VSG VARY Sod 12 4 Te Sato Daisy BY Soo 4 8 Te. Sogo So 28 S08 arent dodiSoctousy wists goss JOBS went w SHS" Fespoatoioo? @ 12 @®) 13 @ @) 20 Directions (Questions 156 to 160) : In each question below is given a statement followed by ‘two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions to decide which of the assumption is implicit in the statement and choose your answer accordingly. Give answer (A) Ifonly Lis correct (B) Ionly Tis correct (© _Ifneither I nor Il is correct and (D)_ Ifboth Land If are correct xBessnven ([SHev 156 S08 160 Sv) : Bods agguds SO (WHS aS os, TOSOWS T S260» IT waa Hope Ko Bod Gira Som. D Gwsr, SoSH Grossurr sySO OD [S8rSi, BizrOwo Mev, BAS Dew d esPanx YS Scioutioo, aereisy abry : (A) Tarpido S8apsipeo B) Taras seapsyeo (©) TSBaYSA so, TTSBALSS sre S8cioo (D) 1 Ss8oke» TI Bodér SBA Statement: “To keep myself up-to-date, I always listen to 9.00 p.m. news on radio”, a candidate tells the interview board Assumptions: I. The candidate does not read newspaper II. Recent news is broadcast only on radio (88a + “Sy Bio Ab SATE dose, Sib Ispsir SBrS* oP 9.00 Koro DYero DBO”. OD ad OGY aomting Heys SOD. Secren: Log roy SWBSo SUdSe. TL, R858 arYea BABS Sry avo Sconce 39 BRP - 9002 - 313283 - 3 157. Statement : Assumptions : ie tren : 158. Statement : Assumptions : Sse = Sesren : 159, Statement : Assumptions : B88 : “The involvement of our senior scientist in the ISRO case is really shocking, It is regrettable that they put money before national interest”. — An Editorial I. The ISRO case involves the active participation of our scientists in supplying classified information IL Our scientists were not expected to do such a thing ISRO S606" Sus Hyg, wiepD Seo Kode Devdas Bf Sco asosaw, TH Blah eperiin Soil eysws AoDS3 arPUtsvovw diietosion” - af BoaresBaroitoo 1. ISRO 8% B8Kbad SSrEPvSws eoBosws', dd Tyo Soto¥os SnySN SOR AyB. IL. S08 Pifggen wef Sisoed Sato wo sv Join our Yoga institute to keep yourself completely fit - An Advertisement I. People may prefer exercise to medication T. There is awareness to a great extent about Yoga exercises among people RD Ny SosYSur YP dows iva Sr airy Sogs* Sovsn - a (S805 1. Bae Hootie SSArAoiiow Soy Tyiordes Uddowiio IsySxo Somyes, TL. Gime Sots Brrr eeryssnve /OG0D wer SHH BOS couwyS Asa measure to avoid occurrence of the epidemics due to monsoon the civic authorities have organized free vaccination camps all over the city. I. There may be a good response to the camps organized by civic authorities Il. People are generally aware about the need for vaccination BrWSSSiwe Sod SosVoTd wowrmyoow eOLAYW FS efstoe SKSSo0w 406 Exar syorer digroD6. 1, B¥ CBstoes RiglroBS Sroipos Hoo ware opoisitors IL Sen agrsetwurr Esra 809s ese SW 1802 BOSD ATE BRP - 9002 - 313283 - 3 40 A 160. 161. 162. Statement: In view of the large number of cases of suicides committed by the farmers in State X the State Government has decided to waive off the agriculture loans granted to the farmers Assumptions: I. This may stop further cases of suicides committed by the farmers in State X II. This move of the Government may be welcomed by the public at large B89 + X OPAnd' SSE Loh Dpaconoo SUprsy HAS? sow, @ oH Bxosgin Sphacoarvooks Soowmty Bd sTySdons emestinews Sy SopsdHa doyoorsd aasien : LX ofwd' 2G aovir SosDodd pSarctoarivo eiyirayoso DOSS oH Tl, (Beso Sots BY Des OH Webeigion Baw, Bs Ses wogoo;sncowo Suresh had heard that Dr. Kumar is very strict in marking. Mahesh said that it could not be true as he got an A grade from Dr. Kumar. So, Mahesh thought Suresh was saying that Dr. Kumar (A) Never gives A grade (B) Gives good grades rarely (C) Makes unfair demand on the students (D) Has favourite or pet students &. SPE artyjen Sciowd* wer nods TO KER | dwn. SSO ao. LSrG A AE AaYod5os, 2B Negi sy sinh Wow. wag doirh w. vrb M600 6H aay DSptoayso Bods (A) ARE dSpeer agto B) dspVw soo fladow anys (O) doygop empasyps SSrod Saou (D) Agvawd Bor DogSdALTWS DoryRyowso YOR docows Which of the following numbers is one half of one quarter of one-tenth of 800? ) 10 ®) 8 © 5 @) 40 808 BEY SEPOS OB a exertion BY, u¥ Arent grit Sw, BY 105 grin Sar", B00 Sons 2087 (A) 10 ® 8 © 6 @) 40 41 BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 168, 164. 165. ‘From the word “BEHIND”, how many independent words can be made without changing the order of the letters and using each letter only once? @ 3 ®) 4 © 2 @) 1 “BEHIND” ei Seu 0d eX PSoiwwy Artyoosr aS exis asyod aryido ASATAOD Dy gbowSoa’s Sesiovoiso KraoBossisyyso? @ 3 @® 4 © 2 @) 1 Five boys participated in a competition, Rohit was ranked lower than Sanjay. Vikas was ranked higher than Dinesh. Kamal's rank was between Rohit and Vikas. Who was ranked the Highest? (A) Dinesh B) Sanjay (© Vikas (D) Kamal 28 AWSE® tho S008 erent. HELGE. SPE Noms SiyS SUS amy. a5, BAS soy, WHYS BUS eT. Sd Dw, Tyos SSW, ATHY god. IS IHS Goss" ago? (A) 68h B) Somdio (©) 2s8 D) S05 Fill in the blank in the following series 2,5, 9,———, 20, 27 a) 18 @B) 2% @ 14 ©) 16 (G08 flenos" ard Ig Sasos0 2, 5,9, ——, 20, 27 a) 18 B) 24 © 4 ©) 16 BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 42 A 166. 167. 168, 169. 170. Directions (Questions 166 to 170) : The letter group in each question below is to be codified in the following number codes : BSS (WYO 166 S204 170 56%) : Cos adds SO PYS'd og6 SAwrsran He fod Kons Sossiwed* SoSSLGOSHASA + Letters : SLOATBUDKR exeSm00 : No.Code: 6418509372 Bons 086s + ‘You have to find out which of the following answers (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) has the correct coded form of the given letters. DS adqVad Cie KES BoSMWerdwos Boss agud’s (A) er (B) Ser (C) Ser (D) exrape S208 SAIATSSBAs, LBTSORA (A) 4156028 (©) 4506128 ‘USKORSA (A) 9761268 (C) 9671268 BDLOKTU (A) 3041759 (©) 1340759 ATRBDRA (A) 8520328 (C) 5820328 DOSURBK (A) 3069217 (c) 3196207 43 ®) @) ®B @) ® © ® Oo) ® @) 4056218 None 9671248 9672168 0431759 0341759 8530328 8520238 8169207 8162907 BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 171, 172. 178. 174, In a college, out of 600 students, every student reads 5 newspapers and every newspaper is, read by 60 students. The total number of newspapers is (A) 120 @®) 50 (C) 30 @) None 2.8 SerPOS* 600 S008 Denstyod*, BO DaQ 5 rT, S Pos SeoypHo SoBaion [Soarqy SOs 60 S008 Demgigen Seneytot, argues Soo¥sin» Hogs (@) 120 ®) 50 © 30 ©) dd5% Geometry deals with (A) Relationships between the sides and the angles of triangles (B) Meaningful data structure that includes a set of numerical values (©) Measurements of length, area and volume (D) None of these amppodaioisn BND dYghrowsosio (A) WavarSw Buoy, PoerSwen HGatoo Satine dogg Somos (B) Soarybys devso Aunty, HS" SSS eowisoos TANTS rss (OC) arty, Progin So8aty SOSretin Bs, SoBe @) addy How many 6's are there in the following sequence which are preceded by 4 and followed by 3 808 BSE 4 % Swodorra, 3 H Bia Ko 6 w AQ SoH, 664264636633 4636863 @ 1 ®) 2 © 3 @) 4 Insert the missing number SDo0i Somgso SoAMSosiv r)s = 5 a7] 9 @) 49 @®) 55 © 62 ©) 65 BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 44 A 175. 176. 177. 178. A sum of money lent out at simple interest amounts to Rs. 1,440 after two years and to Rs, 2,040 after a further period of 5 years. The sum is (A) 1,420 ®) 1,200 (©) 1,400 () 1,000 28 BwwSww ogre 3g Eos wiprr omgWHe ©8 Bod Sosyore Bias Ur. 1,440e9, 5 Bossy SOI tor, 2,040enrF Gio, «9 BAZ (a) 1,420 (®B) 1,200 (©) 1,400 @) 1,000 If the radius of a circle is increased 8 times, then its area will be (A) Triple (B) Five Times (C) Nine Times (D) None of these a8 Sys Bos, TyYSw Srowow VOeipeo oro Press A) frdosen (B) 2Boter (©) FayB sre @) B9d9s~y Ashok walked 5 meters towards EAST, took a right turn and walked 10 meters and again he took a right turn and walked 15 meters. Which direction is he facing now? @) WEST ®) SOUTH (©) NORTH (>) EAST OFS GrdypHrr 5 howty SAdso, HEVHIP BGA 10 Lowy SAdxo sover WSBIHY 66h 15 Soeate SESH. CH D BL, BH 9 Snwsvorr day? (A) Saysosn B) Sbpto © asiss0 @) Srey ‘The square of a number is 18 more than thrice the number. Then the number is @ 6 ® 2 © 8 ©) 2% 2.8 Sons Bad, Ssfeioo 18 oF Sows Bas, SorGoso Soy MOY. eipeo w Hoag @ 6 @® 2 © 18 D) 2% 45 BRP - 9002 - 813233 - 8 179. AP. Express running at a speed of 90 km/hr leaves Secundrabad six hours after a goods train leaves and overtakes it in four hours. The speed of the goods train is (A) 36 ®) 38 (©) 40 @) 34 90 8.20 /Mowss Sriv6 SADE IS.aGyDS 28 SoH Boo Mowrerh PAS Sood ssorgs 80D Nowe BUY, & Yow SHO w Sew Boos Teor Nowes* eGNNHIG. w Se Beo Stonty S09 (A) 36 B) 38 © 40 @) 34 180. Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a circle facing the centre, A is between B and E, Cis between D and F. His to the immediate right of D. Who is between E and C? @ D ® B © ¢c @) Cannot be determined Sols arta eESomsuM 28 SyBSv6" A, B,C, D, E Soba FP es ater RyLreven SPEYO aT. A, B SoBainy E 8 Soop Soes C, D SoGatay F & wioyig Soci. E, D % Boesd LOBBIM Sots. E Avo C 8 seg ISL Sot? @ D ® B Oc @) rYonosexés $08 181, Which of the Answer Figures is a rotation of the Question Figure? D SATE Osdv00d Bey Ops Dood, iSveas09? Question Figure ( (Sy 28559) @ x o Answer Figures (Sirors ays) WS e o Se e ~~ a ® © BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 46 A Directions (Questions 182 to 184) ; Go through the Map and answer the related questions : aasamen ({Sigen 182 dof 184 wei) : Sestnndd error Gra, Sods [HOw starrprsin Oday 182. Officer Wilkinson is in Depp St and can see the Town Halll to her right. What direction is 183. she facing? (A) North (B) South (C) East (@) West BSS 20,555 Badd PSS" anys w8aiv ed LABS wo wHS SSiv drier wi 9 88% wpa 4iyB? (A) 4880 (B) SBgesa0 (©) Gro ©) Sevan She turns and walks to the junction with Main St. She turns left and proceeds two blocks before turning right, then taking the next right, and walking half a block, Which location is nearest to her current position? aM ® N © R @) P Bd BER DOS HiSS* ssoYSH SDH, GH DUSIPIHH SGA OABY OB/Owk Sood Socio aRSok Swodom Bays, GHG Bows No ARH OHA, ey apse SBS. eo [ys FOE D aso eSHirr otk? @ M @®) N © R @) P 47 BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 184, Officer Garcia starts from Location ‘N’ and proceeds as follows : right onto West St - heading East, fourth left - heading North, first right - heading Hast, first right - heading South, third right - heading West. He proceeds West for one block. Where is location ‘P’ in relation to his current position? (A) North (B) South East (©) North East @) North West SKE Moke ‘N’ gyn S08 homed GoB deswre Swotow apa. SAV yr DBRS - BOYS, Wott LP - ABLPHr, AwasdhOospH - arvyPHrr, Ansd HABH - SRABOM, Soars LABS - SAwWTPHM. wwe SawswH aS eR HS'Amoiow. od Heys ROS SowoBons PBS Foto? (A) apo (By eyaiosoo () Sewsigio0 D) weoregn 185. Which of the solid shapes shown could be made from the pattern? (808 DEY Ly OSSo0rP D Soar HMowsy SrsoBoisseiyyio ? Pattern Solid shapes SD S&S A B c D (a) A @® B @ c @) D 186, Which of the complete shapes can be made from the components shown? Gots ArSOES Sarees S08 O IPQ wkBoos SreroBoswayyso? [Gemyonene ge M z z = > @ A ® B @ ¢c @) D BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 48 A 187, 188. 