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Jalan 6/91,
Taman Shamelin Perkasa, 55300 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur,

Prepared By :


11 JANUARY 2016

08 MAY 2016

Alhamdulillah, praises and thank to Allah because of his almighty and his
utmost blessings, i was able to finish my industrial training within the time du
ration given. This industrial training is importance to me in partial fulfillmen
t of the requirement for my course, Diploma in Computer Science.
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all thos
e who give me possibility to complete this report. My special thank and apprecia
tion to my supervisor, Tuan Haji Hasni Bin Attan and Puan Radziah Bte Bordan as
my second supervisor for guidance, commitment, support and motivation. Without t
heir constant encouragement and their critics, my internship will getting worse
and maybe would not have been completed.
Special appreciation also goes to to my beloved mother, Puan Azlinda Bte M
d Noor, my beloved Father Mohd Jaffni Bin Jemaat, and my family. Also thanks to
my friend Mohammad Aliff , Ahmad Fitri, Hairuddin and internship friend for givi
ng me support and encouragement to finish my internship at SAJ Holdings SDN BHD.
Appreciation and big thanks to the all persons that provide guidance and advice
during my industrial training at SAJ Holdings SDN BHD. I would like to give my
gratitude to all staff at IT department involve and directly or indirectly durin
g my internship. Thank You.
The book for industry training report has been prepared based on the exper
ience and knowledge that I have and learned from SAJ Holdings SDN BHD during ind
ustrial training for 4 months starting on 11 JANUARY 2016 until 08 MAY 2016. Am
I have been got a lot of benefit and interest during the training course at this
During this time, I can learn to adapt the working environment of real tim
e, and can add a knowledge about the world network and IT. In addition, I also g
ain knowledge about society relation skills to the convenience of my future.
Lastly, I want to apologize if there are weaknesses and a mistakes in this

production of this report. Hopefully this report will provide some useful knowl
edge. Any good that comes from Allah s.w.t and any bad came from myself. Besides
that, I also apologize if that matters did not a pleasant anyone within my tra
ining at this industry.



1.1 Introduction to Industrial Training
1.2 Objective of Industrial Training
1.3 Objective of Industrial Training Report

.... 2
2 - 3


First water agreement with Singapore
Water agreement of 1961 and 1962 with Singapore ... 6
New Era Water Supply
. 6
Organization of Air Johor
.. 6 - 7
SAJ Holdings SDN. BHD
. 10
Department Background
. 11
2.6.1 Misi Jabatan
2.6.2 Polisi Jabatan
. 12
2.6.3 Department Scope
2.6.4 Department Objective
....12 -13
2.6.5 Department Function
2.6.6 Organization Chart
14 Task scope operational support
2.7.1 Introduction
2.7.2 Description of network
....... 17 -18
2.7.3 System Route Manager Application ............... .... 18 - 29

.. 30 - 36
.... 37 - 58


5.1 Recommendation and Conclusion
5.2 Recommendation and Conclusion to student
..... 59 - 60
5.3 Recommendation and Conclusion to KUPTM KL
5.4 Recommendation and Conclusion to SAJ Holdings SDN BHD ...... 61 - 62

. 63 -64



1.1 Introduction of Industry Training
The industry training is a one of requirement that each student before receiv
e certificate a diploma. Industry training are meant to provide exposure and exp
erience for student. Industry training also to early preparation for student.

Industrial training session for January 2016,student must complete a indu

strial training for 16 weeks from 11 January 2016 until 08 May 2016. All student
must pass the industrial training before graduation in diploma. After that, stu
dent have choose where the place of industrial training either private or govern
ment company. Industrial training to introduce student for real working before c
ompleted the studies.
The main of industrial training is to produce the great student for real
working environment. This program to produce student with knowledge, skill and e
xperience for required by company. This program student can use the knowledge in
college or university to the working world. The industrial training will make s
tudent more aware about in working.

1.2 Objective of Industrial Training

The main of industrial training program, we have (10) as follow:
i. Expose student for the real working environment.
ii. Increase and expand the technical knowledge and skills.
iii. Allow students to related theory and otherwise.
iv. Applying safety regulation in industry training.
v. Inculcates the value of responsibility and trusted.
vi. Interaction with friend in workplace and the society.
vii. Teamworks and good relationship with employees.
viii. The ability of student in work environment and prepared for working world
after graduation.
ix. Introducing the student themself in term of ability and attitude for potenti
al employee.
x. Created the report before finish industrial training.

1.3 Objektif Laporan Latihan Industri

Every student is being provide with daily report for student record everyday act
ivities in their company. Student have completed the industrial training, studen
t have required to prepare a final report for 16 weeks.
Objective of industrial training as follows:
i. The impression for the reader about the student activities in industial train
ing and impression to department.
ii. The log book it also to keep all information and data during industrial tra
The good log book student have put the photo in activities and reference
s for student which will industry training.


