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The aim of the article is to:

Examine the importance of having energy efficient electrical utilities

Explain opportunities of achieving energy efficiency in motors

Understand factors to be considered for efficient use of drivers

The objective of the article is to:

View steps for improving blower performance

Explain how pump can be used efficiency

Understand the procedure to increase efficiency of compressors

Energy is a basic requirement for economic development in almost all major
sectors of Indian economy agriculture, industry, transport, commercial &
residential. Consequently, consumption of energy in different forms of energy has
been steadily rising all over the country. Energy efficiency has gradually emerged
from being an advocacy subject to a powerful, cost-effective, & environmentfriendly policy tool to narrow the widening supply-demand gap facing the nation
today. As per the integrated energy report, energy conservation programs, if
designed and executed properly, can obviate the need for 25000MW additional
generation capacities. Energy conservation potential for the economy as a whole
has been assessed as 23% with maximum potential in Industrial and Agricultural
Considering the vast potential of energy saving and benefits of efficiency, the
Government of India enacted the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 in October 2011.
The Energy Conservation Act, 2001 became effective from 1st March, 2002. The
Act provides for institutionalizing & strengthening delivery mechanism for energy
efficiency programs in the country & provides a framework for the much-needed
coordination between various government entities. The Act also provides legal
framework, & a regularity mechanism at the Central & State Government levels.
The following section view energy opportunities in various electrical utilities:

Passive energy efficiency is achieved by measures such as, reducing heat loss and
using equipment which requires little energy. Active energy efficiency is achieved
by putting in place an infrastructure for measuring, monitoring and controlling
energy use with a view to making lasting changes.

Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Optimize the tariff structure with utility supplier.

Schedule your operations to maintain a high load factor.

Shift loads to off-peak times, if possible.

Minimize maximum demand by tripping loads through demand controller.

Stagger start-up times for equipments with large starting current to

minimize load peaking.

Use standby electric generation equipments for peak or high load periods.

Correct power factor to at least 0.9 under rated load condition.

Relocate transformer close to main loads.

Set transformer taps to optimum settings.

Disconnect primary power to transformers that do not serve any active


Consider on-site electric generation or cogeneration.

Check utility electric meter with your own meter.

Shut off unnecessary computers, printers and copiers at nights.


Motorized systems are one of the potential areas where energy savings can be
made. Those wishing to improve passive energy efficiency often consider
replacing motors as a starting point.
Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Properly size the load for optimum efficiency (High efficiency motors offer 4
5% higher efficiency than standard motors).

Use energy efficient motors where economical.

Use synchronous motors to improve power factor.

Check alignment.

Provide proper ventilation.

For every 10 0 C increase in motor operating temperature over

recommended peak, the motor life is estimated to be half.

Check for under-voltage and over-voltage conditions.

Balance the three phase power supply (imbalance voltage can reduce 3
5% in motor input power).

Demand efficiency restoration after motor rewinding (if rewinding is not

done properly, the efficiency can be reduced by 5 8%).

Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Use variable-speed drives for large variable loads.

Use high-efficiency gear sets.

Use precision alignment.

Check belt tension regularly.

Eliminate variable-pitch pulleys.

Use flat belts as alternatives to v-belts.

Use synthetic lubricants for large gearbox.

Eliminate eddy current couplings.

Shut them off when not needed.

Fan energy efficiency is a function of flow, even for operation at constant speed.
At very low flow, this efficiency is low but increases with increasing flow. At some
particular flow, the efficiency reaches a maximum and this value is frequently
referred to as peak, or, optimal, efficiency. With further increasing flow, the
efficiency decreases. The fan designer and manufacturer are responsible for the
fan energy efficiency.
Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Use smooth, well-rounded air inlet cones for fan air intakes.

Avoid poor flow distribution at the fan inlet.

Minimize fan inlet & outlet obstruction.

Clean screens, filters and blades regularly.

Use aerofoil-shaped fan blades.

Minimize fan speed.

Use low-slip or flat belts.

Check belt tension regularly.

Eliminate variable pitch pulleys.

Use variable speed drives for large variable fan loads.

Use energy-efficient motors for continuous or near continuous operation.

Eliminate leaks in ductworks.

Minimize bends in ductworks.

Turn fans off when not needed.


The efficiency of blower degrades with use. The efficiency of a blower is not fixed,
bt depends on how it is run and maintained. Around 95% of the life-cycle cost of a
blower can be attributed to the energy it uses. User can benefit regularly from
regular monitoring and testing of blowers. This enables the most cost-effective
point at which to perform repair or replacement work to be determined.
Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Use smooth, well-rounded air inlet ducts or cones for air intakes.