189. 190. Which of the cubes shown could be made from the pattern? Gots DEY Ay Deis Hood 9 DEW Somsvow Kav Sassy? Pattern A B c D @ A @® B @ ¢ @ D Which of the hammer will be useful for general carpentry? DyPSer SoA Sas O R08 GSArKSSauoT Bodo? @ 1 @) 2 © 3 @) 4 A force of 5 Kg compresses the springs in series 10 em. What will be the total distance that the springs in parallel are compressed? 5 Bur Ko a8 88 Gyorbed 10 Fewod" SoS Sais». Gyoiver ssrosisurr SoS BarradsQed Boosio sre? Bw ww sa bw = (A) 10cm ®) 25cm (©) Sem ©) 75cm A sum of money invested at compound interest doubles itself in 4 years. In what period it will amount to eight times itself at the same rate? (A) 18 Years B) 12 Years (©) 16 Years (D) 24 Years 2S BwBAN SLY SH Deyodre NYY 4 Sosy" BGowioso. ef wis" w Aww DoBTOSNS® JOMBovoriso? (A) 18 Soseyetin200 B) 12 S0Sepswe (©) 16 SeSeyBSne9 (D) 24 Sosseyésis000 49 BRP - 9002 - 313233 -3 Directions (Qs number 191 to 200) : These questions are based on the following data. Study it carefully and answer the questions. Bssswe (go Sows 191 208 200 SUe) : He BOS Wie aiwds Gory eqSS aay. BRNO PUTT SBD, ERYOS Sarqrsio Oony: Population of various States (in lakhs) over the years 3S oHw0d* Sossywsno Worn aarw (Oxos") Year | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 } 2004 | 2005 State A | 25.00 | 26.20 | 26.80 | 25.60 | 27.40 | 28.00 | 28.50 | 28.40 | 29.90 | 29.60 17.70 | 18.11 | 18.40 | 19.30 | 18.90 | 19.70 | 19.40 | 19.80 | 21.20 | 20.80 82.60 | 83.60 | 34.20 | 88.90 | 34.90 | 85.80 | 36.10 | 36.60 | 37.40 | 88.20 29.40 | 29.70 | 32.0 | 83.10 | 32.90 | 83.70 | 86.50 | 37.80 | 37.60 | 36.90 22.60 | 22.80 | 23.70 | 23.60 | 24.70 | 25.20 | 25.40 | 27.20 | 28.30 | 29.20 31.30 | 33,20 | 32.90 | 34.20 | 35.30 | 34.90 | 36.10 | 35.80 | 36.70 | 37.30 27.80 | 27.40 | 30.20 | 36.60 | 29.90 | $1.30 | 82.40 | 31.80 | 82.70 | 83.50 mlols|alolale 36.70 | 36.50 | 37.80 | 39.30 | 39.50 | 88.80 | 40.20 | 41.10 | 41.50 | 41.90 1 | 80.70 | 30.60 | 81.70 | 31.80 | 33.40 | 82.90 | 83.70 | 84.90 | 34.80 | 35.40 32.40 | 81.90 | 82.60 | 32.90 | 33.20 | 33.70 | 34.80 | 35.20 }.35.90 | 36.20 82.40 | 37.80 | 89.20 | 39.90 | 40.20 | 41.90 | 42.20 | 42.80 | 43.10 | 44.60 cl mle 82.60 | 82.90 | 83.40 | 33.80 | 34.30 | 35.80 | 36.20 | 36.60 | 37.10 | 37.80 191. What was the sum of population of state ‘A’ in 2002 and the population of state ‘T in 1997? (A) 5910000 (B) 5810000 (©) 5901000 () 5801000 2002 SA’ Orgond* erargr Auvkysw Dow SoGaiay 1997 S* Tojo esargr J06? (a) 5910000 (B) 5810000 (©) 5901000 () 5801000 BRP - 9002 - 313233 -3 50 A 192. Population of state ‘B’ increased by how much from 1996 to 2000? (A) 1200000 ®) 12000 (©) 120000 () 102000 1996 904 2000 S88) ‘B’ oY earer Dow DORIA? (A) 1200000 ®B) 12000 (C) 120000 (D) 102000 193, In 2001, which state had the lowest population and how much? (A) K-1970000 (B) B-1940000 (©) B-1970000 (D) -1870000 2001 6° D crfgion 08 BAYS exrario SOR iS Sob 208? (A) K-1970000 (8) B-1940000 (C) B-1970000 (@) K-1870000 194. What was the population of state ‘Fin 2001? (A) 3530000 (B) 3940000 (©) 3520000 (D) 2540000 2001 6°F Oigson Haow}, err? (A) 3530000 (B) 3940000 (©) 3520000 (D) 2540000 195. What was the total population of state ‘E’ and state ‘F together in 2003? (A) 630000 ®) 6200000 (©) 6300000 (D) 620000 2003 6°’ organ Sv6an F oyu Ts, BvwSoo aargr 206? (A) 630000 (B) 6200000 (©) 6300000 (D) 620000 A 51 BRP - 9002 - 313233 - 3 196. 197. 198, 199. 200. What was the difference between population of state ‘C’ in 1999 and population of state ‘L’ in 2005? (a) 380000 (8) 38000 (© 39000 @®) 390000 1999 5 ‘Cogs Baoh, earards, 2005 SL yhoo Book, exarah ois Sserys0? (A) 380000 (B) 38000 (© 39000 «) 390000 ‘What was the population of state ‘D’ in 2001? (A) 3370000 (®B) 337000 (© 8307000 D) 30700 2001 5 ‘D orgi0 Soot, aarer? (A) 8870000 (®B) 337000 (© 3307000 @) 30700 What was the total population of states B, D & F in 2000? (A) 8701000 (B) 8710000 (© 871000 ) 870100 2000 &* B, D & F ogiwe Buoy, Suveysw erg? (A) 8701000 (B) 8710000 (© 871000 ) 870100 Population of state ‘H’ increased by how much in 2005 from 1999? (A) 230000 (B) 260000 (© 250000 ©) Noincrease 1999 S008 2005 5" 'H’ oygSo0 Bow, aver Jo’ VASA? (A) 230000 (B) 260000 (©) 250000 ©) ep%g dx In 1996, which state had the highest population and how much? (A) H-8670000 (B) H-367000 (© K-374000 @) K-3704000 1996 5 D org OOS sare SOA AibyA BoE 006? (A) H-3670000 (B) 11-3670 (©) K-374000 @) K-3704000 BRP - 9002 - 318233 - 3 52 A ROUGH WORK 53 BRP - 9002 - 318233 - 3 Model Question Paper For the post of SCT SIs (Communications) (Men & Women) Paper III Technical Paper (Objective in nature) (200 Questions) A digital to analog converter with full scale output voltage of 3.5 V has a resolution close to 14 mv. Its bit size is (A) 4 ® 8 © 16 ©) 32 2S TE Ryor amy siser SYe 8.5 V 5 dod tod ewer Sogg6 14 mV No as Soyssw SOR Botts. cro Bure), eS SBvreaso0 A) 4 @®) 8 © 16 @) 32 The Q meter works on the principle of (A) Mutual Inductance (®) Self Inductance (©) Series Resonance (®) Parallel Resonance Q dub Se Srwany SOVSS Sadat (A) SoHE HoseBgs0 B) Ages hoxsgsv0 ©) ewe emma D) SSr0O eisarEE In PCM system if code word length is increased from 6 to § bits, the signal to quantization noise ratio improves by the factor @ 86 ® 12 © 16 © 8 POM AYS6* S°E SF aetyy 6 Sv0d 8 OE DEASILpd SoAS*Sosads Serivo aia se SES00 TSO HABociws @) 86 ® 12 © 16 ©) 8 The coefficient of coupling between two air core coils depends on (A) mutual inductance between two coils only B) self inductance of the coils only (C) mutual inductance and self inductance of the two coils () none Bodh OS Sondo sess Holi Bars}, eros Aap asd oto. (A) Stine (besagsn Soe sronde toes anys B) Sendo uot}, hoot hos gdw srysSo (C) SByS Pesseigsia0 SoBcn Boe Sando Bors}, Agct Dssegiiv0 D) a9 dex 5 BRP - 9002 - 310000 -5 6. Modern capacitors which have high capacitance and in small size use dielectric of (A) Paper ee (© Ceramic (D) Mylar OBS BORD LORS SGOT Bo Heoty, Ok SoSreaind® Se Bo gS AarRowevo (A) SASS (B) ben 6 () Boas O) wes 6. Barrier potential in a P-N junction is caused by (A) thermally generated electrons and holes (B) diffusion of majority carriers across junction (©) migration of minority carriers across junction (D) flow of drift current 8 PLN woXSé* Bba6 axnygs SdS05 Sonivs» A) BGS ervsin JOgRve dBc» Soysiwe dey roxio B) ©BY SomsS* soysh eSsoBDrr S660 [aww (CO) egy SomsS* soySs essdpr $650 Boy, Sos @D) (BB ow any, wars 7. Atwo port network having a 6 dB loss will give (A) an output power which is one quarter of the input power (B) an output power which is one half of the input power (C) an output voltage which is 0.707 of input voltage @) an output power which is 0.707 of input voltage 6 dB tif So a8 Doth SBSH, Bod SeoreSatooi. (A) a8 88 Boos, 28 TQS err LORS AED Eser =f B) SS ef Boy, a8 oy erin SOAS AEDS” wf (OC) 58 SYe aos, 0.707 So awpnaser SZe (D) 83% Set Boy, 0.707 aoneser 68 BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 6 10, i. While transporting a sensitive galvanometer (A) the terminals are kept shorted (B) critical damping resistance is connected across the terminals (©) the terminals are kept open circuited (D) does not matter what is connected across terminals 28 HoQWAW regs dub Swrer Saiwsyeo (A) eobiwve SxoSrr Bodisss B) eosswe& eSsOPS SAS Todoh HOSS SoGodind aocoso (©) eoBsne Bo Aodnds SAM, W5E* Botio%o D) eodsw0h eSbo DB SoBoSnd Ady BH,8s For a lossless transmission line, the characteristic impedance with inductance 0.216 micro H/m and capacitance 60 pF/m A) 49 @) 60 «) 70 @) 140 28 Sind OS PHS, goesyhS* GY eS6'SSw 0.216 micro Him Sr6cisy SSB) 60 pF/m a) 49 ® © 7 @) 140 In commercial FM broadcasting the maximum frequency deviation is normally (A) 5 kHz @®) 15kHs (C) 75kHz (D) 200 kHz ebay EM owsnnd aqrertor NEG ERsty SoH (A) Skis @®) 15kHz (©) 75 kHz ©) 200kHz A duplexer is used to (A) couple two antennas to a transmitter without interference (B) isolate antenna from local oscillator (© _ prevent interference between two antenna connected to a receiver (D) use an antenna for reception or transmission without interference 28 camgayBiso Bv8 aScirfiowod> (A) 2G BM Stour ast ersyorybW Boch woBiaros wsSaswers B) SE sdSw8 S008 woddamio DGADIIOE (O) Bots Cosdario af [PPSDE' MEE STgswrw DEBowe8 (D) 6RY5E a8 esodarao Bor SY gio Stow as wrHMsSso SSSr Rose a BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 13. 14, When A = 0, B=0 then C= 1. The two input logic gate is (A) XOR (®) AND (©) NAND (D) NOR A= 0, B= 0 womsints C= 1, Both aiding era AS (@) XOR (®) AND (©) NAND @) NoR In @ network with multiple voltage sources, the current in any branch is the sum of currents which would flow in that branch due to each voltage source acting alone with all other sources replaced by their internal impedances. The above statement is known as (A) Kirchoffs voltage law B) Kirehoffs current law (C) Nortons theorem (D) Superposition theorem SBS SYS eros Ko a 35566", TO eobE NEO oye BS—lowsn Bs er ass STINET 2owGr Sdominky BO SJE sovans', w wHS'ds [SSkrod Sot Bn¥Sv, D was Sot SSos0 (A) 8555 Any, Se srw B) Srh Bos, ord arpa © wah Sows ©) SrsbaesS dpossn ‘To measure magnetic flux, devices used are based on (A) Piezo-clectric effect (B) Voltaic effect (©) Hall effect (D) Photo-voltaie effect SaQSS SG Persons, asarnsSed SEvIwe BOY EAPOSE aotoKo (A) dokré*2egS ersiioo B) StezorS ersiinv (C) SS wersisao D) Prs*-S"epan’ persia Electrostatic instrument uses the principle of variation of (A) Capacitance with the current (B) Inductance with the voltage (©) Inductance with the current (D) Capacitance with voltage DOG RSE asec SOKLUAS Hrs AARON. (A) SoS" srs BS-2B5) CB) SYast srs 2oags (©) SBorwn6* eras aoegsy D) SYas' sréssas04) BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 8 A 16. 