The requirement for graduation in diploma at KUPTM



SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (SAJ) is a subsidiary of Runhill Utilities. SAJ i
s an integrated water supply company, involved in the process of water treatment
and distribution of treated water to consumers directly to the billing and coll
ection of bills. Among the activities carried out by SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd. is d
istributing treated water to domestic consumers, businesses and institutions. In
addition, the SAJ is also responsible for collecting and keeping records of use
r charges and costs associated with treated water for users of all levels. SAJ a
lso carry out the operation, maintenance and development of treated water, retic
ulation and support systems. Vision SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd. is 'Being a world-cla
ss water utility company,' 'while the mission of this company is' We will contin
uously give satisfaction to customers and stakeholders by optimizing the existin
g resources and provide quality service. Values that are core to this company is
integrity, customer focused, teamwork, discipline, passion and continuous learn
SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd. located in the building Headquarters, Jalan Garuda Larkin
, 80350 Johor Bahru, Johor around the country by building themed white and blue.
White theme is water symbolizes the principles in accordance with the goals and
objectives established SAJ. Establishment SAJ aimed to provide clean water supp
ly is satisfactory in terms kauliti and quantities to its customers with the mos
t economical way to meet the needs and provide convenience to consumers and stre
ngthen the industry in the state of Johor, especially in building the Headquarte
rs of Johor Bahru, which runs from Sunday until Wednesday at 8.30 am to 5.15 pm
and Thursday at 8:30 to 5:00 pm. SAJ is responsible for the water treatment proc
ess which is the process of removing contaminants from raw water to produce wate
r that is safe to use. The processed water will then be routed to the user's dai
ly use.



First water agreement with Singapore

In 1927, the Municipal Council of Singapore signed an agreement with the
Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim to take, hold and use the water resources of th
e area known as 'Mount Pulai Reservoir', this agreement will be in effect for 21
years. According to the 1927 agreement, Johor obtain clean water at the start o
f 800,000 gallons per day for Johor Bahru after 1929. The agreed price for the p
urchase of water by the Government of Johor is 25 cents per thousand gallons. Si
ngapore is not charged any fee for the raw water intake and are subject to amend
ment if necessary.

Following the agreement, several tanks were constructed on Jalan Larkin, Bukit S
erene and Bukit Sentum. Clean water supply pipe is then derived from Singapore,
as well as for the water tank at Samad. During the Japanese occupation in 1941 t
o 1945, no running water development in Johor Bahru. While the development of th
e water supply after the war until the eve of independence was not so rapid. How
ever there was construction of water tanks in Jalan Tebrau in 1953 with a capaci
ty of 1.5 million gallons and tank construction at Jalan Larkin Lama in 1958. Af
ter the emergency, water supply independence directive was extended to rural are
as. In 1961, the Skudai, Senai, Kulai obtained Saleng and now water and followed
by Gelang Patah and five stores in 1964.
Subsequently in 1968, the water processing plant in Felda Bukit Batu was built.
In addition to water supply felda concerned, this plant also supplies water to K
ampung Bukit Batu, Kampung Air Masin, Kampong Air Bemban, Sedenak and areas arou
nd oil palm plantations. While Plentong area received water supply in the same y
ear. The following year, the water supply in Bukit Tiram channeled. All resident
s in the area can use a given water supply for daily use.


Water agreement of 1961 and 1962 with Singapore

In 1961, the City of Singapore, better known as the 'City Council Of The State O
f Singapore' has signed an agreement with the Government of Johor where the City
Council of Singapore have been given permission to take and use water resources
available in the area Catchment Gunung Pulai, Sungai Skudai and Sungai Tebrau a
t the agreed location. In return, Johor will get clean water at a rate not excee
ding 12 per cent of the raw water supplied to Singapore. This agreement was canc
eled prior agreements that were made in 1927.
In a separate agreement, in 1962, the City Council of Singapore has been authori
zed to take, store and use water from Sungai Johor maximum of 250 million gallon
s per day. Johor will receive clean water supply through the causeway up to 2 pe
rcent of the water supplied to Singapore. Of both agreements have been made, the
City Council of Singapore fee of 3 cents per thousand gallons of water processe
d from Singapore.