Minimize blower inlet and outlet obstruction.

Clean screens and filters regularly.

Minimize blower speed.

Use low-slop or no-slip belts.

Check belt tension regularly.

Eliminate variable pitch pulleys.

Use variable speed drives for large variable blower loads.

Use energy-efficient motors for continuous or near continuous operation.

Eliminate leaks in ductworks.

Turn blowers off when not needed.

Checklists & tips for energy efficiency in electrical utilities are practiced.

The efficiency of pump deteriorates over time, and so the actual efficiency of a
pump will not match that of the pump when new. This is a very important issue
concerning both the average efficiency and maintenance cost of a pump.
Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Operate pumping near best efficiency point.

Modify pumping to minimize throttling.

Adapt to wide load variation with variable speed drives or sequenced

control of smaller units.

Stop running both pumps and an auto-start for an online spare or add a
booster pump in the problem area.

Use booster pumps for small loads requiring higher pressures.

Increase fluid temperature differentials to reduce pumping rates.

Repair seals and packing to minimize water waste.

Balance the system to minimize flows and reduce pump water


Use siphon effect to advantage; do not waste pumping head with a freefall
(gravity) return.

Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Consider variable speed drive for variable load on positive displacement


Use a synthetic lubricant if the compressor manufacturer permits it.

Be sure lubricating oil temperature is not too high 9oil degradation and
lowered viscosity) and not too low (condensation contamination).

Change the oil filter regularly.

Periodically inspect compressor intercoolers for proper functioning.

Use waste heat from a very large compressor to power an absorption chiller
or preheat process or utility feeds.

Establish a compressor efficiency-maintenance programme. Start with an

energy audit and follow-up, then make a compressor efficiency
maintenance programme a part of your continuous energy management


The total energy use of a compressor system depends on several factors. The air
compressor type, model and size are important factors in the compressors
energy consumption, but the motor power rating, Control mechanisms, system
design, uses & maintenance are also fundamental in determining the energy
consumption of a compressed air system.
Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Install a control system to coordinate multiple air compressors.

Study part-load characteristics and cycling costs to determine the most

efficient mode for operating multiple air compressors.

Avoid over sizing; match the connected load.

Load up modulation-controlled air compressors (they use almost as much

power at partial load as at full load).

Turn off the backup air compressor until it is needed.

Reduce air compressor discharge pressure to the lowest acceptable setting.

(Reduction of 1kg/cm2 air pressure would result in 9% input power saving.
This will also reduce compressed air leakage rates by 10%).

Use the highest reasonable dryer dew point setting.

Turn off refrigerated and heated air dryers when the air compressors are

Use a control system to minimize heatless desiccant dryer purging.

Minimize purges, leaks, excessive pressure drops and condensation

accumulation. (Compressed air leak from 1mm hole size at 7kg/cm2
pressure would mean power loss equivalent to 0.5 KW).

Use drain control instead of continuous air bleeds through the drains.

Consider engine-driven or steam-driven air compression to reduce electrical

demand charges.

Replace standard v-belts with the high efficiency flat belts as the old v-belts
wear out.

Use a small air compressor when major production load is off.

Take air compressor intake air from the coolest (but not air conditioned)
location. (Every 50 0C reduction in intake air temperature would result in
1% reduction in compressor power consumption).

Use air-cooled after cooler to heat building makeup air in winter.

Be sure that heat exchanger are not fouled (e.g. with oil).

Be sure that air/oil separators are not fouled.

Monitor pressure drop across suction and discharge filters and clean or
replace filters promptly upon alarm.

Use a properly sized compressed air storage receiver.

Minimize disposal cost by using lubricants that is fully demulsible & an

effective oil-water separator.

Consider alternatives to compressed air such as blowers for cooling,

hydraulic rather than air cylinders, electric rather than air actuators, and
electronic rather than pneumatic control.

Use nozzles or venturi-type devices rather than blowing with open

compressed air lines.

Check for the leaking drain valve on compressed air filter/regulator sets.

Certain rubber-type valves may leak continuously after they age and crack.

Industry environments, control packaging lines with high-intensity photocell units instead of standard units with continuous air purging of lenses
and reflectors.

Establish a compressed air efficiency-maintenance programme. Start with

an energy audit and follow-up, then make a compressed air efficiencymaintenance programme a part of your continuous energy management

Chillers represent a substantial capital investment and are a major contributor to
operating costs in institutional and commercial facilities. For many organizations,
chillers are the largest single energy users, and comprehensive maintenance is
critical to ensure their reliability and efficient operation.

Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Increase the chilled water temperature set point, if possible.

Use the lowest temperature condenser water available that the chiller can
handle. (Reducing condenser temperature by 5.5 0C, result in a 20-25%
decrease in compressor power consumption).

Increase the evaporator temperature. (5.5 0C increases in the evaporator

temperature reduces compressor power consumption by 20-25%).

Clean heat exchanger when fouled. (1 mm scale build-up on condenser

tube can increase the energy consumption by 40%).

Optimize the condenser water flow rate and refrigerated water flow rate.

Replace old chillers or compressor with new higher-efficiency models.

Use water-cooled rather than air-cooled chiller condensers.

Use energy-efficient motors for continuous or near-continuous operations.

Specify appropriate fouling factors for condensers.

Do not overcharged oil.

Install a control system to coordinate multiple chillers.

Study part-load characteristics and cycling cost to determine most efficient

mode for operating multiple chillers.

Run the chillers with the lowest operating costs to serve the base load.

Avoid over sizing; match the connected load.

Isolate off-line chillers and cooling towers.

Establish a chiller efficiency-maintenance programme. Start with an energy

audit and follow-up, then make a compressed air efficiency-maintenance
programme a part of your continuous energy management progarmme.


Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) constitutes up to 35% of energy

used in manufacturing facilities.
Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Tune up the HVAC control system.

Consider installing a building automation system (BAS) or energy

management system (EMS) or restoring an out-of-service one.

Balance the system to minimize flows and reduce blower/fan/pump power


Eliminate or reduce reheat whenever possible.

Use appropriate HVAC thermostat setback.

Use morning pre-cooling in summer and pre-heating in winter (e.g. before

electrical peak hours).

Use building thermal lag to minimize HVAC equipment operating time.

In winter during unoccupied periods, allow temperature to fall as low as

possible without freezing water lines or damaging stored materials.

In summer during unoccupied periods, allow temperature to rise as high as

possible without damaging stored materials.

Improve control & utilization of outside air.

Use air-to-air heat exchanger to reduce energy requirements for heating &
cooling of outside air.

Reduce HVAC system operating hours (e.g. computer rooms).

Provide dedicated outside air supply to kitchens, cleaning rooms,

combustion equipments, etc. to avoid excessive exhausting of conditioned

Use evaporative cooling in dry climates.

Reduce humidification or de-humidification where possible.

Use atomization rather than steam for humidification where possible.

Clean HVAC unit coil periodically and comb mashed fins.

Upgrade filter banks to reduce pressure drop & thus lower fan power

Check HVAC filters on a schedule (at least monthly) & clean/change, if


Check pneumatic controls air compressor for proper operation, cycling &

Isolate air conditioned loading dock areas & tool storage areas using highspeed doors or clean PVC strip curtains.

Install ceiling fans to reduce stratification in high-bay areas.

Re-locate air diffusers to optimum heights in areas with high ceilings.

Consider reducing ceiling heights.

Eliminate obstructions in front of radiators, baseboard heaters, etc.

Check reflectors on infrared heaters for cleanliness & proper beam


Use professionally designed industrial ventilation hoods for dust & vapor

Use local infra-red heat for personnel rather than heating the entire area.

Use spot cooling & heating (e.g. use ceiling fans for personnel rather than
heating the entire area).

Purchase only high efficiency models for HVAC window units.

Put HVAC window units on timer control.

Do not oversize cooling units, (oversized units will short cycle which
results in poor humidity control).

Install multi-fueling capability and run with the cheapest fuel available at
the time.

Consider dedicated make-up air for exhaust hoods.

Minimize HVAC fan speed.

Consider desiccant drying of outside air to reduce cooling requirements in

humid climates.

Consider ground source heat pumps.

Seal leaky HVAC ductwork.

Seal all leaks around coil.

Repair loose or damaged flexible connections (including those under air

handling units).

Eliminate simultaneous heating & cooling during seasonal transition


Zone HVAC air & water systems to minimize energy use.

Inspect, clean, lubricate & adjust damper blades & linkages.

Establish an HVAC efficiency-maintenance programme. Start with an energy

audit and follow-up, then make an HVAC efficiency-maintenance
programme a part of your continuous energy management progarmme.

Cooling tower operation is one of the largest water and energy consuming
activities within many industries.
Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Control cooling tower fans based on leaving water temperature.

Control to the optimum, water temperature as determined from cooling

tower & chiller performance data.

Use two-speed or variable-speed drives for cooling tower fan control if the
fans are few. Stage the cooling tower fans with on-off control if there are

Turn off unnecessary cooling tower fans when loads are reduced.