11. 18. 19. ‘Which of the following meter has a linear scale? (A) Thermo couple meter (B) Moving iron meter (© Hot wire meter (D) Moving coil meter Bots BEY A SowGS* DE ew Ooad6 yeasso OA docs A) B59 SDS dwt (B) SOoisoisomy a5 S206 © D535 dow (D) SOowsswsirwy sond L005 If the electrolyte level in a lead acid battery is low, the remedy to the problem is to (A) Add diluted sulphuric acid to the electrolyte ®) Replace entire electrolyte (© Add some distilled water only (D) Add concentrated sulphuric acid to the electrolyte AS GE arswOS* IOGBWS grow BLyir adie, ve Showy Say, (A) D0 GiB ZaryS Sands sory HF GAZ Yorrpeo B) PQdoGFsio argyanw CO SQ 8Rg bn Srp sero D) OGPSH Soe ergs edEHo Serre ‘The length of time that a beam excites a certain area of phosphor of the CRO screen can be adjusted with the control marked (A) vertical position (B) horizontal position (© timeldivision @) sweep 28 BS CRO 88 Burk, mph Progind as SSowy ABWoSPSHe ira Any, 2609 AaHoGS sSokssnd* seagseyy (A) con ge B) sSr08s ZO © sreso/dertsn ©) &g Strain gauge is a passive transducer and is used for converting mechanical displaced into a change in (A) Temperature (B) Resistance (©) Inductance (D) Capacitance Bowsrs as Rhy erHhearys5 soGatv Serssosnds AroGsss Se 2 Srd&ylodr Bregywnw addairnseioao (A) agers B) 26686 (©) R0esgSy () 2885) 9 BRP - 9002 - 310000 -5 20. The current capacity of a battery depends upon (A) The kind of electrode metals used (B)_The size of the electrodes (© Volume of electrolyte @) All the above 28 Bab Das}, Kom oanggin Bop eprsscoso (A) GSBrRoSnds IGE SerSn0 SES (B) o§leoo Sarat ©) doGiBS Sow, HwsSoSrevsn D) PW dHYASQ 21. By increasing the concentration of electrolyte in a battery (A) The output voltage increases (B) The current given by a battery increases (©) The capacity of the battery increases (D) The internal resistance of battery decreases 28 eryn8* D0 gS Boot, Soldseasonso Dodwagr (A) Gen sser SF Dossy (B) exynd ayo adds Soe DOO (OC) eryob Boot}, Zo-dSo Dossy D) wrynb Boy, Cos DSi SRowsayyso 22, Thermocouple transducer is used for (A) Temperature measurement (B) Velocity and vibration measurement (©) Pressure measurement (D) Gas flow measurement BOWS er Harz Bo SH aSBrAowsoto (A) exerts Sesrssn @) Sitdy S26» SoSsive Fosrsin (©) Ses Fesrss0 D) Poin SOX Sesrsso 23. The internal resistance of the ammeter should ideally be (A) Zero ®) Very large (©) Very small ©) Infinite byob Bars, GosE OSS aie aye eseySowvsn (A) SrSg5s0 B eangs ©) cays ©) eKossn BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 10 24, 25. 27. A fridge uses 220 watts from 220 V a.c. power source. The fridge then draws an approximate current from the source equal to (A) 2ma @®) lamp (© 2amps @) 4 amps a8 98 220 aSeo 220 V ac. 355 erttn Sood ASArRowvin Kars BE STS Hod ‘RoweMoity Sosy AN8 SAMS BYES (&) 2ma @®) lamp (©) 2amps ) 4 amps Solar cell is an example of (A) Photo voltaie cells (B) Photo conductive cell (©) Photo emissive cell D) None of these 2 WE Bad dersrteso (A) 2x5" S*Saranf Seasven (B)_BNS* SoABS vers (©) d45* DES Seas @) aD dds DVM is the abbreviation for (A) Digital Vacuum Meter (®) Digital Volume Meter (©) Digital Volt Meter () Divider Voltage Meter DVM #808 B Sunk, Soks tsb (A) Aud arsry5o oe8 B) Sa0d woryso how (©) Be0d SF dow MD) BQaE Set dow ‘Transducer is a device which (A) Converts one form of power into another (B) Converts one form of energy into another (© Helps in measuring electrical signals (D) Is similar to a transformer [UPHENYIE 8d 0.5 SOLOS Ady otra. (A) 28 SSE eh Bd SES VHA SreyySo B) w8¥§ eHOD SOs HE Srey (OC) doBsd Bigdexo Terisoers SHAvSeoso QD) 28 wrk HyPH Sirsiv uu BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 28. 31. Capacitor microphone transducers are used for (A) Speech, music and noise measurements (B) Thickness measurements (©) Displacement measurements (D) Liquid level measurements Borheub BS HS wrSearyssiso ATW aSrRowint (A) PMy, Sofiwisn sain Storr Foster (B) 885885 Sexson (©) 300588 Sa Posen ©) SS Faw Soe A varactor is (A) A diode used as variable capacitor (B) A diode used for high speed switching (©) A diode used for variable inductor () A diode used as variable resistor aS do¥8 ems (A) Sécbmd3oRubr asairensien a sar (B) SBSBN Sganol Sew aS A ENE (C) Sectomod aody FU aSArnses as Gar () Seassa05 BBgErr ASSIS a HEME To determine the voltage polarity across a resistor we have to know (A) The battery voltage (B) The value of the resistor (©) The temperature of the resistor ©) The direction of the current 2S OHYEd SEEDS SYS rerdho afanorvs sosiw9 49 BOSSES ) aypb sige B) BB avs, os () BHx6 Gwe, aaeyres (D) Sow dw¥, BF When 20 V dec. is applied to the vertical deflecting plates of a CRT, the bright spot moves 1 cm away from the centre. If 20 V a.c. is applied, then the movement of the spot will be nearly A) lem ®) 14cm (© 2em ©) 1.7m tS CRT Guns, oom Se Bye 20 V de. D BSMOSIDYD, S08 Fox FoytSiw sod 1, eiifor sien 20 V ac, 9 SBTRORIHED fern Boos, SSO Siti akan Botir8> (A) 1 obs ®) 14 %0.b. (©) 2%o.b.. @) 1.72020. BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 12 A 82. 33. 34, 35. A transmission line is distortionless if LG LE W CR ® Gc @ 4 (©) None of these 28 ERAS bp Se Dear ax Gpeh 2H Botox ®) ola i G @) adde% Polarization of radio wave is taken as the (A) Direction of magnetic field (B) Direction of electric field (©) Normal to direction of magnetic field ©) None of these BABr BS Boos, HOBBAS guy age SE SsayH (A) ectoir,ot Sis Boos, BS B) dogS dwsin avs, B¢ O) ccirinjos Spssn Bow, Bi artes @) addd% Propagation of frequencies in UHF range takes place by means of (A) Surface waves (B) Space waves (C) Ground waves @) Sky waves UHF €di6%D ares Bagh doargr Sopnossy (A) 4380 Stores B) ©088K sored (© && Boren ©) Ss Boor Alternating currents can induce voltage because it has (A) constant magnetic field (B) varying magnetic field (©) stronger magnetic field @) high peak value BerPmQAd S08 Bw (LSSo;s%0 Does ©8 AN ¥OR dos. (A) BOBpS wotriy,08 Beso B) PABYS eoctoan,o8 Sess (0) dey earsin,os Som ©) ©8¥ eps 2005 13 BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 36. 37. 38. 39. When distance between two charges is doubled, the force between them will be (A) Four times ®B) Double (©) Halt ©) One fourth Docks Yo Soig dorviin Sodoweor Arye, WA sos SOS aby aot (A) wenfotben (B) Bodoben (©) eerie (D) wreaths gritos Conductivity is measured in terms of (A) ohm/meter ®) ohm/meter? (©) mhos/meter (D) mhos/meter? SoAgodD aay Sersree A) &83/206 B) &5s/do06" (©) 2825296 /d008 @) dSrrSkoh/ou82 ‘The resistance of a conductor will be least (A) for D.C (B) at 50 Hz (© atlkHz @) at 1 MHz aS Sodigto Dar¥}, OS WStigin SbSSv ey BOsSBA @) D.Cseo @) 50H23g (© 1kHzsg ©) 1 MH2 3g When two charges are separated, there exists (A) electromotive force (B) anelectromagnetic force (©) a magnetic field “ (D) none of these Doth Jed SwBavnasipas, o¥jc6 2 doesoi (A) as dogiards a) (B) as dog Sones 2°) (C) a8 ediran,ov Asi @) adds A 220 V, 50 Hz A.C, supply signifies that RMS value of a.c. voltage waveform is 220 (A) 220/2 V p 22y (a) 22012 @ = (© 220V (D) None of these 28 220 V, 50 Hz A.C. Spe SOdvSaw ac SYe S5 Ey RMS. D005 & 2202 v o By (©) 220V @) ad dds% BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 14 a1. 42, 43, Cells are connected in series to (A) Increase the current rating (B) Increase the voltage rating (© Decrease the internal resistance (D) None of these Dey Fenod® BD SSH HoRosmdaivotiosy (A) Soe BeSoFida Dowdse8 (B) SBessSoFisy Dose CO) S065 ASSIS) Bost @) addy ‘There are three 100 W bulb in parallel across 220 V, 50 Hz line. If one bulb burns out (A) remaining two will not operate (B) all the three will produce light (© there will be heavy current in the mains line (D) remaining two bulbs will produce light 8p Sure 100 W mayen 220 V, 50 Hz Spt Pr Sirovetur dotiw. eS wey Soodsippeo (A) DROS Bodsr SoSaves B) Brae sosn Sasson (CO) SHSBSS OBS Sow Gordo D) BROS Boe wo SoBD SersBowiox As the frequency increases inductive reactance ——______— and capacitive reactance (A) increases, increases (B) increases, decreases (©) decreases, increases D) decreases, decreases BRo BORSA (OE (Inductive) Sokny¥§ ——————. sBow 3odsS Boing) (A) D8oMboibo, DeoMoxe (B) Doorowv, Boros (©) B8/OSo, DOO. D) B&6/OSo, BKO% In an RLC series circuit, at resonance the impedance is @) maximum ®) minimum (©) zero @) infinity aS RLC fe8 Stir gySS*, earraresiion SY a08@G A) rex @) sogso © sagan D) eiossn 15 BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 45, 46. 47. 48. A resistor connected to a 3 V supply battery consumes 3 watts of power. Its resistance is @ 12 ®) 279 © 3a @) 92 3-V SSS ergOS 28 DGB Sograowasipe, 3 Sey GSES oPSrAowT #8, wo astyee @ 19 ®) 279 © 30 @) 9a ‘With two resistors in parallel one of which is a 100 ohm resistor and the other is not known, the only likely value for the net resistance is (A) 101 ohms (B) 1000 chms (©) 90 ohms @®) 110 chms RAroBUSuT Gry Both SOS’, aera SIGS 100 £5, SS SS BOawwswev, 0x6 DHYH) Boos, HrGs 905 (A) 101 B5se0 B) 1000 &.5se (C) 90 &5deo @) 108 Four bulbs each 60 watts are connected in series across a battery. Then (A) Voltage across each bulb equals the battery voltage (B) Power dissipated in each bulb is not the same (©) Current through each bulb is the same @) None of these ASU 8,3 60 Tey Ko wert wane Hemod* af ayw68 eSHePSP SoGoSadaswodioio. SS (A) aS YS, wan Hoos BH SYe enywod SYe’ wass0 B) S88 Ans, Koon ay, BOSSY af Sor dots (OC) eSY 8 Dax EGE Bstroiss Sonu 28 Dg Sw Body (D) ad D8s~% A battery is connected across the series combination of two resistors of values 5 ohm and 30 chms respectively. The voltage across 5 ohm resistor is 20 volts. The battery voltage will be (A) 150 volts ®) 140 volts © 175 volts ©) 200 volts 88 angn6 5 £5) Svbaiw 30 ESbe ded Ho Bot DRY Sons Feo DOS os aryw6 SoGosmAdtovodiowo, 5 ES Bd¥S Boos}, TY 20 Seyeo - ango6 Bow, SYe (A) 150 Segeo (B) 140 S*ae0 © 175 Stegeo (D) 200 Stegeo BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 16 A 49, 50. 