New Era Water Supply

On February 12, 2004, beginning a new era of water supply when opening t
he Johor State Water Plant host officiated by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah
Ahmad Badawi ending a suspension of fresh water resources of Singapore since 19
27 and agreements. Until August 2004, Johor no longer depend on PUB Singapore. I
n fact, the state is capable of supplying clean water to the republic, if desire


Organization of Air Johor

Prior to January 1, 1987, SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd. is part of an organization call
ed PWD PWD Water Supply Division and led by Senior Assistant Director of Public
Works, IR Pow How Hwee.
On January 1, 1987, PWD Water Supply Division officially become an independent o
rganization known as Air Bekan Department (JBA). In 1989, the Accounting System
of Trade in managing the revenue and expenditure accounts were introduced. IR Ko
ng Ming Keat has been assigned to lead the organization as acting director of JB
A Johor were subsequently taken over by IR Haji Md. Hatta Bin Bakri in 1991 as D
irector. Next on 1 January 1992, has been given the status of alliances JBA and
known name SAJ SDN BHD Holdings Sdn. Bhd. or SAJ. These alliances have been succ
essfully implemented with the authority granted under the Water Supply Enactment
1993, which was passed by the State Assembly and registered on 16 December 1993
. Currently, the company's water supply, better known as the SAJ Holdings Sdn. B
hd ..
During penyarikatan SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd., The company had been administered by
a Board of Directors chaired by Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Dato 'Haji Muhyiddin Bin
Mohd Yassin. Members of the Board of Directors consists of YB Dato 'Haji Zainal
Abidin Bin Mohamed Zin, YB Dato' Jimmy Low Boon Hong, YB Dato 'Dr. Shahir Bin N
asir and the Honorable IR Haji Md. Hatta Bin Bakri. The Board is currently chair
ed by Tan Sri Hamdan Bin Mohamad. Along with alliances SAJ, a body was created t
o oversee the SAJ known by the name of Kawalanselia Air Johor.
A comprehensive study on the need and the water supply was completed in late 199
4. According to this study, expected water supply needs in the years to come is
very high. Expected water requirement in 2020 is 2.6 times of need right now. Th
is is a great challenge to the SAJ to meet the requirements that are expected to
increase in parallel with the rapid development of Johor.


SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd.

SAJ is a company fully owned by the Johor state government, but now the
company has been privatized under the auspices Runhill Utilities and named as SA
J Holdings Sdn. Bhd..SAJ now more focused on the development of strategic operat
ing model for the planning of the operation and maintenance and improvement of t
he operation of water services and water supply. In addition, the SAJ also contr
ol the development of water utility management system effective in terms of quan
tity and quality. Next, the company formulated a strategy for the storage, proce
ssing records and search operations as well as measurement data records.


Rajah 2.3: Logo Syarikat

Each element in the logo SAJ has its own meaning. Symbolic drop of water reflect
s the needs of the most important thing of all to survive and thrive. It also sy
mbolizes the SAJ basic services in business and trust in providing quality manag
ement system and the quantity of water treatment effectively. Symbolically as we
ll as treated water.
Fresh young green shoots and upwards symbolizes life, awareness and commitment t
o environmental sustainability for future generations. In accordance with SAJ ef
forts in achieving the vision and the company's operations. Green shoots also a
symbolic symbolizing the start of the water resources of the plant's leaves.
Ingenuity combined to produce the ubiquity of the basic elements of the spearhea
ded by SAJ a drop of water. In particular, SAJ is a leader in the treatment pro
cess of water resources that have been entrusted. Symbolically also the water is
a boon to the state.
Red mark on the letter 'J' is a complement to the company's logo. The red color
symbolizes the state of Johor in particular other than balancing factors and be
able to steal the entire logo SAJ.

2.3.1 Re-branding
Re-branding or more synonymous with 're-branding' aims to be the company's image
always looks fresh and modern. Recognizing that fact, SAJ has taken a bold step
and committed and more willing to take on challenges in preserving and conservi
ng water that is safe to use in order to meet basic human needs.
The concept of re-branding translated by SAJ is based on the concept of liveliho
ods and water resources invaluable. In fact, the process of transformation that
want to work on is a new starting point for the SAJ in realizing the ideals of u
sers, especially in the state of Johor.
The new logo created the intelligence in combination to produce uniqueness basic
elements of water with a drop of green shoots are young and fresh and upwards s
ymbolizes life, awareness and commitment to environmental sustainability. Unique
ly, the water is like a drop of mercy is revealed in all living things on this e
arth to live as well as benefits precious and we need to enjoy with gratitude.
With the onset of the new measures as well as determination, SAJ is now more con
fident and willing to provide quality water treatment management effectively to
all consumers in the state of Johor. In addition, the quality of services more e
fficient is a continuing commitment SAJ in contributing to the continuity of lif

e in the future. SAJ implemented various measures to meet the needs and requirem
ents of consumers and ensure a continuous supply of clean water.

SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd. is committed to providing excellent service gradually in
the planning, design, implementation and management of water supply installation
s. Customer Charter outlines the standards and services to customers SAJ rights
and include the company's commitment to serve customers with integrity and profe
ssionalism. Among the SAJ is affirmed in the Charter:
2.4.1 Water supplied will comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Health
2.4.2 Users will be notified of the planned water supply interruptions for at le
ast 24 hours in advance.
2.4.3 Burst pipes will be repaired within 24 hours after notification is receive
2.4.4 The leak will be repaired within 3 working days after the notification is
2.4.5 The question of water bills at the counter will be treated in the next hal
f hour.
2.4.6 Questions and complaints that require a visit to the premises will take im
mediate action, namely the visit to the premises made within 3 days of receipt o
f the complaint. While complaints and maintenance will be completed within 10 da
ys of receipt of the complaint.



Rajah 2.4: Carta Organisasi Syarikat
SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd. have an organizational structure which covers the
whole area around the state of Johor as Johor Bahru, Batu Pahat, Pontian, Segam
at, Mersing, Kluang, Muar and Kota Tinggi. Board members SAJ led by Abdul Wahab
Abdul Hamid, Chief Executive Officer, 2 the General Manager in the Office of Pla
nning and Technical CEO, Dr Ng Ching Hai and CEO of Operations, Mohd Zin Othman
and Audit Mohd Said Abdul Hamid.
The scope of my industrial training focused on building headquarters has a total
number of 981 members and is divided into 25 departments. Building Headquarters
is headed by the Operations Manager, Mr. Abdul Wahab Bin Abdul Hamid. SAJ has e
ight water treatment plants of water treatment plant in Johor Bahru, Kulai, Pont
ian, Sehamat, Muar, Kluang, Kota Tinggi, Batu Pahat and Mersing. Each area of ??
water treatment plants have a technician who is responsible for managing and ens
uring the water treatment process to run smoothly and meet the standards set by

the National Water Services Commission (SPAN).

Department of Information Technology is one of the departments in the SAJ Holdin
gs Sdn. Bhd. While undergoing industrial training at SAJ, I was placed under the
Department of Information Technology at the Headquarters building. Department o
f Information Technology is divided into two sections, namely operational and te
chnical sections. Section is responsible for managing operations and support sys
tems used. It is responsible for the four sections is 'JMS / Intranet Unit', 'SC
ADA / GIS Unit' and 'Billing and Financial Unit'. In addition, I am also more ex
posed to the activities of the technical side as the Information Technology depa
rtment will place students in the practical and never placed in the operation. T
his is because the operating system is to support and take care of building the
new system.
Department of Information Technology SAJ in Johor Bahru headquarters building le
d by the head of department, Mr Fauzi Bin Ali. Chief Operations Support Section,
headed by Mr. Khairuddin bin Md Ali, while the Technical Support Section held b
y Mr Hasni bin Attan. Followed by several staff and technicians.
2.6.1 The mission of the Department
Provide support services to the company to improve productivity in line with the
company's own mission to become a leading international utility companies
2.6.2 Police Department
i) To ensure that support services are continuing to increase productivity and b
enefit the company.
ii) Working in groups, in addition to being honest and sincere in their work.
iii) Ensure that information security is controlled to prevent the use of incorr
ect information by the parties concerned.

2.6.3 Scope Department

i) Includes all the software and computer equipment or related thereto under the
knowledge and / or custody of the department.
ii) Conduct project management work in the event of renewal or improvement of th
e system.
iii) Conduct a review session with the user's system if required.
iv) explores the field of IT technology and contemporary requirements, financial
costs and management approval.
2.6.4. The objective of the Department
i) To help implement any operating system for the company as one discourse impro
ve the company's cash flow, and provide focus and direction corresponding to the
direction of the company's policy.
ii) To provide operating systems approved to help increase productivity and user
iii) Providing IT awareness to all computer users in SAJH about virus protection
software licenses and especially about government warnings regarding the use of
software licenses are not registered.
iv) To provide electronic mail facilities for communication and data transfer.
v) To ensure that the members of a given IT system development knowledge so that
they can build in-house projects for the good of the company.
vi) Improving communication lines to support the system, the operating system is
, for example, billing and accounting system.
vii) Maintenance maintenance agreements for selected operating systems to avoid
a failure of support from the contractor.
viii) Provide facilities for the convenience of internet and intranet communicat
ion, information and discussion.

ix) Oversee IT costs that are not productive.


i. Being a member of a support group for companies and consumers in terms of com
puter service and application knowledge.
ii. IT teach trainees to be teachers as measures to provide support services, as
a means to increase knowledge and ways to minimize the cost of consultancy and
external training.
iii. Provides server and computer network that can control the activity of users
of the system and provides a good data management.
iv. Ensure compliance with any of the company's policy on information security.
v. Exploring any new opportunities in the world of IT to improve support service
s including application development.
vi. Provide mechanisms to control access to security-access systems that are not
vii. Provide training related to the use of the system repeated.