Cover the hot water basins (to minimize algae growth that contributes to

Balance flow to cooling tower hot water basins.

Periodically clean plugged cooling tower water distribution nozzles.

Install new nozzles to obtain a more-uniform water pattern.

Replace splash bar with the self-extinguishing PVC cellular-film fill.

On old counter flow cooling towers, replace old spray type nozzles with new
square-spray ABS practically-non-clogging nozzles.

Replace slat-type drift eliminators with high efficiency, low pressure drop,
self-extinguishing, PVC cellular units.

If possible, follow manufactures recommended clearances around cooling

towers & relocate or modify structures, signs, fences, dumpsters, etc. that
interfere with air intake or exhaust.

Optimize cooling tower fan blade angle on a seasonal and/or load basis.

Correct excessive and/or uneven fan blade tip clearance & poor fan

Use a velocity pressure recovery fan ring.

Divert clean air-conditioned building exhaust to the cooling tower during

hot weather.

Re-line leaking cooling tower cold water basins.

Check water overflow pipes for proper operating level.

Optimize chemical use.

Consider side stream water treatment.

Restricts flow through large loads to design values.

Shut off loads that are not in service.

Take blow down water from the return water header.

Optimize blow down flow rate.

Automate blow down to minimize it.

Send blow down to other uses (Remember blow down does not have to be
removed at the cooling tower. It can be removed anywhere in the piping

Implement a cooling tower winterization plant to minimize ice build-up.

Install interlocks to prevent fan operation when there is no water flow.

Establish an cooling tower efficiency-maintenance programme. Start with

an energy audit and follow-up, then make a cooling tower efficiencymaintenance programme a part of your continuous energy management

Lighting accounts for about 12% of energy use in residential buildings & 25% in
commercial buildings. Both conserving lighting use & adopting more efficient
technologies can yield substantial energy savings. Some of those technologies &
practices have no up-front cost at all, & others pay for themselves over time in the
form of lower utilities bills. In addition to helping reduce energy use, & therefore
greenhouse gas emissions, other benefits may include better reading & working
conditions & reduce light pollution.
Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Reduce excessive illumination levels to standard levels using switching; delamping, etc. (Know the electrical effects before doing de-lamping).

Aggressively control lightning with clock timers, delay timers, photocells,

and/or occupancy sensors.

Install efficient alternatives to incandescent lightning, mercury vapor

lightning, etc. Efficiency (lumens/watt) of various technologies range from
best to worst approximately as follows: low pressure sodium, high pressure
sodium, metal halide, fluorescent, mercury vapor, incandescent.

Select ballasts & lamps carefully with high power factor & long term
efficiency in mind.

Upgrade obsolete fluorescent systems to compact fluorescents & electronic


Consider lowering the fixtures to enable using less of them.

Consider daylight, skylight, etc.

Consider painting the walls a lighter color & using less lighting fixtures or
lower wattages.

Use task lighting & reduce background illumination.

Re-evaluate external lighting strategy, type & control. Cont4rol is


Change exit signs from incandescent to LED.

Diesel engines can suffer damage as a result of misapplication or misuse, namely;
internal glazing (occasionally referred to as bore glazing or piling) & carbon buildup. This is the common problem in generator sets caused by failure to follow
application and operating guidelines. Ideally, diesel engines should be run at least
60-75% of their maximum rated load.
Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Optimize loading.

Use waste heat to generate steam/hot water/power an absorption chiller or

pre-heat process or utility feed.

Use jacket and heat cooling water for process needs.

Clean air filters regularly.

Insulate exhaust pipes to reduce DG set room temperatures.

Use cheaper heavy fuel oil for capacities more than 1 MW.

Commercial buildings are one of the major consumers of energy & are the largest
consumer of energy, after industry & agriculture. Buildings annually consume
more than 20% of electricity used in India. The potential for energy saving is 4050% in buildings, if energy efficiency measures are incorporated at design stage.
For existing buildings, the potential can be as high as 20-25% which can be
achieved by implementing house keeping & retrofitting measures.

Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Seal exterior cracks/openings/gaps with caulk, gasketing, weather striping,


Consider new thermal doors, thermal windows, roofing insulation, etc.

Install windbreaks near exterior doors.

Replace single-plane glass with insulating glass.

Consider covering some window & skylight areas with insulated wall panels
inside the buildings.

If visibility is not required but light is required, consider replacing exterior

windows with insulated glass block.

Consider tinted glass, reflective glass, coating, awning, overhangs,

draperies, blinds & shades for sunlit exterior windows.