51, 52, Power factor of a pure inductor is ai. @) V2 3 (© zero © £ BY aoeiys Bors}, SHE won @i. @) V2 (© rgb © A collapsing magnetic field around a coil (A) helps the decay of coil current (B) tends to aid current flow reversal (C) tends to oppose the decay of coil current D) does not affect coil current flow 28 sand soap as DCTS Ddrs8 Gsso (A) Sond Woe Boos, Sass SHatosw Soswvw B) Sond Sark SpOSsssovrr [Hy Qovorboiso (©) sos Sot assy, Hasriswsi HPSS WS BosoHowo (D) Sond oe Sars IF ewe doses For a pure capacitor, the voltage current relationship is (A) Voltage lage current by 90° (B) Voltage leads current by 90° (©) Current lags voltage by 90° (D) Current leads voltage by 180° 8 DIOS SoHU6 SOW, © S'Ye sosw Sonodso (A) Be sou Say 90° SAdsr Aocssn B) SYes Koen kay 90° Swvotly docoiso (C) Sot S'Yek Say 90° Skvs Goto (D)_ Sodw S'¥el ary 180° Asv0eoehowso ‘The complex power drawn by an inductor circuit is 3000 watts + 4000 VAR. Then the power factor is A 06 ®) 0.75 ©) 08 @) 1 aS ROG HAM SS EAGT ErDEd SoG) 556 3000 Tey + j4000 VAR. Spe 556 SES A) 06 ®B) 0.75 ©) 08 @® 1 WW BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 53. 54. 57. When a transmission line is terminated by its characteristic impedance (A) it behaves as an infinite line (B) standing wave pattern is obtained (©) zero power reaches the load (D) power gets reflected to the generator 28 EPH WAS BS ord Aves SEP wSS*Ssion (A) 28 edosapE Swe WS8o%sa. (B) BS S086 agdn emote ©) 8785 558 aoe Ste D) S56 sSdn6% Sorsguioiowo ‘The resistance of a piece of wire is 200 ohms, When this piece is folded joining both its ends together, and twisting the wires, the resistance of the wire so formed will be (A) 200 ohms (8) 100chms © = 50chms ©) 25chms BS Bt soos, Boos}, OS'S 200 BSdrev. Bord wore ax Swosturr @ Snsso WEDSHE, BY MOG SASH, ody HB BoBS BS Gow, HASH (A) 200 &S>eo @) 1005300 (© 5085.0 @) 25 &Sse0 A frequeney of 900 Hz is called (A) audio frequency (B) radio frequency (© high frequency (D) ultra high frequency 28 900 Hz BGO wey evssoavo (A) dar egby B) Baar Haghy (©) 685 Bagby D) Bs Bashy ‘Two capacitors connected in parallel results in (A) more capacitance (B) less capacitance (©) equal to the previous value (D) none of the above Bothy BarDegioo Sarossaor Seysye Ss JOGS0 BBVOS. (A) 28,5 Bebaby B) 88,5328) (©) Swot dese Sari D) PS SK YQ dds A memory of 8 K means @) 108 ®) 8000 (© 8x 1024 @) 5x10 8K Gog, B0806 esr (A) 108 (8) 8000 (C) 8x 1024 @) 5x10* BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 18 A 58. 59, 60. 61. Access time of a storage is the time required (A) To write one word into the memory (B) To read one word from the memory (©) To write one word into and to read one word from the memory (D) Either to write one word or to read one word SONS SHaHIS aS YS Booey, (SHS Stratos A) 2080868 28 Soisuow prosoet (B) Bad06 Sood as Sosuwd Stoo (C) 608 as SéSwdo Grawwess SBatov Bib 08 ad Séooky soso (D) 28 SeSSor%6o Gratsotes Bor at SSSorw SoHUw BCD numbers are obtained by (A) Converting decimal number to binary (B) Converting decimal to octal numbers (©) Each decimal digit is represented by a four bit binary () Converting binary to decimal BOD Soayoiss Sdargo SorBowssayiy (A) BSS Songts BSEr Srtoyo% (B) Bd S208 OYS Somseor sro (C) aS, Bdiod etd a8 revi PSPs Bde¥giw BoB aotve (D) BNO X08 Adios arty In sequential circuits, the output states are function of (A) Present input states, (B) Past input states (© Present and past inputs D) None of these 925GH (Sequencial) Str, sd" EMSS Hed Bs¥}, SHS g509 (A) iy’ Ses Bevo B) KB0ds WSEAS Rede (OC) (Sag6 Sobato KOods SSevSv0 @) wddx Acompiler is (A) Hardware (B) Software (©) Memory device ) None of these 28 Sopeb wii A SH B) ays (©) 39808 eastern (D) addy 19 BRP - 9002 - 310000 -5 62. 63, 64, 65. A gate in which all inputs must be high to get a low input is called (A) An inverter (B) An AND gate (C) ANOR gate () ANAND gate 28 ASS'D O) WYSE OF Bis EYED motu EBs &0diSB%», B00 me Seatioeoeo A) saRgys ®) 2S AND AS () aS NORAS (@) 28 NANDAS For a sinusoidal input, the Schmitt trigger gives output as (A) Saw tooth (B) Square wave (©) Sinusoidal itself ©) None of these a8 RamatoeS HSH SO, BASSAS aeryssebin men wSyyS9 (A) a Sodty B) seuss © eB dirarcnd @) ad dds% ABYTE stands for (A) A string of two bits (B) Aastring of four bits (©) Astring of eight bits ) None of these 28 BYTE esr (A) Bods 83 28 Go B) Fev oy af oo (C) 22206 by as bo @) aodds%y ‘The ASCI is an input output code (A) Itis a two bit code (B) Itisa four bit code (©) Itisa seven bit code ©) Itis a eight bit code ASCII @8380 2.5 SHY, AONSES SE A) ©8 20m oy SE B) eBwres oy SE (O) 08d 04 85 @) 66 D028 oy SE ‘The astable multivibrator has (A) Two stable states (B) One stable and one quasi stable state (©) Two quasi stable states @) None of the above BS tof DiS06 Boo SOA aoceisy (A) Bodh Reap Peer (B) aS RS S08 28 ASQ HO (©) Boek isBe Speier @) addb%H BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 20 A 67. 69. 70. ‘An AND gate isa (A) Sequential circuit B) (© Memory circuit 0) 2S AND AS ©5058 A) e80888 SINT B) CO) B06 SorygT @) What is ISDN? (A) Indian Subscribers Don’t Need (B) International Seminar on Digital Network (©) Integrated Services Digital Network (D) None of these ISDN err 920? (A) aodaioS adi a8 Sf 05 B) 208 S55 ows oS Baud BEE, (0) 20SABE sbgod dod B56, @) addy GSM employs (A) FDMand CDM B® (© CDMand TDM © GSM d&rRowsoso (A) FDM as8c% CDM ®) (©) CDM S:6ct TDM ©) Erlang is unit of (A) Conductance ® (©) Mutual inductance ) Berok ws58 89 doraF (A) soagS) ®) CO) Stays SES ©) 2 Combinational circuit Relaxation cireuit Seasto SIrgS BOSS S655 FDM and TDM FDM only FDM ws6 TDM FDM srw ‘Telephone traffic intensity None of these BOS EE MOSS ao dds) BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 71. What parts of the body are most sensitive to laser damage? (A) Teeth (®) Nails (C) Hair (D) Eye and skin Ba Kass Sorawcin 9 gE HAO EYL? (A) Sty B) Fey (©) Boparseo (D) Sdy dobobn seyioo 72. The most common device used as light detector in fiber optic communication system: (A) Darlington photo transistor (B) PIN diode (C) LED () APD Od ORE SaampESS HYLS* morteadoorr Be ABYErr aSArMSes SOC (A) @Qokied e5* eras @®) PINGars (© LED (@) APD 73. Which of the following is a coherent light source in fiber optics? @® Sun ®) Bulb (© LED @®) LASER 806 DELI TOS DHS EHS" Soaps 08 eereisina (A) Breogtio ®) nay (© LED (D) LASER 74. An optic fiber core is made of (A) Water ®) Glass (©) Diamond ©) Krypton 28 @pS po8 §6 Bod sasrerSatacino (A) &% ® xs (©) Sees ) Bs 75. The loss in signal power as light travels down a fiber is (A) Propagation (B) Scattering (©) Attenuation (D) Absorption S08 yobs Bodir Sctoowwsheo SS S5ES'a Koos @) worss B) 2,e060R CO) edarysoss MD) edayys BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 22 6. 71. 8. 79. What is the function of the magnetron in a radar set? (A) Modulates the transmitter (B) Acts as local oscillator (©) Generates transmitted RF power (D) Fixes transmitter pulse width 2S PHBNSS SrUUrS Gos}, Sg (A) erhiowbio arcoBeS Sawn B) S86 hdr SS8os0 (©) urddo06 maosads RF S56 atyaSaiwve D) wrSbou8 5d a8 Roseoso RADAR means (A) Radio Delay and Ranging (B) Radio Detection and Ranging (©) Radio Distance and Ranging () Radio Detection and Rating RADAR ear (A) BEGr 88 wok Bodh (B) B8Br HS ©0& Boeoh (©) BE@xr Egoi5 wok Sowoh (D) B4ar HES 00 BSoK A duplexer is a (A) Belance mixer (B) _IF-log amplifier (© Single sideband filter (D) Transmit receive switch 28 GryDHS eS (A) ered 2095 B) IF-of wod3ovo5 (©) B0AE PE ero bg6 D) wranys ObS AF What is the purpose of receiver's squelch circuit? (A) To overcome fluctuation in the level of RF signal arriving at receiving antenna (B) To prevent amplified noise reaching the loudspeaker during the absence of an incoming signal (©) To prevent fluctuations in AGC bias signal (D) To produce the receiver sensitivity for all ineoming signal UPS BaF Seory sed avs, SosSgiov 987 (A) USS wor 5g S04 RF DiyS Buh, Qos’ ERISA dotows B) 28 68 Says AIQS Seorusos FE Hs SH sas eogsadé egw as*Soio.o (0) AGC ncierh DiR5S'S eRISors NE'Bors0w D) 628 SAS oT SossAveH [MIPS WASYgivw Serra 28 BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 80. Full duplex transmission means (A) one way transmission (B) two way simultaneous transmission (C) broadcast transmission (@) 24hr transmission WEGRH er Hwss esr A) SBS wrod B) Bot BHo a8 Sioa erGaoss (C) SAS erHwss @) 24 Howe perso 81. If two signals are in quadrature what is their phase relation? a) 4 ® © (©) 180° @) 90° Botds ScRBSVED Hye SSF AYE TD HH Nowosavos? (A) 45° (B) 0 © 180° @) 90° 82. ‘The process of impressing information signals to a high frequency carrier is called (A) Scrambling (B) Detection (©) Modulation (D) Multiplexing 28 @BS Bashy S8aDEi aopDdoA SS ray Sok Bors, Wikdowo aey Sevdodsoto (A) Byowok B) das (OC) araagsss (D) SBDpsoK 83, What is usually transmitted by facsimile? (A) Voice (®) Pictures © Bits (D) Video signal Phaod oye darters ovo Sons 437 (A) $gin B) Sze © ey @) dar gs 84. In AM transmission the frequency which is not transmitted is (A) Carrier frequency (B) Audio frequency (C) Upper side frequency @) Lower side frequency AM Ur moa5S" avin Sabacso egy A) $8058 egby B) edar Fas) © BBS Bay D) 883% bag BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 24 85. 86. 87. 88. Automatic gain control is used (A) to maintain timing correct (B) to maintain same current at output when stations of different strength are received (© to increase amplification at high frequency (D) to reduee the voltage of loud paseage of music HgdO08 erg Dctdojbers B08 BIBRA (A) Q200F Err eave Bossveo8 B) 20%) nodnod® PAG ytroawine eS oiww seyssys SF eGsBowes etiBoitneo8 (OC) @BS BBghy 3g POBHESSId HBSctave0e (D) SoA Boose engdian Bors, SBaO Sfosoest ‘The speed of BRI ISDN interface is (A) 2B+D @®) 2D+B (© 30B+D ©) 30D+B BRI ISDN 2006 95 Duos, Sri (A) 2B+D @® 2D+B © 30B+D @) 30D+B Which of the following is not a microwave generation source? (A) Kilystron (B) Magnetron (© TW @) Diode (808 TOS" DB a BSSS Ay oS S69? ses ®) SvgerS © Twr ©) ars Due to curvature of earth, microwave repeaters are placed at distance of about (A) 10km (B) 50km (C) 200 km (@) 500km Grdo Took, SoSSos, ASBS Gdw0ty Se Srdin SY aodweioso A) 108. @®) 5082. (©) 2008. () 5008.ty. 25 BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 89. 