2.6.6. Organizational Chart

Rajah 2.6.6 Carta Organisasi Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat Scope Tasks Technical Support Division

i. Head of Section - Among other things, responsible for managing and monitoring
ii. Part Unit SCADA / GIS - among them, manage and administer applications or so
ftware or database, and any related software such as GIS, InfoWorks, SCADA, PCS,
iii. JMS Unit Parts / Intranet - namely, managing Work Management System and ass
ociated software such as web sites and intranets; System water quality Assurance
system and water theft system. provide assistance in solving operational proble
ms and technical support in solving technical problems, especially in billing an
d financial operations.
iv. Part Numbers and Finance Unit - which manages and administers applications o
r software or database, and any related software such as Billing System, Financi
al System and PSMS (Project Monitoring System Handover).


As an organization that operates in all areas in Johor, various types of
network used to connect information from one place to another, especially to the
head office. Here is the report include the type of network used within an orga
nization such as Intranet, Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology and Fortinet

Rajah 2.7.1 Room Server

2.7.2 Description of network

Virtual Private Network (VPN)
As we know, VPN technology that creates an encrypted connection over the network
less secure. The benefits of using a VPN is that it ensures a level of security
appropriate to the system when the network infrastructure to connect base alone
can not provide it. Common types of VPN is a VPN remote access and site-to-site

As an organization that extends to various branches of geography, hosts and serv
ers to send data to each other in a secure and confidential, private network is
required. However, it can be very expensive because the company needs to use and
maintain stand-alone physical network including routers, links and DNS infrastr
ucture that is completely separate from the public Internet.
To resolve this issue, the SAJ Holdings Sdn. Using a Virtual Private Network (VP
N) and not the private network. VPN connection is created by a virtual point-topoint via a dedicated connection, or a virtual tunnel protocol traffic. Because
this organization has limited network expertise, service TM IP VPN is selected a
s a service provider to install, maintain and manage the network.

Rajah 2.7.2 VPN structure in SAJH
i. Firewall
There are basic things that are needed to protect the organization called firewa
ll. Firewall is a network security system, whether hardware or software-based wh
ich controls the network traffic in and out according to the rules. It is locate
d on the server have access to protect network resources from the user's persona
l network from other networks. The term also implies the security policy that is
used by programs that are described in this report. As an organization that use
d both intranet and Internet network, they need to ensure that any data and info
rmation can be protected.
Fortinet Firewall 500D organization used to prevent unauthorized use of the publ
ic internet to access private networks connected to the Internet technology. It
contains valuable intellectual property and information related to the organizat
ion. Firewall is used to protect information from being exploited from within.


Information Security Management System (ISMS)

An ISMS is a systematic approach to managing sensitive company so that it remain

s secure. It includes processes and IT systems with the use of risk management p
rocesses. It can help small, medium and large in any sector to keep information
assets secure. For the avoidance of information security incidents from happenin
g and to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information a
ssets in the company, SAJ Holdings has implemented information security policies
, procedures and guidelines in accordance with ISO / IEC 27001: 2005. This polic
y has been implemented management system fully and continuously monitor effectiv
eness. Information security policy document reviewed during management meetings
every four years.
The author was given the opportunity to engage in a new approach to the basic st
andard ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 is the first version of ISO / IEC 27001: 2005. It s
tipulates the need to create. Implement, maintain and continually improve the IS

2.7.3 Improvement of the system 'Route Manager Application. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
This process is controlled by the unit and the financial bill in the Department
of Information Technology. This work was commissioned by Nor Milah A Rahman, Noo
r Liza Hashim and Junaidi Halil to manage RMA system is running smoothly. These
improvements will be launched 8 years in all districts in Johor, namely Kota Tin
ggi, Kluang, Batu Pahat, Mersing, Kulai, Johor, Yong Peng, Nusajaya, Pontian, Mu
ar, Pasir Gudang, Segamat and Ledang. Billing equipment changes with the progres
s of the latest equipment of the latest touch display, Casio IT-G500. In additio
n, this process is also carried out with the collaboration of the process Powerc
omp download and update the system so that the production process was completed
a day reading reports used by billing the water successfully without any errors
and technical problems. In addition, the improvements are the use of the system
'Sport Meter Reading System (MRS) and' Billing Information System (BIS) in the '
Route Manager Application (RMA) to facilitate the storage and transmission of da
ta is done. The system functions for equipment Casio IT-G500 is providing system
settings, system backup, check system and restore system. The advantage of this
function has an access code that is 'handheld access code' to separate water me
ter reader using the equipment. Tools

Rajah (a): Casio IT-G500

Rajah (b): Route Manager Application

Rajah (c): CISCO WI-FI Access Point


Rajah (d): ZEBRA ZQ520 Software

Rajah (a) : BIS ( Billing Information System)