Use landscaping to advantage.

Add vestibules or revolving doors to primary exterior personnel doors.

Consider automatic doors, air curtains, strip doors, etc. at high-traffic

passages between conditioned & non-conditioned spaces. Use self closing
doors, if possible.

Use intermediate doors in stairways and vertical passages to minimize

building stack effect.

Use dock seals at shipping and receiving doors.

Bring cleaning personnel in during the working day or as soon after as

possible to minimize lighting and HVAC costs.

Energy Audit Assignment and Report Preparation.


According to the Second US World Water Development Report, if present levels of
consumption continue, two-third of the global population will live in areas of water
stress by 2025. Increasing human demand for water coupled with the effects of
climate change mean that the future of our water supply is not secure. As of now,

2.6 billion people do not have safe drinking water. Added to this, are the changes
in climate, population growth & lifestyles. The changes in human lifestyle &
activities require more water per capita. This tightens the competition for water
amongst agricultural, industrial, & human consumption.
Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Recycle water, particularly for uses with less-critical quality requirements.

Recycle water, especially if sewer costs are based on water consumption.

Balance closed systems to minimize flow & reduce pump power


Eliminate once-through cooling with water.

Use the least expensive type of water that will satisfy the requirements.

Fix water leaks.

Test for underground water leaks (It is easy to do over a holiday shutdown).

Check water overflow pipes for proper operating levels.

Automate blow down to minimize it.

Provide proper tools for wash down especially self-closing nozzles.

Install efficient irrigation.

Reduce flows at water sampling stations.

Eliminate continuous overflow at water tanks.

Promptly repair leaking toilets & faucets.

Use water restrictors on faucets, showers, etc.

Use self-closing type faucets in restrooms.

Use the lowest possible hot water temperature.

Do not use the heating system hot water boiler to provide service hot
water. During the cool season install a smaller, more-efficient system for
the cooling season service hot water.

If water must be heated electrically, consider accumulation in large

insulated storage tank to minimize heating as on-peak electric rates.

Use multiple, distributed, small water heaters to minimize thermal losses in

large piping system.

Use freeze protection valves rather than manual bleeding of lines.

Consider leased & mobile water treatment systems, especially for deionized water.

Seal sumps to prevent seepage inward from necessitating extra sump

pump operation.

Install pre-treatment to reduce TOC & BOD surcharges.

Verify the water meter readings

Verify the sewer flows if sewer bills are based on them.

Following guidelines can help to achieve energy efficiency:

Meter any unmetered utilities. Know the normal efficient use. Track down
causes of deviations.

Shut down spares, idling or equipments not needed.

Make sure that all of the utilities to redundant areas are turned off including
utilities like compressed air& cooling water.

Install automatic control to efficiently co-ordinate multiple air compressors,

chillers, cooling tower cells, boilers, etc.

Re-negotiate utilities contracts to reflect current loads & variations.

Consider buying utilities from neighbors, particularly to handle peaks.

Leased space often has low-bid inefficient equipment. Consider upgrades if

your lease will continue for several more years.

Adjust fluid temperatures within acceptable limits to minimize undesirable

heat transfer in long pipelines.

Minimize use of flow bypasses & minimize bypass flow rates.

Provide restriction orifices in purges (nitrogen, steam, etc.).

Eliminate unnecessary flow measurement orifices.

Consider alternatives to high pressure drops across valves.

Turn off winter heat tracing that is on in summer.

Energy conservation is the quickest, cheapest & most practical method of

overcoming energy shortage. It is found that there is major scope of energy
conservation in electrical distribution system & in consumers installation.
While using energy, a considerable amount of energy is wasted. It is found that
there exists a potential of saving of about 30% energy used by us in daily life. In
our state, daily requirement of energy in peak hours is about 800 MW. A 30%
saving would yield a saving of more than 200 MW, which is a considerable
amount. This much saving would result in lowering power shortage considerably.
In India commercial energy demand is growing high at annual rate over 6%. It is
estimated that by 2020 the total requirement of energy will be more than 250% of
todays need. But the supply of energy is not growing at par with demand.
By reducing consumption of energy through energy conservation also help us to
save precious fossil fuel like coal, gas, oil which are used by the generating
companies to generate electricity. Reduction in use of fossil fuel leads to reduction
of emission of harmful gasses into the atmosphere.
The prime target sectors are the Domestic & Commercial, Industrial, Agriculture &
large buildings, which are the main consumers of energy. By adopting proper
energy efficiency in these areas, considerable energy conservation may be

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