90. 91. 92, 93, In case of matched load (A) Transmission is zero co) (©) Reflection is unity Oy SEPSSOGOAS addy cand (A) erdyooss erigion @) (©) SOrSES msgs @® In FM, the noise can be further decreased by (A) Decreasing deviation ® (©) Keeping deviation constant @) FM 6, Sgauiis 69 aye Blows. (A) dSexSSnnio Bose ® (©) dSesS00%) BOSoorW dowsoe © ‘The standard analogue telephone jack is (A) RI45 B (© SJAL o BE oarerh BOS oS 53 A) RI 45 2) © sian @ SSB receiver uses (A) Single stage of heterodyne @) (©) Nohetrodyne @ SSB yrsriiin Gd0 aS@r Rows (A) SSS Boos}, ¥ B) (CE 2S5°BS aotseso @) Aspect ratio of a TV monitor is (A) Width to height ratio ®) (©) Height to diagonal ratio @) TV Sr D6 SnY, SOS Dis (A) 283 d:hQ8 day{i500 ®) (C) Gatrnsd axyQs ae) @) BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 26 Reflection is zero ‘Transmission is equal to reflection SOAOH Ergo Ur Qoo5S Sorsys SS Increasing deviation None of these Sdesaoomo Dosw ap dbs RJ None of these RJ1 wo dbs ‘Two stages of heterodyne Envelope detection WSS'SS Bow, Soe Sse 2505 anes ‘Width to diagonal ratio Width to depth ratio BANS OHSS DAS S%o DGYBE Da;ES00 94. 95. 96. 97. Characteristics of LCD (A) Emit light (B) Refract light (C) Block light (D) None of these LOD aiao8i, wpeersoo02 (A) S088 SersBowos @B) sca ségsssn (©) S08 n6*¢a09 @) adds Ifa computer on the network shares resources for others to use it is called (A) Server (8) Client (©) Mainframe D) Switch BLED a8 Lotpyn6 sooo ASDMAowdes excreted Sowsowisy aby Sersst (A) B66 (B) govoS (C) Bron D) 35 ISO stands for (A) International Standards Organisation (B) International Students Organisation (©) International Service Organisation (D) _ International Safety Organisation 180 esr (A) a0w8Sied qodf oxBaES (B) Rowbssad pcos pss (©) nowBSaed 585 exgpass (D) aowBssnd dg eMPSAS A parity bit is (A) used to indicate upper case letters (B) used to detect errors (©) the first bit in a byte (D) the last bit in a byte a args 5 e958 (A) GOO exBSa0i SrDotow\ adArRows0 B) SiySswoiso MioATMoww ASArAososo ©) a8 BSS Anes8 O05 BS D) 2k BSE on6 oS 27 BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 98. Clock speed is measured in (A) Bits per sec (©) Bytes MEdiirvtinn Duos, Skswws 86" Sevwoto (A) as D¥odoe oe © By A 32 bit processor has (A) 82 registers (©) 32 Mb of RAM 28 82 065 WDE BND SOR dotdrso (A) 82 beige (©) RAM G8, 82 Mb 100, CPU performance may be measured in (A) BPS (©) MHz CPU ang, Aa_oSSwsd ADS Tersozouo (A) BPS (© Mz 101. Modem speeds are measured in (A) bps (C) mbps ArresSe byes ADS" Senet (A) bps © An RS 282 interface is (A) Parallel interface (©) Printer interface aS RS 252 Gos, aow6)S (A) Bar08S 20WSSH © Bow8 200855 mbps 102, BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 28 ®) © B®) @) ®) @) ® o) ® @) @) B) @) ®) @) ) ®) @) Baud Hertz rad 8 82 VO devices 82 bit bus 32 UO Sé80SDe9 82 eS Od ‘MIPS VLSI ‘MIPS VLSI kbps mips kbps mips Serial interface ‘Modem interface 103. For print quality you would expect best results from (A) Line printer (B) Dot matrix printer (©) Inkjet printer (D) Laser printer ey Koesove SOK Sood HOSS wow Bosvd Idooaresiyyso A) BS bow’ B) F852 SH Bow’ (©) 208 Boe5 oos6 ) S26 ow 104, 10-Base-T refers to (A) Ethernet using thin coaxial cable (B) Ethernet using thick coaxial cable (© Ethernet using unshielded twisted pair (utp) cabling D) None of these 10-85-38 And Borys. (A) Senta StairSa0d Sarin ASErA0DS Sef6RS B) 5898 Sotr8ycod Sardis SSAA SeGEHT (CO) CORB BWOABAS esi (cta235) SQofid» ASAMAs SaGEDF @) addiswy 105. AUPS (A) Increases the storage capacity of computer system (B) Increases the processor speed (©) Provides backup power in the event of a power cut ©) aS UPS (A) Soigrypo8 BYS> Sot, Des aioyziwso Doss (B) PASE SrSo0K» Doss (©) dDébogG Ss Warcted0d* BSS 480 SORoisoK None of these D) addy 106. QWERTY is used with refer to (A) Screen layout (B) Mouse button layout (C) Keyboard layout (D) Word processing software QWERTY 42 Somogsorr ASBrROG A 5 dead B) SHH ays Soy ©) 88% SexyS (D) 5§ WBA HHSE A 29 BRP - 9002 - 310000- 5 107. 108. 109, 110. A firewall is (A) Used to protect computer room from fires and floods (B) A form of virus (C) Asereen saver programme (D) None of these 28 Prd eo58 (A) SompyW6 KBD wf S908, SSO S08 KLovso ESAS (B) BSSex awe Sao00% © 28 PyS O55 eyrS @) ap dds A proxy server is (A) Backup server (© A poor file server 28 rh SB WB (A) BS 5068 (CO) BS BHYS SSSvSH DOGS PS SHE An RDBMS is a (A) Remote DBMS (©) Relational DBMS 28 RDBMS x58 (&) 63rd DBMS (© 883s DBMS A Nanosecond is A) 10 see © 10sec BS MODIOE USE (A) 10 R¥odis (© 107 Dsoe BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 B® @) B® @ B® @) B @) ® @) ® © 30 An email server None of these aS Serva S55 20 Dds% Relative DBMS Reliable DBMS 6885 DBMS Bedtoa5 DBMS 10° sec 10° sec 104 D¥0t> 10 DYE 111. A EX-OR gate generates a high output when (A) Any one of its inputs is high (B) Allofits inputs are high (©) Allof its inputs are low (D) Power fails 2S EX-OR Ae af G8 GE SEHD Ipc AtyQ Saiossrr (A) ord SeSIEd* Mar 2.85 HASSoorr aayres (B) wd Goo}, wd WS¥Sve 8SSurr aayspeo (©) oro wry wSesiven 6x) Srr aaiyspreds (D) deog6 s6 112, The code used to boot-up a computer is stored in (a) RAM (B) ROM (©) PROM ©) EPROM Sov ard o& Sato’ asarnsico SEs» Bod ded Savior (a) RAM ®) ROM (©) PROM (D) EPROM 113, AGUTis (A) Hardware (B) Language interpreter (©) Software interface (D) Anoperating system 2S GUI eis (A) 9§35 B) croigé aowb ho (©) 35 20085 D) 28 Sare¥ ners 114, FIP is (A)__used to send email ®) used to browse the web (©) part of Netscape @) a protocol for the transfer of files between computers FIP e298 (A) Seovondin Sores aSArhowsov B) Bde WHSaivws asarAowiot (CO) d5%,5 Boos, eolto D) SoS sw¥ Hobs YH 088 SHH ak Used A 31 BRP - 9002 - 310000- 5 115, The read/write line is (A) Belongs to the data bus (B) Belongs to control bus (©) Belongs to address bus ©) cPUbus Sdoip/ Erato Sp esd. (A) Ger 8% 30858 (B) Sous*S wSx 30853 (©) © G65 whe 30858 @) CPU RR 116. Which of these internet connections is typically the slowest? a B) © @) Direct connecting through E: lines Dial up modem connections through phone lines DSL connection through phone lines Cable modem connections through cable TV lines 808 TOE" D BOLTS HOES HODBS gir DONT? 7) ® © @) Es BS arse (HGR SAGOR PAS BS Unger God o5 arah sassy BAS BE Bye 6.08.06. BES Sand TV 88 ayo Send Brcih sBHQ 117. A transformer is (A) Constant flux device (B) Constant current device (©) Constant voltage device ) Constant power device 2S UPHPYE SS (A) URLS $H SOs B) BOAyH Sow SBS (OC) Rips SYe sesesn @) ROWS SSE Sov BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 82 118. 119. 120, 121, ‘The energy stored in an inductor is 1 LI Li Earth resistance Electric charge toro 08S segs og Increases Reduces to zero DBortowo Srigiuwe sforpao 120 ohms 120 2? ohm 120 &.5oe0 120 x? &Sre> 2 @ Gul ®) © iv 0) 2 28 ROLES HYSSIDE 4S Lie @ ut ® 1 © zu @) Siemens is the unit of (A) Electric conductance @) (C) Electric impedance @) Rag) e898 Bo darned A) d0gS mrss @) (© dogf ess*sees @) When electromagnetic wave propagates from air into ionosphere, its velocity (A) Decreases ®) (© Remains same ©) DOGAIYSSS rd S008 wrya6W (Soros Saowiyeo oro Sra (A) BIRD ® (© edadsoorr Hoeiow @) ‘The characteristic impedance of free space is (A) 277 ohms i) (© 377 ohms @) ‘Ryw) CowBisin Dos, eoies 2osaH) (A) 277 Be. B® (© 877 Be. @) 38 BRP - 9002 - 310000 -5 12! 123, 124, 125. 126. ‘The standard antenna for reference is (A) Isotropic antenna (©) Dish antenna BPO TOK SPAS Boor (A) DaYSSE Code © Gheonr Broad band antenna is (A) Log:periodic (©) Yagi-uda erSaryo8 vode e848 (A) of-Becsras (C) oirR-ac Reflector in Yagi antenna are @ 1 © 3 SrA oder So SosysSn ama © 8 A Balun is @) aresistor (©) anantenna a8 BOrS 953 (A) 28 SOS GSH ©) eS eodar LOS means (A) Length of the season (© Length of second time interval LOS esr (A) 855 05 8455 (©) 855 05 DoE BS wovs63S BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 ®B) ) B® @) ® @) (B) @) (B) @) B) @) ® @) ®) @) ®) ) 34 Halfwave dipole ‘Yagi antenna WEES QoS rh wome Dipole Horn aos al 10 10 an impedance transformer frequency converter 28 @S6'SSw ErSOryd Baek Sagi Line of sight Line of seismic activity BS wh pd BS uh AYE egos 121. 128. 129, 130. ‘A good front to back ratio (A) Increases co-channel interference (B) Reduces co-channel interference (©) Has not effect on co-channel interference (D) None of these 28 BoD oeS Hod BSP OO (A) Stars Btygson BeOrOH (B) S-wad S ego GIS. ©) Sad S¥wy Ig SerSsw aodser @) ao dds Bridge rectifiers are preferred because (A) they require small transformer (B) less peak inverse voltage (© @)and (B) both above (D) none of these (OG WhavrBos ays Sarvevaw Dossy (A) aay erdhoregty SOR aoc (B) BdyS ey Ss88s S'Be (C) (A) S28 (B) p Boer D) adds ‘An amplifier has a power gain of 50, This gain in dB will be @) 174B ®) 314B (©) 340B @) 684B a8 woRSco6 50 SSGeresuowo SOA dodo, dB S* or Ergin ay Gods (A) 174B B) 314B (©) 344B ©) 684B In which of the following applications usually tuned voltage amplifiers are NOT used? (A) Television receivers (B) Radio receivers (©) Public address system @) Allof the above He ots SHY CRAGQS SOradur And" unsSSh5 SYe wopsarbow asarfoww Ba? (A) Bda35 yrsrssne (B) BAar yrrssne (©) Sg eit BgS ©) BS SEYASH 35 BRP - 9002 - 810000 - 5 181, 132. 