Rajah (b): SMRS ( Spot Meter Reading System) Process of system Sport Meter Reading System

Rajah (a) : Proses Aliran

Spot Meter Reading System

Rajah (b) : Proses Aliran Spot Meter Reading System
* Data Exchange Services: Service window that will process the file download and
upload files to generate.
* Security Token Services: web services for all confirmation requests.
* User Management: The web application for managing user applications.
* Web Servers: wen for RMA service and HMA.
* MIS Management of Information Technology: Reporting web application
* RMA (Route Manager Application): Application

Rajah (c): Process of SMRS
i) Process before opening the water meter readers use these systems and equipmen

1. Change the old HMA to new HMA.

1. Make preparation term of :
a. All the important data is stored before being taken to make the exchange of n
ew hardware, monitors, central processing unit (CPU), mouse and keyboard.
b. Ensure that the network is in a state accessible to the system 'BIS' and 'MIS
' is easily accessible by both.
c. Make the determination on the installation of a computer and printer to facil
itate printing the report.

i. The Company Powercomp will give the best service to customers through the ins
tallation and load-in software in the computer system so that the system MRS (Sp
ot Meter Reading System) can be accessed. They will also ensure the system is su
ccessfully used by meter readers, 'Spotbilling', network management and administ
rative offices.

i. Supervisors will access the MRS system for registering applications 'HMA' to
all members of billing water meter.
a. This registration must connect between servers RMA with Casio IT-G500 to faci
litate the transmission of data in accordance with the number of already existin
g machines based on the names of the members involved.

1) BIS system is able to know the status of the account is still active, owes or
no problem through a number or numbers round log. Besides that, this system has
saved all data to facilitate the reader's water billing perform the task with e
ase. By simply downloading process for each round to read the next day. This is
so because the billing system simplifies the process of completing the 20 blocks
in a month. Therefore, one will finish more than 200 accounts per day.
ii) After processing the information from the machine 'RMA' to send data to the
system 'Sport Meter Reading System.
1) Supervisors will ensure that all members have completed the billing process
without any problems to continue its work to make the transfer of data to the se
rver RMA.

1) Data contained in equipment Casio IT-G500 will automatically be sent directl
y to the server RMA indoors 'DOWNLOADED LOG' DATA EXCHANGE in the MIS system. Ap
art from that, the room intergrity DOWNLOAD DATA LOG store account data that hav
e had water meters.


* Uploaded Log: will upload all the list of the network to service 'Data Exchang
e'. This list will display based on the upload date of entering user data. The u
ser can view the display of the 'Route details' and 'Resend Upload File' based o
n network selection.
* Downloaded Log: its function will list the processes 'all downloaded routes' t
hrough the Service Data Exchange.

1. Generate reports there are 2 parts in MIS (Management Information System), na

mely 'Report Post' and 'Overall report'. By accessing 'Spot Meter Reading System
' should be chosen several types of reports that are available in the 'OVERALL'.
For example, Downloaded Upload Routes Routes Summary and Summary.

1) There are reports that show all account data for the billing meter for the

1) The process of printing a report.


3.1 Rumusan Aktiviti Mingguan
Report for industry training is one of the importance in student marks.
Student need record all activities in the log book was been done at SAJ Holdings
SDN BHD. Next, report for daily activity have been made in industry training du
ring four month from 11 January 2016 until 08 May 2016 at SAJ Holdings SDN BHD.
DATEACTIVITIES11/01/2016 14/01/2016> Report himself at SAJ Holdings SDN BHD.
> Report himself at department IT

> Maintaining PC
DATEACTIVITIES17/01/2016 21/12/2016> Setup projector and laptop in meeting room.
> Set cable network (RJ45) from switch to computer
> Setup IP Address on computer.
DATEACTIVITIES24/01/2016 28/01/2016> Computer format.
> Install driver printer at Finance Department.
> Identify problems to recognized cable network and complete it.
DATEACTIVITIES31/01/2016 04/01/2016> Identify problem internet not connected on computer.
> How to use the VNC.
> Setting switch in server room
> Fill series number at IT hardware.
DATEACTIVITIES07/02/2016 11/02/2016> Disposal IT hardware
> Install scanner driver.
> Find the internet problem at finance department

DATEACTIVITIES14/02/2016 18/02/2016> installation Windows 7.
> How to use Vypress Messanger
> Install new PC for agency Kota Tinggi
> Install BIS
DATEACTIVITIES21/02/2016 25/02/2016> Maintenance old computer
> Install driver dan setup printer.
> Build network cable and tester .
> Change the power supply
DATEACTIVITIES28/02/2016 03/03/2016> Change old hard disc to new hard disc
> Setting network at customer service department
> Cleanup technical room