133, In class A amplifier using a transistor, under ideal conditions the maximum a.c. power delivered is 1 watt. The maximum transistor dissipation capability is (A) 1 watt (B) 2watt (C) 3 watt (D) 4 watt SSGAYS dogo Gods, HH A woRsa6S* wrayybivo adarRoo, Sevséosnds w Kg ac, 556 Lard. pray g6 Boos}, NOY Yoier axayggny A) lad B®) 29d ©) 3x5 ©) 405 Ina practical oscillator A is (A) slightly less than 1 ® 1 @ = (D) slightly greater than 1 aS PAA SrbwvFS* Af 05258 A) 18AQS Yr Ssy,5 ® 1 «© = D) 18a SY 2/5 When a PN junction is reverse biased, then (A) holes and electrons are attracted towards the junction (B) majority carriers are not affected (©) holes and electrons move away from junction ©) the barriers break down a8 PN w0¥S 856) actin iir sgrneso (A) Soygitwres So8ctso Do piver BOS BH ekBosndoito B) OBS SoasS* $oarrGoo IY Werdsurwv Bosse (© Soyer So6cioo Joe WOKS Hod Srosarr DAYS. D) BdavWy WEES ers BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 36 A 134, 185 g 136. Noise factor of a system is defined as (A) Output signal to noise ratio (B) Ratio of output S/N ratio to input S/N ratio (©) Ratio of input S/N ratio to output S/N ratio ©) Ass RE Book, Sy Swans any DYgDoSSEyyS (A) Gey S8er SoESiiw Kv08 4p DHHS Input signal to output noise ratio (B) SIN een és8er diyB S208 HSe SIN DEE (©) SIN BS HES S04 AOS SIN DHS D) 234 Sossaws00d ao Ssor ¥g aHY Which of the following is the most stable oscillator? (A) Wein bridge oscillator (B) Hartley oscillator (©) Colpitts oscillator (D) Crystal controlled oscillator Bods DEY Jy HOS" DG OGY HUIS OTE? (A) Bond 0g edbu6 B SG, od805 ©) 5d eddo5 D) BBS dav0\Vw orSw6 In oscillators class-C operation is preferred because it (A) is most efficient (B) has frequency stability (© gives larger output @) it produces nearly square waves ABLE’ HE- C degireaiis epohosodvv, Joeossorr A) ebsBS aenygin SORE (B) BRgh ROB SOA Aoedrso (OC) S88 aes aay D) 68 SHOT Se ASoiso styE Sato 37 BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 137. Two main parts of a tank circuit are (A) Rand (B) Land (© Rand (D) Rand NPN transistor a8 ero Str g55*O Doc [Gr grITSIED (A) Risbci C B) Ls6aty C (© Rida L (D) RavBako NPN eraygé 188. Ina transistor, if electrons flow into the emitter (A) holes flow out of emitter (B) electrons flow into the collector (©) electrons flow out of the collector (D) holes flow out of the collector 28 erQgBS dogaver IawbS'DS BStroasIL (A) dae 006 Soyisve0 wctiows SS_Ao B) DxOS'8 dogs Bstrowiy (C) SOW Mood deoisorr Jo gRAver WSEPows @) BE Mo0d BessdH Soyo Seps 139. An amplifier's power is changed from 10 watts to 20 watts. The equivalent dB gain will be (A) 2aB ®) 34B (© 6aB @) 104B 28 wobFahoB Basi, SSE 10 rey Sood 20 areyi Sreow SArsyS dB vgs (A) 2aB ®) 34B (© 6aB @) 104B 140. With an a. input from 50 Hz power line, the ripple frequency is (A) 50 Hz in the dc. output of half wave as well as full wave rectifier (B) 100 Hzin the dc, output of half wave as well as full wave rectifier (©) 50 Hzin the dc. output of half wave and 100 Hz in the d.c. output of full wave rectifier (D) 100 Hzin the de. output of half wave and 50 Hz in the d.c. output of full wave rectifier 50 Hz S56 BS S008 a8 85% J.0.6° BS Boy, BS) (A) C$BSd0K SoBain SY SION WSawE Boos}, dic. aor SIS* 50 Hz (B) PY B¥or So8ardo SY Bo BSE Ewv¥}, d.c. aeysSS6S* 100 Hz (0) 08 Bor Bas}, dic. AenSSSE* 50 He Sry BOK dic. senyes45S* 100 Hz D) OY Bok AoW, dic. ATVSISE* 100 Hz SY Gor d.c. ESSE" 50 Hz BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 38 A 141. 142. 144, 145. For an amplifier, the coupling method which gives the highest gain is (A) Capacitance coupling (B) Resistance coupling (©) Impedance coupling () Transformer coupling 25 CORSALEST OBOE eran adgto SoA SYS (A) SebBS) Bok B) Wy Soh (©) aodeqy SQOh (D) erdyorygS Soh FET is advantageous in comparison with BJT because of (A) High input impedance B) High noise (©) High bandwidth gain product (D) Ite current controlled behaviour BIT 8 ayn FET ergicraos3a58 Jods (A) 688 ates 20d2§) B) e6s8g5 (©) ©88 er0& 0G ery aensssn D) wd os Dadower SIs . The grade of service in telephony is measured in (A) Percentage (B) Number (© Fractional number ©) None BOHSE* Og Boot}, od os" Terstov (A) #80 B) Sows (©) ey Sows @) dds PBX means (A) Public Branch Exchange (B) Private Branch Exchange (C) Push Button Exchange (D) Private Business Exchange PBK esr (A) S98 wrod agy05 B) PSS wrod dByo5 © Dinws KyoS D) RS oss Zyo5 Which of the following is a volatile memory? (A) Flip-Flop (B) Magnetic dise (©) Drum (@) Magnetic tape 80 Bots LEY,xy TOS" DB ercybour B56? (A) 35-35 ®) SigSE oh, (©) @& @) 288 55 39 BRP - 9002 - 310000 - 5 146. 147, 148, 149, Disturbance caused by adjacent telephone line is called (A) Cross talk (@B) Cross fire (©) Inductive disturbance (@) Noise BSS Ko BORS Biv Sos Serr FortSnow aby Herso (A) Saree Sesswen fo BH py Bootow Fe B) THE WS Ko dd py Bsosow SoH (0) Sareis Sess006" DBar Ko Bipey Deosoo SV @) aodsy Human directory means (A) The sites listed in the directory are reviewed before they are added (B) The employees of the directory search for the answer for you (©) The search result is given to you with a personalised message from the directory (D) None of the above Srogsed Boys esse (A) BOBS" SYS" Ko Drie redo Seyaras Swot So8owoe (B) 2 S%6% evareny SOE BONE ABTYON Seokotsoxo (©) 0x8 S008 Sec FOAM) aL SANS DOE YE avy @) adsey BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 12 238. 34, 35. 36. Which of these search engines is related to Indian formation? (A) (B) (©) D) G08 was gods FUSE Somotssw Ko WE aoassy (A) (B) (© (D) Adware is (A) Advertisement banners on the web pages (B) Trial software given as advertisement (©) Free software with advertisement banners (D) None of the above ESE e058 (A) BEdostn easSBSB0«d arsey BD) wood ayB6iso easSPSSv015n assy (CO) eas6BSaoos5 asset b MBSE ©) awrdsHy Ifyou do not want the display of the receiver's email address in the email, (A) you should not type the receiver's email address (B) you should type the receiver's email address in ‘BCC’ (©) you should type the receiver's email address in ‘CC’ (D) you should type the receiver's email address in "TO' Ba Wan5E* [WE Hs Band OH SSHST Ns SoHs HE (A) BY _PEPo Se Dand wisdio BS Savors ®) bY BOC 6* yrerve Ss Dan edn BHSaTs ©) CCS yrerho &e Bond osha Hy Sasso D) ‘TO’ S* yrirHo Ss Bond ess BY Sawssa Email that you want to send later on can be placed in (A) Inbox (B) Outbox © Sent Items (D) Drafts BOIS SoSHORs Se Brom ade GOBSSYD @ Boh B) eyderh (©) B05 onsSy) O &% 18 BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 45. 46. 41. 48, Which part of computer provides temporary storage of data inside motherboard? (4) ROM (®) RAM (© BIOS @) BUS $0668'§ (motherboard) So Sosyyw6 Sto O eprise Gario aS Satis () ROM ®) RAM (© BIOS @) BUS What is called the main memory in a computer? (A) ROM @® RAM (© Hard disk ©) Allof the above Sod sw6S" (computer) [Sqr Bovo80 2499 Seotsoo? () ROM ®) RAM © Reh, @) BS DEY Sy Which of these is not the hardware of computer? (A) Printer (B) Typewriter (© Plotter (©) Modem B06 TOS" DG Sour yW5 Boos}, HSS sre? (A) Bows B) BaBNE (© aes @) ares What are the main features of execution of a task? (A) Systematic (8) Random (C) Both of the above (D) None of the above 28 SO (task) Difgirea uss, Saws wove 992 (A) dygsme8é @®) woesS (©) pdoar @M) awddsy BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 16 49. 50. 51. 52. What is the role of hardware in Computer? (A) To execute any order given by the user (B) To execute task given by the user (C) To interact with user through different interfaces (D) To make user tension free Sos yuh IGSE Gwe}, anys Dad? (A) corS8 adyS d eBeaugar digirosve (B) cars8S atgnds So neigires © deRgwmAve carH6S" Somrbpsive (D) ciarSBiso 288 Btooa Sctove8o Which part of computer is responsible for processing of data? (A) Monitor @®) cpu (©) Hard Disk Drive @) Floppy Disk Drive Bumito (OH Saisrek SowyobS* D grtiao sweats? (A) arawb (B) CPU (©) BH Sh BS ©) Bas, gs ‘The dimension of chassis of a computer depends upon (A) No. of devices installed inside chassis ®) No.of Slots (©) Memory of computer (D) None of the above Sorree8 Andy, FSH Hoowy, Soarevsw Soy earsseowo (A) $25 Ste Ko asxtessve Sows B) By sows (©) SovspyprB aviv6 @) addos%y Which storage device is more reliable source of storing of information? (A) Floppy Disk (B) Hard Disk (© Compact Disk @) ROM D gO assteasn Srarditonts YS Satoo1k BES SAYSAS ess (A) ab aby ® 3825, (©) soagae, ) ROM Ww BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 58. Which device is installed under base of a motherboard? (A) CD Drive ®) (©) Hard Disk Drive @) Floppy Disk Drive All of the above 50865 (motherboard) POSASY 9 ASSES SoYDosasB? 2 . a) cD es (B) () HRS, eS “ @) 54. The speed of the CPU is measured in (A) Meter/hour @B) (©) Hertz @) CPU ang, Srtanio 608" aeyssayso (A) do 5°56. @®) ©) v8, @) 55. SMPS stands for (A) Slow Mode Power Supply ®) (©) Simple Mode Power Supply @) SMPS esr (A) BPE 956 syoh ®) (C) RoHSArE 356 35 @) 56. The size of a monitor is measured in (A) Meter ®) (©) Inches @) Srawé Dos, Sosresws Bos" Persie (A) S906 ® (©) a0Seo @) BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 18 eb Su, Bs BBY Word per minute None of the above 28 Dansarss 3H an ad ey Simple Mode Plug Supply Systematic Mode Power Supply RoDS AME BA wyjob DQSNSE SPE SSE WHob Centimeter Foot oS 58. 59. 60. ‘Mainframe of computer is called (A) Body (B) Chassis (©) Box @) Board Soisry26 Bont}, Doo008 (Soa aay Sootoso0o @ of @®) 38 © x ©) 58 ‘Which device accommodates the exchange of information between. devices and computer? (A) Switch (B) Port (C) Bus (D) None of the above ASE EANIOL, SON ywEL woop, aSSeain SarTvsos SBSPGYSAD (A) 895. B) ag © of @) ands ‘Through which device, the interconnectivity of accessories of computer is possible (A) Ports @®) Switch (© Wires (@) Socket D atiuterdin Sew SoUpyo5 Gow, avdarpisswo oob5 Sogn wo“ a B) BS © w& @) 23s Power consumed by Computer is equivalent to power ‘consumed by (A) Bell @®) Fan (C) Geyser @) Air Conditioner Som OS DoarMSeo SSE Bo es DOTA S* WS @) Bé B® (©) AS6 (D) dovb FoBs55 19 BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 61. 62, 63. SMPS is fed with power of (A) 2200 (B) 200v © 210v @) 190v SMPS e298 So 486° arboSertioo (@) 220 ®) 200V © mov @) 190V ‘The word ‘Cartridge! related with (A) Hard Disk Drive (B) CD-ROM (© Printer @) Scanner ‘SBE’ OS) Sess B08" Homodiion YOR cord A) #8 ak, BS @®) CD-ROM (© Bows ©) a5 ‘The blinking of HDD’s lead indicator shows (A) Troubleshooting of hard disk ®) Connectivity of HDD (C) Access of Hard Disk to save, read () None of the above W544 And, OE aodbn8 Any, sie Bo Berrys A) PHA, G09, wad srsoh B) wad awe, god © SSSHHOWOH, Scipio HFA, Boy, oH @) add5%y Which of the following port does not exist (in computer)? @) 30pin ®) 9pin © 16pin @) 25pin 808 DH Ay dxQOS* DB soeée’o? (SO¥syES") @ 3085 ® 935 (© 1538 @) 2535 BRP - 9002 - 830000 - 5 20 $- 000088 - 2006 - dua 1% gies gece sepoatixag 6% (0) Seg. grrog) (a) ged ww ccemlige Tpceco cemesnace He gno camps god) cles eee Ses cegeoG worjau0s e800] (q) eaoge ey3 Jo m0 © (9) arqeo sequig (@) wag (¥) yo anugy oq eo 44 ‘quLAd ou Saop 41 9g ‘paysaUOD sf FOTIA OY, gee @ ecp00 og 8 (0) gokse @ cpstace geB Bane (W) compte cecwog Gegte coe careemmges, cugehhos s@B cepeagace cpancg® ‘afteg geoator cromnarsce oan omg (D anoge om jo meg (0) aeqreisuy (gq) aati pxBog emo] ATUQ (¥) -ootop poTtaysut spreaio zoqnduros Jo uoneaniae arsyoe) 03 ————— [Twysur 0} Arwssooou st 3f ‘saoraap Jo WoRRTTEISUE IOyY BeWrogs@ @ $s cope ©) gee gg @ SEE compares, gre, (VY) cattrgmoycrony Luger’ crop cge&cios Cop othe nao cep oe og, gos) esoge am sony (@ preg wpm (©) aerpog porday (@) yoxpog pus ouoydoryy ¢y) jzadeig orpny se romduiog osn 07 xoq Nad 01 PAPE 2q Proys SumoTIOs OM Jo UOT §sgoe (@ gat ©) gace @ grog) Cy) Ecrmoe grace Sea coon Goage oaths nao conmasne ¢ eee T.og, Gog) Pavopunog (q) zoned (0) wopow (@) zomg (¥) {Alpouranxe xog P1dO 0 JeuTI09 Jou SaOp eorAep Burmoy[oy Oy JO YOTUAL "89 9 99 69. 1, 72. If Screen shows the message :'Press F1', it means (A) Monitor connection is loose (B)_ SMPS gives less power (© Keyboard is not connected (D) Monitor is not connected bbyS (BS FL of Sodan Srboos an08 eysn (A) Sranb 53x5 axSrr ays (B) SMPS 6&,5 SSB aeyyso (OC) Soe SAF Sadncsda @) Srpenb sa§ davaadao Which port is faster? (A) Serial (B) Parallel (© Psi2 (D) None of the above 2 akg SKaS8? A) Read B) dod (© S292 @) addoH is associated with web services. (A) WSDL (8B) WML (©) Web sphere D) Web logic Bd 5 OcmHS* ————— SomoGo0ss. A) Gay a BE B) GeysZ 95 oF (©) 35 Rav6 @) 3dereS A reserved area of the immediate access memory used to increase the running speed of a computer program (A) Session memory (B) Bubble memory (C) Cache memory (D) Shared memory Somyo8 wryrS Ankh, SyoR Ayers Dovlww a¥ oS And Guy, dak d6air aE Ise (A) RSS B06 B) wd 20506 (©) 8820598 ©) 2G a6 BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 22, A 18, 74. 5. 16. A small subnet that sit between a trusted internal network and entrusted external network, such as public internet is (A) LAN (C) WAN @) @) MAN DMZ a8 (OBE wovtyS Be556% (trusted internal network) Hogs GoRS ws aay HIS, dS eoRE 28), 5 3e555,, (entrusted external network) Sots 4oBE w8 Oi) BARS, HOE gorge (a) LAN ® (© WAN © is the brain of the computer. (A) Keyboard ® © cru 0) Sowpyo8 Bs, Box. ————. a Soy ® © dda @) ‘The internet is a (A) Network of networks ®) (©) Programming language © BOND! CHS (A) eSB, eo 355), ®) (O WeyrD.ok erotgS ©) Which of the following is a processor? (A) Pentium IV B® (© ASUS9045 ©) Bots SEY ay TOS" OB WrVE (A) vodchS) IV @) (©) ASUS9045 >) 28 MAN DMZ ‘Monitor Printer srnwd (oe System software Modem, agh agi6 Bras Acer x065 None of the above eB5 x085 ap D9 5% BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 17. 8. 79. 80. In networks protocol conversion is done by (A) Hub ®B) Switch © Router ©) Gateway BI SH,OS* BUSS Sra BD Ses ators A of B) &5 (C) Srenb @) A553 Grant and revoke are (A) TCL commands (B) DDL commands (©) DML commands (D) None of the above urotS so8ato 65°S (A) TCL 8508) (B) DDL SSr08 (©) DMLssro8) @) 22d95% Which digit does the computer understand? @ 0 ® 1 (©) Both (A) and (B) @D) None of the above Sorpy26 D wo8 exiay SBT @ 0 ® i (©) Botér(A) S28ckn (B) @) wWrAdsow ‘The operation carried out on an input data for checking its correctness and acceptability is termed as (A) Checking B) Testing (©) Moderation @) Data flow a8 aSiped Gertts rd Dotigioniso doGokn pirert§o HSSctonK aay Sereiotoe (A) 380K ®) Bok () srebss @) aera BRP - 9002 - 830000 - 5 24 A 81. 82. 83, 84, ‘A method of displaying the problem in simple steps is (A) Flow chart (B) Processing (C) Fragmentation (D) Defragmentation MiwWyoo Sore HRdLod" srDd Dorssioo A #7§ (®) BaRoR (©) wrkavoiiss @) dyrFidvos5 ‘The part of computer system containing the circuitry that does the adding, subtracting, dividing and comparing, is called as (A) Processor (®) Memory allocation (C) Algorithm processing @) Arithmetic logic unit SPAY, ARSe, Diino SoBaiw dey Wow SOAS BE, yuS SOAS SoipyW5 Bow, Derrso A) Bass B) Bobo CO) wep8$S> WeDBoF D) cOFSSE cr atwrneS In MS-Word “mail merge” command is available under (A) File menu B) Tools menu (© Insert menu @) None of the above MS-Word &° Sond Sof ety eBsain ad, eafgboroo (A) pda @ ar (©) aSKG Sax @) wddoH What is the extension of the file created in PowerPoint? Ppt ®) Txt © Zip @) Doc 555 donoiSS* (PowerPoint) Roos Qe Bos}, D8 (A) Ppt Txt (© Zip @) Doc 25 BRP - 9002 - 380000 - 5 85, What is the extension of the file created in Microsoft Word? (A) Ppt @®) Txt © Zp D) Doe BWSR SYS‘ Microsoft Word) Hons peo Bow}, 248 @® Ppt @®) Txt ©) Zip @) Doc 86. What is the extension of the file created in Notepad? A) Prt @) Exe CC) Txt @) Doc SSrES Dood Po Ars, ate Ppt @®) Exe © TM D) Doe 87. What is the extension of the file created in Acrobat Reader? (A) Ppt ®) Exe (©) Ts ©) Pat Ser 65S" (acrobat reader) HRs Yeo Bos}, DSbea (A) Ppt @) Exe (©) Txt @) Pat 88. Raw facts and figures is called (A) Information B) Knowledge (C) Data (D) None of the above & dG) HvGatoo Somsos) ———— ed Denetotis. A) ays ®) wag (©) Ger @) addey BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 26 89, 91. 92. Processed data is called (A) Information (B) Knowledge (© Database (D) None of the above (prog Bers ep Bentiot. A) aESS @B) v8g () Bord ©) add sy Hardware that adds two numbers is - (a) RAM @®) ROM © CPU D) Arithmetic Logic Unit Dots Sowden MOD HSE @ RAM (8) ROM (©) CPU MD) sOGSx86 ora corad Which is a graphic package? (A) MS office (B) Winamp (©) Corel draw (D) Firefox wrhS oe 582 (A) MS eS @) 25805 © soe @) Br§ Programs from the same developer, sold bundles together, that provide better integration and share common features toolbars and menus are known as (A) Software suits (B) Integrated software packages (© Software processing packages (D) None of the above a8 B505 3g wyrher asySrr ody, BUYS SY'HS Loan aero gritivve ard orf Doses) wd Bentiowo. (8) @RS8 srg B) rowADé HFS 3605 (©) a§S5 Boh a8B5 @) avdds% 27 BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 93, 94, 95. A data warehouse is which of the following? (A) Can be updated by the end users (B) Contain numerous naming conventions and formulae (©) Organized around important subject areas D) None of the above Bots S67 Ay TOS" DG Ger $695 (data warehouse)? (A) 956 dernG 36 wSAd5 Saossyyoo (B) BY Dens Dede SopSerctoimeiy, dreiyeroiso SOR Bodie (C) Sums Sgy wrowe sag esd Sado @) adosy —— Servers store and manage files for network users. (A) Authentication ®) Web © Fite ©) Mai e556, Barsyio ———_—§ seth sesso Pipe SF Savio? (A) s6oe8$55 ® 2 ©) pe ©) Bond ‘Which of the following are security and privacy risks? (A) Hackers ®) Spam © Virus @) Allthe above Bots DE yay TS" Do DUBS soBaso» p5h pHiressooe? A) oh B) ap © 3x @) aer BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 28 96. 97. 98. (formerly known as cash registers) terminals are often connected to complex inventory and sales computer systems, (A) Data B) Sales © Query (D) Point of sale — (Srtghn 88 Gagtoer bEy,SadsD) roy aSdow8 sBaioo dé) Somy6 RBH" saG Savneoxo. (A) Ger ®B) b& © sé D) dono oS System software is the set of programs that enables your computer's hardware devices and, software to work together. (A) Management (B) Processing (C) Utility D) Application HYD OFS eH e8 soryywS Aus, SSS adsverswow So6civ0 ethre $8) Sadan aSrMseoso. (A) Sxdda005 B) wrwboh (C) ceded ©) 8835 are specially designed computer chips that resides in other devices such as your car or electronic thermostat. (A) Information ®) Knowledge © Database ©) None of the above SYS md does SH yZSo (Electronic thermostat) So as SSNS Sr Goad — S07ypi8 2h) 8°68 SS ysSow Hairtodadadso. A) aes ® wee (©) Gerd @) adory 29 BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 99. 100. 10) 102, Viruses are transmitted by a floppy disk left in the floppy disk drive. (A) Trojan horse (B) Boot sector (©) Script (D) None of the above PS Bh, BSS* ads ———— PoHowo as Hb Ah, ager WHSowssinyyso. (A) wSterS oe B) ardags © yg @M) adds Which part of the operating system manages the essential peripherals such as keyboard, screen, ete. (A) Basic input-output system (B) Secondary input-output system (©) Marginal input-output system D) Peripheral input-output system ESTO HYHS'D D eritdoo dows grrtings kestey, Gy Seis AsSSarvwi0? A) BdS aSige-eyeSin O55. B) D80U6b aSHeS wsesiges A959 (CO) srgad aso’ em sSigs S95 D) DESI aS expeSyeS HS Ina ring topology, the computer in the possession of the can transmit data, (A) Packet ®) Data (C) Access method (D) Token 2.8 Boh (S*ovedd* —___—. PASS" So SosyW6 Aerio awe Saw. A aad B) Ger © BSB D) ss You must install a on a network if you want to share a broadband internet connection. (A) Router (B) Modem © Cable @) Node DH erGerc& goedy5 wSocws9 Conse diy 31556,5° ————— & NowpHossBo. (A) Se8 ®) ares © sn @) 36 BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 30 A 108. 104, 108, 106, A goal of database normalization is to (A) Minimize the number of relationships (B) Minimize the number of tables (©) Minimize the number of entities (D)_ Minimize data redundancy SavdS wreQBAS ox goo DSosrr (A) Sowotsiiwe Bor’, Somgto Bfowsots8 (B) Bard) oayso Sodexo (©) d88ibo Somgss soya Sats — (D) Ber Ouowhyd Saygioorr Scvows Granting an outside organization access to Internet WebPages is often implemented using (A) Extranet (B) Intranet (© Internet (D) Hacker aos 3d ‘Dados (Internet WebPages) a8 atroyiy Sos egy Sarsaw oo, B20 ASErROD esdBostowo A) dgpad B) aoereeS ©) 2005 3S D) +6 Chip is a common nickname for (A) Resistor (B) Semiconductor (©) Transistor (D) Integrated circuit 25 enDS ad Dore Srwdo (A) dag6 ®) whosoays © wraygs D) RowMBE simgS ‘Which term identifies a specific computer on the web and the main page of the entire site? (A) Hyperlink @®) URL (©) Domsin name () Website address D5 £005 a8 DGS SoWiryBan SoGciw SPSS Bord heb D Seherosn Sersysw? (A) 3286008 @®) URL (©) B%x005 85 ©) 3dyS oes 31 BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 107. 