DATEACTIVITIES06/03/2016 10/03/2016> Restart switch at server room

> Tanging IT accessories

> How to setup Ipv4
17/03/2016> Checking assets.
> Change the power supply
> Change RAM
24/03/2016> Setup new computer
> Cleanup and format laptop for meeting room

31/03/2016> Tester cable network
> Data transfer
> Setup printer driver and install
> Setup Local Security Settings and Local Network
07/04/2016> Setting printer.
> Setup computer and fill tanging
> Setup for world water day event.
14/04/2016> Cramping network cable
> Change hard disc and backup data
> Install new PC
21/04/2016> Setup projector and laptop in meeting room.
> Healthy day to SAJH HQ
> Find the problem why vypress cant function and cant send message n receive.
28/04/2016> Setup modular jack in director room and TCR.
> Maintaining PC at Kota Tinggi
> Cleanup the pc at Kota tinggi
> Check and take the series number at kota tinggi
05/05/2016> Network cabling
> Install driver and setup printer
> Install new pc for mastor
> Backup hard disk and data


Within my industrial training duration, I learn a lot of new knowledge an
d experience before I step to working environment. The company teach me a lot ab
out how to install a new PC according certificate SAJH. :
STEP 1 : Windows 7
i. Setup Country as United States, Time and currency as English (United States)
and Keyboard layout as US

ii. Set the Computer Name, example HQ_UNCLEJUN

STEP 2 : Uninstall Norton Internet Security
i. Go to Control Panel and click at Programs and Features

ii. Right click to Norton Internet Security and click in the Uninstall

iii. Click Remove All Your Data and Uninstall

iv. After that, click Restart Later

STEP 3 : Turn off Firewall
i. Go to Control Panel and click Firewall

ii. Click Turn Windows Firewall On Or Off

iii. Turn off Windows Firewall for two location settings, and click OK

STEP 4 : Change Date Formats
i. Go to Control Panel and click Region And Language

ii. Click Additional Settings and click to bar Date

iii. Change Date Formats to dd/MM/yyyy

STEP 5 : Change Plan Power Options (special for server only)

i. Go to Control Panel and click Power Options

iii. Set Turn Off Display and Sleep to Never

STEP 6 : Set Network And Sharing Center

i. Go to Control Panel and click Network And Sharing Center

ii. Click Local Area Connection

iii. Click Properties, after that click Internet Protocol Version 4 and untick I
nternet Protocol Version 6.

iv. Setup IP Address and DNS Server certificate of SAJ

STEP 7 : Set Internet Options
i. Go to Control Panel and click Internet Options

ii. Set Home Page as, then click bar Connections and click LAN Settin

Iii.Tick Use Automatic Configuration and insert address
roxypac/proxy.pac, then click bar Advanced and untick Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy
connections, and click OK

Step 8 : Administrative Tools
i. Go to Administrative Tools

ii. Click Local Policies

iii. Next, CLICK Security Options

iii. Click LAN Manager authentication level and change to Local Security Setting
from Send LM & NTLM responses

STEP 9 : Change Workgroup

i. Go to System Properties, click Computer Name and Change. Changing Workgroup t

ii. Click OK and restart PC

STEP 10 : Install Trend Micro

i. Go to web Trend Micro, dan Install Now

ii. Click Next, and process installing

iii. After that, click Finish

STEP 11 : Install Microsoft Office

i. Insert CD installation Microsoft Office, run installer. Next, License Terms a
nd insert Product Key and click Continue

ii. Click Install Now and witing to proses installation. Then, click Finish

STEP 12 : Install Vypress and VNC Tight

i. Run Vypress Messenger 4.0 installer, tick I accept the license agreement and
click Next

ii. Tick Anyone who uses this computer and click Next. Wait process installation
and click Finish after finish.

STEP 13 : Install TightVNC

i. Run installer TightVNC 2.0.4, tick the two component is TightVNC Server dan T
ightVNS Viewer

ii. Tick all additional tasks, and Insert password. Click Install.

iii. Processing installation and click Finish after finish

STEP 14 : Install Java

i. Run installer Java 64-bit, and click Install

Ii. Processing Installation and click Close.

STEP 15 : Install Google Chrome
i. Run installer Google Chrome 64-bit and processing installing

ii. Next, go to Settings Google Chrome and change On Startup to


Recommend and Conclusion
The training given to the students is a process where it is useful and can be pr
acticed in the future. In addition, students can learn about the difficulties an
d gain knowledge and experience.
The main objective findings and recommendations is not intended to expose the ug
liness and weakness of the company during the exercise of industrial training in
the company but is for the company to correct the weaknesses and shortcomings o
f existing reams to training undertaken to achieve mutual satisfaction between t
he student and the company .
5.2 Recommend and conclusion from student
Before undergoing industrial training in any organization that is chosen, studen
ts must first ensure that the venue chosen is appropriate to the learning and th
e work that will come later confronted the students after graduation.
Students should equip themselves with the knowledge of the organization. This wi
ll make it easier for students to adapt in the future field of work. Students ar
e advised to always think positive and open in the working world and has a very
responsive attitude reams, mistakes, difficulties and all the problems that aris
e should be dealt with calmly, patiently and do not give up.
In addition, students must maintain discipline and abide by the rules. Reams stu
dents should be ready to carry out the task assigned and always responsible. The
y also need to be aware of their surroundings and lacked squander the opportunit

ies given reams.

The important thing is passion, ambition, enthusiasm and knowledge that must be
had. If a student gets a reprimand and advice from those more knowledgeable, stu
dents must be willing to accept criticism and guidance given. In this way, stude
nts will be able to correct the mistakes and weaknesses of the past. Students mu
st think logically and consistent effort.

5.3 Recommend and Conclusion from Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech Mara KL

Industrial training which I live has a lot of advantages to me. Industrial train
ing needs is maintained as it provides exposure of the environment with a real j
ob. It also shows that in the study of theory with the actual situation.
Parties are expected to supervise KUPTM by sending a letter of application and d
ocuments related to the organization more effectively. Lecturer should check the
list of organizations that applied for by students to undergo industrial traini
ng better. In addition, it should be emphasized that the appropriate way for the
students where possible during training they will do the same job for a few wee
ks or months.
The training should be held at the end of the fourth semester of the certificate
and a half to six for the diploma. This is because there are a handful of stude
nts KUPTM offered employment by a firm or organization but after undergoing indu
strial training, but had been rejected by the students for not graduating. Job o
pportunities on offer with good positions may help students to excel in their fi
elds operate.
The KUPTM also be in touch with students more often. Trip Through lectures to st
udents training firm at least twice during the training. The visit aims to resol
ve the current problems faced by the students.
5.4 Recommend and conclusion from SAJ Holdings SDN BHD (SAJ)
i. Provide a special space for hardware.
Department of Information Technology is one of the key positions in the
SAJ Holdings SDN. BHD. The department is divided into two sections, the operatio
n section and technical Support section. All hardware like monitor, CPU, keyboar
d, mouse, projector and notebook on the responsibility of the technical section.
By doing so, I suggest that all of this equipment should be placed in a special
space to separate work space with room equipment. In addition to that, all tool
s can be compiled with both by type and sorting equipment is new, has been damag
ed, you want to repair by technicians. This can make it easier for employees of
the department to search the equipment and staff can have a comfortable working
ii. Provide an internet for internship student.
In the industrial training, found that the company has provided room 'kn
owledge center' as internet assess the health room and kiosk containing informat
ion related to the history and key management company SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd. Aft
er that, students will start industrial training at least 2 months and a maximum
of 6 months. Students will be given task by their institutions to complete the
exercises and projects during their training. Students need a supply of internet
to find information and to download easily especially videos on youtube or webs
ite. I suggest that in the knowledge center provides a password for practical st
udent only but one day just one student can access. This is because the network
has had to access your company. At the same time, students do not disturb staff
who wish to complete their task.
iii. Expose student to the existing system
During the industrial training, I found the operation only supports the
existing system by the company's use. In addition, students are not exposed to t

he programming language. This is because the programming language have difficult

ies to build the new system in a short time. Consequently, I propose that each s
tudent is given an opportunity to be in the supervision of the operations can le
arn something new and take the new experience to know more about the system used
by the company. This is because it can attract students who have difficulty und
erstanding the language of the current programming on institutional learning pro
cess to be applied in the final project or task

In the beginning of my industrial training, i feel a bit difficult to ad
apt with the environment in IT department because of lack of the task given. Aft
er a few weeks, task become easier to done. I got a lot of new knowledge and exp
erience before i step working environment such as repair a few part in CPU, inst
allation of cable, keeping process of data in server room, insert and update imp
ortant data in system and learn how to apply new software and hardware.
Next, the industrial training gives me the chance to know about the real
working environment. I was exposed a lot to situation and problem. I was trained
to follows all the rules and responsible at task given. I got a lot new experie
nce from my internship. I got apply all my theory that was learning before into
Lastly, SAJ Holdings SDN. BHD. can be a best place to student to get a ne
w experience about the real working environment.


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Tuan Haji Hasni Bin Attan,

Ketua Seksyen Sokongan Teknikal ,
Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat SAJH.
Mohamad Aliff Bin Abdul Aziz,

Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat SAJH.

Hairudin Bin Mohd Kassim,
Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat SAJH.
Ahmad Fitri Bin Zanilabidin
Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat SAJH

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