108, 109, 110. A— contains specific rules and word that express the logical steps of an algorithm, (A) Logic chart (B) Syntax (© Programming structure (D) Programming language SOGHS' asd Piprose BOuntigy NGF Dgooids, SésiSooisy ————— SOA aoe», a eof (B) doer§) CO wryravok ieo8 @D) wryravof erofigs ‘The contains data descriptions and defines the name, data type and length of ach field in the database. (A) Data table (®) Data record (©) Data field @) Data dictionary Ber Syisoito, arao AIgSSiwemy, Bor DH Sct Gar HSS' a8, Sey ————— son, chow. (A) Ger Sard B) deresry (©) Ger Sep @) Ger ays6 Personal logs or journal entries ported on the web are known as (A) Blogs (B) Subject directories (© Webcasts @) Listservs DES dG Bhs Gis Row Sar wigd doles avy Sevso B) wyrh xd2a%% (©) 28 were @M) wddey 129. Which of the following is a programming language? (A) Alanguage (B) Blanguage (©) Clanguage @) Dianguage B06 D8 wHurav0h erofigt? @ Acotst ®B) Berotgt © Corte ©) Derige BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 36 130. 131. 132, 133, 134, What type of device is a computer printer? Output Storage Hod Os Output Storage eQdHo5 es Output Storage QSOS aE Exed Fat32 Exed Fat32 (A) Input ®) (C) Software @) Sompyw6 How D oesepw asiwoersin? (A) ade ® © apes ® ‘What type of device is a computer keyboard? (A) Input B® (©) Software © sompy5 Satay D DgayS aiSseas? A) adind B® © age © What type of device is a digital camera? (A) Input ® (© Software © Gud Soo (digital camera) D DAS ASSeasiov? A) adore ® ( ayss ©) ‘What file system does windows use? (A) Exe3 ® (© Nefs ©) DOGS’ SSNS YS YH (A) Exe3 ® (© Ntfs @) What does BIOS stand for? (A) Better Integrated Operating System (B) (©) Battery Integrated Operating System (D) BIOS err D202 (A) Bu8 a0bRBE eisbSoh 335 ® (©) B16 20wiASE wsBSoR Hy5> © 37 Basic Input Output System None of the above ADE aSHS OSS HBS ap D2 sy BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 145. 146. 147. 148, 149. Which of the file extensions indicate only graphic files? (4) BMP and DOC (®B) JPEG and TXT (© TxPand STK ©) BMP and GIF D Per agen yPds pis SrA SrD0a%? (A) BMP 60% DOC (B) JPEG S980%9 TXT (C) TXT S600 STK @) BMP 560% GIF Which windows program do you use to manage folders and files? (A) Windows explorer (B) Windows accessories © Microsoft office @) Control panel 9 206% wweerSois dy aigiito, Pipi BT Satmrw0w assarRowiosy? (A) 208% af R5 B) 206% wysOs ©) WSR edio D) Lops and Which media holds more information? (A) Floppy disk (B) CDROM (©) DVD (@) Bluray disk 5 Solar eBe Sarre SOR Axy6? A) gbam, ®) CD-ROM (© dvD ©) arses, Which of the following is not a programming language? (A) CH (B) A+ © F @) Visual Disk 808 SOE D8 Weyrav0h eroiigd srtso? CH (B) At © Fe ) Visual Disk Which of these is NOT a major graphics card manufacturer? () ATI ®) IBM © Nvidia @) * Intel (808 POS DG ors UPSE SF at gorto 987 (A) ATI @®) IBM (©) Nvidia @) Intel BRP - 9002 - 330000-5 40 All of these are internet browsers EXCEPT (A) Opera (B) Firefox (©) Chrome @) Yahoo SOS? 285 Bz DASH BoLgyS WHE (A) tbo B) p6r% © FS ©) aire . Which has the fastest read and write rate? (A) SATAHDD (®) IDEHDD (©) Solid State Drive @) CDROM DG 68S Sttsuy Ko 8B Sr8cia BS Beas? (A) SATAHDD (®) IEHDD (0) BOE RS ES @) CDROM .. Which internet connection is fastest? (@) Dialup (8) Broadband © DSL @) Cable modem 9 BOLTS SAYS OBINGVSO? (A) daeed (B) GEwroE (© DSL @) twdarch . Which of these is not a disk? (Zip disk ® sD (© Dual layer DVD @) Bluray fo8 rnd" 4 A5,s082 () 85 a&, ® sD (C) &rsov6 a5 DVD @) ad . Which is not a type of monitor? (A) CRT (B) LCD (© BRT (D) None of the above 98 draw BH 5°08? (A) CRT @® LOD (© BRT @) adssy ar BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 155. What is the latest version of Windows Operating System? (A) Windows ME (C) Windows 7 ®) @) 206" @SESOR Boos, AIS Ogi 98? (A) Windows ME (©) Windows 7 158. HDD stands for (A) High Definition Disk (© Hard Data Drive HDD etre (A) %Ayss ah, (C) HE der BS 157. What is the command to copy? (A) Cntr +e ©) Cntrl + Alt +e $9 Sais Ho asin (A) Cntr + (©) Catrl+ Alt+e 158. What is the command to cut? A) Catrl+¢ (© Catrl+alt+e 8S Soswws ade wSsa (A) Cntrl+¢ (© Catrl+Alt+e 159. What is the command to paste? A) Cntr +e © Cntrl+v Df Somaw adyd oder (A) Catrl +e (C) Cntrl+v BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 B) @) (B) @) @) @) ®) @) @) @) ®) @) ©) ® @) @) @) 42, Windows XP Windows Vista Windows XP Windows Vista Hard Disk Data Hard Disk Drive 3G Oy er 9828, BS Cntr] + Shift +¢ None of the above Cntrl + Shift + ¢ BID SyY Cntr +x None of the above Cntrl + x BDIDSH Cntel +x Cntrl +t Cntel +x Cntel +t 160. What is the command to select all the text in a document? (A) Cate +p ® Catl+t (© Cotrita @) Cnirl+q 28 PEDOSE wr, Doi WSF Scie No wSvav () Cntrl+p (®) Cntr +t (© = Cntrl+a @) Cntrl+q 161, Where can you find tab on the keyboard? (A) Conter (B) Top left (© Top right (D) Nowhere StS" by enditn 8,4 Brae? A) vow8 ® wag © wS35 WD) dSyar Sao 162. Secondary storage is also known as (A) Primary storage (B) Backup storage (©) Temporary storage (D) None of the above DEE Ae se Agu Senex A pr ade B) og ge (©) Bos86 ase D) pros nosey 163. Yahoo and Google are examples of (A) Search engines (B) Websites (C) Webservice providers ) All the above irene SoBcioo MoS Sas aeorsrdersnrer? (A) 28) Roary B® sdpey (O) dAvGgs WBE D) pe SS yyy A 43 BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 164. Computer needs to do a desired job. (A) Electricity (© Instructions SosrwOS* ae Sao Scie (A) Deion’ (©) RBBSve0 (B) Hardware devices (D) Keyboard SSss8650. B) shar Saxena ©) stg 165. How do you enter command prompt in windows? (A) Type cmd in run (© Type command in run (B) Type run in run D) None of these D0 *HS" SA M0E SoG Diy Dow Scioreoxy? (A) 856% cmd #0 BS Sasso (©) 856° S5r0E wd BS Sas5Bs0 166. What is the command for undo? @) Cotl+u (© Catl+y eS2r (undo) & a8 eBid @) Catl+u (©) Cntrl+y 167. What is the command for redo? (A) Catrl+u (©) Cntrl+y redo 8 Aad wd¥s0 98? (A) Cntel+u (© Cntl+y BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 (B) 856" run wd BY SavsBs0 @) addy ®) Cntel+z @) Cntl+w ®) Cntl+z @) Chtel+w ®) Cntr +z ©) Coti+w (B) Cntrl+z @) Cntrl+w 168. What happens when you press the ‘windows ‘ button on the key board? 169, 110. m1. (A) Anew window opens ® (C) Start menu opens @) ‘The existing window closes None of the above 8525 windows merSiso US Scuasiheo Dao etioroso? (A) 2S FB d0E* EDS eM ® © BGrw Ld5 eros ©) How do you take a screen shot? (A) Using image editor ® (©) Using both (A) and (B) ©) Bw BySo axSioo Dey RTOS? (A) tod 2608i a5BrRodvw oo" ®) (© A)%8abo B) odd adrFotw gr (D) How do you edit registry? (A) Regedit in run window ®) (©) Reg in run window @) BAO Dey DESSHH? (A) 85 a06*S* ORoaS ® (©) 85 D06S* OK @) How many administrators can a computer have? (A) Atleast one ®) (©) Any number @) 88 SowPyw6 Id SAN Porty SOA docks? (A) 880 a8@ar : B) (©) Sgr sos ©) 45 (BKQH DOE" S85 wD aD db sy Using print sereen button None of the above Bod Py 5 mas asBrfoto ay a9 9 Sy Registry in run window None of these 85 aoa! Bey ad D9 sy Atmost one None of the above 0¢3 956m 2865 a dds BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 172, Which of these is not a part of MS office? (A) Word ®) Paint (©) Powerpoint (D) Outlook MS ehiod 98 grittion sre? “a § (B) von0eS (C) 856 Seon0e5 D) sHto& 178. Which port is used to connect pen drives? (A)_LAN port (B) USB Port (©) Sound jack (D) None of the above DS BSxHo SAG Satoowt 9 aekyao assedrrRowsot? (@) LAN any ®B) USBaxy (C) m0& && @) adds 174. Which MS Office product is used to make tables? (A) Word (B) Excel (C) Power point (D) None of these Berdyso SArtoSatoot¥o 9 MS exh ress ANDRO? A 8 B HE (©) 898 aon00e5 @) ad9sy 175. Which MS office product is used to make presentations? (A) Word B) Excel (©) Power point (D) None of these Doss Sexo SarrvScorat DMS eho Br @) add sy Which of the following is not an operating system? Linux ®) Vista (©) Windows ME @) Pascal 808 TOS DG GSSiSOA HYSys SomoGoso8? (A) 08) B) 9% ©) 208% 28.0. D) by E ‘The speed of the present day computer is measured in (A) Peciseconds ®) Minutes (© Microseconds (D) Nanoseconds WAYS POY SoyPYWY Srsoos ge Serwkoo (A) DBRsoey ® ah ©) BE Dory @) WSta8oey ‘The earliest device that qualifies as a digital computer is (A) Difference Engine (®) Abacus (© Cardboard Multiplication Caleulator (D) Zi G05 SoS OYE ge SEs (A) BSBqp Roaisn B® ers CO) SRS SoQBES vaxodu8 oO a General purpose PCs are used for (A) Multiple tasks ®) Single task © Accounting only () None of the above PVE ASAIN SHS Lowspysoth (general purpose PCs) 408 ASTM (A) 2@%y Stove @®) easso (oF odoh srw. @) adds% BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 50 198, 194, ‘The power of computer is amazing, basically because of (A) Vast memory (B) Accuracy (©) Speed (D) Allof the above PrpanSourr Sop Boos, #8 etsy HWS, Ioesosisr (A) dagEys avwv6 B) wegs (©) drew D) BE DEY Find the odd man out (A) Scanner (B) Printer (©) Pen Drive D) Mouse DEPLH GMD SoATArsiv9 (A) Rys8 B) Bows ( 3 @es ©) 35 . What is CPU? (A) Control Processing Unit (B) Centralised Programming Unit (©) Central Processing Unit () None of the above CPU war 962 (A) SopSS BOK assraed B) DowRB wWeyravok corn (OC) Rowd wrndoh aarncd ©) PS SeQId SH . How many computer generations are known till today? A) Six ®) Four © Five ©) Bight yd SU Ig) SomPyoY Use Sox? A e& B) wer () w& (D) 2026 51 BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 197. Which of the following is connected with Data Base? (A) Dbase II Plus B) Oracle (© RDBMS (D) Allof the above er 856" (data base) S2§ Scow8s8 282 (A) Dbase III Plus B) Oracle (©) RDBMS @) dT Ys, 198. Which of the following is a storage device? (A) Hard Disk ®) DVD (© Pen Drive (D) All of the above G08 TOS D8 SSIS SONI? A) 3G ah, @ 428 © Wes D) PS Do yHwA 199. Which of the following contains control panel? (A) Programs B) Settings (© Documents ©) Search Gots DO zy was" So"S*S bso (control panel) YOR 43 (A) peyrsne (B) Dore ©) w&Boowy @) »& 200. Find the odd man out (A) MS Word ®) MS Excel (© MS Access @) MS Office Dosyor diy GOO SAAMI (A) MS Word (B) MS Excel (© MS Access ©) MS Office BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5 52 ROUGH WORK 38 BRP - 9002 - 330000 - 5

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